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1. Qual das orações abaixo está no passado do verbo to be?

a) Bruna was my friend.
b) I am American.
c) She will be a doctor one day.
d) Ted tried Japanese food yesterday.

2. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o passado da frase: Victor is angry.

a) Was Victor hungry?
b) Victor was angry.
c) Victor isn´t angry.
d) Victor will be angry.

3. Qual alternativa apresenta os plurais dos substantivos corretos:

a) boy-boys; glass- glases; tomato- tomatos
b) watch-watches; child-childs; book-books
c) child-children; box-boxes; toy-toys
d) man-mans; mouse-mouses; girl-girls

4. No trecho “You know things about your country and the world” a oração está no tempo

a) Presente simples
b) Presente contínuo
c) Passado simples.
d) Futuro simples.

5. Marque a frase que está na forma negativa do Simple present:

a) She likes Netflix everyday.

b) Pedro doesn´t eat coffe in the morning.
c) Does Laura love chocolate?
d) They are walking on the park right now.

6. Marque a frase que está na forma interrogativa do Simple present:

a) She likes Netflix everyday.

b) Pedro doesn´t eat coffe in the morning.
c) Does Laura love chocolate?
d) They are walking on the park right now.
7. Read and choose (Leia a tirinha e marque a opção correta)

Na frase “I´m not a morning person”, em qual forma está o verbo to be?
a) ( X ) Forma afirmativa.
b) ( ) Forma negativa.
c) ( ) Forma Interrogativa.
d) ( ) Nenhuma das alternativas.

8. Assinale a oração que apresenta uma ação que está no Present continuous:

a) My father is driving his car now.

b) They play soccer every Saturday.
c) Priscila will travel next weekend.
d) Joe ate pizza yesterday.

9. Qual a forma interrogativa da frase “Tony eats pizza twice a week”.

a) Do Tony eats pizza twice a week?
b) Does Tony eats pizza twice a week?
c) Tony doesn´t eat pizza twice a week?
d) Does Tony eat pizza twice a week?

10. A única alternativa cuja forma verbal NÃO expressa um fato ocorrido no passado é:

a) ( ) She was reading a new book last night.

b) ( ) They weren´t working at the restaurant in 2014.
c) ( X ) My mother is cooking the dinner today.
d) ( ) Nenhuma das alternativas acima.

Good luck!

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