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Nicola Foufouti

Assessment Book

20-30 A1/A1+

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Using a coding
mindset to support
creative English
language learning

In English Code, language learning takes place through hands-on

creative tasks, investigation, projects, and experiments. Stories and
videos provide motivating opportunities to learn skills for bright
futures. Coding, problem solving, maths, and collaborative skills all
feature in a syllabus that includes built-in STEAM, driving learners’
natural curiosity about the world around them. A clear focus on
functional language gives learners the tools to become effective
and confident speakers of English inside and outside the classroom.

• Integrated future skills focus on creativity and problem solving

• Coding strand is introduced through code cracker tasks
• STEAM syllabus with hands-on experiments
• Audiovisual materials include phonics, grammar, and
STEAM videos

English Code is built on GSE learning objectives, which help to

monitor and measure progress throughout the course.

CEFR GSE Benchmark Cambridge English

Starter <A1 10-17 / /
Level 1 <A1 / A1 14-24 Level 1 Pre A1 Starters
Level 2 A1/A1+ 20-30 Level 2 Pre A1 Starters
Level 3 A1/A2 25-36 Level 3 A1 Movers
Level 4 A2/A2+ 31-40 Level 4 A2 Flyers
Level 5 A2+/B1 36-46 Level 5 A2 Flyers
Level 6 A2+/B1/B1+ 41-50 Level 6 B1 Preliminary for Schools
British English Edition

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Assessment Bo

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Assessment of Young Learners p. iv
English Code Assessment Pack p. v
Scoring in English Code p. vi
Speaking Assessment Checklist p. vii
Speaking Assessment Descriptors p. viii
Writing Assessment Checklist p. ix
Writing Assessment Descriptors p. x
Student Self-Tracking Progress Charts p. xi
Using In-Course Assessment Alongside
Course-Agnostic Proficiency Assessments p. xii
Assessment Methodology p. xiii
Test-taking Strategies p. xv

Level 2 Diagnostic Pre-Test p. 1

Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 13

Unit 1 Practice Test p. 17

Unit Test p. 20
Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 23

Unit 2 Practice Test p. 25

Unit Test p. 28
Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 31

Units 1–2 Checkpoint Test 1 p. 33

Units 1–2 Progression Test p. 38
Speaking Assessment Prompts (L2, U1–2) p. 44

Unit 3 Practice Test p. 46

Unit Test p. 48
Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 50

Unit 4 Practice Test p. 52

Unit Test p. 55
Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 58

Units 3–4 Checkpoint Test 2 p. 60

Units 3–4 Progression Test p. 66
Speaking Assessment Prompts (L2, U3–4) p. 72

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Unit 5 Practice Test p. 74
Unit Test p. 78
Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 81

Unit 6 Practice Test p. 83

Unit Test p. 86
Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 89

Units 5–6 Checkpoint Test 3 p. 91

Units 5–6 Progression Test p. 97
Speaking Assessment Prompts (L2, U5–6) p. 103

Unit 7 Practice Test p. 105

Unit Test p. 107
Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 110

Unit 8 Practice Test p. 112

Unit Test p. 115
Speaking Assessment Prompts p. 118

Units 7–8 Checkpoint Test 4 p. 120

Final Test p. 127
Speaking Assessment Prompts (L2, U1–8) p. 134

Audioscript and Answer Key p. 137

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Assessment of Young Learners
Around the world, students are being introduced to second, or foreign, languages sooner than ever before.
The need to measure student achievement is by no means new. However, assessing language learners between
the ages of five and twelve requires teachers to be aware of special considerations such as students’ social,
emotional and cognitive development; cultural background; and familiarity with different types of texts,
particularly for those students who wish to complete external standardised tests. Effective assessment also
takes into account the school and classroom setting, class materials and activities, and the expectations of both
teachers and students.
In English Code students learn language structures and vocabulary in high-interest, thematic contexts using the
four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The ratio of these elements varies according
to the level, age and cognitive abilities of the learners.
For the newest and/or youngest learners, a heavier emphasis is placed on vocabulary, listening and speaking;
reading and writing tasks are gradually introduced as they become appropriate to students’ age and
development. For older, more advanced learners, reading and writing instruction plays a more prominent role.
Nonetheless, speaking and listening are practised throughout the programme, as students need to develop
strong oral communication skills in order to achieve fluency.
In English Code, students engage in a variety of contextualised activities, each of which focuses on a
particular Global Scale of English (GSE) learning objective (see below). These objectives are fully supported
by the Assessments.
The English Code tests provide a wide range of tasks using formats of controlled practice such as multiple
choice, True/False, fill in the blank, matching and labelling. However, fair and accurate assessment in a
language classroom reflects not only what students can recognise and produce in a test, but also what they
can perform or do as they actually use the language in real or realistic contexts. To evaluate learners’ progress
fairly and fully, both of these aspects must be part of an effective approach to assessment. In order to support
measuring your students’ progress and proficiency, English Code has been created using the Pearson Global
Scale of English.


The Global Scale of English (GSE) is a standardised, granular scale which measures English language
proficiency. Unlike some other frameworks which describe attainment in broad bands, the GSE identifies what a
learner can do at each point on a 10–90 scale across speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. The scale is
designed to motivate learners by giving more granular insight into learning progress. Teachers can use the GSE
to match a student to the right course materials for their exact level and learning goals.
The badging on the back of your coursebook indicates the GSE proficiency range from which the learning
objectives for that course level have been selected. A course will not cover all learning objectives from that
range, only a representative selection that is appropriate to the target learners. Knowing this range helps you
to select additional materials with the right level of support and challenge for your students to help them to
progress. This range does not require students to have mastered all objectives below it before starting the
course or ensure that they will all be ‘at’ the top of the proficiency range by the end.
The Global Scale of English framework contains learning objectives for all four skills for language learners in
four different domains: Young Learners, Adult Learners, Academic Learners and Professional Learners. The
objectives in each set have been rated by experts and teachers in each of those domains from around the
world for their relevance and level of difficulty for learners in that context. English Code uses the GSE Learning
Objectives for Young Learners. To see full sets of the objectives and for more information about using the GSE
to support teaching and assessment of your learners, please go to .

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English Code Assessment Pack
The English Code Assessment Pack is a useful evaluation tool with a wealth of activity types to assess students’
language skills. The programme spreads these assessments throughout each learning year and within
individual units. In this pack, teachers can find six types of tests which will help them to form an accurate
evaluation of their students’ understanding and achievement.

Diagnostic Pre-Tests are designed to help to decide which level of the course is most appropriate for the target
students. These are different from independent placement tests because they only test the student against their
knowledge of course content and do not provide an overall proficiency level. English Code provides six written
Diagnostic Pre-Tests (for levels 1 to 6). Be sure to administer Pre-Tests in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere,
to try to ensure that the results will help to match students with a level that is both fun and challenging.
Teachers can also use information from the diagnostic test (activities in which students didn’t perform so well)
to inform their planning/teaching focus for the year.

Each level includes eight Practice Tests which provide students with opportunities for review of content learnt
in the preceding unit and rehearsal of test-taking strategies. To use these tests as formative assessments,
teachers should give students feedback on strengths and weaknesses, rather than scores. Encourage students
to ask questions and find information about concepts they do not fully understand, and adapt your teaching
strategies to help students to meet their learning goals. In this way, Practice Tests become part of the
instructional process as well as preparation for Unit Tests.

Each level also includes eight Unit Tests which correspond to the content in each of the units and reflect the
teaching objectives. These summative tests provide a useful snapshot of student achievement at the end of a
unit. They are meant to be graded and included as part of each student’s overall assessment. Performance on
these can be used to inform teaching/areas to revise.

Each Checkpoint test assesses student understanding and retention of concepts, with a focus on vocabulary and
language structures taught in the previous two units (Units 1–2, Units 3–4, Units 5–6 and Units 7–8). These tests
help students to remember and to integrate material learnt over time by creating an opportunity for repeated
practice, and assist teachers in decisions regarding which elements of a course need additional review. Like Unit
Tests, these are also meant to be graded and included in each student’s overall assessment.

The main purpose of these tests is to measure progress on the four skills using the language structures and
vocabulary from the previous units.

The Final Exam for each level assesses students’ comprehension of the level’s key learning objectives and key
vocabulary and structures from the course.

Placement Test – Diagnostic Pre-Test – Practice Test – Unit Test – Checkpoint Test – Progression Test –
Final Test – Certification

Diagnostic AFTER 4 UNITS
UNIT UNITS Final test and
Pre-Test and/ Benchmark YL
Practice and Unit Checkpoint and Benchmark YL
or Benchmark assessment
tests Progression tests assessment
YL assessment

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Scoring in English Code
The Diagnostic Pre-Test, Practice and Unit Tests, Progression Tests and Final Test include a score box for teachers
to complete. The use of the scoring system, however, is left to your discretion. You might prefer to mark the
tests using the scores and share the results with your students, giving them more explanations and guidance.
Or, you could choose to keep the scores secret and provide individual feedback on each student’s strengths and
weaknesses either orally or in writing.

It is important to assess students’ speaking skills in settings that are relaxed and tension-free. The English
Code Assessments offer a variety of speaking activities in every test. Visual prompts are provided and there are
detailed teaching notes suggesting questions that the students can be asked.
To more accurately evaluate students’ performance, it is better for students to perform the speaking test
individually or in pairs as an interview. If your teaching settings require it, you can also choose to set up
whole-class activities and circulate around the room to listen to the students as they work through the activities.
This will allow you to make notes on individual students without making it obvious that you are listening to
them, thus reducing the pressure on them. Pause, standing to the side of the student or pairs of students you
are evaluating. You may even want to turn your back on the student you are actually listening to, so that the
student remains involved with the task and does not focus attention on you or stop because you are listening.
In one-on-one interviews, students are of course aware that they are being assessed.


On the next page, you can find a detailed checklist to track students’ speaking performance at a glance. This
checklist is essentially a set of descriptors used for assessment at this level. These descriptors are informed by
the GSE and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). There is also a rating appropriate for each
description, presented in chart form. Descriptors are clearer than simple letter or number grades and serve
as feedback for students (and their parents). Using the rating scale for each descriptor, you can keep track of
each student’s progress in speaking production, fluency, interaction and range. Depending on the task you are
evaluating, you may not need to fill in every category. Tick the appropriate boxes, fill in required information,
and make notes that will help you with the evaluation.

With the writing tasks, you can assess your students’ handwriting and their knowledge of spelling of individual
words. As the challenge increases across units and levels, you can also assess their ability to express themselves
with longer sentences, and to structure paragraphs and longer texts.
As a suggested marking scheme, for writing activities of six points or more award two points per category –
written production, range and accuracy.

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Speaking Assessment Checklist
Student’s name: Class:
Test: Date:

G = very good (learner performs the task with little or no hesitation)

S = satisfactory (learner demonstrates this most of the time)
U = unsatisfactory (learner demonstrates this occasionally but not consistently)


1 Can use single words and very short phrases in a formulaic, memorised fashion. G S U
2 Can support meaning without using non-verbal communication. G S U
3 Can use simple phrases with a little hesitation. G S U
4 Can contribute to short exchanges on familiar topics. G S U
5 Can use simple fixed expressions to observe social conventions. G S U
6 Can use the unit’s grammar correctly with support. G S U
7 Can use basic phrases to talk about the unit’s topic. G S U
8 Can express simple personal opinions. G S U
9 Can pronounce target words and phrases, though support may be necessary. G S U
10 Can produce intelligible language, though errors may be frequent. G S U


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Global Scale of English:
Speaking Assessment Descriptors
GSE 10–21/<A1 GSE 22–29/A1

SPOKEN PRODUCTION AND Uses single words and very short Uses simple phrases and fixed or
FLUENCY formulaic phrases. (e.g., numbers, formulaic expressions (e.g., ‘What
• Productive ability colours, My name is …) time is it?’, ‘Can I have a pencil?’)
May use non-verbal communication May use non-verbal communication
• Extent of contribution
to support meaning. to support meaning.
• Pausing and hesitation
May pause frequently and/or need May pause frequently and/or need
• Coherence thinking time before starting to
considerable thinking time before
starting to speak. speak.

SPOKEN INTERACTION Contributes to basic exchanges Contributes to short exchanges

• Ability to understand, using single words and/or very on familiar topic areas with some
contribute to and maintain simple fixed phrases with support/ support, both asking and answering
interaction scaffolding from the other formulaic questions.
interlocutor (e.g., repetition and/ Uses simple fixed expressions to
• Appropriacy of Language
or re-phrasing, modifying speed, observe social conventions (e.g.,
and Communicative
supplying missing language, giving ‘How are you?’, ‘Be careful!’, ‘I’m
non-verbal support, etc.). sorry!’).
• Support required
Uses basic words to observe social Asks basic questions on very
conventions (e.g., polite greetings, familiar topics.
please, thank you).
RANGE Uses single words and short, fixed Uses basic phrases/fixed expressions
• Grammar and Vocabulary expressions related to information related to family, friends, home
of personal relevance or the life, and personal experiences as
• Topics and contexts
immediate personal environment well as the immediate classroom
and situation (e.g., Hello/Goodbye, environment (e.g., ‘How do you
Please/Thank you, Sorry?). spell that?’, ‘Nice to meet you!’)
Can make basic suggestions or
requests. (e.g., ‘Let’s play …’,
‘Can I …’)
Expresses simple personal opinions
(e.g., likes, dislikes).
ACCURACY Produces intelligible language with Produces intelligible language with
• Pronunciation, stress and support and/or modelling from less immediate input, although
intonation other interlocutors. modelling and support may often
still be necessary.
• Control of structure,
Has some control, although errors
vocabulary and function
may be frequent and support still
needed to achieve communication.

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Writing Assessment Checklist
Student’s name: Class:
Test: Date:

G = very good
S = satisfactory
U = unsatisfactory


1 Can write the letters of the alphabet correctly (lower and upper case). G S U
2 Can copy words and short phrases correctly. G S U
3 Can write basic sentences with support. G S U
4 Can write short, simple texts with support. G S U
5 Can link simple sentences with ‘and’ and ‘but’. G S U
6 Can produce different text types, e.g., shopping lists, greeting in a card, G S U
personal information.

7 Can use the unit’s vocabulary correctly with support. G S U
8 Can use basic structures with support. G S U
9 Can use capital letters correctly (for names, to start a sentence). G S U

10 Can use the correct spelling of familiar words. G S U

11 Can use a limited range of punctuation. G S U


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Global Scale of English:
Writing Assessment Descriptors
GSE 10–21/<A1 GSE 22–29/A1

WRITTEN PRODUCTION Writes the letters of the Writes basic isolated sentences (e.g., ‘I can
• Content and organisation alphabet in upper and swim.’, ‘I like dogs and cats.’) with a model.
lower case. Writes short answers to questions in a reading
• Appropriacy
Copies short words and may text (e.g., ‘What colour is the book?’ ➜ ‘It is
• Coherence and cohesion
be able to copy very short red.’).
• Text types phrases (e.g., ‘This is Mary.’) May produce very short, simple sentences on
• Ability to correct once familiarised with them. a familiar topic (e.g., family, classroom), when
Connects simple ideas with basic sequential
linking (e.g., ‘and’).
Produces very basic text types appropriately,
such as lists (e.g., a shopping list or a
categorising activity for classroom purposes),
completing simple tables/grids or forms with
basic personal information, a greeting in
a card.
Is aware of errors in spelling and layout
when guided.
RANGE Topics are very familiar and/ Topics remain own-world centred but may
• Topics and contexts or related to the immediate include familiar things seen in pictures/stories
environment (e.g., names, (e.g., everyday items, daily activities, etc.).
• Grammar and Vocabulary
numbers, family members, Produces basic structures and simple
• Communicative Functions classroom objects, toys, vocabulary of personal relevance, with
pets, etc.). guidance (e.g., I like hamburgers).
Grammar and vocabulary Uses some basic communicative functions
are limited to single words (e.g., simple personal opinions, likes, dislikes).
and very simple formulaic
structures (e.g., ‘This is …’,
‘I am …’).
ACCURACY Can use basic punctuation Punctuates a sentence correctly (using capital
• Spelling and punctuation for some purposes (e.g., letters and full stops) and may use question
capital letters for names marks. Uses apostrophes for contractions.
• Control of structure and
and titles) and may use full Spells familiar words correctly. Has an
stops, although this may not awareness of very simple spelling rules
• Orthography be consistent. (e.g., cat ➜ cats, bus ➜ buses).
May show good control of structure and
vocabulary when closely guided by a model.
Errors in spelling may be frequent.
Learners with non-Roman L1 alphabets are
likely to make systematic mistakes in spelling
and/or orthography at all times.

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Student Self-Tracking Progress Charts
Students can keep track of their progress by referring to the I can statements at the end of each unit in their
Pupil’s Book. They can also use the following chart and fill it in when they receive the results for each test.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Test score




My teacher says

Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8
Test score




My teacher says

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Using In-Course Assessment alongside
Course-Agnostic Proficiency assessments
In-Course Assessment and Course-Agnostic Proficiency assessments, e.g., Pearson English Benchmark
or independent placement/progress tests can be used together to provide an overall picture of student
performance and proficiency.

In-course and Proficiency Assesments

Placement Assessment:

Informs course placement and planning Progress/Exit test:

Measures proficiency Progress test:
Measures proficiency
Measures proficiency at
over a given point in
a given point in time
Progress test: Provides time
baseline proficiency data

Unit / Unit / Unit / Unit / Unit /

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

Diagnostic assessment Interim in-course assessments Final in-course assessments

Based on all course Based on multiple units/chapters Based on all units/chapters

Course-Agnostic Proficiency Assessments test students’ ability to apply skills learnt in a course to new contexts.
They test across the categories listed in the GSE Assessment Framework so as to be able to measure progress on
GSE in overall proficiency terms and provide a score. For the full GSE Assessment Framework for Young Learners,
please go to .
In-course assessment can give an indication of a student’s level but can’t report GSE scores.
In-course assessment cannot provide a score on the GSE as it only tests whether students have learnt what
they’ve been taught – not their ability to apply this spontaneously and unsupported to new contexts.
In-course assessment can tell you whether students have acquired target skills in the context that they’ve
been taught.
In-course assessment can be indicative of readiness for an independent test (if the skills tested in both are
the same).
In-course assessment can demonstrate progress against recommendations from diagnostic tests (course-based
or agnostic) so long as the indicators covered are aligned.

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Assessment Methodology
A balanced assessment programme includes both formative and summative assessment. Considering the
role that each of these types of assessment plays in the classroom can help teachers to ensure that they are
using tools that will accurately measure all aspects of student achievement.

Formative assessment takes place during the instructional process – while students are forming their
understanding of new concepts. When applying formative assessment strategies, both educators and learners
gather evidence and information that is used for the purpose of improving learning. These strategies can
provide answers to educators to the following questions:
• Who is or is not understanding the lesson? • What adjustments should I make to instruction?
• What are the students’ strengths and needs? • How should students be grouped?
• What misconceptions do I need to clarify? • What differentiation do I need to prepare?
• What type of feedback should I give?
Formative assessment should include a variety of activities, including classroom discussions, peer or group work,
and homework, as well as traditional tests and quizzes. The important thing to remember about formative
assessment is that the method of assessment is not what makes it useful, but the way in which the results are
used. Formative assessment is most successful when results are analysed to determine the current state of
student understanding. Results are folded into the classroom experience as teachers take specific actions to
improve any mistakes or correct misconceptions.
It is obvious that students who take an active role in their own learning have a greater chance of success.
Involving students in the assessment process will improve student achievement and motivation. The educator
can serve as coach or facilitator in this process.
Students need to understand the difference between learning and performance objectives, identify their current
level of comprehension, develop strategies to reach the learning objectives and address any mistakes.


Assessment for Learning (AfL) is an approach which can support teachers with formative assessment. English
Code has been developed to allow teachers and students multiple opportunities to integrate Assessment for
Learning into every lesson. Notes in the Teacher’s Book for each level clearly signpost stages in the Assessment
for Learning process. Assessment opportunities become a natural and integral part of the learning process,
leading directly to changes in teaching strategies to ensure students acquire target skills.
A balanced approach to assessment includes frequent informal prompts, games and other activities that allow
students to understand where they are and identify gaps in their understanding. When informal assessments
are integrated into the classroom, students take an active role in their own education and seek out the help
they need to meet their goals.
One aspect of assessment that is frequently overlooked by traditional approaches is positive reinforcement.
All students need to be encouraged by identifying skills they have successfully acquired. Focusing attention
only on mistakes or unlearnt material creates disengaged, dispirited students. Always be sure to praise
students for skills they have successfully acquired before identifying those which need work and point out that
making mistakes is an important part of learning. Beginning learners are especially responsive to constructive
feedback. GSE Learning Objectives can be referenced as part of constructive feedback to help to explain what
the student has or hasn’t achieved. For more information on using GSE to support feedback, please go to .
Summative assessment gives feedback about what students know and do not know at a particular point
in time. These assessments provide evidence of student achievement for the purpose of judging student
proficiency or programme effectiveness. Summative assessments usually rank performance by assigning a letter
or number grade. The data gained from summative assessments are generally used to determine how many
students are and are not meeting pre-set standards for a programme.
Summative assessment is an essential tool for gauging student achievement and verifying instruction, but it
should not stand alone. Because it generally occurs after the learning process, it does not usually help teachers
to make instructional adjustments that will improve student progress (unless they can use summative test
information from the end of one year to plan for the next).

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Involving students in the assessment process helps to create a learning community in which all members
are working together towards a shared goal. Assessment for Learning asks students to assess their progress
frequently, both individually and in groups. This is an important part of creating independent learners who
‘learn how to learn’ and take ownership of their own learning.
• Self-assessment involves students in evaluating their own performance and progress. Self-assessment
activities should be planned according to students’ age, development level and cognitive abilities. Very young
children can colour or draw a happy face, neutral face or sad face to indicate their feelings about their work;
older students can circle words or write descriptive sentences on a chart.
• Peer-assessment offers students a collaborative opportunity to share and evaluate their progress with
classmates. In peer-assessments, students are trained to give constructive feedback on other students’ class
work, homework assignments or tests. Generally, students first give a positive comment or two, followed by
questions about something they found confusing or incorrect. Partners or groups can then work together
to find solutions. Provide students with models of both strong and weak work to help to prepare them to
evaluate the work of others.

Assessment for Learning creates a collaborative environment in which teachers and students work together.
Both partners need to be aware of their expectations and understand when they are reasonable and when they
need to be adjusted.
• Teacher expectations play a crucial role in preparing students for assessments. Teachers should have high,
but reasonable, expectations for student performance. Students who sense a teacher doesn’t have high
expectations for them or confidence in their ability to learn often lose interest and motivation. There is no
long-term sense of satisfaction in dealing with tasks that are not challenging.
In contrast, students who believe a teacher’s expectations are too demanding and unrealistic soon begin to give
up the struggle. Testing becomes a scary and anxiety-filled experience that reduces confidence and motivation.
In setting and communicating expectations for students, it is important to consider the age of the learners, their
level of cognitive development and the number of contact hours they have each week.
• Student expectations can affect their assessment experiences. Students can expect a testing atmosphere
that is quiet and supportive. They should not be afraid to ask for clarification if they do not understand
instructions. Finally, they can expect prompt feedback so that they can evaluate their progress, take pride in
achievements and identify areas that need further attention.


It is important to prepare students for any formal assessment. The added transparency of a classroom that
follows Assessment for Learning strategies means that students understand why they are being tested and
what those results will (and will not) say about their progress.


The day before a test, lead students in a review of unit content presented as a game or team contest that will
provide practice for the coming test without causing anxiety. The day of the test, take time to lead students in
a warm-up activity that will allow them to switch from thinking in their native language to thinking in English.
Having students perform a favourite song or chant from the unit can help them to relax.

Students should be told about the content and skills the test will cover, how long the test will be and how
the test will be scored. For very young students, it is helpful to provide examples of the test item formats
beforehand, such as drawing a circle around a word choice, matching, True/False and choosing a word from
a list to fill in a blank. Students should never be tested using formats they have not worked with before, nor
should they have to read test instructions in language they have not seen. Keep formats and instructions simple
and similar to those found in the Pupil’s Book.

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Test-taking Strategies
Students should be familiar with test-taking strategies that will help them to feel confident during formal
assessments. Remind students to review their Pupil’s Book, Activity Book, corrected homework assignments
and previous tests. In addition, point out the need to get enough sleep the night before and eat a good
breakfast the day of the test. A few days before a test, share the following strategies with students to help
them to prepare.

✓ The best way to do well on tests is to do well in class, from day one.
• Pay attention every day.
• Be prepared.
• Ask questions when you are confused or need help.

✓ Find out about the test you will have from your teacher. This helps you to know what to
study and what to expect.

• What material will the test cover?

• What formats will be on the test?
Tick the answer Multiple-choice Circle the answer Interview
Draw Read and answer Fill-in-the-blank True/False
Match Write
• How much time will you have for the test?

✓ Prepare for the test the day before.

• Choose a comfortable, quiet place to study.
• Choose a time to study when you aren’t tired or sleepy.
• Review your Pupil’s Book and Activity Book.
• Review your class notebook, worksheets, quizzes and tests.

✓ Really study.
• Identify the information you know well and spend a little time reviewing it.
• Identify the information you don’t know well and spend the most time studying it.
• Read difficult parts aloud or write them down. This helps you to concentrate and remember
information better.

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✓ Try these strategies to help you to remember information.
• Make flash cards or note cards and review them often.
• Make a drawing or a poster and hang it on a wall you see every day.
• Use graphic organisers, such as idea maps or outlines, to make sense of material. Organised information
is easier to remember.
• Use songs and chants to remember vocabulary and grammar.
• Visualise a picture that illustrates words or ideas you need to remember.

Two meanings of trunk:

1 the long, tube-like part of an
elephant’s face used for feeding
and drinking
2 a large, strong box with a lock and
key; used for storing objects and
for travelling

✓ Use these strategies while you are taking a test. They will help you to organise your
thoughts and make good use of your time.
• Have ready two sharp pencils and a good rubber.
• Write your name on your test as soon as you get it.
• Listen carefully to your teacher’s instructions. Ask questions if you don’t understand.
• Before you begin, look on both sides of your paper. Are there questions you must answer on the
other side?
• Now quickly read all the questions on the test. This will help you to decide how to plan your time. (You will
need more time for the difficult questions.)
• Here is one good system for choosing the order of questions to answer.
1 Begin with a question or two you know the answer to. This helps you to relax and feel more confident.
2 Before the first half of your time is up, go to the difficult questions. Are some questions worth a lot of
points? Work on them now, while you still have time.
3 Leave some easy questions for last, when there isn’t much time left. Make sure they are questions you
can answer quickly, if necessary.
4 If there is time, go back to make sure you answered all the questions. Check your answers for
possible mistakes.

✓ When your teacher gives your graded test back, look carefully at your wrong answers.
This will help you to be better prepared for the future.
• Look at each mistake. Try to figure out the correct answer yourself.
• If you don’t understand why your answer is wrong, ask your teacher.
• Write each correct answer on your test paper. Keep your test to review together with other materials
before your next test.

xvi © Pearson Education Limited 2021

F02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728_Prelims.indd 16 08/09/2020 09:25

Diagnostic Pre-Test


1Read and tick .

1 a b 2 a b

ride a bike dog

3 a b 4 a b

hamster jumper
5 a b

watermelon / 5 points
# 1

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 1 07/07/2020 16:44

LEVEL 2 Diagnostic Pre-Test

2 Read and circle.

1 I am happy / angry .

2 The shoes are dirty / clean .

3 In the afternoon she sleeps / eats pasta.

4 I like cows / donkeys .

5 My T-shirt is old / new . / 5 points

3 Look and write.

draw jumper mango mouse paint strawberries

1 2 3

4 5 6

/ 6 points

2 #

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 2 07/07/2020 16:44

Diagnostic Pre-Test LEVEL 2

4 Look and read. Tick .

a It’s round.

b It’s square.

a I sleep at night.

b I wake up in the morning.

a I brush my teeth every day.

b I wash my face every day.

a There’s a swimming pool.

b There’s a house.

a We play in the playground.

b We go to school in the morning.

/ 5 points

5 Look and find.

a t c u e q i z r
d e b a n a n a e
a s r j w h k p a
n w b o f w d l d
c f v y r n g y u
e t s h o r t s o
q m p s g t r z i
/ 5 points

# 3

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 3 07/07/2020 16:44

LEVEL 2 Diagnostic Pre-Test


6 Look and read. Then complete.

can’t doesn’t don’t got my

1 It can run, but it fly. 2 My brother sings, but I


3 A: Have you a cat? 4 I sleep late, but my sister

sleep late.
B: Yes, I have.

5 These are shoes. / 5 points

4 #

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 4 07/07/2020 16:44

Diagnostic Pre-Test LEVEL 2

7 Read and tick .

1 What does he like? 2 What do Tom and Kelly do?

a She likes kiwis. a They dance and play music.

b He likes kiwis. b She dances and plays music.

3 Where is the hamster? 4 Is there a castle in your town?

a They’re on the table. a No, there isn’t.

b It’s on the table. b No, there aren’t.

5 What does Emma like?

a She likes grapes.

b I don’t like grapes. / 5 points

8 Order and write.

1 is / the chair / under / The pineapple

2 quickly / walk / The dog / can

3 doesn’t / My sister / the piano / play

4 oranges / like / They / don’t

5 brush / Anna / teeth / her / doesn’t

/ 5 points

# 5

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 5 07/07/2020 16:44

LEVEL 2 Diagnostic Pre-Test

9 Read and write.

1 2 3

Is he happy? Do they like apples? Do you dance?

No, he . Yes, they . No, I .

4 5

Where’s the ball? What does she do?

It’s the bag. She football. / 5 points

10 Read and match.

1 What does Emily like? a It can fly, but it can’t swim.

b They go to school and they paint.

2 What can a bird do?
c I like kiwis, but I don’t like mangoes.
3 Where are his socks?
d She likes dogs, but she doesn’t
4 What do they do? like mice.
5 What do you like? e They’re under the bed.

/ 5 points

6 #

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 6 07/07/2020 16:44

Diagnostic Pre-Test LEVEL 2


11 002
Listen and number.
a b c d e

/ 5 points

12 003
Listen and tick .
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

# 7

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 7 07/07/2020 16:45

LEVEL 2 Diagnostic Pre-Test

13 004
Listen and number.
a b c d e

/ 5 points

14 005
Listen and tick .
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

8 #

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 8 07/07/2020 16:45

Diagnostic Pre-Test LEVEL 2


15 Which animals live on the farm? Read and tick .

1 2 3 4 5

On the farm there are many animals. There aren’t

any rabbits, but there are frogs. They can jump
quickly! There are some lizards. They can climb, but
they can’t fly. There aren’t any cows, but there are
some goats.
/ 5 points

16 Read and match.

a This is your kiwi.

b This is his bird.

c This is my jumper.

d This is our fish.

e These are her shoes.

/ 5 points

# 9

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 9 07/07/2020 16:46

LEVEL 2 Diagnostic Pre-Test

17 Look and read. Circle T (True) or F (False).

I’m Amy and I’m seven years old. I go to school
every day. I play music on Mondays. I play the
piano! I also read a lot. I can swim, but I can’t
dance. I’ve got a baby brother, Tom. He’s funny,
but sometimes he’s naughty, too. We like our dog,
Ben. He’s soft and friendly. We don’t like cats!

1 Amy can play the piano. T/F 2 Amy can’t swim. T/F

3 Tom is naughty. T/F 4 Their dog is friendly. T/F

5 Tom and Amy like cats. T/F / 5 points

18 Look and read. Write yes or no.

There are three apples. yes
There is a horse. no
1 The frog can hop.

2 The boy is happy.

3 There are four bananas.

4 There are two birds.

5 There are two pineapples.

/ 5 points

10 #

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 10 07/07/2020 16:46

Diagnostic Pre-Test LEVEL 2


19 Look and write.

café cow donkey grapes shorts

1 2 3 4 5

/ 5 points

20 Read and look. Write.

1 2 3

I go to in There are on My favourite animal is

the morning. the table. the .

4 5

I can quickly. My is blue. / 5 points

# 11

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 11 07/07/2020 16:46

LEVEL 2 Diagnostic Pre-Test

21 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

Which animal can run?
The fish ,
but the horse .

2 Which fruit does Liz like?

Liz ,
but she

3 What do they do every day?

They .

/ 6 points

22 What do you do every week? Write sentences about you.

Use the ideas in the box.

dance draw go to school paint

play football read ride a bike sing wake up

/ 3 points
Total: / 110 points

12 #

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 12 07/07/2020 16:46

Speaking Assessment Prompts

23 What pet have you got?

1 2 3

4 5

24 Which fruit do you like?

1 2 3

4 5

# 13

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 13 07/07/2020 16:46

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

23 What pet do you have?

Individual: Point to the animals in random order and ask What’s this? for the
student to identify. Encourage the student to answer with complete sentences.
Ask the student whether they have a pet, and if they do, ask questions to find
out more, e.g., What animal is it?, What’s its name?, What colour is it?, Do you
take care of it?, etc. If the student doesn’t own an animal, ask them to choose
a pet they would like to have. Ask Which animal do you want as a pet? and
elicit some possible reasons.

Class: To perform this activity as a class, you could divide the students into pairs
and have them ask and answer questions to identify the animals. Then pairs
can continue to ask personal questions about their pets or animals they would
like to have as pets. For this purpose, you could write some example questions
on the board for the students to use.

Challenge: Invite a strong student or a group of strong students to give a

physical description of each animal and then to talk about what activities they
can do or can’t do.

24 Which fruit do you like?

Individual: Draw the student’s attention to the images of fruit. Again, ask
students to identify them or, for variety, you could name the items randomly for
the student to point at. Ask the student which fruit they like the most and which
they don’t like. Then ask them about other people they know well, e.g., Does
your mum like pineapple? What does she like?, etc.

Class: Again divide students into pairs and have them identify the fruit. Then
encourage them to discuss the question and also talk about other fruit they like
which is not in the pictures. Then ask them to talk about other people and provide
some examples for this purpose, e.g., best friend, brother/sister, grandma, dad, etc.

Challenge: Challenge a stronger student to talk about other food they

like/don’t like.

14 #

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 14 07/07/2020 16:46

Speaking Assessment Prompts

25 Look and answer.

26 Look at the pictures. Play a game.

It can run, but it

can’t fly. What is it? It’s a dog!

# 15

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 15 07/07/2020 16:47

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

25 Look and answer.

Individual: Ask the student to look at the picture of the child’s bedroom. As a
warm-up, ask the student to identify some objects. Then ask about the location
of each object, using the structure Where is …?

Class: Put students in pairs and ask them to ask each other questions about the
identity of each object and then about its location. Have students exchange
roles so that both partners get a chance to ask and answer.

Challenge: Challenge stronger students by asking about their own possessions

and details about them, e.g., Have you got a jumper?, What colour is your
favourite jumper? Where is it now?, etc.

26 Look at the pictures. Play a game.

Individual: Draw the student’s attention to the pictures of the animals and
the speech bubble. Explain that you will play a guessing game. First give an
example and allow the student to guess the animal. Then switch roles for the
student to provide the hints.

Class: Divide the students into pairs and have them play the guessing game.
They should switch roles after a couple of guesses. They can keep a score
as well.

Challenge: Ask stronger students some further questions, for example What
does the cat eat/drink?, Have you got a pet?, What can/can’t it do?, etc.

16 #

F03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 16 07/07/2020 16:47

Practice Test


1 006
Listen and tick .
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

2 Read and match.

a Mary likes school. She meets her
friends. She learns many things!

2 b I like farms. There are many

animals there. There’s a farm
near my town.

3 c Mat likes cafés. He can drink

and eat there. There is a café
near his house.
/ 3 points

# 17

M01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 17 07/07/2020 16:51

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 1 Practice Test

3 Read and choose.

1 2 3

shop / museum park / swimming pool farm / house

4 5

school / playground castle / river / 5 points

4 Read and complete with the correct form of like.

1 I parks.

2 She libraries.

3 He shops.

4 She playgrounds.

5 I swimming pools.
/ 5 points

18 #

M01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 18 07/07/2020 16:51

Practice Test UNIT 1 | LEVEL 2

5 Write sentences with the correct form of there is/there are.

Rewrite the sentences in the plural form.

There is a playground.
There are playgrounds.

There isn’t a shop.

There aren’t any shops.






/ 10 points
Total: / 28 points

# 19

M01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 19 07/07/2020 16:52

Unit Test


1 007
Listen and tick what there is in the town.
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

2 Read and circle T (True) or F (False).

In my town there are many parks. I play there a lot. There aren’t
any playgrounds. There are many houses, but I live on a farm!
There’s a river, but there isn’t a swimming pool. There is a library
and a museum. There isn’t a castle. I love my town!

1 There isn’t a park. T/F

2 There is a playground. T/F

3 There is a farm. T/F

4 There is a swimming pool. T/F

5 There aren’t any castles. T/F / 5 points

20 #

M01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 20 07/07/2020 16:52

Unit Test UNIT 1 | LEVEL 2

3 Look and label.

1 2 3

4 5

/ 5 points

# 21

M01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 21 07/07/2020 16:52

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 1 Unit Test

4 Read and write.

He likes museums ( ), but he doesn’t like libraries ( ).

1 I ( ) playgrounds, but I ( )

2 He ( ) museums, but he ( )

3 She ( ) shops, but she ( )


4 I ( ) libraries, but I ( )
swimming pools.

5 He ( ) rivers, but he ( )

/ 5 points

5 Write about what places there are or there aren’t in your

There are two swimming pools.
There isn’t a castle.
1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

/ 5 points
Total: / 25 points

22 #

M01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 22 07/07/2020 16:52

Speaking Assessment Prompts

# 23

M01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 23 07/07/2020 16:53

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Draw the student’s attention to the places and ask the student to
name them. If possible, have the student produce complete sentences,
e.g., These are houses, This is a farm, etc. Once they have done this, ask the
student to categorise the places into the ones they like and the ones they don’t
like. Elicit from the student the reasons for their likes and dislikes.
Finally, ask the student to talk about the town/city they live in and what places
there are or aren’t there.

Class: Divide the class into small groups of 3–4 students and allow them some
time to find out which places they like or dislike. Encourage them to share
details about why they like or dislike a place. Prompt students to ask each other
questions. Finally, have students talk about which places there are or aren’t
where they live.

Challenge: Invite a strong student or a group of strong students to talk about

what places they wish they had in their town/city and why.

24 #

M01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 24 07/07/2020 16:53

Practice Test


1 008
Listen and number.
a b c

d e

/ 5 points

2 Read and match.

1 Does your friend wake a No, she doesn’t. She works.
up early on Saturdays?
b No, he doesn’t. He sleeps a lot.
2 Do you brush your teeth
c Yes, after I have breakfast.
in the mornings?
d Yes, they do. And they
3 Do owls sleep at night?
drink water.
4 Do cows eat grass?
e No, they don’t. They sleep
5 Does your sister go in the day.
to school?
/ 5 points

# 25

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 25 25/08/2020 16:29

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 2 Practice Test

3 Read and write.

brush my teeth donkey goat sleep wake up

1 2 3

4 5

/ 5 points

4 Read and circle.

1 Does he goes / go to school?

2 Do you wash / washes your face in the morning?

3 I doesn’t eat / don’t eat bananas for breakfast.

4 Do / Does Alex brush his teeth at night?

5 We sleeps / sleep in the night and wake

up in the morning. / 5 points

26 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 26 25/08/2020 16:29

Practice Test UNIT 2 | LEVEL 2

5 Put the words in order.

1 eat / yogurt / don’t / Donkeys

2 to school / Helena / in / goes / the morning

3 don’t / Bats / sleep / the day / in

4 brother / My / his face / doesn’t / at night / wash

5 doesn’t / goat / My / apples / like

/ 5 points
Total: / 25 points

# 27

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 27 25/08/2020 16:29

Unit Test


1 009
Listen and tick or cross .

1 2 3 4 5

/ 5 points

2 Read and match.

a My sister sleeps a lot
on Saturday.

b Goats eat a lot of

3 c Do you brush your

teeth at night?
Yes, I do!

4 d Porcupines don’t fly.

They walk and swim.

e She eats lunch at

5 two o’clock.

/ 5 points

28 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 28 25/08/2020 16:29

Unit Test UNIT 2 | LEVEL 2

3 Look and write. There are more words than you need.
bat donkey eat goat go to school
owl sleep wash my face

1 2

3 4

/ 5 points

# 29

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 29 25/08/2020 16:29

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 2 Unit Test

4 Look and write. Use the correct form of the words

in brackets.
1 My brother early on Sunday. (not wake up)

2 Your sister a lot of bananas. (eat)

3 to school every day? (you / go)

4 We our teeth after lunch. (not brush)

5 Bats at night. (not sleep)

/ 5 points

5 What time do you do your daily routine? Write.

brush my teeth eat go to school sleep wake up

I eat lunch at two o’clock. I sleep at nine o’clock.

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

/ 5 points
Total: / 25 points

30 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 30 25/08/2020 16:29

Speaking Assessment Prompts

# 31

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 31 25/08/2020 16:29

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Point to various animals in the first group of pictures for the student
to identify. Then ask some questions about each animal’s habits, e.g., Do
donkeys sleep at night?, Do bats swim?, Does a porcupine eat grass?, etc.
Point to the pictures showing daily activities and ask the student to identify
them. Then ask questions about the student’s daily routine, e.g., Do you wake
up at 10 o’clock?, When do you eat lunch?, etc.

Class: Divide the class into pairs and have them each choose one animal
without telling their partner. Then they need to ask questions about the
animal’s habits and guess which one it is.
Then draw their attention to the daily activities pictures and have them ask
questions to find out details about each other’s daily routine.

Challenge: Ask a strong student to categorise the animals in terms of their

habits, abilities and eating preferences.
Then ask them to talk about the daily routine of a family member.

32 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 32 25/08/2020 16:29

Checkpoint Test 1


1Look, read and circle.

1 2 3

playground / library / eat / wake up / sleep go to school /

museum brush my teeth /
wash my face

4 5

park / playground / donkey / goat / cow

school / 5 points

2 Look and label. There are more words than you need.
bat castle donkey farm house owl porcupine river

1 2 3 4 5

/ 5 points

# 33

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 33 25/08/2020 16:29

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 1–2 Checkpoint Test 1

3 Read and match. a b

1 You can eat and drink here.

2 You can swim.

3 You can learn many things. d e

4 You can see animals.

5 You can read many books.

/ 5 points

4 Circle T (True) or F (False).

1 Porcupines don’t climb trees. T/F

2 Bats can swim in the river. T/F

3 Cats wash their faces. T/F

4 Goats eat grass. T/F

5 Donkeys wake up in the night. T/F / 5 points

5 Read and write do, does or don’t, doesn’t.

1 Does she like parks?

Yes, she .

2 I like owls.

3 he like farms?

4 you like donkeys?

5 He like porcupines. / 5 points

34 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 34 25/08/2020 16:29

Checkpoint Test 1 UNITS 1–2 | LEVEL 2

6 Look and write there is/isn’t or there are/aren’t.

1 2 3

bats. any
museums. a playground.

4 5

a cow. castles. / 5 points

7 Order and write.

1 doesn’t / his face / at night / He / wash

2 you / Do / your teeth / brush

3 don’t / in the morning / Bats / wake up

4 to school / don’t / go / We

5 she / eat / bananas / Does

? / 5 points

# 35

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 35 25/08/2020 16:30

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 1–2 Checkpoint Test 1

8 Read and circle Jenny or Kitty.

Hi, I’m Jenny. This is my cat, Kitty. I go to school in the
morning. Then I play in the playground. Kitty doesn’t
go to school! She wakes up and washes her face in
the morning. I wash my face, too, and brush my teeth
at night. Kitty doesn’t like donkeys, but I like them!
We see them at the farm near my house.

1 She doesn’t go to school. Jenny / Kitty

2 She plays in the playground. Jenny / Kitty

3 She brushes her teeth. Jenny / Kitty

4 She washes her face in the morning. Jenny / Kitty

5 She likes the donkeys in the farm. Jenny / Kitty / 5 points

9 010
Listen and tick .
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

36 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 36 25/08/2020 16:30

Checkpoint Test 1 UNITS 1–2 | LEVEL 2

10 011
Listen and tick .

Red Town
Blue Town

/ 5 points

11 012
Listen and choose the correct picture.
1 a b c

2 a b c

3 a 12 b 12 c 12

9 3 9 3 9 3

6 6 6

4 a b c

5 a b c

/ 5 points
Total: / 55 points

# 37

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 37 25/08/2020 16:30

Progression Test



1 013
Listen and tick .
1 a b

2 a b

3 a b

4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

38 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 38 25/08/2020 16:31

Progression Test UNITS 1–2 | LEVEL 2

2 014
Listen and write the animal.
1 don’t brush their teeth. They swim in rivers.

2 Do eat grass? Yes, they do! They don’t wash their face.

3 sleep in the day. They can fly.

4 don’t wash their ears. They eat carrots!

5 don’t sleep at night. They can’t swim! / 5 points

3 015
Listen and circle.
1 There are three museums / farms .

2 Lisa likes / doesn’t like owls.

3 Jack doesn’t eat / eats bananas.

4 There is one playground / park .

5 My sister wakes up at seven / ten o’clock on Saturdays. / 5 points

4 016
Listen and write one word.

School trip
Day: 1
Place we go to: 2
Give grass to: 3
Eat lunch at: 4
Back at school at: 5 o’clock

/ 5 points

# 39

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 39 25/08/2020 16:31

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 1–2 Progression Test


5 Read and look. Write yes or no.

1 I like castles.

2 There are many playgrounds in my town.

3 Every day I brush my teeth.

4 There is a swimming pool here.

5 Donkeys eat grass. / 5 points

6 Read and match.

Hello, I’m Andrea. I like parks! There are three parks near my
house. And there is one playground near my school! Every day,
I wake up at seven o’clock and I wash my face. I go to school at eight
o’clock. After school, I eat lunch and then I play in the park. I also like
museums. There is one in my town. My brother doesn’t like museums. He likes
farms! There isn’t a farm near us, but there is a goat and a donkey near us!

1 There is one a Andrea washes her face.

2 Andrea likes b a farm in Andrea’s town.

3 At seven o’clock c playground near Andrea’s school.

4 There isn’t d parks and museums.

5 Andrea’s brother doesn’t e like museums. / 5 points

40 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 40 25/08/2020 16:31

Progression Test UNITS 1–2 | LEVEL 2

7 Read and tick .

1 Many students come here to learn new things.
a b

2 There are many books here. You can take a book home.
a b

3 You can’t buy fruit here, but you can swim.

a b

4 There are trees and you can eat your lunch on the grass.
a b

5 There’s lots of water and porcupines can swim in this.

a b

/ 5 points

# 41

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 41 25/08/2020 16:31

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 1–2 Progression Test


8 Look and write. There are more words than you need.
bat donkey library owl porcupine river
school shop sleep wake up

1 2 3

4 5

/ 5 points

9 Read and write.

1 He (not like) owls.

2 We (sleep) at nine o’clock.

3 There (not be) a castle.

4 (you go) to school every day?

5 She (brush) her teeth every morning. / 5 points

42 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 42 25/08/2020 16:31

Progression Test UNITS 1–2 | LEVEL 2

10 Order and write.

1 shops / don’t / I / like

2 sister / My / likes / porcupines

3 aren’t / any / There / playgrounds

4 don’t / to school / go / We

5 ten / eats / every day / He / apples

/ 5 points

11 What can you do in places in your town? Write five

I can play with my friends in the park!
1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

/ 5 points
Total: / 55 points

# 43

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 43 25/08/2020 16:31

Speaking Assessment Prompts

44 #

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 44 25/08/2020 16:31

Progression Test 2 UNITS 1–2 | LEVEL 2
Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Ask the student to look at the first group of pictures and to identify
the places. Elicit from students whether their town has these places, using the
structure There is/are. Ask the student what kind of animals live on a farm. Then
draw their attention to the second group of pictures and elicit which of the two
animals might live on a farm (donkey). Then ask about the owl’s habits,
e.g., Do owls sleep at night?, Do they wash their faces?, etc. Then establish what
the actions are in the last two pictures and ask the student questions about
their daily routine, e.g., Do you wake up at 10 o’clock every day?, Do you brush
your teeth in the morning?, etc.

Class: Divide the students into small groups to identify what each picture shows.
Then ask them to talk about each picture and provide some questions to start
the discussion, e.g., Do you like playgrounds?, What do you do in a library?, etc.

Challenge: Invite a strong student to talk about other places in their town
that aren’t pictured, as well as places that they don’t have in their town and
they wish they did. Then ask them to talk about other animals that live on
farms (goats, cows, etc.) and what they do. Finally, have them describe their
typical day.

# 45

M02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 45 25/08/2020 16:31

Practice Test


1 017
Listen and tick .
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

2 Read and write.

dirty light old silver square

1 Your bag is not new. It’s .

2 My aunt’s got a ring. She doesn’t like gold rings.

3 My T-shirt is . It’s not clean.

4 This box is round. It’s not .

5 Their doll is . It’s not heavy. / 5 points

46 #

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 46 26/08/2020 08:57

Practice Test UNIT 3 | LEVEL 2

3 Read and circle T (True) or F (False).

1 2 3 4 5

This is light. This is soft. This isn’t clean. This isn’t light. This is soft.
It’s not heavy. It’s not hard. It’s dirty. It’s heavy. It isn’t hard.

4 Read and complete.

1 This soft ball is yours. It’s ball.

2 This is my gold watch. It’s .

3 The new T-shirt is for Jack. It’s T-shirt.

4 Our car is old. is old.

5 key is dirty. Theirs is dirty. / 5 points

5 Write sentences about things. Use the words in the box.

clean dirty gold hard heavy
light new old silver soft square

1 Our .

2 His .

3 Their .

4 My .

5 Your .

/ 5 points Total: / 25 points

# 47

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 47 26/08/2020 08:57

Unit Test


1 018
Listen and match.
1 Lisa a old

2 Rob b dirty

3 Emily c silver

4 John d heavy

5 Eric e soft / 5 points

2 Read and tick or cross .

1 My shoes aren’t old. They’re new.

2 Her bag is light. It’s not heavy.

3 Your piece of cake is square.

Mine is round.

4 His hat isn’t clean. It’s dirty.

5 Their toy is hard. It’s not soft. / 5 points

3 Look and label.

1 2 3

/ 3 points

48 #

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 48 26/08/2020 08:58

Unit Test UNIT 3 | LEVEL 2

4 Read and write mine, yours, his, hers, ours or theirs.

1 This book is for Ana. It’s .

2 You haven’t got a heavy doll. is light.

3 Ben and Kim have got a red car. is red.

4 I want a new pencil case. is old.

5 Your brother’s got a dirty ball. ball isn’t clean.

6 Their house is old, but our house isn’t. is new.

/ 6 points

5 Write six sentences about things you see around you now.
Use words from the boxes.

clean dirty hard heavy light new hers his mine ours
old round silver soft square theirs yours

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

/ 6 points
Total: / 25 points

# 49

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 49 26/08/2020 08:58

Speaking Assessment Prompts

50 #

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 50 26/08/2020 08:58

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Invite the student to look at the different things. Point to specific
items and ask questions to elicit the target lexis, e.g., point to the piece of
wood and ask Is this soft? (No, it isn’t. It’s hard.). Continue this way until
you’ve established qualities of most of the items.
Then ask the student to talk about things in their surroundings or things they
own that have these qualities. To provide some support, ask Have you got
something that’s dirty?

Class: Divide the class into small groups and ask them to note down some of
their possessions and what qualities they have. Then ask the group to share
their notes with you and ask each member questions based on the notes,
e.g., Whose is the black jacket?, Is the old pencil case yours?, etc.

Challenge: Ask a strong student to talk about friends’ and family members’
possessions and their qualities.

# 51

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 51 26/08/2020 08:58

Practice Test


1 019
Listen and number.
a b c

d e

/ 5 points

2 Read and complete.

angry helpful lazy naughty young

I’m Rob. I’m 1 and my room is not tidy.

My mum gets 2 a lot! Sometimes I’m
3 and I do many things in the house. I take
the rubbish out and I help Dad to cook. I have a sister.
She’s only five years old. She’s 4 .
She doesn’t listen to our parents! She’s 5 .

/ 5 points

52 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 52 26/08/2020 09:10

Practice Test UNIT 4 | LEVEL 2

3 Read and tick .

1 kind 2 sad
a b a b

3 tired 4 shy
a b a b

5 naughty
a b

/ 5 points

4 Read and write the missing words.

1 Have you a baby brother?

2 you got a blue bag?

3 Have you got a cat?

Yes, I . It’s naughty.

4 Have you got a rabbit?

No, I .

5 Have got a new phone?

Yes, I have. It’s great! / 5 points

# 53

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 53 26/08/2020 09:11

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 4 Practice Test

5 Write the sentences again with the words in parentheses.

My brother is happy. (always)

My brother is always happy.

1 My mum is angry. (sometimes)

2 Alex is helpful. (never)

3 She is tired. (always)

4 You are lazy. (never)

5 They are friendly. (sometimes)

/ 5 points

6 Write two sentences about your family.

/ 4 points
Total: / 29 points

54 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 54 26/08/2020 09:11

Unit Test


1 020
Listen and tick or cross .

1 2 3

4 5

/ 5 points

2 Read and write yes or no.

Lisa is always happy. But today she is sad. Her
best friend, Sarah, is going to another town.
Sarah is very funny. Sometimes she’s shy. Lisa and
Sarah are very kind and they are never angry.
They are sometimes naughty, but they’re helpful.

1 Lisa is sometimes sad.

2 Sarah is sometimes shy.

3 Lisa and Sarah are never angry.

4 Sarah is always naughty.

5 Lisa is helpful. / 5 points

# 55

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 55 26/08/2020 09:11

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 4 Unit Test

3 Look and circle.

1 2 3

friendly / helpful kind / angry sad / funny

4 5

young / lazy tired / shy / 5 points

4 Look and write always, sometimes or never.

shy lazy funny angry friendly

1 Sue is lazy.

2 Emma is never shy. Mat is shy.

3 Daniel is friendly.

4 Emma is funny. Sue is never funny.

5 Sue is friendly. Mat is

sometimes friendly. / 5 points

56 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 56 26/08/2020 09:11

Unit Test UNIT 4 | LEVEL 2

5 Think about your friends and family. Write five sentences

with the words in the box and always, sometimes or never.

angry friendly funny happy helpful kind

lazy naughty sad shy tired young

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

/ 5 points
Total: / 25 points

# 57

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 57 26/08/2020 09:11

Speaking Assessment Prompts

58 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 58 26/08/2020 09:11

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Ask the student to look at the pictures. Point to pictures randomly
for the pupil to identify the correct descriptive word. Then ask questions about
the student’s personality, e.g., Are you always happy?, Are you sometimes
angry?, etc. Then ask the student to describe their best friend and one relative.

Class: Divide the class into pairs and allow them some time to identify each
descriptive word. Then ask them to say a sentence, e.g., You’re funny, for their
partner to mime.

Challenge: Invite a strong student or a group of strong students to talk about

how often they feel like one of the descriptive words in the pictures. Invite the
student or group of students to give as much detail as possible.

# 59

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 59 26/08/2020 09:11

Checkpoint Test 2


1Circle the odd one out.

1 new / gold / dirty 2 happy / heavy / friendly

3 helpful / lazy / naughty 4 gold / silver / old

5 kind / lazy / friendly 6 square / round / gold

/ 6 points

2 Look and write.

1 y/e/v/h/a

2 l/a/n/e/c

3 l/z/y/a

4 d/r/i/e/t

5 g/t/i/h/l

/ 5 points

60 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 60 26/08/2020 09:11

Checkpoint Test 2 UNITS 3–4 | LEVEL 2

3 Read and write yes or no.

1 2

This is hard. She is happy.

3 4

This is square. They are friendly.

It is old. / 5 points

4 Look, read and match. a

1 shy

2 gold
3 light e
4 helpful

5 tired
/ 5 points

# 61

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 61 26/08/2020 09:12

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 3–4 Checkpoint Test 2

5 Read and write mine, yours, his, hers, ours or theirs.

1 We’ve got cats. They’re .

2 The apples are for Ben. They’re .

3 Helena’s got a pink doll. It’s .

4 This present is for you. It’s .

5 This is my pencil case. It’s .

6 They’ve got a big house. It’s . / 6 points

6 Look and read. Write the sentences again with the words
in parentheses.
1 Our car is old. (ours)

2 Her dog is naughty. (hers)

3 My ring is silver. (mine)

4 Their dog is friendly. (theirs)

5 His bag is light. (his)

/ 5 points

62 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 62 26/08/2020 09:12

Checkpoint Test 2 UNITS 3–4 | LEVEL 2

7 Write the sentences again. Look at the example.

I am happy. (always)

I am always happy.
1 He’s kind. (never)

2 They’re angry. (sometimes)

3 You’re tired. (never)

4 I’m naughty. (sometimes)

5 She’s lazy. (always)

/ 5 points

8 Write about three members of your family. Look at the

My dad is always funny. He’s sometimes tired.
1 .

2 .

3 .

/ 3 points

# 63

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 63 26/08/2020 09:12

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 3–4 Checkpoint Test 2

9 021
Listen and match.
1 Ours is a new.

2 His is b dirty.

3 Theirs is c round.

4 Mine is d light.

5 Hers is e soft. / 5 points

10 022
Listen and tick .
1 a b c

2 a b c

3 a b c

4 a b c

/ 4 points

64 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 64 26/08/2020 09:12

Checkpoint Test 2 UNITS 3–4 | LEVEL 2

11 023
Listen and write , or .
= always
= sometimes
= never
helpful friendly shy happy naughty

/ 5 points

12 024
Listen and circle.

1 a dog / cat

b white / brown

2 a brother / sister

b funny / lazy

3 a donkey / rabbit

b soft / hard

4 a grandma / grandad

b dirty / clean

/ 4 points
Total: / 58 points

# 65

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 65 26/08/2020 09:12

Progression Test



1 025
Listen and number.
a b c

d e

/ 5 points

2 025
Listen again and write.
1 vase is dirty.

2 bag is heavy.

3 key is old.

4 necklace is gold.

5 money is round. / 5 points

66 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 66 26/08/2020 09:12

Progression Test UNITS 3–4 | LEVEL 2

3 026
Listen and match.
1 Mum a funny

2 Kate b happy

3 Ben c kind

4 Dad d naughty

5 Erica e helpful / 5 points

4 027
Listen and tick .

1 It’s old. robot doll

2 It’s new. robot doll

3 It’s light. robot doll

4 It’s heavy. robot doll

5 It’s got a round head. robot doll

/ 5 points

# 67

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 67 26/08/2020 09:12

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 3–4 Progression Test


5 Read and write yes or no.

This is my best friend Amy. She runs

a lot and sometimes she’s tired. Her
shoes are new and clean! She’s never
shy and she talks to all the students
at school.

This is our cousin Tom. He’s young

and shy! He’s got a round, blue
ball and he plays with it a lot.
Sometimes he’s naughty, but he’s
never sad!

1 Sometimes Amy is tired.

2 Amy’s got dirty shoes.

3 Amy isn’t friendly.

4 Tom’s got a round toy.

5 Tom is never naughty. / 5 points

68 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 68 26/08/2020 09:12

Progression Test UNITS 3–4 | LEVEL 2

6 Read and match.

1 This ball isn’t soft. It’s hard! a

2 My brother is always angry.

3 Your key isn’t old. It’s new.


4 They are sometimes tired. e

5 Is he lazy?

/ 5 points

7 Read and circle.

Hi, I’m Teresa. In this picture, I’m not sad / kind .
I’m happy! I love my hard / soft toy. Sometimes
I’m very funny / tired and I sleep with it. That’s
my cousin, Liam. He’s very
old / young . He plays
with his favourite toy. It’s
got many balls! They’re not
round / heavy . They’re light!

/ 5 points

# 69

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 69 26/08/2020 09:12

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 3–4 Progression Test


8 Read and write. happy light sad soft square

1 2 3

This isn’t . Your picture is He’s not angry.

It’s heavy. . It’s not He’s .

4 5

This teddy bear is He’s never tired.

. It’s not Sometimes he’s
hard. . / 5 points

70 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 70 26/08/2020 09:12

Progression Test UNITS 3–4 | LEVEL 2

9 Write about five things you have got with the words.
dirty hard new round silver

My mum’s ring is silver.

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

/ 5 points

10 Think about five people. Write about them with

the words.

angry helpful kind lazy naughty

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

/ 5 points
Total: / 50 points

# 71

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 71 26/08/2020 09:12

Speaking Assessment Prompts

72 #

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 72 26/08/2020 09:12

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Ask the student to look at the first two illustrations. Ask questions
to identify who the objects belong to and what their quality is, e.g., Whose
is the toy car? (It’s his.), Is it old? (No, it isn’t, it’s new.) Continue until all the
objects have been identified. Ask the student to talk about their favourite
possessions and ask follow-up questions, e.g., Is it square/soft/light/new, etc.
Draw the student’s attention to the second group of pictures and ask questions
to identify the correct describing word, e.g., point to the first picture and ask Are
they shy? (No, they aren’t. They’re friendly.) Then invite the student to describe
themselves and other people they are close to.

Class: Divide the students into pairs and have them point to objects in the
illustrations. Have them ask and answer the question Whose is it? and identify
who the objects belong to. Then ask each partner to describe an object for
their partner to guess. Then ask them to describe people in the second group
of pictures for their partner to point to and then describe their best friend to
each other.

Challenge: Invite a strong student to talk about their own possessions, as

well as favourite objects that belong to people in their family. Then provide
them with imaginary situations, e.g., You get a present from your aunt, for the
student to say how they feel (I am happy!).

# 73

M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 73 26/08/2020 09:12

Practice Test


1 028
Listen and tick .
1 a b

2 a b

3 a b

4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

74 #

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 74 26/08/2020 09:16

Practice Test UNIT 5 | LEVEL 2

2 Read and tick .

1 a Can I have some fish, bread and juice, please?

b Can I have some fish, pasta and juice, please?

2 a Can I have some rice, salad and water, please?

b Can I have some chicken, salad and water, please?

3 a Can I have some soup, cheese and bread, please?

b Can I have some soup, cheese and biscuits, please?

4 a Can I have some ice cream, rice and juice, please?

b Can I have some ice cream, pasta and juice, please?

5 a Can I have some bread, fish and pasta, please?

b Can I have some bread, fish and chicken, please?

/ 5 points

# 75

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 75 26/08/2020 09:17

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 5 Practice Test

3 Look and find the words.

s r w h b r e a d m k o

w z f w g e e w l p x z

f v r n j k b q h j s s

s f e f z d k l f c l t

h i p a s t a y h r y j

n d j e k j i c t e k u

r k r f x r d y c t j i

i x g u m u h d i u h c

c h b o h c r x n e i e

e l j u s o u p b j c g

/ 5 points

76 #

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 76 26/08/2020 09:17

Practice Test UNIT 5 | LEVEL 2

4 Read and complete.

can have please that this

1 Can I some water, please?

2 Can I have a biscuit, ?

3 A: Can I have some ice cream, please?

B: Yes, of course. This one or one?

4 I have some bread, please?

5 A: Can I have a salad, please?

B: Of course! one or that one? / 5 points

5 Order and write.

1 have / pasta / I / and chicken

2 we / biscuits / have / some / and ice cream / Can

3 have / water / I / , please / Can / some

4 have / that / , please / salad / Can / I

5 this / Can / book / have / I / , please

/ 5 points Total: / 25 points

# 77

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 77 26/08/2020 09:17

Unit Test


1 029
Listen and number.
a b c

d e

/ 5 points

2 Complete the missing words.

1 Would you some ice cream?

2 I have some juice, please?

3 A: Can I have a juice, please?

B: Of course. This one or one?

4 Can I some water, please?

5 A: Would you like some ice cream?

B: Yes. I want this . / 5 points

78 #

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 78 26/08/2020 09:17

Unit Test UNIT 5 | LEVEL 2

3 Look and label.

biscuits bread cheese juice water

1 2 3

4 5

/ 5 points

# 79

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 79 26/08/2020 09:17

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 5 Unit Test

4 Read and match.

1 I’ve got chicken a b
and ice cream.

2 She likes bread

and juice.
c d
3 Would you like fish
and pasta?

4 Can I have salad

and water?

5 He likes soup
and cheese.
/ 5 points

5 Write sentences about food you or other people like.

My dad likes chicken and rice.
I like pasta and ice cream.
1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

/ 5 points
Total: / 25 points

80 #

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 80 26/08/2020 09:17

Speaking Assessment Prompts

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

# 81

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 81 26/08/2020 09:17

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Point to various food items and ask the student to identify each one.
Ask the student which food they like/don’t like. Then point to each item and ask
the student to practice the structure Can I have …, please?

Class: Divide the class into pairs and allow them some time to identify each
food item. Then one partner says two numbers and the other partner asks
about the corresponding food items, using the structure Can I have … and …,

Challenge: With a strong student, ask what they prefer to eat at various times
of the day and why. You could also ask them to talk about other people’s likes
and dislikes.

82 #

M05 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 82 26/08/2020 09:17

Practice Test


1 030
Listen and tick or cross .
1 2 3

4 5

/ 5 points

2 Read and circle.

1 I’m jumping and hitting a ball.

table tennis / volleyball

2 I’m running and I’m kicking a ball.

football / table tennis

3 I’m running and I’m throwing a ball.

football / basketball

4 I’m not jumping. I’m hitting a ball.

table tennis / volleyball

/ 4 points

# 83

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 83 01/09/2020 11:48

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 6 Practice Test

3 Read and tick .

1 2 3

table tennis hit run

team jump kick

4 5

basketball watch
catch throw / 5 points

4 Read and complete with be + -ing.

1 You (jump) and running.

2 I (run) and kicking a ball.

3 (you / throw) a ball?

4 I (read) a book.

5 You (swim) in the sea. / 5 points

84 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 84 01/09/2020 11:48

Practice Test UNIT 6 | LEVEL 2

5 Read and write.

football kick run team watch

This is our 1 . We play

2 well. We can 3
fast and we 4 the ball a lot!
Our parents come and 5 us
play. It’s a great sport!
/ 5 points

6 Read and answer about you.

1 Can you jump?

2 Can you play football?

3 Can you play table tennis?

4 Can you catch a ball?

5 Can you play volleyball?

/ 5 points
Total: / 29 points

# 85

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 85 01/09/2020 11:48

Unit Test


1 031
Listen and tick or cross .
1 a b

2 a b

3 a b

4 a b

5 a b

/ 10 points

86 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 86 01/09/2020 11:48

Unit Test UNIT 6 | LEVEL 2

2 Read and tick .

1 2 3

a I’m running. a I’m kicking a ball. a I’m throwing.

b I’m climbing. b I’m swimming. b I’m reading.

4 5

a I’m kicking a ball. a I’m climbing.

b I’m throwing. b I’m swimming. / 5 points

3 Look and label.

1 2 3

4 5

/ 5 points

# 87

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 87 01/09/2020 11:48

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 6 Unit Test

4 Complete with be + -ing.

1 I (kick) a ball and
you (jump).

2 (you / read) a book?

3 You (play) table tennis and

I (play) volleyball.

4 I (throw) and
you (catch).

5 (watch) football?

/ 5 points

5 Write five sentences about what you can and can’t do.
I can run, but I can’t climb.
1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

/ 5 points
Total: / 35 points

88 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 88 01/09/2020 11:48

Speaking Assessment Prompts

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

# 89

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 89 01/09/2020 11:49

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Ask the student to look at the pictures and talk about what they
can or can’t do. If they need help, ask questions, e.g., Can you catch a ball?,
Can you play table tennis?, etc. Then point to random pictures and ask the
student to practice the structure I am …-ing.

Class: Divide the class into pairs and have them talk about which activities/
sports they can or can’t do/play. Then ask each pair to mime an action for the
other partner to guess, using the structure You are …-ing.

Challenge: Ask a strong student to share other details about the activities/
sports they can do/play, e.g., When do you play football?, Who do you play
with?, How far can you run?, etc.

90 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 90 01/09/2020 11:49

Checkpoint Test 3


1Look, read and circle.

1 2

salad / pasta / soup table tennis / team / watch

3 4

run / hit / catch water / bread / chicken

fish / ice cream / rice / 5 points

# 91

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 91 01/09/2020 11:49

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 5–6 Checkpoint Test 3

2 Look and write.

1 2 3

c e v l f l

4 5

b s t w / 5 points

3 Read and tick .

1 You eat this with cheese.

a bread b biscuits c ice cream

2 You don’t run.

a football b basketball c table tennis

3 You drink this.

a ice cream b juice c pasta

4 You kick the ball.

a table tennis b volleyball c football

5 You eat this with chicken.

a rice b fish c water

/ 5 points

92 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 92 01/09/2020 11:49

Checkpoint Test 3 UNITS 5–6 | LEVEL 2

4 Look and read. Write yes or no.

1 Can I have some soup, please?

2 I’m jumping.

3 Can I have some fish, please?

4 I’m kicking.

5 I can play table tennis.

/ 5 points

5 Read and match.

1 Are you jumping? a No, I can’t.

2 Can I have some water, please? b No, I’m running.

3 Can you play football? c That one, please!

4 Would you like this one or that one? d Yes, of course!

/ 4 points

# 93

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 93 01/09/2020 11:49

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 5–6 Checkpoint Test 3

6 Read and tick .

1 Can you throw the ball? 2 Can I have some bread, please?

a Yes, I do. a Sorry, no!

b Yes, I can. b Of course, no!

3 Are you watching volleyball? 4 Can I have some ice cream,

a Yes, I’m.
a This one or that?
b Yes, I am.
b This one or that one?
5 Are you hitting the ball?

a No, I’m not.

b No, I don’t. / 5 points

7 Choose and complete the sentences.

can can’t play playing running

1 I have some pasta, please?

2 I’m table tennis.

3 A: Can you play basketball?

B: No, I .

4 I’m not jumping. I’m .

5 A: Can you table tennis?

B: Yes, I can.

/ 5 points

94 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 94 01/09/2020 11:49

Checkpoint Test 3 UNITS 5–6 | LEVEL 2

8 Read and write.

1 Are you ? (read)

2 I’m . (swim)

3 I’m not the ball. (throw)

4 Are you the ball? (hit)

5 I’m . (run) / 5 points

9 032
Listen and tick .
1 a b c

2 a b c

3 a b c

4 a b c

5 a b c

/ 5 points

# 95

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 95 01/09/2020 11:50

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 5–6 Checkpoint Test 3

10 033
Listen and tick or cross .

John / 10 points

11 034
Listen and match.

a b c
1 Liz

2 Liam

3 Rose

4 Jena d e

5 Noah
/ 5 points

12 035
Listen and write one word.

1 can:
2 can’t:
3 likes: ice cream and
4 doesn’t like: and fish
/ 4 points
Total: / 63 points

96 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 96 01/09/2020 11:50

Progression Test



1 036
Listen and number.
a b c d e

/ 5 points

2 037
Listen and tick .
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

# 97

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 97 01/09/2020 11:51

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 5–6 Progression Test

3 038
Listen and write yes or no.
1 2

3 4

/ 5 points

98 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 98 01/09/2020 11:51

Progression Test UNITS 5–6 | LEVEL 2


4 Read and circle T (True) or F (False).

This is Emily. She likes ice cream, Andy is very good at football.
but she doesn’t like biscuits. She He can run fast. He can’t jump.
can play table tennis, but she He’s kicking the ball now. He
can’t play basketball. She isn’t doesn’t like fish, but he likes
throwing the ball now. chicken! And he likes ice cream!

1 Emily can play table tennis. T/F

2 Emily doesn’t like biscuits. T/F

3 Andy can’t play football. T/F

4 Andy is throwing the ball. T/F

5 Andy and Emily like ice cream. T/F

/ 5 points

# 99

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 99 01/09/2020 11:51

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 5–6 Progression Test

5 Read and match.

a You drink this after you eat
something sweet. 2
b You eat this with bread and salad.
c You jump and throw the ball.

d You hit the ball. You don’t play 4

in a team.
e You eat this with fish or chicken.

/ 5 points

6 Read and number the correct order.

a Of course. This one or that one?

b Sorry, there isn’t any salad. Would you like some bread with cheese?

c No, I don’t like cheese. Can I have a juice, please?

d This one. I like orange juice!

e Can I have some salad, please?

/ 5 points

7 Read and circle.

Look at my sister Kim. She can play 1 volleyball /
table tennis well! I can’t 2 hit / kick the ball well,
so I don’t play table tennis. I play football. I can
3 jump / run fast and my 4 team / ball plays
well. I also like to 5 play / watch football on TV! / 5 points

100 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 100 01/09/2020 11:51

Progression Test UNITS 5–6 | LEVEL 2


8 Complete the sentences. Use be and -ing.

1 I (jump).

2 You (play) volleyball.

3 You (swim).

4 I (throw) the ball.

5 You (watch) football. / 5 points

9 Complete the sentences with can or can’t.

1 you run fast?

2 you swim?

3 A: Can you play volleyball?

B: Yes, I .

4 A: Can you catch the ball?

B: No, I .

5 you jump? / 5 points

# 101

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 101 01/09/2020 11:51

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 5–6 Progression Test

10 Order and write.

1 some water / I / , please / Can / have

2 one / that / This / or / one

3 playing / I’m / not / football

4 you / Can / the ball / kick

5 watching / Are / you / volleyball

/ 5 points

11Write three sentences about what you can and can’t do.
/ 3 points
Total: / 53 points

102 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 102 01/09/2020 11:51

Speaking Assessment Prompts

# 103

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 103 01/09/2020 11:52

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Ask the student to look at the first group of pictures and make
combinations of food/drink, e.g., I eat biscuits and juice, I like rice and chicken.
Then invite the student to ask for something to eat or drink using the structure
Can I have …, please? Draw the student's attention to the second group of
pictures and ask Can you … ? questions, e.g., Can you play volleyball?, Can you
play football? Then ask further questions about each sport, e.g., Do you kick
the ball in basketball? and point to the relevant pictures as you do so.

Class: Divide the students into pairs and have them ask for food or drink and
respond with Yes, of course or Sorry, no. Then encourage pairs to talk about
their likes and dislikes with reference to the food items.
Draw their attention to the second group of pictures and ask them to mime
actions for their partner to guess, practicing the structure Are you …ing?,
Yes, I am/No, I’m not.

Challenge: Invite a strong student to talk about when they eat particular food
items and what other people in their family like or dislike. Finally, encourage
them to talk about what other actions they can/can’t do, e.g., I can dance,
I can sing, etc.

104 #

M06 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 104 01/09/2020 11:52

Practice Test


1 039
Listen and number.
a b c

d e

/ 5 points

2 Read and match.

Hi, I’m Lisa! I’m making a cake. My mum is
helping me. My dad is drinking juice in the
garden. He’s also reading a book. My sister
Emily is in her bedroom. She’s doing her
homework. My brother Ben is in the living room.
He’s not cleaning. He’s looking for his tablet!

1 Emily is a making a cake.

2 Ben is b helping with the cake.

3 Lisa is c reading a book.

4 Dad is d doing homework.

5 Mum is e looking for something. / 5 points

# 105

M07 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 105 08/07/2020 10:47

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 7 Practice Test

3 Look and match. a

1 kitchen b

2 living room c

3 bedroom
4 garden
5 bathroom

/ 5 points

4 Complete the sentences. Use is/isn’t …-ing.

1 He (clean) his room. ( )

2 She (eat) an apple. ( )

3 She (do) homework. ( )

4 He (wash) his bike. ( )

5 He (make) a cake. ( ) / 5 points

5 Complete with the words in brackets and ’s.

1 This is (Mark) bedroom.

2 My (sister) bag is black.

3 (Ellie) salad is ready.

4 That’s my (grandad) book.

/ 5 points
5 (Tom) kite is yellow. Total: / 25 points

106 #

M07 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 106 08/07/2020 10:47

Unit Test


1 040
Listen and match. a

1 Mark b

2 Lucy c

3 Rob d

4 Mia e

5 Kate

/ 5 points

2 Read and write yes or no.

Hi, I’m Alex. I’m cleaning my bedroom. My sister

Pat is in the bathroom. She’s having a shower.
My dad is in the kitchen. He’s cooking pasta with
chicken. My mum is looking for her glasses in the
garden. She wants to help my little sister, Amy.
She’s doing her homework in the living room.

1 Alex is cleaning the kitchen.

2 Pat is having a shower.

3 Dad is cooking in the kitchen.

4 Mum is looking for something in the living room.

5 Amy is doing homework. / 5 points

# 107

M07 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 107 08/07/2020 10:48

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 7 Unit Test

3 Look and write the words.



/ 5 points

108 #

M07 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 108 08/07/2020 10:48

Unit Test UNIT 7 | LEVEL 2

4 Write the sentences again.

This is John. This is his ice cream.

It’s John’s ice cream.

1 This is my mum. This is her bedroom.

2 This is Gary. This is his car.

3 This is my friend. This is her juice.

4 This is Elena. This is her homework.

5 This is my sister. This is her bag.

/ 5 points

5 Write five sentences with be …-ing. Use these words.

clean cook drink have look for

My dad is cooking rice.

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .
/ 5 points
5 .
Total: / 25 points

# 109

M07 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 109 08/07/2020 10:48

Speaking Assessment Prompts

110 #

M07 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 110 08/07/2020 10:48

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Draw the student’s attention to the rooms in a house and ask them
to identify each one. Then ask them to name one action we do in each one.
Encourage them to point to the corresponding activity words as they do this.
Then point to random activity words and ask incorrect questions, e.g., point
to cook and ask Is he looking for something? Finally, point to various objects
around the classroom and ask whose it is for the student to practice the ’s for

Class: Divide the class into pairs and have them play a game; one partner says
a sentence with a house or activity word, e.g., I’m in the garden! or I’m making
a cake! as the other partner points to the correct picture. Then have them point
to various objects around the classroom and confirm who they belong to using
the ’s structure.

Challenge: Invite a strong student to describe their house and talk about a
typical morning, afternoon and evening there using the structure be … -ing.

# 111

M07 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 111 08/07/2020 10:48

Practice Test


1 041
Listen and tick .
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

2 Read and write yes or no.

There is a big forest near my town. It’s got
many trees and flowers. To get there, you go
over the bridge. Then you walk up three hills
and turn right. When you see a path, turn left.
Go straight on and the forest is there!
1 There aren’t any flowers in the forest.

2 The forest’s got many trees.

3 First you go over a bridge.

4 You walk up one hill.

5 After you turn left, you go right. / 5 points

112 #

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 112 08/07/2020 10:56

Practice Test UNIT 8 | LEVEL 2

3 Read and tick .

1 forest 2 path
a b a b

3 right 4 straight on
a b a b

5 flower
a b

/ 5 points

4 Look, read and circle.

1 The yellow flower is in front of / 2 The bird is under / above

behind the blue flower. the tree.

3 The rabbit is in / on the table. 4 The dog is next to / opposite

the cat.
5 The path is under / near the
yellow and pink flower. / 5 points

# 113

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 113 08/07/2020 10:56

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 8 Practice Test

5 This is Mark and his dog. How can he find it? Look and
write instructions.

/ 10 points
Total: / 30 points

114 #

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 114 08/07/2020 10:56

Unit Test


1 042
Listen and number.
a b c

d e

/ 5 points

2 Read and match.

1 Go up. 2 Go straight on.

3 Go down. 4 Go right.

5 Go left.

a b c d e

/ 5 points

# 115

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 115 08/07/2020 10:56

LEVEL 2 | UNIT 8 Unit Test

3 Look and label.

1 2 3 4 5

/ 5 points

4 Look and write.

above behind in in front of near
next to on opposite under

1 The rabbit is the tree.

2 The red flower is the tree.

3 The tree is the path.

4 The cat is the bridge.

5 The girl is the tree. / 5 points

116 #

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 116 08/07/2020 10:57

Unit Test UNIT 8 | LEVEL 2

5 Write five more sentences about the picture. Use the words
in brackets.
1 .

2 .

3 .
(blue bird)

4 .
(white bird)

5 .

/ 5 points
Total: / 25 points

# 117

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 117 08/07/2020 10:57

Speaking Assessment Prompts

118 #

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 118 08/07/2020 10:57

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Point to various items in the first batch of images for the student to
identify. Elicit whether there are any of these nature elements around where
the student lives. Next, ask the student to look at the scene of various nature
elements and to describe the image using prepositions of place. If necessary,
you could provide these for the student to use.

Class: Divide the class into pairs and have partners call out each of the lexis in
the first group of images for their partner to point at. Then have them choose
one object in the scene for their partner to describe its position.

Challenge: Ask a strong student to think of other nature words they know of
or other nature elements that are close to where they live, e.g., lake, mountain,
etc. Then have them give you the directions for the route from the school to a
place in their town they visit a lot. e.g., shop, library, playground, park, etc.

# 119

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 119 08/07/2020 10:57

Checkpoint Test 4


1Look, read and circle.

1 2

bridge / path / rock have a shower / make a cake /

do homework

3 4

down / straight on / left kitchen / bedroom / bathroom

hill / forest / flower

/ 5 points

120 #

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 120 08/07/2020 10:57

Checkpoint Test 4 UNITS 7–8 | LEVEL 2

2 Look and write.

1 2 3

f t c k r t

4 5

d k d n / 5 points

3 Read and match. a

1 I’m looking for

my keys. b

2 We watch TV in the
living room. c

3 He’s having a shower

in the bathroom. d

4 We’re drinking juice

in the garden. e

5 She’s cleaning the

/ 5 points

# 121

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 121 08/07/2020 10:57

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 7–8 Checkpoint Test 4

4 Look and read. Write yes or no.

1 2 3

Walk on the bridge. Go up. Walk in the forest.

4 5

Turn left. Go down. / 5 points

5 Read and write. Look at the example.

I ’m looking (look / ) for my bag.

I ’m not reading (read / ).

1 She (clean / ) the kitchen.

She (cook / ).

2 Grandad (drink / ) water.

He (eat / ) lunch.

3 It (swim / ).

It (climb / ).

4 Anna (do / ) homework.

She (make / ) a cake.

5 Dad (have / ) a shower.

He (sit / ) in the garden. / 10 points

122 #

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 122 08/07/2020 10:57

Checkpoint Test 4 UNITS 7–8 | LEVEL 2

6 Read and write the name and ’s.

1 This isn’t my bag. It’s (Jake) bag.

2 This isn’t your dog. It’s (Luisa) dog.

3 This isn’t our doll. It’s (Mary) doll.

4 This isn’t his robot. It’s (Fred) robot.

5 This isn’t her sister. It’s (Jill) sister.

/ 5 points

7 Choose and write. You can use some words twice.

don’t go turn

1 walk. Stop!

2 right.

3 straight on.

4 Don’t turn right. left.

5 up. Don’t go down.

/ 5 points

# 123

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 123 08/07/2020 10:57

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 7–8 Checkpoint Test 4

8 Look and circle.

1 The boy is behind / on / under

the hill.

2 The cat is in front of / next to /

opposite the tree.

3 The flower is above / under / near

the bridge.

4 The rabbit is in / above / opposite

the forest.

5 The dog is behind / near / on

the path.
/ 5 points

124 #

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 124 08/07/2020 10:57

Checkpoint Test 4 UNITS 7–8 | LEVEL 2

9 043
Listen and tick .
1 a b c

2 a b c

3 a b c

4 a b c

5 a b c

/ 5 points

# 125

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 125 08/07/2020 10:58

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 7–8 Checkpoint Test 4

10 044
Listen and number.
a b c d e

/ 5 points

11 045
Listen and tick or cross .

1 2 3 4 5

/ 5 points

12 046
Listen and write yes or no.

1 2 3

4 5

/ 5 points
Total: / 65 points

126 #

M08 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 126 08/07/2020 10:58

Final Test



1 047
Listen and tick or cross .

1 2 3 4 5

/ 5 points

2 048
Listen and tick .
1 a b 2 a b

3 a b 4 a b

5 a b

/ 5 points

# 127

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 127 26/08/2020 09:21

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 1–8 Final Test

3 049
Listen and write one to three words in each space.

1 At eight o’clock she .

2 She is sometimes .

3 On Saturdays she .

4 She likes and rice.

5 She doesn’t like .

/ 5 points

4 050
Listen and match.

1 Adam b

2 Mum

3 Emily
4 Dan
5 Luke

/ 5 points

128 #

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 128 26/08/2020 09:21

Final Test UNITS 1–8 | LEVEL 2

Reading I’m Mat and I live in a small town. There are

5 Read and circle. many trees near my house and school. There
isn’t a farm where I live, but there’s a big
forest. There’s a bridge and a river that goes
under it. To get to the bridge, turn left at the
swimming pool. Then turn right. There’s a
straight path. The bridge is near the path.

1 There are many houses / trees where Mat lives.

2 There is / isn’t a big forest.

3 The bridge is under / above the river.

4 At the swimming pool, turn right / left .

5 The path is straight / near the bridge. / 5 points

6 Look and read. Write yes or no.

1 2 3

He has a shower at Don’t go straight on. He’s lazy. He’s not

six o’clock. Go up. doing his homework.

4 5

Don’t turn left. Turn She’s helpful. She’s

right. cleaning. / 5 points

# 129

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 129 26/08/2020 09:21

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 1–8 Final Test

7 Read and match.

1 It doesn’t sleep at night. It can’t swim, but it can fly.

2 It eats grass. We get milk from this animal.

3 It swims in rivers. It sleeps in the day.

4 It’s got big ears. It eats grass.

5 It’s not a bird, but it can fly. It sleeps in the day. / 5 points

a b c d e

8 Read and choose.

Hi, everyone! I’m Kate and these are my friends,
Miriam and Ana. Miriam is always happy, but
Ana is sometimes angry. Her brother makes her
angry! Ana is always helpful. Sometimes she
cooks with her dad. Miriam is sometimes lazy. Miriam Kate Ana
Her bedroom is always dirty. I’m never lazy.
I always clean my bedroom and sometimes I clean the living room! I’m
always tired after that! We’re different, but we’re all friendly!

1 Sometimes she’s angry. Miriam / Kate / Ana

2 She’s always happy. Miriam / Kate / Ana

3 Sometimes she cleans the living room. Miriam / Kate / Ana

4 She’s never lazy. Miriam / Kate / Ana

5 Her bedroom is always dirty. Miriam / Kate / Ana

/ 5 points

130 #

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 130 26/08/2020 09:21

Final Test UNITS 1–8 | LEVEL 2


9 Read and write. Change some words.

bedroom behind do eat kitchen look for on play rock throw

1 He is in the .

2 The isn’t the hill.

3 The boy the toy car. The toy car

is the table.

4 I’m in my .I my

5 She basketball. She’s not kicking,

she’s the ball.

/ 10 points

# 131

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 131 26/08/2020 09:21

LEVEL 2 | UNITS 1–8 Final Test

10 Order and write.

1 He / always / is / funny

2 isn’t / the / room / Dad / living / cleaning

3 kick / Can / the / I / ball / , please

4 in / the forest / is / The tree

5 you / a shower / in / Do / bathroom / the / have

/ 5 points

11 Complete the sentences about you.

1 My mum is never .

2 In my bedroom there is/are .

3 My friend is sometimes .

4 In the garden, we .

5 My favourite animal has

and can .

/ 5 points

132 #

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 132 26/08/2020 09:21

Final Test UNITS 1–8 | LEVEL 2

12 Write three sentences about what you can/can’t do.

You can use these words.

catch hit jump kick run throw volleyball

I can kick the ball.

I can’t run quickly.
1 .

2 .

3 .

/ 3 points

13 Write four sentences about where you live and what

there is in your town.
1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

/ 4 points
Total: / 67 points

# 133

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 133 26/08/2020 09:21

Speaking Assessment Prompts

134 #

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 134 26/08/2020 09:21

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Ask the student to identify the two places. Ask the student to give
you the directions from their house to their school. Then invite the student to
talk about other places in their town, focusing on the vocabulary taught in
Unit 1.

Class: Put students in pairs or small groups and ask them to give each other
directions on how to get from their house to their school. Then invite them to
talk about which places they like in their town and what they do there.

Challenge: Invite a strong student to describe their house and talk about its
rooms. Then ask the student to give directions from one place in their town
to another.

Individual: Ask the student What’s he/she doing? to elicit the present
progressive form of the actions. Then invite the student to talk about their daily
routine using the simple present. Ask questions to which you expect a negative
answer, e.g., Do you go to school on Saturday?, Do you have a shower at
10 o’clock at night?, etc. for the student to confirm. Finally, ask the student to
talk about different types of food they eat during the day.

Class: Put students in pairs to ask and answer questions about their daily routine.

Challenge: Invite a strong student to talk about the daily routine of a friend
or relative and how it’s different from their own. Then ask them to think of an
animal that doesn’t sleep at night (owl, bat) and to describe its appearance
and habits.

# 135

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 135 26/08/2020 09:21

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Draw the student’s attention to the image of a rock and a soft
football ball and elicit what they are. Ask the student to describe the objects
(soft, hard). Invite the student to talk about where rocks can be found (forests,
rivers, parks, etc.) and what other natural elements they associate with it, e.g.,
flowers, bridge, hill, tree. Then ask the student to talk about what sports they
can play with a ball and what actions they can do themselves. Ask questions to
practice the structure Can you …?, e.g., Can you kick/throw/catch the ball?

Class: Put students in pairs to talk about the objects and what they look like.
Invite them to ask each other the question What does it look like? Then have
them talk about where they can see a rock and what they can do with a ball.
Finally, encourage them to talk about sports they play themselves or sports
they like.

Challenge: Invite a strong student to talk about their own possessions and what
they look like. Ask them to describe their favourite sport and what the players
do while playing it.

Individual: Ask the student to describe the emotions in each picture and to
talk about how often they feel this way. Ask Are you sometimes angry?, Are
you always helpful?, etc. Then invite the student to talk about a person who
has got each quality. Challenge the student to think of other descriptive words
of feelings.

Class: Put students in pairs to talk about the feelings/traits and to discuss
whether they are this way and how often. Ask them to describe their best friend
to each other.

Challenge: Invite a strong student to talk about which quality from Unit 4 they
think is the most important for a person to have and the most difficult.

136 #

Z01 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 136 26/08/2020 09:21


DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST UNIT 2 PRACTICE TEST 4 A: Is there a park near your house,
Track 2 Track 8 Ben?
1 strawberries 1 Bats can fly. B: No, there isn’t. There aren’t any
2 coat 2 I go to school in the morning. parks.
3 museum 3 The donkey sleeps on the grass. A: Are there libraries?
4 brush my teeth 4 Porcupines can swim. B: No, there aren’t any libraries. But
5 donkey 5 I wash my face every day. there are two playgrounds!
Track 3 5 A: Does Emily like swimming pools?
1 Sarah paints. She doesn’t read. B: She can’t swim. She doesn’t like
Track 9 them.
2 I like pineapples, but I don’t like 1 Donkeys eat grass.
pears. A: Does she like shops?
2 In the morning, I wash my face.
3 I don’t like rabbits. My favourite pet B: No, she doesn’t. And there aren’t
3 Goats sleep in the day.
is my dog. any shops in her town.
4 I wake up early in the morning.
4 They play music, but they don’t 5 Porcupines can swim. A: Does she like cafés?
swim. B: Yes, she does! She goes there
5 There is a shop. There isn’t a river. UNITS 1–2 CHECKPOINT TEST with her friends.
Track 4 Track 10
1 A: Do you like cafés? UNITS 1–2 PROGRESSION
1 These are my shoes.
B: No, I don’t. I like castles. Track 13
2 It’s got a small nose and short legs.
3 It can fly, but it can’t swim. 2 A: Does she like goats? 1 A: Do you live in a house in the
4 I like my hat. I wear it every day. town, Amy?
B: Yes, she does. She doesn’t like
5 It’s got a big mouth. It can run donkeys. B: No, I don’t. I live on a farm.
quickly. There are many animals!
3 A: Does he like owls?
2 A: Does Maria like museums?
Track 5 B: No, he doesn’t. He likes bats.
B: Yes, she does, but she doesn’t
1 A: Where is my pen? 4 I don’t like museums. I like libraries.
like castles.
B: It’s on the table. 5 He likes porcupines. He doesn’t like
cows. 3 A: Do you wash your face in the
2 A: Where are you? morning?
B: I’m at the museum. Track 11 B: No, I don’t. I brush my teeth.
3 A: Where are Mary and Adam? In Red Town, there are houses. In 4 A: What does Mark do at eight
B: They’re at school. Blue Town there aren’t any houses. o’clock?
4 A: Where is her book? There are rivers. In Red Town there B: He doesn’t sleep. He goes to
aren’t any cows. There are goats. school!
B: It’s in her school bag.
In Blue Town there are cows and
5 A: Where are the sheep? 5 A: Is there a library in your town,
porcupines. There aren’t any schools.
B: They’re at the farm. Jenny?
There are schools in Red Town.
B: There isn’t a library. There are
UNIT 1 PRACTICE TEST Track 12 many shops.
Track 6 1 A: Hey, Amanda. What do you do
when you wake up? Do you wash Track 14
1 There’s a castle.
2 There’s a farm. your face? 1 A: Do porcupines brush their teeth?
3 There are shops. B: No, I don’t. It’s too cold! B: No, they don’t. They like water
4 There is a museum. A: Do you brush your teeth? and they swim in rivers.
5 There are houses. B: No, I eat a big breakfast. I sleep 2 A: I like cows! What do they eat?
for ten hours and I’m hungry! B: They eat grass. They don’t wash
UNIT 1 UNIT TEST their face.
2 A: Does this animal sleep in the
Track 7 morning? 3 A: Do bats sleep in the day?
1 I like parks, but there are no parks. B: No, it doesn’t. It wakes up in the B: Yes, they do. They can fly.
There is a swimming pool. morning. 4 A: Donkeys wash their ears.
2 I don’t like cafés, but I like libraries.
A: Does it eat grass? B: No, they don’t! But they eat
There is a library.
B: Yes, it does. And it lives on a many carrots!
3 There isn’t a castle, but there are
museums. farm. 5 A: Do you like owls?
4 There isn’t a river, but there are 3 A: Does Adam wake up at nine B: Yes, I do! They don’t sleep at
playgrounds. o’clock on Saturdays? night and they can’t swim.
5 There are farms, but there aren’t B: No, he doesn’t.
Track 15
any houses. A: Does he wake up at seven
1 I live in a small town. There are
three farms and two museums.
B: He doesn’t wake up at seven 2 Lisa likes animals. Her favourite
o’clock. He hasn’t got school! He animals are donkeys. But she
wakes up at eleven o’clock! doesn’t like owls.

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3 A: Does Jack eat fruit? UNIT 4 PRACTICE TEST 3 A: Are those your brothers, Keith?
B: Yes, he does. But he doesn’t eat Track 19 B: Yes, they are! They’re six years
apples. He eats many bananas. 1 A: Are they sad? old. They’re young!
4 I live in a big city. There are B: No, they’re not. They’re friendly. A: Yes, they are. Are they helpful?
many parks, but there’s only one 2 A: Is he shy? B: No, they don’t help at home.
playground. A: What are they like?
B: No, he isn’t. He’s naughty.
5 A: Does your sister wake up early B: They are very friendly. They
on Saturdays? 3 A: Are you sad?
B: No, I’m never sad. I’m funny! make new friends all the time.
B: Every day she wakes up at seven 4 A: Is that your brother, Erica?
o’clock, but on Saturday she wakes 4 A: Is she angry?
B: No, she isn’t. She’s happy. B: Yes, it is!
up at ten o’clock.
5 A: Is your brother tired? A: Is he naughty?
Track 16 B: No, he isn’t. He sleeps a lot!
B: No, he isn’t. He’s shy!
Good morning, children. Tomorrow is A: Why? Is he tired?
Friday and it’s our trip. Remember the UNIT 4 UNIT TEST B: No, he isn’t tired. He’s just lazy!
bus leaves from the park, so come to
Track 20
the park early. On this trip we visit the Track 23
farm. It has many animals and we 1 I help my mum a lot with cooking.
1 This is my friend Alex. He is always
can take pictures of them! I’m never lazy.
friendly. He’s never naughty, but
We can’t give food to the cows, but 2 You don’t like talking in class. You’re
sometimes he’s shy.
we can give grass to the goats. sometimes shy.
2 This is Maria. Maria doesn’t talk
After we see the donkeys, we can 3 When he doesn’t win, he is angry.
very much. She’s always shy. She’s
have lunch at the café. 4 Kim never gives her things. She’s not
sometimes helpful, but she’s never
The bus leaves at 12:30 and we arrive kind.
back to school at one o’clock. 5 My brother likes to sleep a lot. He’s
3 Lucy’s my sister. She is always
See you tomorrow! not helpful.
naughty. Sometimes she’s happy,
UNITS 3–4 CHECKPOINT TEST but she’s never helpful!
UNIT 3 PRACTICE TEST 4 My brother Andy is always helpful,
Track 17 Track 21
but sometimes he’s naughty. He’s
1 A: Is this soft? 1 A: Is this bag yours?
never happy.
B: No, it isn’t. It’s hard. B: This is a clean bag. Ours isn’t
clean. It’s dirty. Track 24
2 A: This isn’t round.
2 A: And what about this one? Is it 1 A: Have you got a dog, Alicia?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s square.
his? B: No, I haven’t. I’ve got a cat. Its
3 A: Is your key new? fur is brown.
B: No, his isn’t hard. It’s soft.
B: No, it isn’t. It’s old. 2 A: Have you got a brother, Lucas?
3 A: Is this their bag?
4 A: Is this dirty? B: Yes, I have. He’s not lazy. He’s
B: Yes, this is theirs. It’s round. It
B: Yes, it is. It’s not clean. isn’t square. funny!
5 A: Are these silver? 4 A: Is this your bag? 3 A: Have you got a rabbit on your
B: No, they’re not. They’re gold. B: No, this is a heavy bag. Mine farm, Olivia?
isn’t heavy. It’s light. B: No, I haven’t. But I’ve got a
UNIT 3 UNIT TEST donkey! Its ears are hard!
5 A: Is this her bag?
Track 18 4 A: Have you got grandparents,
B: No, this is an old bag. Hers isn’t
1 A: Is this your T-shirt, Lisa? old. It’s new. Mark?
B: No, this T-shirt is clean. Mine is B: Yes, I’ve got a grandad. He’s
dirty. Track 22 always in the garden. His hands are
2 A: This is my pencil case, Rob. 1 A: Who’s that, Ben? always dirty!
B: Yes, I know. Yours is hard. Mine B: That’s my friend, Rob.
isn’t. It’s soft. A: Oh, is he angry? UNITS 3–4 PROGRESSION
3 A: Can I help you, Emily? B: No, he isn’t. But he isn’t very Track 25
B: Yes, please. My bag is heavy happy. 1 His vase is dirty.
today! A: No, he isn’t! What’s wrong? 2 My bag is heavy.
4 A: Is this new ball for John? 3 Your key is old.
B: He’s sad because he can’t have
4 Her necklace is gold.
B: No, the new one is ours. The old ice cream!
5 Our money is round.
one is his. 2 A: Are you funny, Julie?
5 A: Do you want this gold ring for B: Hmm … My sister is very funny, Track 26
your mum’s birthday, Eric? but I’m not! A: Hey, Kate, is that a picture of your
B: Yes, but I think she likes the silver A: Oh … are you shy? family?
one. I want that one. B: No, I’m not. My baby sister is B: Yes, this is me, my brother Ben, my
very shy. little sister Erica, and my mum and
A: So, are you kind? dad.
B: Yes, I am! I share my toys with A: So tell me about your mum. Is she
my friends. funny?

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B: Well, no, she isn’t. But she’s very B: Yes, I do. I’m playing volleyball.
kind. My brother Ben is very funny. We 4 A: Can you run? 3 A: Are you watching the game?
laugh a lot! B: No, I can’t. B: I’m not watching the game. I’m
A: That’s great! What about your A: Can you jump? catching the ball!
little sister Erica? Is she helpful? B: No, I can’t. 4 A: Are you running?
B: No, she never helps Mum and Dad. 5 A: Can you play table tennis? B: No, I’m not. I’m jumping.
She’s very naughty! 5 A: Are you playing table tennis or
B: Yes, I can.
A: Oh, no … what about you, Kate? basketball?
A: Can you hit a ball?
Are you naughty, too? B: I’m playing table tennis.
B: Yes, I can.
B: Sometimes, yes, but not a lot. I’m
always happy! Track 38
A: So, what about your dad? Is he 1 Can I have some pasta, please?
Track 32 2 I play football in a team.
1 I’m playing volleyball. 3 I like salad.
B: Yes, he is! He cooks and he cleans!
2 Can I have some soup, please? 4 I’m playing volleyball.
Track 27 3 I like bread. 5 I’ve got ice cream.
Hi! I’m Paul and this is my sister Sue. 4 I can kick.
We are kind and we share our toys! 5 I’m watching football. UNIT 7 PRACTICE TEST
I’ve got a robot. It’s not new. Sue’s Track 33 Track 39
doll is new! It’s also very soft and 1 A: Can you run, Mia? 1 She is looking for something.
light. My robot is hard and heavy. It’s 2 Eric is doing his homework.
B: No, I can’t. But I can jump!
got a square head and body. Sue’s 3 My brother is having a shower.
doll’s got a round head. We love our 2 A: Can you hit the ball, Alan? 4 Your dad is cooking dinner.
toys! B: Yes, I can! But I can’t catch it! 5 He is cleaning his room.
3 A: Can you catch the ball, Kim?
UNIT 5 PRACTICE TEST B: Yes, I can. I can’t kick the ball! UNIT 7 UNIT TEST
4 A: Can you jump, John? Track 40
Track 28
B: No, I can’t. I can kick the ball! 1 A: Is Mark making a cake?
1 I’ve got salad.
B: No, he isn’t. He’s having a
2 She likes cheese. Track 34 shower.
3 I like soup.
1 A: Are you playing table tennis, Liz? 2 A: Is Lucy doing her homework?
4 Can I have some rice, please?
5 He likes water. B: No. I’m running. B: No, she isn’t. She’s looking for
2 A: Are you playing football, Liam? something.
UNIT 5 UNIT TEST B: No. I’m playing volleyball. 3 A: Is Rob doing his homework?
3 A: Are you playing basketball, B: Yes, he is.
Track 29
Rose? 4 A: Is Mia cooking?
1 Can I have some salad, please?
2 Would you like some soup? B: Yes, I am! B: Yes. She’s cooking.
3 I like biscuits. 4 A: Are you running, Jena? 5 A: Is Kate eating?
4 I’ve got some cheese. B: No. I’m playing table tennis. B: No, she’s drinking water.
5 Would you like some pasta? 5 A: Are you watching football,
UNIT 6 PRACTICE TEST B: No. I’m playing football! Track 41
Track 30 1 There is one yellow flower.
1 I’m running. Track 35 2 He is walking up a hill.
2 I’m jumping. This is my best friend Darren. He’s 3 The path is long.
3 I’m throwing. funny and friendly. He can jump very 4 Turn right.
4 I’m playing basketball. high. He can’t swim. We don’t like the 5 Go straight on.
5 I’m playing table tennis. same food. I like fish, but he doesn’t.
And he doesn’t like rice. He likes UNIT 8 UNIT TEST
UNIT 6 UNIT TEST chicken ... oh, and ice cream. He loves Track 42
Track 31 ice cream! 1 First, go up a hill.
1 A: Can you play football? 2 Then go over a bridge.
B: Yes, I can. UNITS 5–6 PROGRESSION 3 There are many flowers there.
A: Can you play basketball? Track 36 4 Then go straight on the path.
B: No, I can’t. 1 I’ve got bread. 5 And the forest is at the end.
2 She’s got cheese.
2 A: Can you throw a ball? UNITS 7–8 CHECKPOINT TEST
3 You’ve got juice.
B: Yes, I can. 4 They’ve got biscuits. Track 43
A: Can you kick a ball? 5 We’ve got fish. 1 A: Is that your dog? The one under
B: Yes, I can. the bridge?
Track 37
3 A: Can you catch a ball? B: No, that’s not my dog. Mine is
1 A: Are you throwing the ball to
B: No, I can’t. the brown one over there.
your friend?
A: Do you watch football? A: Opposite the rock?
B: No, I’m not. I’m playing football.
2 A: Are you kicking the ball?
B: I’m not kicking the ball.

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B: No, it’s the one next to the B: This is a flower. It’s next to the
yellow flower. table.
2 A: Where’s Mum? I think she’s 3 A: Where’s your dog? Is it in the
cooking dinner. garden?
B: No, she isn’t in the kitchen. She’s B: No, it isn’t in the garden. It’s in
in your bedroom. the playground.
A: Is she looking for me? 4 A: What is she doing? Is she
B: No! She’s cleaning your room! jumping?
3 A: What are you doing, Lucy? Are B: Yes, she is. She’s jumping next to
you doing your homework? a river.
B: No, I’m not. 5 A: Is the man walking near a hill?
A: Oh, are you having a shower? B: No, he isn’t. He’s walking on a
B: No! I’m cooking with Dad! path.
4 A: Excuse me. Is there a forest Track 49
here? A: Hi, Maria. What do you do in the
B: Yes, there is. There’s one up the morning?
hill. B: Hi! In the morning I wake up early.
A: Do I turn right? I wash my face at seven o’clock. At
B: Yes, that’s right. Turn right, not eight o’ clock I go to school.
left. A: Oh! That’s great. So, are you
5 A: Hi, Jake. Are you sitting in the sometimes lazy?
kitchen? B: No, I’m not. Sometimes I’m tired.
B: No, I’m not. There are many A: And what about your weekends?
flowers here. What do you do?
A: Are you sitting in the garden? B: On Sundays I play basketball and
B: Yes, I am! on Saturdays I make a cake with my
Track 44
A: And what food do you like?
1 Go down the road.
B: I like chicken and rice. I don’t like
2 Walk on the path.
3 Go over the bridge.
4 Sit opposite the tree. Track 50
5 Go straight on. 1 A: Can I have that bread, please?
Track 45 B: Sorry, no. It’s not mine. It’s
1 This is where I have a shower. Adam’s.
2 This is where I sleep. 2 A: Is this silver ring mine?
3 There are many flowers here. B: No, it’s not yours. It’s Mum’s.
4 I do my homework and play here. 3 A: Whose is this new ball? Is it
5 This is where I cook. ours?
Track 46 B: No, ours is old. This is Emily’s
1 The rabbit is next to the table. ball.
2 The girl is opposite the cat. 4 A: Look at that young boy! Is that
3 The path is in front of the forest. Dan’s baby brother?
4 The tree is behind the house. B: Yes, it is. It’s his brother.
5 The flower is near the bridge. 5 A: Are those dirty shoes yours,
B: No, they’re not. They’re Luke’s!
Track 47
1 The rabbit is under the table!
2 The river goes under the bridge.
3 The flowers are in the forest.
4 Turn left.
5 The dog is next to the path.
Track 48
1 A: Is he cooking in the kitchen?
B: No, he isn’t. He’s washing his
face in the bathroom.
2 A: What’s this?

140 Audioscript

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Answer key


Activity 1 Students’ own answers Activity 1
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a Activity 23 1 d 2 b 3 a 4 e 5 c
Activity 2 Students’ own answers Activity 2
1 angry 2 dirty 3 eats 4 donkeys Activity 24 1 b 2 c 3 e 4 d 5 a
5 new Students’ own answers Activity 3
Activity 3 Activity 25 1 goat
1 jumper 2 strawberries 3 draw Students’ own answers 2 sleep
4 paint 5 mouse 6 mango 3 donkey
Activity 26 4 wake up
Activity 4 Students’ own answers 5 brush my teeth
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a
Activity 5
Activity 1 1 go 2 wash 3 don’t eat 4 Does
read, banana, frog, shorts, dance
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a 5 sleep
Activity 6
Activity 2 Activity 5
1 can’t 2 don’t 3 got 4 doesn’t
1 c 2 b 3 a 1 Donkeys don’t eat yogurt.
5 my
2 Helena goes to school in the
Activity 7 Activity 3 morning.
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 a 1 shop 3 Bats don’t sleep in the day.
2 swimming pool 4 My brother doesn’t wash his face at
Activity 8 3 farm night.
1 The pineapple is under the chair. 4 playground 5 My goat doesn’t like apples
2 The dog can walk quickly. 5 river
3 My sister doesn’t play the piano. UNIT 2 UNIT TEST
4 They don’t like oranges. Activity 4
Activity 1
5 Anna doesn’t brush her teeth. 1 don’t like
2 likes 1 2 3 4 5
Activity 9 3 doesn’t like Activity 2
1 isn’t 2 do 3 don’t 4 in 5 plays 4 doesn’t like 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 e 5 d
5 like
Activity 10 Activity 3
1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c Activity 5 1 go to school
1 There is a library; There are libraries 2 donkey
Activity 11
2 There isn’t a house; There aren’t any 3 owl
a 4 b 1 c 2 d 5 e 3
houses 4 wash my face
Activity 12 3 There is a café; There are cafés 5 bat
1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 4 There isn’t a park; There aren’t any
parks Activity 4
Activity 13 5 There is a castle; There are castles 1 doesn’t wake up
1 e 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 b 2 eats
Activity 14 UNIT 1 UNIT TEST 3 Do you go
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a Activity 1 4 don’t brush
1 a ;b 5 don’t sleep
Activity 15 2 a ;b
1 2 3 4 5 Activity 5
3 a ;b Students’ own answers
Activity 16 4 a ;b
1 d 2 a 3 e 4 c 5 b 5 a ;b UNITS 1–2 CHECKPOINT TEST
Activity 17 Activity 2 Activity 1
1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 1 library
Activity 3 2 sleep
Activity 18 3 brush my teeth
1 yes 2 yes 3 no 4 yes 5 no 1 river 2 shop 3 school 4 library
5 castle 4 park
Activity 19 5 goat
1 cow 2 café 3 shorts 4 grapes Activity 4
1 don’t like; like Activity 2
5 donkey 1 donkey 2 castle 3 bat 4 owl
2 doesn’t like; likes
Activity 20 3 likes; doesn’t like 5 house
1 school 2 grapes 3 horse 4 like; don’t like Activity 3
4 swim 5 T-shirt 5 doesn’t like; likes 1 c 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 d
Activity 21 Activity 5 Activity 4
1 can’t run; can run Students’ own answers 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F
2 likes strawberries; doesn’t like
3 play music; They don’t play

Answer key 141

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Activity 5 Activity 9 Activity 6
1 does 2 don’t 3 Does 4 Do 1 doesn’t like Students’ own answers
5 doesn’t 2 sleep
3 isn’t UNIT 4 UNIT TEST
Activity 6 4 Do you go Activity 1
1 There are 5 brushes 1 2 3 4 5
2 There aren’t
3 There is Activity 10 Activity 2
4 There isn’t 1 I don’t like shops. 1 yes 2 yes 3 yes 4 no 5 yes
5 There are 2 My sister likes porcupines.
3 There aren’t any playgrounds. Activity 3
Activity 7 4 We don’t go to school. 1 friendly 2 angry 3 funny
1 He doesn’t wash his face at night. 5 He eats ten apples every day. 4 young 5 tired
2 Do you brush your teeth?
3 Bats don’t wake up in the morning. Activity 11 Activity 4
4 We don’t go to school. Students’ own answers 1 sometimes 2 always 3 never
5 Does she eat bananas? 4 sometimes 5 always
Activity 8 Activity 1
1 Kitty Students’ own answers
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a
3 Jenny Activity 2
Activity 1
4 Jenny and Kitty 1 old 2 silver 3 dirty 4 square
5 Jenny 5 light 1 dirty 2 heavy 3 helpful 4 old
5 lazy 6 gold
Activity 9 Activity 3
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T Activity 2
1 heavy 2 clean 3 lazy 4 tired
Activity 10 Activity 4 5 light
Red Town house , school , goat 1 your 2 mine 3 his 4 Ours
Blue Town cow , porcupine , 5 Their Activity 3
river 1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 yes 5 yes
Activity 5
Activity 11 Students’ own answers Activity 4
1 a 2 c 3 c 4 b 5 a 1 b 2 a 3 e 4 d 5 c
UNIT 3 UNIT TEST Activity 5
UNITS 1–2 PROGRESSION Activity 1 1 ours 2 his 3 hers 4 yours
Activity 1 1 b 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 c 5 mine 6 theirs
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a
Activity 2 Activity 6
Activity 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 Ours is old.
1 Porcupines 2 cows 3 Bats 2 Hers is naughty.
4 Donkeys 5 Owls Activity 3
3 Mine is silver.
1 soft 2 dirty 3 hard
Activity 3 4 Theirs is friendly.
1 farms Activity 4 5 His is light.
2 doesn’t like 1 hers 2 Yours 3 Theirs 4 Mine
Activity 7
3 eats 5 His 6 Ours
1 He’s never kind.
4 playground Activity 5 2 They’re sometimes angry.
5 ten Students’ own answers 3 You’re never tired.
Activity 4 4 I’m sometimes naughty.
UNIT 4 PRACTICE TEST 5 She’s always lazy.
1 Friday 2 farm 3 goats 4 café
Activity 1
5 one Activity 8
1 d 2 c 3 e 4 a 5 b
Activity 5 Students’ own answers
1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 yes 5 no Activity 2
Activity 9
1 lazy 2 angry 3 helpful 4 young
Activity 6 1 b 2 e 3 c 4 d 5 a
5 naughty
1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 e Activity 10
Activity 3
Activity 7 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 c
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b Activity 11
Activity 4
Activity 8 Alex friendly , shy ,
1 got 2 Have 3 do 4 don’t
1 porcupine naughty
5 you
2 wake up Maria helpful , friendly ,
3 library Activity 5 shy
4 river 1 My mum is sometimes angry. Lucy helpful , happy ,
5 donkey 2 Alex is never helpful. naughty
3 She is always tired. Andy helpful , happy ,
4 You are never lazy. naughty
5 They are sometimes friendly.

142 Answer key

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Activity 12 Activity 4 Activity 3
1 a cat; b brown 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 a
2 a brother; b funny
3 a donkey; b hard Activity 5 Activity 4
4 a grandad; b dirty Students’ own answers 1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 yes 5 no


UNITS 3–4 PROGRESSION 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c
Activity 1
Activity 1
1 2 3 4 5 Activity 6
1 a 2 c 3 e 4 d 5 b
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a
Activity 2
Activity 2
1 volleyball Activity 7
1 His 2 My 3 Your 4 Her 5 Our
2 football 1 Can 2 playing 3 can’t
Activity 3 3 basketball 4 running 5 play
1 c 2 b 3 a 4 e 5 d 4 table tennis
Activity 8
Activity 4 Activity 3 1 reading 2 swimming 3 throwing
1 robot 2 doll 3 doll 4 robot 1 team 2 hit 3 run 4 catch 4 hitting 5 running
5 doll 5 watch
Activity 9
Activity 5 Activity 4 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a
1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 yes 5 no 1 are jumping
2 am running Activity 10
Activity 6 Mia jump , run
3 Are you throwing
1 b 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 c Alan catch , hit
4 am reading
5 are swimming Kim catch , kick
Activity 7
John jump , kick
1 sad 2 soft 3 tired 4 young
Activity 5
5 heavy Activity 11
1 team 2 football 3 run 4 kick
5 watch 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c
Activity 8
1 light 2 square 3 happy 4 soft Activity 12
Activity 6
5 sad 1 jump very high
Students’ own answers
2 swim
Activity 9
Students’ own answers UNIT 6 UNIT TEST 3 chicken
Activity 1 4 rice
Activity 10 1 a ;b
Students’ own answers UNITS 5–6 PROGRESSION
2 a ;b
Activity 1
4 a ;b 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c
Activity 1
5 a ;b Activity 2
1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b
Activity 2 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 a
Activity 2 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a Activity 3
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b
Activity 3 1 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 no 5 yes
Activity 3 1 watch Activity 4
bread, pasta, juice, soup, rice 2 table tennis 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T
Activity 4 3 football
4 throw Activity 5
1 have 2 please 3 that 4 Can
5 hit 1 e 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 d
5 This
Activity 4 Activity 6
Activity 5
1 am kicking; are jumping 1 e 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 d
1 I have pasta and chicken.
2 Can we have some biscuits and ice 2 Are you reading Activity 7
cream? 3 are playing; am playing 1 table tennis
3 Can I have some water, please? 4 am throwing; are catching 2 hit
4 Can I have that salad, please? 5 Are you watching 3 run
5 Can I have this book, please? Activity 5 4 team
Students’ own answers 5 watch
Activity 1 UNITS 5–6 CHECKPOINT TEST Activity 8
1 c 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 b 1 ’m jumping
Activity 1
2 ’re playing
Activity 2 1 salad 2 team 3 catch 4 bread 3 ’re swimming
1 like 2 Can 3 that 4 have 5 rice 4 ’m throwing
5 one Activity 2 5 ’re watching
Activity 3 1 cheese 2 volleyball 3 football Activity 9
1 bread 2 biscuits 3 juice 4 biscuits 5 throw 1 Can 2 Can 3 can 4 can’t
4 cheese 5 water 5 Can

Answer key 143

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Activity 10 UNIT 8 UNIT TEST Activity 11
1 Can I have some water, please? Activity 1 1 2 3 4 5
2 This one or that one? 1 c 2 b 3 e 4 d 5 a Activity 12
3 I’m not playing football.
Activity 2 1 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 no 5 no
4 Can you kick the ball?
5 Are you watching volleyball? 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 c FINAL TEST
Activity 11 Activity 3 Activity 1
Students’ own answers 1 tree 2 forest 3 rock 4 bridge 1 2 3 4 5
5 path
Activity 1 Activity 4 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 a
1 in front of
a 2 b 1 c 4 d 3 e 5 Activity 3
2 opposite
3 near / next to 1 goes to school
Activity 2
4 under 2 tired
1 d 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b
5 behind 3 makes a cake
Activity 3 4 chicken
1 b 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 c Activity 5 5 fish
1 The dog is in the box.
Activity 4 2 The rock is next to the box / dog. Activity 4
1 is cleaning 3 The blue bird is on the blue flower. 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 c
2 is eating 4 The white bird is above the hill. Activity 5
3 isn’t doing 5 The box is next to the rock. 1 trees 2 is 3 above 4 left
4 is washing
5 near
5 isn’t making UNITS 7–8 CHECKPOINT TEST
Activity 1 Activity 6
Activity 5
1 rock 1 yes 2 yes 3 no 4 no 5 yes
1 Mark’s 2 sister’s 3 Ellie’s
4 grandad’s 5 Tom’s 2 have a shower Activity 7
3 straight on 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d
UNIT 7 UNIT TEST 4 bedroom
Activity 1 5 hill Activity 8
1 b 2 e 3 c 4 d 5 a 1 Ana 2 Miriam 3 Kate 4 Kate
Activity 2 5 Miriam
Activity 2 1 forest 2 cook 3 right 4 drink
1 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 no 5 yes 5 down Activity 9
1 eating; kitchen
Activity 3 Activity 3 2 rock; behind
1 bathroom 2 garden 3 kitchen 1 a 2 e 3 d 4 c 5 b 3 is looking for; on
4 living room 5 bedroom Activity 4 4 bedroom; ’m doing
1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 yes 5 no 5 ’s playing; throwing
Activity 4
1 It’s my mum’s bedroom. Activity 5 Activity 10
2 It’s Gary’s car. 1 ’s cleaning; isn’t cooking 1 He is always funny.
3 It’s my friend’s juice. 2 isn’t drinking; is eating 2 Dad isn’t cleaning the living room.
4 It’s Elena’s homework. 3 isn’t swimming; is climbing 3 Can I kick the ball, please?
5 It’s my sister’s bag. 4 ’s doing; isn’t making 4 The tree is in the forest.
5 ’s having; isn’t sitting 5 Do you have a shower in the
Activity 5
Students’ own answers Activity 6
1 Jake’s 2 Luisa’s 3 Mary’s Activity 11
UNIT 8 PRACTICE TEST Students’ own answers
4 Fred’s 5 Jill’s
Activity 1
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b Activity 7 Activity 12
1 Don’t 2 Turn 3 Go 4 Turn Students’ own answers
Activity 2 5 Go
1 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 no 5 no Activity 13
Activity 8 Students’ own answers
Activity 3 1 on
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 2 in front of
Activity 4 3 under
1 in front of 4 opposite
2 above 5 near
3 on Activity 9
4 next to 1 c 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 c
5 near
Activity 10
Activity 5 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 c 5 b
Students’ own answers

144 Answer key

Z02 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 144 26/08/2020 09:34

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GAMUT PVT LTD 4, Igor Plotnikov 61, Isselee Eric Philippe 1, 7, 9, 15,
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Pakpong Pongatichat 69, PaylessImages 26, photobalance 8, pixelrobot
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damircudic 3, 25, 28, 31, 37, 38, ExperienceInteriors 106, 108, 110, 121, 126,
FooTToo 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 122, 126, heinteh 3, 11, Hemant Mehta 2, 7,
isitsharp 83, 86, 89, 93, 95, 96, 97, 103, Ivan Kuzmin 29, JGI/Jamie Grill
2, 7, 28, 31, 40, JoeZellner 2, 8, 15, JohnnyGreig 7, 26, 28, 31, 33, 37, 38,
44, Jose Luis Pelaez Inc 52, 53, 58, 64, 72, Karthik Arumugam 25, 28, 31,
36, 37, 42, 130, Kenishirotie 112, 113, 115, 118, 122, 125, Ljupco 84, 86, 87, 89,
93, 95, 96, 103, Lubo Ivanko 26, 28, magda_rzymanek 55, 60, 64, 69,
mehmettorlak 9, 12, 13, 15, monkeybusinessimages 7, 8, 17, 20, 23, 34, 35,
36, 38, 40, 41, Nataliia Pyzhova 53, nikkytok 3, 17, 18, 20, 23, 34, 37, 40, 41,
OkinawaPottery 87, Olivier Renck 87, omgimages 8, 17, 21, 23, 37, 41, 44,
134, Onzeg 106, 108, 110, 121, 125, 126, Prostock-Studio 105, 107, 110, 110, 121,
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Artazum and Iriana Shiyan 17, 19, 20, 23, 33, 37, 38, 41, 134, Bildagentur
Zoonar GmbH 3, 9, 15, bmaki 128, bogumil 87, Brian A Jackson 1, Cookie
Studio 61, David Pirvu 96, dencg 61, DenisNata 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 95,
97, 103, Denys Prykhodov 26, Dmitry Naumov 8, 18, 19, 20, 23, 33, 37, 41,
Don Mammoser 8, 28, 29, 31, 33, 36, 44, 130, Elena Nichizhenova 105,
110, 121, 125, 129, Elena Schweitzer 2, forest badger 2, Fotokostic 83, 84,
86, 86, 87, 87, 89, 89, 92, 95, 96, 97, 97, 99, 103, 103, frantic00 83, 86,
89, 95, 96, 97, 103, gillmar 4, 13, 15, Giuseppe_R 128, GoncharukMaks 13,
Here 87, Hung Chung Chih 4, 28, 31, 33, 38, 134, Ievgen Shapovalov 9, 31,
33, 36, 37, iko 105, Ilike 52, Ivan Kuzmin 25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 130,
JaySi 84, 86, 89, 95, 96, 96, 97, 103, Jesus Marcos 8, Jukka Jantunen 28,
Julia Kuznetsova 129, Just dance 68, Kapi Ng 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 33,
34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, Karkas 1, 2, 7, 9, kittirat roekburi 11, 17, 19, 20, 23,
34, 36, 37, 41, Kletr 36, LeNi 75, 78, 79, 81, 92, 95, 97, 103, leungchopan 61,
Lightspring 3, Littlekidmoment 87, Lopolo 11, 25, 29, 31, 38, Lukas Gojda
46, 54, 70, 75, 79, 80, 81, 88, 93, 98, 101, 103, 117, LumineImages 52, 53,
55, 58, 64, lunamarina 53, 55, 58, 64, M. Unal Ozmen 74, 75, 80, 81, 98,
103, Maks Narodenko 1, 1, 7, 13, MaraZe 74, 75, 76, 91, 100, MaraZe 81,
103, Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley 48, Mahathir Mohd Yasin 37, Michael
Warwick 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, MNStudio 99, 105,
107, 110, 125, 129, Neil Lockhart 61, Oksana Kuzmina 68, oksana2010 74,
75, 76, 78, 80, 81, 93, 95, 103, orxy 134, Perutskyi Petro 134, Photographee.

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Pearson Education Limited eu 3, 6, photomaster 9, 13, 15, pzAxe 48, racorn 61, Radomir Rezny 112, 113,
KAO TWO 115, 118, 120, Rob Marmion. 6, Room27 106, 108, 110, 120, 126, Sasa Prudkov
KAO Park 61, Sergey Novikov 89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 103, Signature Message 1, 9,
Hockham Way 15, smereka 9, 11, 31, 35, 36, 37, 40, 130, SpeedKingz 84, 89, 91, 98, 103,
Harlow, Essex stock_studio 128, stocker1970 112, 113, 116, 118, 126, Stor24 3, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23,
CM17 9SR 35, 37, 40, 44, Surrphoto 11, Susan Schmitz 1, 7, 13, 15, Tatiana Popova 3,
England 12, thechatat 7, 11, Tim UR 11, timquo 30, 49, 57, 79, 88, 94, 102, 123, Tobik
and Associated Companies throughout the world. 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, 103, topseller 6, 13, ucchie79 69, urfin 8, 74, 75, 76, 79,
80, 81, 91, 95, 97, 103, 128, VaLiza 105, 107, 110, 120, 125, 129, Valua Vitaly 2, Vichy Deal 2, vidguten 8, 17, 18, 20, 23, 34, 38, 44, wavebreakmedia 12,
© Pearson Education Limited 2021 Yakobchuk Viacheslav 52, 53, 56, 58, 64, 72, 134, Yuri Samsonov 74, 75, 79,
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ISBN: 978-1-292-32272-8 edition of this publication.

Set in Heinemann Roman 14pt Illustrated by Laura Deo/Lemonade Illustration, pp.15, 72, 113, 131;
Illustrated by John Lund/Beehive Illustration, pp.46, 47, 48, 50, 60, 66, 69,
Printed in the UK by CPI Digital 70; Illustrated by Angeles Peinador/Beehive Illustration, pp.10, 114, 116, 124,
Image Credit(s): Anne Jose Kan 26, bogumil 7, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 37, 41, 42, Cover Images: Front: Pearson Education Ltd: Jon Barlow
Cathy Yeulet 130, erstudiostok 3, 28, 31, 42, 44, 134, famveldman 12,
GAMUT PVT LTD 4, Igor Plotnikov 61, Isselee Eric Philippe 1, 7, 9, 15,
Jaroon Ittiwannapong 48, lianem 112, 115, 116, 118, 125, 126, midosemsem 61,
Pakpong Pongatichat 69, PaylessImages 26, photobalance 8, pixelrobot
48, pogonici 48, Sakdinon Kadchiangsaen. 61, Sergey Novikov 83, 86, 89,
95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, talanis 86, 87, 89, 92, 97, 103, Tatiana Kostareva
55, tinna2727 61; Alamy Stock Photo: Sergey Novikov 53, 55, 58, 64, 72,
134, Tetra Images 105, 107, 110, 121, 125; Getty Images: 1001nights 7, 13,
Adam Smigielski 2, 7, 12, 13, Altinosmanaj 56, 64, Azure-Dragon 74, 75,
78, 79, 80, 81, 92, 97, 100, 103, Bill Oxford 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 37, 38, 40,
41, Chefmd 106, 108, 110, 125, 126, Compassionate Eye Foundation 1, 3, 7,
damircudic 3, 25, 28, 31, 37, 38, ExperienceInteriors 106, 108, 110, 121, 126,
FooTToo 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 122, 126, heinteh 3, 11, Hemant Mehta 2, 7,
isitsharp 83, 86, 89, 93, 95, 96, 97, 103, Ivan Kuzmin 29, JGI/Jamie Grill
2, 7, 28, 31, 40, JoeZellner 2, 8, 15, JohnnyGreig 7, 26, 28, 31, 33, 37, 38,
44, Jose Luis Pelaez Inc 52, 53, 58, 64, 72, Karthik Arumugam 25, 28, 31,
36, 37, 42, 130, Kenishirotie 112, 113, 115, 118, 122, 125, Ljupco 84, 86, 87, 89,
93, 95, 96, 103, Lubo Ivanko 26, 28, magda_rzymanek 55, 60, 64, 69,
mehmettorlak 9, 12, 13, 15, monkeybusinessimages 7, 8, 17, 20, 23, 34, 35,
36, 38, 40, 41, Nataliia Pyzhova 53, nikkytok 3, 17, 18, 20, 23, 34, 37, 40, 41,
OkinawaPottery 87, Olivier Renck 87, omgimages 8, 17, 21, 23, 37, 41, 44,
134, Onzeg 106, 108, 110, 121, 125, 126, Prostock-Studio 105, 107, 110, 110, 121,
125, 125, retales botijero 1, 13, 15, Ron Levine 84, 86, 89, 91, 95, 96, 97, 103,
skodonnell 74, 75, 78, 80, 81, 91, 98, 103, SolStock 52, 53, 56, 58, 64, 72,
South_agency 83, 86, 87, 89, 95, 96, 97, 100, 103, Tom Merton 2, 53, 55,
56, 58, 64, 69, 72, 134, ULTRA.F 6, 53, 58, 64, vfoto 74, 75, 80, 81, 95, 97,
103, Vonschonertagen 1, 4, 8, 9, Yasser Chalid 107, 110, 121, yipengge 112,
113, 115, 118, 120, 122, 126, zlikovec 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 121; Pearson Education
Ltd: Handan Erek 100, Jon Barlow 52, 107, Studio 8 67, Trevor Clifford 9;
Shutterstock: 85, 52903 128, Aaron Amat 53, 56, 58, 64, 69, 72, Abramova
Kseniya 4, 8, 11, 12, 15, Africa Studio 6, 10, Andriy Solovyov 2, 7, 11, 25,
29, 31, 33, 36, 42, 44, 130, Antonina Potapenko 106, 108, 110, 121, 125, 126,
Artazum and Iriana Shiyan 17, 19, 20, 23, 33, 37, 38, 41, 134, Bildagentur
Zoonar GmbH 3, 9, 15, bmaki 128, bogumil 87, Brian A Jackson 1, Cookie
Studio 61, David Pirvu 96, dencg 61, DenisNata 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 95,
97, 103, Denys Prykhodov 26, Dmitry Naumov 8, 18, 19, 20, 23, 33, 37, 41,
Don Mammoser 8, 28, 29, 31, 33, 36, 44, 130, Elena Nichizhenova 105,
110, 121, 125, 129, Elena Schweitzer 2, forest badger 2, Fotokostic 83, 84,
86, 86, 87, 87, 89, 89, 92, 95, 96, 97, 97, 99, 103, 103, frantic00 83, 86,
89, 95, 96, 97, 103, gillmar 4, 13, 15, Giuseppe_R 128, GoncharukMaks 13,
Here 87, Hung Chung Chih 4, 28, 31, 33, 38, 134, Ievgen Shapovalov 9, 31,
33, 36, 37, iko 105, Ilike 52, Ivan Kuzmin 25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 130,
JaySi 84, 86, 89, 95, 96, 96, 97, 103, Jesus Marcos 8, Jukka Jantunen 28,
Julia Kuznetsova 129, Just dance 68, Kapi Ng 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 33,
34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, Karkas 1, 2, 7, 9, kittirat roekburi 11, 17, 19, 20, 23,
34, 36, 37, 41, Kletr 36, LeNi 75, 78, 79, 81, 92, 95, 97, 103, leungchopan 61,
Lightspring 3, Littlekidmoment 87, Lopolo 11, 25, 29, 31, 38, Lukas Gojda
46, 54, 70, 75, 79, 80, 81, 88, 93, 98, 101, 103, 117, LumineImages 52, 53,
55, 58, 64, lunamarina 53, 55, 58, 64, M. Unal Ozmen 74, 75, 80, 81, 98,
103, Maks Narodenko 1, 1, 7, 13, MaraZe 74, 75, 76, 91, 100, MaraZe 81,
103, Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley 48, Mahathir Mohd Yasin 37, Michael
Warwick 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, MNStudio 99, 105,
107, 110, 125, 129, Neil Lockhart 61, Oksana Kuzmina 68, oksana2010 74,
75, 76, 78, 80, 81, 93, 95, 103, orxy 134, Perutskyi Petro 134, Photographee.

CVR English Code ASB2 BrE 22728_IBC.indd 1 03/09/2020 12:45

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