Expanding Female Mobile Money Usage in Ghana

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Copyright © 2020 GSM Association


MTN MoMo Pay Merchant

Payments: Expanding Women’s
Mobile Money Use in Ghana
World Bank’s Global Findex service in January 2017 called
Introduction 2017,2 women in Ghana are MoMo Pay. While MTN Mobile
23 per cent less likely than Money could already be used
men to have a mobile money informally by customers to
account. make payments to vendors,
MoMo Pay simplifies and
Access to financial services Mobile money is particularly streamlines the process and
can be a critical driver of relevant for women in Ghana offers reduced customer
economic growth and given the prominent role they transaction fees.
opportunity. In Ghana, mobile play in commerce. As both
money has opened access to merchants and customers, Continued on page 2
financial services for millions women dominate the open
of people for the first time, markets that drive trade and
strengthening the payment business in many towns and 1 Manfred., 2017, ‘Effects of Mobile Money
ecosystem and deepening cities across the country.3 Services on Financial Development In Ghana’

financial inclusion.1 Despite To encourage the digitisation 2. World Bank, Global Findex 2017: https://
its capacity to widen access of merchant payments
3. Scheiterle and Birner, 2018, ‘Gender, knowledge
to financial services, mobile in these markets — the and power: A case study of Market Queens
money has not proven to be economic lifeblood of the in Ghana”

equally accessible for women country — MTN Ghana

Case Study

in Ghana. According to the launched a merchant payment

Introduction Profiles of MoMo Pay users Focus on MoMo Pay

Page 1 to 2 and merchants Page 8 merchants Page 15 to 19

Ghana’s market context: The path to MoMo Pay The impact of MoMo Pay
mobile money and merchants adoption for customers on women in Ghana
Page 5 to7 Page 9 to 13 Page 19 to 22

There is evidence that MTN MoMo their financial inclusion. Second, it Pay addresses barriers to using
Pay is providing two important drives greater mobile money use mobile money when paying market
and distinct benefits to women in and engagement among female merchants, including cost and lack
Ghana, particularly those who work customers. This study found that, of convenience, and has commercial
as vendors in the open markets. after adopting MoMo Pay, customers benefits for merchants that offer the
First, MoMo Pay empowers female increased both the frequency and service and actively promote it to
microentrepreneurs in markets value of transactions and became their customers.
through the digitisation of their more likely to remain active
transactions, thus deepening users, especially women. MoMo

Research scope:
Evaluating the impact of MoMo Pay
This case study assesses the impact was conducted in January and Additionally, in some cases survey
of MoMo Pay on female merchants February 2019, and may not reflect responses and data relating to MoMo
and customers in Ghana. It also subsequent changes to the market or Pay could not be fully distinguished
includes key takeaways relevant the MoMo Pay service. from those relating to peer-to-peer
for other mobile money providers (P2P) transactions with vendors, so
interested in using a merchant This case study considers MoMo some quantitative and qualitative
payment service to expand women’s Pay as a service overall, but where findings for MoMo Pay may include
mobile money uptake and use, possible, focuses on the uptake and some element of P2P.
and to reduce churn. The results of use of MoMo Pay in open markets
this study are drawn from a mixed specifically. It is in this market Throughout this report, “MoMo Pay
methods approach, including a context that we discovered the users” or “MoMo Pay customers”
quantitative telephone survey, greatest impacts on women, but our refer to MTN Mobile Money
qualitative research in markets with research also revealed several factors customers that have completed
MoMo Pay merchants, users and that limit the uptake of MoMo Pay at least one transaction with the
non-users, as well as analysis of within this context, and, therefore, MoMo Pay service, while “MoMo Pay
MTN Mobile Money transactional its impact on women. Findings merchants” refers to vendors that
data combined with feedback therefore may not fully reflect all have registered a MoMo Pay account
from MTN Ghana staff. Fieldwork aspects and relevant considerations and have received at least one MoMo
and data analysis for this report for merchant payment services. Pay payment from a customer.

Key findings from the research
1. MoMo Pay has shown considerable early success in driving digitisation of payments in Ghana’s cash-dominated
economy. 53 per cent of merchants now accepting MoMo Pay only accepted cash from customers before
adopting the service.

2. Merchants are critical to driving consumer awareness and uptake of MoMo Pay. In Ghana’s female-dominated
open markets, where 56 per cent of merchants who have adopted MoMo Pay are women, these merchants are
driving uptake and use of the service among female customers.

3. MoMo Pay is popular with both male and female users, who find it reduces many of the barriers that have
prevented them from paying merchants using mobile money, and they perceive it as simpler, safer, cheaper and
clearer to use than peer-to-peer (P2P) transfers.

4. Adoption of MoMo Pay by customers increases use of MTN Mobile Money overall, particularly for women. Female
MoMo Pay users have on average registered a 17 per cent increase in transaction volumes, 29 per cent increase
in transaction values and a 10 per cent increase in subscriber retention in the six months after they adopted the
service. MoMo Pay is generally adopted by existing MTN Mobile Money customers, and has not been a major
driver of initial adoption of the service.

5. Limited awareness and understanding MoMo Pay amongst customers and merchants have prevented wider
uptake of the service. This could potentially be addressed by more clearly advocating the features and benefits
of the service, as well as considering female-specific requirements - particularly in a context where women's real
or perceived digital literacy is lower than men's.

6. The example of MoMo Pay suggests that merchant payments can be a use case for increasing women’s mobile
money use when deployed in female-dominated retail channels where there is more opportunity to reach female
merchants and customers.


Box 1: Research methodology

To evaluate the appeal, growth and early impact of MoMo Pay, three methodologies were
used to gather data and other information from merchants and end users of the service.

Qualitative research, including Quantitative research (telephone Transactional data analysis

in-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus survey) to determine the profile, of MTN Mobile Money use by
group discussions (FGDs) with gender and other demographics MoMo Pay users and non-users to
MoMo Pay users and non-users, of the mobile money customer base, understand the effect of MoMo Pay
and merchants who did and did not as well as barriers and triggers to the uptake on wider Mobile Money use,
offer MoMo Pay, as well as mystery uptake and use of mobile money and as well as the overall commercial
shopping in several open markets MoMo Pay among a random sample impact of the service.
across Accra. These methods were of the user base.
used to map the user journey for
mobile money and MoMo Pay, and to
evaluate the impact of MoMo Pay on
mobile money use more generally.

Figure 1

Locations and parameters of the research methodologies

In-depth Focus Group Mystery Phone Transactional
Interviews Discussions Shopping Interviews Analysis

Madina market Madina market Madina market MoMo Pay All MoMo Pay
(urban Accra) (urban Accra) (urban Accra) merchants transactions made
• 6 with merchants • 2 with merchants • 12 with • 500 (250 men, • Jan 2017 –
• 6 with MoMo • 1 with MoMo Pay businesses 250 women) Dec 2018
Pay users and non- users
non-users Kasao market MoMo Pay All MTN Mobile
Kasao market (peri-urban Accra) users Money transactions
Kasao market (peri-urban Accra) • 10 with market • 500 (250 men, for ~100,000 MoMo
(peri-urban Accra) • 1 with MoMo Pay businesses 250 women) Pay users*
• 7 with merchants merchants • Jan 2017 –
• 6 with MoMo • 2 with MoMo Pay Kaneshi market MoMo Pay Sep 2018
Pay users and users (peri-urban Accra) non-users
non-users All MTN Mobile
• 12 with market • 500 (250 men,
Money transactions
businesses 250 women)
for ~100,000 non-
• Jan 2017 –
Dec 2018

Urban and peri-urban Accra Nationwide

The qualitative research in this study focused in and around Accra, as this is where most MoMo Pay users, both
merchants and customers, are located. However, results from the telephone survey and transactional analysis
are representative of MTN’s customer base across Ghana.
Fieldwork was conducted in February 2019.

*Note that the results of transactional data analysis that are presented in this report are based on data for a smaller subsample of MTN customers
whose gender could be independently verified, totalling 9,500 MoMo Pay users, and 500 non-users. However, analysis of the wider sample indicated
that results from this subsample were in-line with those observed in the overall base.

Ghana’s market context:
Mobile money and merchants
Mobile money has grown quickly in Ghana, but access for women remains lower
Mobile money was first launched some research suggests that access Given evidence of the potential
in Ghana in 2009 by MTN. Uptake to mobile money in Ghana has not socio-economic benefits of financial
has increased quickly since then, necessarily been equally distributed: inclusion and mobile money use,6
and today Ghana is one of the most according to Findex, in 2017, women women’s exclusion from Ghana’s
mature mobile money markets were 23 per cent less likely than men formal financial system is of
outside East Africa. In 2012 there were to have a mobile money account5 particular concern.
only 345,000 active mobile money – although a phone survey of MTN
accounts in Ghana, and by March 2019 Mobile Money customers conducted 4. Bank of Ghana, Payment System Statistics 1st Quarter 2019
this had grown to 12.7 million,4 for this study found a more equal 5. World Bank, Global Findex 2017,
— a rapid pace of growth. However, gender balance. 6. See, for example, Suri and Jack, 2016
‘The long-run poverty and gender impacts of mobile money’

Women play a crucial role in commerce in Ghana

Women tend to dominate 99 per cent of all transactions in
commerce in Ghana’s open Ghana were made in cash.8
markets, making up the majority
of both customers and merchants. Women’s prominent role in
In an economy where 80 per cent market commerce in Ghana,
of the workforce is employed combined with low mobile money
in the informal sector,7 these uptake for vendor payments,
markets play a vital role in driving signalled an opportunity for
commerce and economic activity. MTN to promote a new mobile
money use case while also driving
Most markets currently operate mobile money use among this
almost exclusively in cash, while underserved group by launching
mobile money transactions are a dedicated merchant payment
typically used for either non- service – “MoMo Pay”.
commercial purposes or high-
value transactions. This is perhaps
unsurprising given the fast- 7. Osei-Boateng and Ampratwum, 2011, ‘The Informal Sector
in Ghana’
paced, informal nature of market 8. Amoah, Bansal, Kasebele and Plaitakis, 2017, ‘Building an
transactions. In 2016, an estimated Inclusive Digital Payments Ecosystem: The Way Forward’

Box 2: Types of retailers in Ghana

Marketplaces in Ghana Within a marketplace, there Outside of marketplaces, there are
are two types of settings selling two main types of retailers:
are spatially categorised foodstuff and non-food items such
by commodity. as fabric, hair products, shoes etc. • Brick and mortar street businesses:
supermarkets, petrol stations,
• Stalls: typically a plywood pharmacies, grocery stores
tabletop; mostly informal
• Street vendors and hawkers,
• Shops: typically made of who are unlikely to be users
concrete walls; more formal of MoMo pay


MoMo Pay: A payment service designed

to drive digitisation of commerce
MoMo Pay was launched in January to-peer (P2P) transfers. In fact, 86
2017 and has registered steady per cent of MoMo Pay users in this
growth among both merchants and study had used mobile money to
customers. By January 2019, over pay vendors before adopting MoMo
100,000 merchants were using the Pay, which is consistent with global
service. MoMo Pay is a merchant trends (see Box 4). However, the
payment service that encourages introduction of MoMo Pay simplified,
customers to digitise transactions
clarified and bolstered the security of
with sellers, paying for products and
merchant payments. It also made it
services through MTN Mobile Money
rather than cash (see Box 3). significantly cheaper for customers to
transact using MTN Mobile Money as
Before the launch of MoMo Pay, many transaction fees dropped from one per
people were already using mobile cent of transaction value for P2P, down
money to pay vendors through peer- to to 0.2 per cent for MoMo Pay.

Box 3: MoMo Pay’s key features

• Recruitment of merchants to the service, who are • Merchants are not charged to transfer money from
provided with a converted or dedicated merchant SIM their merchant account to their bank account. from
card, with an associated separate merchant account which they can cash out for free, although normal
MoMo transaction charges apply if they cash out from
• Receiving payments from customers is free for the merchant account at an agent outlet
merchants, while customers pay a 0.2% transaction
fee (vs. 1% for standard P2P) • Merchants have a 5 or 6 digit code that customers
can use to pay in place of a mobile number

With MoMo Pay, MTN intended to

encourage merchants to receive
payments via MTN Mobile Money for
their products and services, thereby
preventing the need to handle cash and
ensuring more money would circulate
on MTN's platform. There was also an
expectation that merchants and their
customers would be driven to use a
wider range of MTN Mobile Money
services, including bill payments and
savings. This research aimed to evaluate
the extent to which these objectives
were being met.
Another question this study aimed to
answer was whether the availability
of MoMo Pay helped drive women’s
adoption and use of MTN Mobile
Money more broadly — that is,
whether having a relevant use
case for women would encourage
uptake of the service among this
disproportionately underserved group
and provide an incentive to continue
using it after registration.
Box 4: The global context:
Merchant payments are still dwarfed by P2P
The growth and scale of P2P is still informality of the MSME sector and
Merchant payments is one eclipsing the healthy growth of low levels of ownership of necessary
of the more complex mobile merchant payments. Additionally, documentation, frictions in the
businesses are driving much of user experience for merchants
money use cases. Although this, conducting transactions and customers, and the lack of a
mobile money offers using P2P instead of a dedicated compelling value proposition.
convenience for customers, merchant payment platform. The
they are not the primary GSMA estimates that a substantial However, leading mobile money
proportion of P2P transfers are providers have taken big steps to
beneficiaries of a merchant made by small businesses and address some of these challenges
payment. Therefore, adoption micro-entrepreneurs. GSMA to growing merchant payments as
also relies on a strong value research in two Sub-Saharan a use case. For instance, 74 per cent
African countries showed that 80 of respondents to GSMA’s 2019
proposition for micro, small per cent of MSMEs already owned Global Adoption Survey stated that
and medium enterprises a mobile money account, 83 per they offered additional tools that
(MSMEs) and offering them cent of which were using personal help MSMEs with the day-today
mobile money accounts for business management of a business, such
benefits that cash does not needs.9 There is a similar tendency as customer analytics, inventory
currently provide. in other mobile money markets management and accounting. In
for businesses to use P2P rather addition, 29 per cent of respondents
than merchant payments, driven offered credit lines to their agents and
by a confluence of factors: the 19 per cent loaned to their merchants.

9. Pasti, F. and Nautiyal, A. (2019). Addressing the financial services needs of MSMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa, GSMA.


Profiles of MoMo Pay users and merchants

Although national-level survey data found that MTN Ghana’s overall mobile survey of MoMo Pay customers found
from the 2017 Global Findex suggests money customer base was in fact split that only 36 per cent of users were
there is a substantial gender gap relatively evenly by gender. Overall, female. These customers made up five
in mobile money use in Ghana, the half of MTN Mobile Money customers per cent of MTN’s overall customer
telephone survey of MTN customers that had not used MoMo Pay were base (see Figure 2).
conducted as part of this research identified as female, while the phone

Figure 2

Profile of MTN Mobile Money customers and merchants

There was a similar gender split
for merchants, with women
accounting for 35 per cent of
50% of MTN Mobile Money customers who
do not use MoMo Pay are female
MoMo Pay merchants. Among
registered MoMo Pay merchants
who said they were located in
an open market, over half were
women, but only 30 per cent of
all merchants registered for MoMo
Pay were located in open markets.
5% of MTN Mobile Money customers
have used MoMo Pay

36% of MoMo Pay users

are female

Figure 3

Gender and location of MoMo Pay merchants

Evidence from our study therefore

Male, market suggests there are a disproportionate
number of women amongst those
13% merchants in Ghana’s open markets
that use MoMo Pay. However, overall
uptake of MoMo Pay amongst open
market is relatively low compared to
Female, uptake of the service by merchants
who are not located in open markets.
52% Male,
non-market These non-market merchants tend to
be predominantly male, meaning that
the majority of MoMo Pay merchants
overall are male. The reasons for this
disparity will be discussed in more
Female, market 18% detail later in the report.

Source: Phone survey of MoMo Pay merchants. N=500

The path to MoMo Pay adoption
for customers

Making payments to vendors with mobile money

is still limited in Ghana

In Ghana, cash remains by far the
most common way to pay vendors.
The phone survey conducted for this Paying with cash is
research found that, among MTN faster; it is instant. But with
Mobile Money customers that have paying with mobile money,
not used MoMo Pay, only 24 per cent you have to go through
some processes, unlike

of men and 20 per cent of women
reported ever having paid a vendor paying with cash.
with mobile money – though this
does suggest that, at the time of this
25 year-old male cash customer
research, P2P was more commonly with a smartphone, Kasoa
used to pay vendors than MoMo Pay.

The overall barriers to using mobile money

to pay merchants in Ghana
There are several reasons why mobile lack of trust and convenience. The
money users tend to be reluctant to barriers presented here are the
use mobile money to pay vendors – barriers that customers identified to
whether with P2P or with MoMo Pay – using mobile money with open market
particularly in a market setting. As vendors in general – including with P2P
shown in Figure 4, key barriers are a – and are not specific to MoMo Pay.


Figure 4

Barriers to paying open market merchants with mobile money in Ghana

Based on results of qualitative research in open markets

Mobile money is perceived as inconvenient in open markets

Barriers In crowded, busy and noisy market spaces, paying in cash is often faster and less burdensome than mobile money.
to using
mobile A weak or sporadic network connection in markets can sometimes interrupt transactions.
money to
transact Negative experiences using mobile money for payments or other applications deter some from trying again.
with Many have either had issues in the past or heard of others who have had problems with sending money, becoming
a victim of fraud or fearing fraudulent.
Too many types of fees
Multiple fees made people feel that paying with mobile money was complicated or costly, for example, cash-out fees,
P2P fees and de facto cash-in fees (agents often informally charge people to cash in, even when the transaction is free).

Fees are perceived as too high, especially for smaller transactions which have a fixed minimum fee.

In addition to lack of trust

and convenience, women face
several other barriers that
disproportionately prevent them
from using mobile money to pay
open market merchants. In general,
women in this research study
were found to be more cautious
and somewhat sceptical of mobile
money, and had a heightened
awareness of the potential dangers
associated with fraud.

Figure 5

Barriers disproportionately preventing women in Ghana from using mobile money

to pay open market merchants
Based on results of qualitative research in open markets

Barriers Lower digital skills and literacy

Among both male and female respondents, women were perceived to be less tech savvy, and were less trusted
dispropor- when using technology.
tionately Consequently, men were more likely to seek to pay with mobile money than women.
from using Fear of fraud
Women were perceived to be victims of fraud more often than men and therefore had a heightened awareness of this threat.
mobile Men were perceived as being better at avoiding and preventing fraud.
money to
in open Scepticism about mobile money in general
markets Levels of familiarity and comfort with mobile money in general were found to be lower for women than men;
women were less likely to fully understand how to use it, and therefore preferred cash for transactions.

MoMo Pay helps address the barriers to mobile
money use in open markets
MoMo Pay users identified several identified several important benefits In particular, MoMo Pay significantly
advantages of the service over to using MoMo Pay instead of cash. reduces the concern that there are
alternative payment methods, too many types of fees, especially
especially P2P transfers. For those These benefits helped MoMo Pay disproportionately large fees for small-
already using mobile money to pay users overcome several barriers that value transactions. It also helps make
vendors, these provided an incentive otherwise prevented respondents from mobile money quicker to use, and
to shift to MoMo Pay, but users also using mobile money to pay merchants. therefore more convenient in markets.

Figure 6

The advantages of MoMo Pay for customers

Compared to P2P transfers, the main perceived benefits of MoMo Pay are:

Speed: It takes fewer steps to transfer money to a merchant

Security: Transactions are perceived to be more secure, particularly due to the use of a merchant code rather than a phone number

Cost: Lower customer fees (0.2 per cent versus one per cent)

Clarity: Less misunderstanding over fees since a standardised fee is charged regardless of the transaction value

Compared to cash, MoMo Pay is perceived has having two main advantages:

Convenience: More convenient than carrying cash in certain situations

Safety: Can be safer than having to carry cash

Curiosity, and greater speed and convenience than P2P transfers, are key to initial
uptake of MoMo Pay
It is important to distinguish between sample of MoMo Pay users found that of MoMo Pay amongst consumers
the main benefits MoMo Pay users reasons for initial adoption differed relate to speed and convenience. It is
derive once they start using the in several key ways from the main noteworthy that lower fees for MoMo
service, and why they decided to benefits identified in the qualitative Pay relative to P2P were identified less
adopt the service in the first place. research. As Figure 7 shows, two of frequently as a reason for adopting
A quantitative survey with a random the three main reasons for adoption MoMo Pay.


Figure 7

Reasons for adopting MoMo Pay

Percentage of MoMo Pay users, by gender

Faster than P2P
More convenient 36%
than cash 38%
Selllers suggested it
Safer than cash
Lower fees than P2P
8% Male
Safer than P2P Source: Phone survey
2% of MoMo Pay users,
N=250 men and
Friend/family 2% 250 women
recommendation 2%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Overall, men and women began (see Figure 7), they are critical in and promote MoMo Pay are critical to
using MoMo Pay for similar reasons, driving initial awareness of the service. driving uptake amongst consumers.
although suggestions by sellers were 40 per cent of MoMo Pay users This suggests that having more
slightly more important for women found out about the service through merchants showcasing and promoting
than men. While the influence of a seller of some kind (see Figure a merchant payment service is crucial
vendors was identified as just the 8), although not primarily market to raising customer awareness and
fourth most important driver overall vendors. Therefore, vendors that use increasing uptake of the service.

Figure 8

Where MoMo Pay customers first heard about the service

Percentage of MoMo Pay users, by gender

Non-market vendor
Friends or family
MTN agent
Market merchant
MTN employee at 3%
service centres 2%
MTN phone menu
2% Female
MTN field agent Male
Don’t know Source: Phone survey
3% of MoMo Pay users,
0% N= 250 men and
Other 250 women

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Customer barriers to MoMo pay adoption:
Merchant support in markets is key
The influence of MoMo Pay merchants lack of support from open market reinforces the crucial role merchants
on service adoption becomes even merchants, either not promoting the play in customers’ initial awareness
more apparent when barriers to service clearly or being reluctant of MoMo Pay, as discussed in the
consumer adoption are considered. to teach customers how to use it, previous section.
Our qualitative research found that is a major barrier to uptake. This

Figure 9

Barriers preventing customers from adopting MoMo Pay

Based on results of qualitative research in open markets

Low product awareness and understanding

Barriers Many thought it was insurance and could not necessarily distinguish it from MTN’s Mobile Money service.
preventing “Why did no one ever tell me this existed?!”
MTN Mobile
Money Merchants do not promote MoMo Pay to customers clearly
customers Many do not display their merchant ID, or do not understand its purpose. Merchants often do not understand
from how customers make transactions, so cannot provide support to new adopters of the service. The onus is on the
adopting customer to take the initiative and ask about it when unsure.
MoMo Pay
Merchants are reluctant to educate customers
They argue that it takes too much time and effort.
“People like what they are used to.”

Limited number of merchants offering the service

Many users prefer to use MoMo Pay when it is available.
However, they find it is often not offered by merchants they shop with.

I think anyone who

wants your [merchant] ID
wants to defraud you.
28 year-old female MoMo Pay merchant
with a basic phone, Madina market

Yes, it is too much
work, just one thing you have
to explain and teach a lot of

times, it’s time wasting
25 year-old female MoMo Pay merchant
with a feature phone, Madina market


Focus on MoMo Pay merchants
Merchants play a crucial role in driving customer adoption and use of MoMo Pay

driving consumer uptake and use • Understanding MoMo Pay and being
Merchants have the of MoMo Pay than others. Typically, able to explain it to customers;
opportunity to promote the most important determinants of
a merchant’s success were certain • Providing a high level of customer
MoMo Pay to a large number service and using MoMo Pay as
behaviours rather than characteristics
of customers, and branding and demographics, including gender. an opportunity to strengthen
for the service in shops and customer loyalty with those
In general, the level of engagement,
customers that prefer to transact
market stalls is an important customer service and willingness
with MoMo Pay;
way to raise awareness to support customers in using the
service were key factors that were • Offering customers the chance
amongst consumers. associated with merchants being to start using it, for instance, by
strong ambassadors for MoMo Pay. conducting a low-value dummy
transaction to illustrate how the
However, this research found that The qualitative research identified service works; and
the extent to which merchants were several important behaviours:
effective ambassadors for MoMo • Typically accepting high-value
Pay varied greatly. Some merchants • Being willing to assist customers transactions (due to selling high-
were significantly more effective at with their first MoMo Pay transfer; cost goods).

Merchants’ characteristics
and demographics were
less inherently important
than these behaviours

Several characteristics that might

be expected to make a merchant an
effective recruiter were found to be
less important than the behaviours
listed above, including:
• Type of merchandise for sale,
although this can influence the
average size of a transaction
(which can be a determinant), and
the gender of customers.
• Location of the shop – formal “brick
and mortar” stores in the open
market that offer MoMo Pay are often
located in the central market area.
• Gender of the merchant is not in
itself a factor, but men are more
likely to be formal “brick and mortar”
merchants, who tend to have higher
average transaction values.
The gender of merchants was
therefore not a key factor determining
their effectiveness at recruiting
customers to the service. More
important was the level of support
and customer service they provided.

Open market merchants Recruitment of engaged female open

market merchants is an important
are more likely to be way to promote MoMo Pay and
women and interact with expand women’s use of MTN Mobile
female customers Money. Even though gender is not
in itself a determinant of merchants’
The quantitative survey found that 56 success in reaching customers,
per cent of open market merchants the fact that female open market
were women, and 71 per cent of merchants interact with and influence
customers they interacted with were disproportionate numbers of women
also women (see Figure 10). Open means that they can be effective in
market merchants are therefore an reaching this underserved group.
important access channel to female However, rates of uptake by female
customers. Given the influence of market merchants are lower than
merchants on customer adoption of other types of merchants, which has
MoMo Pay, they are also key to driving limited the potential impact of the
women’s uptake of the service. service on female customers.

Figure 10

Percentage of merchants’ customers who are women

Average across MoMo Pay merchants, by gender and location. Based on self-reported estimates by merchants.





Non-market merchants Market merchants

Source: Phone survey of MoMo Pay merchants. N=170 for open air market merchants and 330 for non-market merchants

Merchant use of MoMo Pay: Barriers and drivers
Merchant recruitment is an important understanding of MoMo Pay and MTN Mobile Money as customers as
component of any merchant payment helping them overcome initial hurdles well as offering it as a payment option
service.10 To ensure a service is widely to adoption. for their customers. However, there
available and adopted, it is important are some important considerations
to register a large number of Merchants face some of the same that are unique to merchants.
merchants. As discussed in previously, initial barriers to MoMo Pay adoption
merchants have an important role as their customers, and the qualitative 10. https://www.cgap.org/research/publication/challenge-
to play in consumer awareness and interviews revealed they often use two-sided-markets-merchant-payments

Customer requests are the main reason merchants initially adopt MoMo Pay

As with consumers, the factors that It is interesting to observe a “virtuous triggering merchants to adopt MoMo
initially trigger a merchant to adopt circle” of MoMo Pay uptake, whereby Pay. This was followed, for female
MoMo Pay are not necessarily the same merchants promote the service merchants, by the greater safety of
benefits they experience from using and teach customers how to use it, using MoMo Pay than carrying cash,
the service. As shown in Figure 11, the and customer requests encourage which was a slightly more important
phone survey of MoMo Pay merchants merchants to offer and continue using factor than for men. The convenience
found that customer requests were the service. of having a separate account for
the main reason they initially offered business transactions also emerged
the service, as an option for payment, The lower cost of MoMo Pay, most as an important factor, ring fencing
rather than any specific benefit of the notably the ability to transfer funds business funds from everyday
service. This was especially the case to a bank account for free, was spending and improving business
for male merchants. the second most important factor accounting practices.

Figure 11

Reasons for adopting MoMo Pay

Percentage of MoMo Pay merchants

Customers asked 50%

me to use it 34%
Lower charges
So I don't have to carry 23%
cash around/it’s safer 28%
To keep business money and 30%
personal money separate 25%
MTN agent convinced 10%
me to try it 14%
To earn interest
To avoid fraud 4% Female
I saw other merchants 0% Male
use it 2%
To keep my phone 0%
number private 0%
Other / Don’t know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Source: Phone survey of MoMo Pay merchants. N= 327 for men and 173 for women. Respondents could select multiple responses.


MoMo Pay has substantial Day-to-day impacts on merchants MoMo Pay, but most did not use it in
their business. Fifty-three per cent
benefits for merchants who • Greater control over personal and of current MoMo Pay merchants
understand the service business finances, as they can be did not accept any mobile money
separated more easily; payments from customers before
The qualitative research found that • Greater security since funds are they adopted MoMo Pay, accepting
merchants who use MoMo Pay often stored digitally; and cash payments only. All these
reap substantial benefits. Although not merchants now accept mobile money
all merchants fully understood the • Greater privacy from being able to payments via MoMo Pay, which
service, and therefore did not benefit provide a merchant ID to customers suggests that the service not only
fully from its features, many found instead of a phone number. reaches merchants that already used
day-to-day advantages, such as greater mobile money in their businesses
security, privacy and ease of control via P2P transfers, but also those
over finances, as the service allowed Economic impacts on merchants who had previously only used cash.
them to have separate consumer and This demonstrates that MoMo Pay is
• Greater productivity due to
business accounts. Many merchants helping to drive the digitisation
time savings;
also reported saving time, improving of commerce in Ghana.
their accounting and ultimately • Higher sales from impulse
increasing sales. Many merchants also purchases (due to lower
valued the ability to pay their suppliers transaction costs for small Barriers to merchant
using MTN Mobile Money, either through transactions and less need to uptake of MoMo Pay
P2P transfers or with MoMo Pay. carry cash to make purchases);

• Stronger value proposition Despite the benefits that merchants
There’s no arguments for customers; reported, several barriers still prevent
over money between the many merchants from adopting
• Improved accounting
shopkeeper and customer, MoMo Pay. These relate primarily to
practices; and
awareness and understanding of the
as to whether the right service, or the challenge of registering
• More business savings due to free
amount was paid or not. No

cash-out from bank account. for it. Some merchants also expressed
misunderstanding. reluctance to spend time teaching
Many MoMo Pay merchants used a customers how to use the service
24 years old, Female MoMo Pay merchant
with a smartphone, Kasoa market
mobile money service as consumers and did not see a sufficient incentive
in their daily lives before adopting to do so.

Figure 12

Barriers preventing uptake of MoMo Pay for open market merchants

Based on results of qualitative research

Lack of awareness and understanding of the product

Barriers to Many merchants have never heard of MoMo Pay or do not know the benefits of the product or how to use the menu.
and use of Do not know how to register
MoMo Pay Many merchants would like to offer MoMo Pay, but do not know how.
“What do I have to do to sign up?”
for open
market Requirement to educate customers about MoMo Pay
merchants Merchants typically need to educate customers about MoMo Pay to encourage them to use it. Many do not see
the value of investing time to do this, so rarely use MoMo Pay.
About 40 per cent of female MoMo Pay merchants and 30 per cent of male merchants never or only rarely
suggest MoMo Pay to their customers.

Pen Portrait: Ama, MoMo Pay merchant, Madina Market

Ama is one of the many open leaving her shop, increasing the
market merchants who sells clothes amount of time she can spend
in Madina Market, a large market attending to her customers. For her,
area at the centre of Ghana’s capital, the future of payments is MoMo Pay.
Accra. Ama’s motto is simple:
“The customer is king.” She offers
excellent customer service by
providing different payment options “If the person
to her clientele to ensure a smooth doesn’t know how
transaction. She promotes MoMo to go about making
“When I wasn’t taking mobile Pay for its ease of use and even such payments with
money, I kept losing my customers, teaches customers how to use it. their wallets even
but now people pay through though they have
Ama loves MoMo Pay because of its
mobile money if they don’t have ease of use and lower charges than money on their
cash on them. I think mobile P2P transfers. She has connected wallets, I educate
money is safer because you never her MoMo Pay wallet to her bank them on how to
lose the money on it whether your account to enable her to save, and go about it since
phone gets lost or stolen.” uses it to pay her suppliers without it is easier.”

Pen Portraits represent a composite of findings from respondents. Please note that all names have been changed.

The impact of MoMo Pay

on women in Ghana
MoMo Pay is a use case that is most However, both the qualitative research
likely to be embraced by those already and transactional data analysis show
using MTN Mobile Money. Most that, for those who use the service,
existing MoMo Pay users had already MoMo Pay can encourage more
registered for Mobile Money before regular use of MTN Mobile Money and
MoMo Pay launched in January 2017. engagement with a wider range of
It has therefore not driven significant Mobile Money services.
uptake of MTN Mobile Money by new
customers, either male or female.

MoMo Pay drives more regular and diverse use of MTN Mobile Money services

After customers adopted MoMo Pay, Our qualitative research also like Jumia and Kikuu, paying bills
several effects were observed that led demonstrated that particularly and buying airtime and accessing
them to rely more heavily on MTN engaged users, both male and female, loans like the MTN Qwik loan (see
Mobile Money, maintain a higher began using Mobile Money in other Figure 13).
balance in their mobile account and ways, such as connecting their bank
spend more using mobile money. account to their Mobile Money For many of these subscribers, MoMo
Some of the more engaged users of account, ordering home deliveries, Pay was a catalyst for increased
MoMo Pay were also acutely aware of saving through an MTN Y’ello Save Mobile Money use and engagement
the indirect savings MoMo Pay account and using Mobile Money for overall, particularly when it prompted
provided, such as reduced travel leisure applications, such as paying them to connect their account to a
times and cost that would otherwise for Uber ride sharing, making bank account.
be needed to acquire cash. purchases through e-commerce sites

Figure 13

The impact of MoMo Pay on wider use of MTN Mobile Money

Based on results of qualitative research with MoMo Pay users

1. Effect of MoMo Pay 2. Resultant changes 3. New Mobile Money use cases
adoption in Mobile Money adopted, particularly after
behaviour connecting a bank account

Provides savings Higher reliance on

Paying MTN Leisure
compared to MTN Mobile Money
for home savings use cases
other methods of (carry less cash)
deliveries account (e.g. Uber)
payments, including
time and cost
savings compared to
travelling to get cash.

Makes impulse Higher balance Connected bank E-commerce

buying and and more money account to MTN Mobile (Jumia,
spontaneous spent using MTN Money wallet to access Kikuu)
purchases more Mobile Money savings more easily

Increases a Users are more Pay bills and Mobile Money

user’s curiosity confident buy airtime loans (MTN
about other transacting with QwikLoan)
MTN products. MTN Mobile Money

MoMo Pay is having • More frequent; significant changes in their wider

Mobile Money usage. This is true even
significant commercial impact • Higher value; and accounting for the upward trend
• More consistent with less observed in Mobile Money use among
propensity to churn. subscribers who continue to use
The qualitative findings indicating
the service – MoMo Pay users were
an increase in mobile money usage
To arrive at these results, the found to increase their usage at an
following adoption of MoMo Pay
transaction patterns of users of even greater rate.11 On average, their
are corroborated by an analysis
MoMo Pay were analysed in the three transaction volumes increased by
of MTN Mobile Money transactions
months before they adopted the 17 per cent over those of the overall
since the launch of the service in
service and six months post-adoption. base, transaction values increased
January 2017. This analysis showed
Each subscriber’s change in behaviour 25 per cent over the total base, and
the impact of MoMo Pay across
was then compared to the change in they were eight per cent more likely
three key metrics (see Figure 14).
transactional behaviour of the overall to still be transacting compared to the
Mobile Money use by MoMo Pay
customer base for the same period. overall customer base, demonstrating
subscribers became:
churn was reduced. Crucially, these
This analysis found that, subscribers changes were more pronounced for
who adopted MoMo Pay showed female users of MoMo Pay.

11. Transaction volumes and values were on average found to increase over time for MTN Mobile Money customers who continued to transact. The figures here describe the growth for MoMo Pay
customers in excess of the rate of growth seen in the base overall. This growth can therefore be more confidently attributed to the adoption of MoMo Pay, rather than representing a natural upward

Figure 14

Change in transaction behaviour of MoMo Pay adopters six months after adoption,
in excess of change in the overall base



+17% +17% Change for MoMo Pay

subscribers overall

Change for female

MoMo Pay subscribers

Transaction volume Transaction value Subscriber value

Source: MTN Mobile Money transactional data, January 2017–December 2018

Despite the barriers to MoMo Pay expanded use of MTN Mobile Money. well as delivering notable commercial
adoption for customers and merchants This provides advantages both to the returns for MTN through increased
alike, for those that do adopt the customers and merchants who benefit transactions and improved subscriber
service it is a significant driver of from deeper financial inclusion, as retention (see Figure 14).

Pen Portrait: Dzifa, MoMo Pay user

Dzifa is a 28-year-old woman living larger transactions. She is now

in Accra. She began using MTN more inquisitive about MTN Mobile
Mobile Money as a convenient way Money and experiments with other
to receive financial help from her offerings on the MTN platform, such
family when she was in school. She as Y’ello Save.
was told about MoMo Pay by a
merchant when she was shopping
and decided to try it. Dzifa feels that “I first deposited 20
MoMo Pay is safer than regular P2P cedis into their Yello
“I think with the MoMo Pay, it’s transactions. Moreover, she believes Savings to see how
that MoMo pay is safer and more it works. After a
hard for someone to hack into
efficient for traders, too. while, I transferred
your account because when I
was entering the merchant ID the money into my
Dzifa now advocates for MoMo Pay
during the transaction, I made bank account. And
among her friends who shop in
a mistake with the digits and the open markets. She uses Mobile I needed to see
the whole transaction cancelled, Money more often because of how their loan also
but with the normal subscriber MoMo Pay and argues that paying works. So, I just do
account, it would have ended up with it is faster and more convenient that to see how their
in someone else’s account.” than cash, especially when making services work.”

Pen Portraits represent a composite of findings from respondents. Please note all names have been changed.


Implications for the industry

• Savvy vendors see merchant Strong marketing is needed

Mobile money has the payments as an important
potential to be a powerful competitive advantage, attracting
to boost awareness and
enabler of economic customers who transact more understanding of merchant
participation for women, and frequently and in higher values. payments
MoMo Pay demonstrates — Merchants who recognise the • Promoting widespread product
a clear way in which a benefits of investing time in awareness and understanding,
training customers how to use for both merchants and their
merchant payment service the service are rewarded with customers, is vital to reach a critical
can deliver disproportionate loyal returning customers. mass of users.
benefits to women, under the
• While some vendors point to — Merchants generally see more
right conditions. convenience as a reason for value in the service once they
offering merchant payments, the fully understand its features,
tipping point for adoption is often but low awareness and
While the findings of this evaluation when vendors link this to greater understanding of how to register
are specific to the particular context control over their finances, saving can inhibit uptake.
of MoMo Pay’s implementation them time and improving their
in Ghana, they nonetheless have accounting. • While ATL (above-the-line)
implications for other providers marketing can help strengthen
considering leveraging merchant a brand, our research has also found
payments to increase financial Customers have more than operational tactical investments
inclusion of women. one way to pay MNOs can make to reach more
customers and ensure uptake
The principles below outline key • An intuitive, streamlined user and use of merchant payments is
lessons from this evaluation that may experience when transacting can sustainable.
be relevant to other markets. However, be the difference between choosing
local context is critical and can vary — Where female customers still
merchant payments over cash or
greatly, so these principles should rely on merchants to explain
P2P transfers.
not be interpreted as exhaustive or the benefits of the service and
universally applicable. • Transaction security and fraud are help them perform their first
particular concerns for women transaction, operators should
when using mobile money, and consider strategic channel
Success is determined by a dedicated merchant payment marketing, leveraging the
merchants directly to reach
engaged and proactive service can help address these
• Where P2P payments have a strong — The example of MoMo Pay
• Merchants are critical to customer foothold, it is crucial to make the demonstrates the value of a
uptake and use of merchant distinction between merchant channel of distribution that
payments. Ensuring customers fully payments and P2P transactions. disproportionately reaches
understand how the service works
• For both merchants and their women. Operators could similarly
is crucial to widespread uptake.
customers, safety is an ever-present consider leveraging female-
• Female merchants are key to concern. Mobile money merchant dominated channels of marketing
reaching female customers. Our payments have an advantage over or distribution to increase female
research has shown that female cash as a safer option that protects uptake or usage of merchant
merchants in Ghana interact against theft. payments and mobile money
disproportionately with female services – for example, female-led
customers, and help to raise — For merchants, there is the added enterprises, or female-dominated
awareness and drive adoption benefit of seamless transactions agricultural co-operatives, female
among women. with their bank account, business and entrepreneur
eliminating the associated risk associations
and cost of cash-outs.


GSMA Connected Women

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile GSMA’s Connected Women programme works with
operators worldwide, uniting more than 750 operators mobile operators and their partners to address
with almost 400 companies in the broader mobile the barriers to women accessing and using mobile
ecosystem, including handset and device makers, internet and mobile money services. Connected
software companies, equipment providers and Women aims to reduce the gender gap in mobile
internet companies, as well as organisations in internet and mobile money services and unlock
adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also significant commercial opportunities for the mobile
produces the industry-leading MWC events held industry and socio-economic benefits for women.
annually in Barcelona, Los Angeles and Shanghai, as
well as the Mobile 360 Series of regional conferences. For more information, please visit
For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate
website at www.gsma.com

Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA

BFA Global uses finance, data, and technology to

craft innovative solutions that equip individuals,
organizations, and communities to create sustainable
and inclusive economies. Together with our partners
and clients, we seek to empower people to address
their vulnerabilities and shape their own futures.

For more information, please visit


This document has been financed by the Swedish

This material has been funded by UKaid from the International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida.
UK government; however, the views expressed Sida does not necessarily share the views expressed
do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s in this material. Responsibility for its contents rests
official policies entirely with the author.

Authors: Oliver Rowntree Contributors: Anne Delaporte, Dominica Lindsey, Adrine Muhura, Nika Naghavi, Orla Ryan, Matt Shanahan
Fieldwork and insights partner: BFA Global

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