300 MyLinh Task 7

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Task 1: The chart below shows the percentage of adults of different age in the UK who used the Internet

everyday from 2003-2006. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart illustrates the proportion of people from five age brackets living in the United Kingdom, those people
who used the Internet daily between 2003 and 2006.

Overall, there was an upward trend in the percentage of people using the Internet day-to-day in five all age
categories during the four years, except for the youngest group, which declined in the final year. While the
youngest group had the highest number [be very careful, the graph is not showing you numbers] share of users,
the oldest group had the lowest least number. In general, the older people were, the less likely they were to use
they used the Internet.

Looking first at the three groups with the majority of Internet users, a larger proportion of the youngest people
[you have not explained what the youngest group is] used the Internet than others, reaching a high point at 100%
in 2005, but had dropped to 90% by 2006. In terms of the others age brackets [again, you have not given any
indication of these age groups], they both each of them increased gradually from around 50% to 80% over the
period shown.

In contrast, not as many people from 55 to over 65 years old used the Internet as younger people. As for the 55-64
age category, more or less an equal rate of around 30% [instead of just talking about it, give the data!] number of
people went online from 2003 to 2005, but that climbed up to about 50% in 2006. The Internet was least popular
with the oldest group, which always remained below 20%.
Task 5-6  150 -190 words
Achieve- 205
ment  overall summary
good, apart from some wording errors
 all key data covered / data is highlighted well
major error here - you have not introduced what the three different age groups
are in the first body paragraph
also, you must stop writing about percentages as numbers, that is incorrect

not much data in the final paragraph

 data is reported accurately

Cohesion 7  logical separation of data into paragraphs

Coherence  body paragraphs start with a phrase that indicates the data in the paragraph

 logical paragraph development

I have lowered your score in task response for this, but please note that by not
introducing the age groups, it is a problem for cohesion and coherence also
 linking phrases are used well

Vocabulary 6  appropriate word choices / control of word endings/forms

Errors and changes are highlighted in yellow

if you are writing about % then please only use

 spelling is correct

Grammar 7  articles (a, an, the)

 sentence structures are correct

Errors and changes are highlighted in green

Overall 6-6.5 some major errors here which you must avoid in the future - you must clearly
identify the different age categories, and you must clear up your wording around
Useful Links:
Writing correction service

Questions and model answers

 IELTS combining data

 ielts-writing-task1-common-errors
 writing task 1 future Task
 planning Task 1 academic
 task-1-academic-map
 task 1 academic process
 task-1-academic-process-quiz
 task-1-academic-process quiz answers
 ielts-writing-task-types
 task-1-academic-cot-quiz
 task-1-academic-cot-quiz-answers
 task-1-academic-static
 task-1-academic-change-over-time



eBook for Task 1 Academic reports

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