The Ether Hypothesis

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Gregory Rossa

The ether
Warsaw 2002÷2006
Gregory Rossa

The ether hypothesis1

Contents ................................................................................................................................2
Insights ..................................................................................................................................3
Observation I .....................................................................................................................3
Observation II ....................................................................................................................3
Long-range interactions ........................................................................................................3
Gravitational interaction ....................................................................................................3
Attempts to explain selected cosmic phenomena ...........................................................3
Perihelion precession of Mercury's orbit ....................................................................3
Ether Flow ...................................................................................................................3
The structure of the distribution of matter in the universe ......................................3
Gravitational Lensing ..............................................................................................3
Gravitationally bound systems ....................................................................................3
Electrical Impact ................................................................................................................3
Curiosity .........................................................................................................................3
Short-range impacts ..............................................................................................................3
Relativistics and unification of interactions ..........................................................................3
Relativism ..........................................................................................................................3
Example ..........................................................................................................................3
Unification of interactions .................................................................................................3
Examples ........................................................................................................................3

1 Thank you: Fr. To Paweł Rossa, my brother, for helping me find quotes
2 Max Planck's considerations , which are the assumptions of the aether hypothesis, include:
2.1 Die physikalische Realität der Ligchtquanten , "Naturwissenschaften" 1927, Vol. 15.
Announcement delivered at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia on May 18, 1927
2.2 Die Stellung der neuren Physic zur mechanischen Naturalchauung . Lecture delivered
on September 23, 1910 at the 82nd meeting of the Society of German Naturalists and
Physicians in Königsberg.
Unfortunately, this work is too extensive to be quoted here, Polish translation :
Max Planck, New ways of physical cognition and philosophy, selected and prefaced by
Stanisław Butryn, translated by Kazimierz Napiórkowski, Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, Warsaw
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 ___________________________________________________________________3

Example I ....................................................................................................................3
Example II ...................................................................................................................3
String theory (M -theory) ......................................................................................................3
Antimatter .............................................................................................................................3
Classification of particles of matter ......................................................................................3
Impact fields ..........................................................................................................................3
Closing remarks ....................................................................................................................3

hole radiation50
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AD 2006 ___________________________________________________________________4

Motto I:

A false theory - one that can be proven false - is better than none at
all, because the rejection of a bad theory is usually a milestone on the
way to a better one

R. Dahrendorf2

Motto II:

The Spirit of God hovered over the waters

Rodz 1, 2, translated into Polish by W. O. Jakub Wujek S. J.

Motto III:

Thoughts of mortals are timid and our predictions fallible, for the
mortal body overwhelms the soul and the earthly dwelling burdens the
volatile mind.
We laboriously discover the things of this earth, hardly find what is at
hand, and who can track what is in the sky?

Wisdom 9:14-16

Motto IV:

Panta rhei

Heraclitus (Her ákleitos ) of Ephesus ( c. 540 ÷ †480 BC )

Motto V:

What is matter; what is gravity; what is the ether and the radiation
propagating in it; what is electricity and magnetism; how are they
connected and what is their relationship to heat? These are the great
problems of the Universe

Henry A. Rowland

R. Dahrendorf, The Current State of Stratification Theory , " Sociological and -Political Stud-
ies " 1968, No. 25, p. 79
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AD 2006 ___________________________________________________________________5

Motto VI:

Everything was already there

Joseph Ben Akiba ( c. 50 †c. 132)

Motto VII:

Now, instead of talking about irreversibility as an approximation and

a secondary law, it can be treated as a fundamental law. To do that,
we need a lot of new physics and a lot of new math. Many scientists
today are fascinated by the grand unification theory. However, we do
not yet know how it could contain such a time dimension that is so im-
portant for human experience

Elijah Prigogine

Motto VIII:

Space in modern physics is not the inert and homogeneous substrate

to which the theories of Newton and Maxwell referred. Some of its
properties resemble those once attributed to ether; one day we may
learn what the movement of electric charges is

Thomas Khun3

Motto IX:

Vacuum energy remains one of science's deepest mysteries. We learned

from quantum physics that a vacuum is not empty. We still have much
to learn.

Michael Turner, Fermilab , 1997

Motto X:

I think I can say with great certainty that no one understands quantum

Richard P. Feynman4

Kuhn Thomas S. , The structure of scientific revolutions, PWN, Warsaw 1968, p. 69
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
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Motto XI:

Quantum mechanics is a mysterious, surprising theory that none of us

understand, although we all know how to use it. As far as I know, it
perfectly describes the physical reality

Murray Gell -Mann5

Motto XII:

The typical response to the problem of interpreting quantum mechan-

ics is to say that quantum mechanics "works" and that's all that mat-
ters. The question of the importance of quantum mechanics is a matter
that should not concern physicists. However, in other circumstances,
we are not satisfied with this attitude. When a student asks how to
solve a quadratic equation, and all he wants to know is the formula
and doesn't care how to get it or why it's correct, we judge him quite
critically. All science is based on the rejection of the belief that it is
enough for a theory to "work"

Jan Barrow6

Motto XIII:

[…] however, we live in a quantum world. It is a mystery why he fol-

lows the deterministic laws of the old order in so many respects

Jan M. Charap7

Feynman, Richard P. , The Nature of Physical Laws ( The Cheracter of Physical Law, MIT
Press, 1965), Prószyński i S -ka , Warsaw 2000, translated by Piotr Amsterdamski
Gell-Mann Murray, Questions for the Future , The Nature of Matter , J. ed. H. Mulvey, Ox-
ford UniversityPress, 1981
Barrow J. D., The World Within The World , Oxford University Press, 1988, [ after :]
Coveney P., Highifield R., Strzałka time like _ solve the greatest a secret science , Profit and
Ska -_ Wydawnictwo , Poznań , p. 263, translation Peter Amsterdam
Charap John M. , Explaining the universe. Physics in the 21st century, Prószyński i S -ka ,
Warsaw 2006, translated by Piotr Rączka
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 ___________________________________________________________________7

Motto XIV:

However, mathematics is not - not only in my opinion - an investiga-

tive method capable of leading us to the "ultimate truth"

Stanislaw Lem8

Motto XV:

I don't care at all about making mistakes, I come up with all kinds of
immature ideas in the hope that they might guide someone's thinking
and lead to some progress

Jerzy Franciszek FitzGerald9

Motto XVI:

In an article for Scientific American ... [April AD 1950 - ed. G. R.]

Einstein pointed out that theories whose basic concepts are closely re-
lated to our experience have a great advantage. Such theories are
much less likely to go astray completely because they are relatively
easy to test. "Nevertheless," wrote Einstein, "in the search for logical
simplicity and unity in the foundations of physical theory, we must in-
creasingly give up this advantage." In the case of grand unification
theory, the "advantage" of staying close to everyday experience has
been completely lost

Allan H. Guth10

Lem S. , Megabit bomb , Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1999, p. 215
FitzGerald G. F., letter to O. Heaviside , [after :] Wojciech Sady, How G. F. Fitzgerald gained
scientific fame , Problemy, popular science monthly, No. 1, (510), January 1989, pp. 34 and
35, History of science
Guth Allan H., The inflation universe, In search of a new theory of the origin of the cosmos,
Prószyński i S -ka , Warsaw 2000, translated by Ewa L. Łokas and Bogumił Bieniok, pp. 202
and 203
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
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Motto XVII:

Realization of all ideas in physics requires a certain amount of com-

mon sense; physical ideas are not purely mathematical ideas or ab-

Richard Feynman11

Motto XVIII:


We need to distinguish the m a t h e m a t i c a l structure12

physical right from its p h y s i c a l c o n t e n t j 12.
The reason for many misunderstandings is the fact that these two im-
portant concepts are not distinguished. […] The mathematical struc-
ture of an equation tells us nothing about the fragment of reality it de-
scribes, as long as we do not associate the mathematical symbols in
this equation with reality. The symbols in mathematical formulas rep-
resent certain quantities in the real world. Until we establish this rep-
resentation, our theory is an abstract theory. It has a definite mathe-
matical structure, but no physical content. […] Mathematical equa-
tions plus their relation to reality give us a physical theory.

[…] a physical theory should be judged only when the mathematical

structure of this theory is related to reality, because only then is it a
physical theory

Leopold Infeld13

R. Feynman, R. Leighton , M. Sands , Feynman's Lectures on Physics , vol . 1, pt . 1, Warsaw
1974, [after:] Albert Einstein, Writings of Philosophy, Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, Warsaw
1999, selected, preface and footnotes by Stanisław Butryn, translated by Kazimierz
Napiórkowski, p. XXII
Albert Einstein, Philosophical Writings, op. cit ., Preface , p. XLVI
enlargement original _ - note _ G.R.
Leopold Infeld, Albert Einstein. His work and role in science, National Scientific Publishing
House , 1956, pp . 89÷91
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AD 2006 ___________________________________________________________________9

Motto XIX:

A full field theory can only cover the field, but not the particles and
quantities that characterize their motions. The latter cannot be
independent of the field, but should be considered as part of it. On the
basis of describing a particle without singularities, a logically more
satisfactory solution to this problem can be given: the problems of
field and motion coincide14

A. Einstein and N. Rosen

Motto XX:

Quantum mechanics is certainly wonderful. But some inner voice tells

me that this is not what it is really about yet. This theory says a lot,
but in fact it does not bring us any closer to the mystery of "God".
Anyway, I'm pretty sure He doesn't play dice

A. Einstein, letter to M. Born of December 4, 192615

Motto XXI:

Suppose that geometry, which wants to describe reality, adopts the

idealization, confirmed experimentally at a certain stage of scientific
development, that there are immutable constants in nature. This ideal-
ization allows us to treat the mutual positions of solids as the mutual
positions of three-dimensional creations of Euclidean geometry. How-
ever, according to Einstein, we should remember that this idealization
may later - in the light of new discoveries - turn out to be either com-
pletely inapplicable or applied only to certain specific areas and phe-
nomena of nature. For example, general relativity has already proven
the inapplicability of this idealization to areas that are sufficiently
large from the point of view of astronomy. Einstein supposed that per-
haps even quantum theory would be able to show the inapplicability of
this idealization to the sphere of atomic phenomena16

A. Einstein with N. Rosen, The Particle Problem in The General Theory of Relativity, Phys.
Rev., 1935, 48, 73 -77
The Born -Einstein letters , Glasgow1971, p. 91, [ after :] Albert Einstein, Writings philo-
sophical , op. cit ., Preface , p. XXII
Albert Einstein, Philosophical Writings, op. cit ., Preface , p. XXII
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________10

Motto XXII:

From his belief in the mathematical simplicity of nature, Einstein de-

rived yet another conclusion regarding the properties of science. This
simplicity, he believed, made the general laws underlying theoretical
physics universal. They refer to all natural phenomena. From these
laws , it is possible to derive by pure deduction a mapping, i.e. a the-
ory of every natural process, including biological phenomena. Diffi-
culties that may arise in the course of the above task are subjective in
nature, they consist in the fact that the possibilities of the human mind
are limited. Therefore, the most important task of physicists is to dis-
cover these laws , because their knowledge gives a theoretical basis
and the possibility of creating a picture of the world by pure deduc-
tion. 17

Motto XXIII:

Today, Einstein's objections to quantum mechanics have lost none of

their force. Today, it seems to me, he would be less isolated in his
views than in 1936

Leopold Infeld18

Motto XXIV:

Phantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen, denn Wissen ist begrenzt19

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, Philosophical Writings, op. cit ., Preface , p. XL
L. Infeld, My memories of Einstein , Warsaw 1956, p . 91, [after:] Albert Einstein, Philosophi-
cal Writings, op. cit., Preface, p. XLVII
Phantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen , den Wissen ist begrenzt - ( German ) imagination is more
important than knowledge because knowledge is limited (see )
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________11

Motto XXV:

Once the antithesis of ether and matter has been overcome, what point
of view will ultimately be at the basis of the division of the system of
physics? As we have seen above, this question is at the same time
characteristic of the whole form of the further development of our sci-

Max Palnck20

Motto XXVI:

Woe also to the researcher who closes his eyes to a new fact that does
not fit well into his own circle of ideas and is inclined to consider it
untrue or of little importance. The knowledge which he rejects at the
moment will have to come at a great price in the future

Max Palnck21

Observation I

J One of the basic assumptions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity is the prin-
ciple of equivalence, assuming the equality of gravitational and inertial mass. The ob-
server Fig. 1.1 placed in the gravitational field coming from the mass 2 is supposed to ob-
serve, according to the principle of equivalence, the same physical phenomena as the ob-
server Fig. 2.1 placed in the accelerating system 2 with constant acceleration. According to
the equivalence principle, the gravitational field is supposed to be equivalent to the " field
of inertia " 22.

Max Planck, Die Einheit des physikalischen Weltbildes . Lecture delivered at the meeting of
the student corporation of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Leiden on De-
cember 9, 1908. Planck's first philosophy lecture. Verlag von S. Hirzel others Liepzig 1909.
Translated from: M. Planck, Wege zur physikalischen Erkenntnis , Band I, Verlag von Hirzel
in Liepzig 1943
Max Planck, Dynamische und Statistische Gesztzmässigkeit . Speech delivered on the occa-
sion of the commemoration of the founder Friedrich -WilhelmsUniversität in Berlin on Au-
gust 3, 1914
Einstein A., " Jahrb . Rad. electr." 4, 411 (1907), after : God is refined..., op. cit., p. p. 185 et
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In fact, this is true for a point observer. The " inertial field " is uniform, and the uni-
form gravitational field is a non-physical case . In particular, in the " field of inertia " the
phenomenon of tides cannot be observed. This discrepancy was recognized by Einstein,
but he considered local equivalence to be perfectly sufficient.

Full compliance with the gravitational field can be obtained by placing the observer
Fig. 3.1 in the current 2 . Current 2, in which the observer 1 was placed , should be such
that it affects not only the surface of the observer 1 , but that the value of the current pres-
sure acting on the massive body and the value of the current generated by this body are di-
rectly proportional to the mass of this body. Any non-uniformity can be given to the cur-
rent, in particular a non-uniformity corresponding to the non-uniformity of the gravita-
tional field.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
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T so the equivalence principle assuming (local) equivalence of gravitational and inertial

" fields " should be incorporated into the equivalence principle assuming (integer)
equivalence of gravitational fields and current.

Einstein derived general relativity by considering a rotating rigid body (disk ,

merry-go-round ) 23. The apparent acceleration appearing in the non-inertial system of the
carousel is different than the gravitational one. It is directly proportional to the radius
measured from the axis of rotation of the carousel to where the centrifugal acceleration is
determined, and has the same sense as radius . For compatibility with gravitational accel-


eration, replace the argument from centrifugal to gravitational  , argument  , and
2 n
r r r
changing the quasi centrifugal field into a gravitational field into . Generally goes
into , where . This swap can be called a carousel flip. The inverted merry-go-
round is a Descartes vortex. Einstein's carousel, expressed in the conceptual apparatus of
the ether hypothesis, discussed later, is shown in Fig. 4.5 . As you can see, it wasn't the cir-
cumference that increased while the radius remained the same, but the other way round, the
circumference remained the same and the radius increased. The enlargement of the radius
took place by its oblique, paraboloidal guiding in space enlarged by the dimension corre-
sponding to the gravitational influence and mass. An observer staying in three-dimensional
space, in an inertial system, unrelated to the rotational movement of the carousel, perceives
the carousel as its projection on the directions of three-dimensional space. That is, it states
that after setting in motion the dimensions of the carousel have not changed in comparison
to its rest.

Stachel John: Einsteinand the Rigidly Rotating Disk. [In:] A. Held (ed.): General Relativity
and Gravitation . Plenum, New York 1980, p . 1, [after:] Greene B., The Beauty of the Uni-
verse, Superstrings , hidden dimensions and the search for the ultimate theory, Prószyński
and Ska -, Warsaw, 2001, p. 71 et seq.
Observation II

One of the basic assumptions of Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity is the def-
inition of time, identifying the concept of time with what a clock measures: "It might
seem possible to overcome all the difficulties of the definition of time by replacing the word
»time by «the »position of the small hand of my watch «." " 24. “[…] The concept of a mea-
suring body, as well as the concept of a measuring clock coordinated with it in the theory
of relativity, has no object in the real world that closely corresponds to it. It is also clear
that the solid body and the clock in the conceptual system of physics do not play the role of
irreducible elements, but the role of complex entities that should not play an independent
role in building theoretical physics. I am convinced, however, that these concepts must still
be treated as independent at the present stage of development of theoretical physics; for we
are too far from such a certain knowledge of the theoretical foundations of atomistics to be
able to give precise theoretical constructions of these formations.

[…]” 25.

Einstein's definition of time was given earlier by St. Augustine: " In this change-
ability, times can be recognized and measured, because times are made by the change of
things, when shapes change and turn […]" 26; In the same way, that formlessness, »the in-
visible and unformed earth «, was not counted among the works of days. For where there is
no form, no order, nothing comes or passes, and where it does not , there are of course no
days, no change in periods of time. " 27; Only a man who wanders astray and tossed about
in delusions can say that if all form were removed and destroyed, and only the formlessness
on which things change and transmute from form to form remained, this formlessness
would show signs of lapse . time. It would be completely impossible; without movement to
Einstein A., On the electrodynamics of bodies in motion, " Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K
örper ", Annalen der Physik , 1905, 17, 891 -921 , [after :] Source literature for the course
"Fundamentals of physics" at the Warsaw University of Technology, scientific and didactic
editor Dr. Witold Kruczek, Teaching Library of the Methodology Team for Physics Teaching,
Institute of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, 1983, Volume 1, Special
Theory of Relativity, (second corrected and supplemented edition), p. 26, (in the footnote:
"was -translated -into Polish by students of the Faculty of Zofia Tyfel , Zbigniew Pojmański
and Jerzy Kalenik . The translation was carried out under the supervision of lecturer W.
Wanacki and was edited in terms of content by Dr. W. Kruczek. "
Einstein A., Geomerie und Erfahrung. Erweiterte Fassung des Festvrtrages gehalten an der
Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Verlag Julius Springer, Berlin 1921. [in
footnote :] " Translated from: A. Einstein , Mein Weltbild, ed . j. w. ", [in:] Einstein A., Ernst
Mach, "Physikalische Zetschrify " 1916, Vol. 17, No . 7., [ after :] Albert Einstein, Writings
Philosophical , Publishing House IFiS PAN, Warsaw 1999, translated by Kazimierz
Napiórkowski , p. 54
St. Augustyn, Confessions (book XII 8,8), PAX , Warsaw, 1955, revised second edition,
translated from Latin, with an introduction and commentary by Fr. dr Jan Czuj, rector of the
Academy of Catholic Theology, p. 278
ibid. (Book XII 9,9), p . 278
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
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change there is no time; and there can be no movement and change where no form exists. "
; “ It is true that formlessness, which is almost nothing, cannot be subject to the vicissi-
tudes of time either. " 29; "[...] time appears with the shapes of things [...]" 30; “ Certainly
the world was created not in time, but with time. For what is created in time is created both
after and before a certain time - after what is past, before what is future. But then nothing
could be past, for there was no creature whose movements could serve as a measure of du-
ration. The world was thus created along with time. " 31.

Definition of St. Patrick 's Time Augustine 32-Einstein is the best known definition
of time.

The definition of time in the close sense was given by Ernest Mach. “[…] »Time is rather
an abstraction, which we arrive at by changing things, because we are not dependent on
any specific measure, because they are all interconnected «. " 33.

A clock is a device consisting of a physical phenomenon selected arbitrarily, espe-

cially due to the regularity of its repetition in time, the duration of which is taken as the ba-
sis for counting time, and a counter. The regularity of repetition over time is established by
comparison with other physical phenomena. The counter can be solved with quite a lot of
freedom. The measure of the passage of time is the proportionality factor between the rate
of occurrence of the physical phenomenon under study and the rate of occurrence of the
physical phenomenon that was used in the clock , "[...] time as motion in dynamics [...]" 34.

The occurrence of the physical phenomenon used in the clock dissipates energy in
the environment. The measurement of time is inseparable from increasing the entropy of
the system whose time is measured by the clock. If the system has reached the maximum
entropy possible to achieve in this system, then : the entropy of this system no longer in-
creases, only completely random fluctuations occur in the system, no physical phenome-
non that can be the basis for measuring time occurs, i.e. the measurement of time in this
system is impossible. When the system reaches the maximum achievable entropy, there is a
simultaneous cessation of: the increase in entropy and the passage of time understood ac-

St. Augustyn, op. cit. (XII 11), Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków, 1994, translated with an intro-
duction and a calendar by Zygmunt Kubiak, p. 290
ibid. (XII 19), p . 298
St. Augustyn, Wyznania, op. cit. (book XII 29, 40), Warsaw , 1955, p. 301
St. Augustyn, [after :] Rees M., Only six numbers, Wydawnictwo CiS , Warsaw, 2000
cf. _
[in the footnote :] “ It is Mach's book Die Mechanik in ihrer Entwicklung historisch -kritisch
dargestellt (1883). ", [in:] Einstein A., Ernst Mach, "Physikalische Zetschrify " 1916, Vol. 17,
No. 7., [ after :] Albert Einstein, Writings Philosophical , op. cit ., p. 36
Coveney P. , Strzałka ..., op. cit., p. 265
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
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cording to the definition of St. Augustyn -Einstein , "[...] The age of a system can be re-
garded as its thermodynamic aspect [...]" 35.

P since this observation applies to any system chosen according to any criterion, espe-
cially according to the size scale criterion, the increase in entropy applies not only to
systems with the law of large Bernoulli numbers, which are the subject of the study of sta-
tistical physics, but is a property of all matter no less fundamental than the flow of and
phrase, arrow, time.

E The ntropy of a system can be equated with the complexity of that system. The mea-
sure of the entropy of a system can be the volume of the total, minimum description of
the system, sufficient to reproduce this system. Fractals, contrary to Mandelbrot 36, are not
completely faithful models of objects found in nature, because the volume of description of
fractals is very small. Fractals can be good models of objects with a relatively low entropy
value, and these are rather rare in nature.

The difference in the entropy values of an object from different moments of time
and the time elapsed between these moments in the system of this object can be given in

Long-range interactions
Gravitational interaction

P three-dimensional space, presented in a section along the direction perpendicular to

three-dimensional space, in the dimension corresponding to the gravitational interac-
tion, symbolically, in the form of a line Fig. 4.1 is a three-dimensional, outer boundary hy-
persurface of the tensor probability density field 2 (ether). Ether 2 is a liquid-like sub-
stance. It is a perfectly continuous medium. The assumption of ether granularity 2 is not
cognitively valuable. It is a quantum liquid, coherent, indivisible and elastic. In the ether 2
, apart from wave motion, there is no dissipation of energy, dissipation. In ether 2 there are
laws: conservation of: energy, momentum, angular momentum; Archimedes, Pascal, Kirch-
hoff and Bernoulli .

Fundamental particle 3 is the Descartes vortex of ether 2 . In the fundamental parti-

cle 3, the ether 2 flows out of the three-dimensional space in the direction corresponding to
the gravitational interaction, perpendicular to the three-dimensional space 1 . Aether 2
moves in vortex 3 along a helical curve while circling around the axis of rotational symme-
try of the vortex 3 , parallel to the direction corresponding to the gravitational interaction,
ibid. , p. 281
Mandelbrot B., The Fractal Geometry of Nature , W. H. Freeman, New York 1983 and "Sci-
ence", 1967, 156 , 636
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and perpendicular to the three-dimensional space 1 . What is perceived as the mass of the
fundamental particle is the sum of the kinetic energy of the ether current 2 circulating in
the vortex 3 and the potential energy, buoyancy, curvature of three-dimensional space 1
contained in the fundamental particle 3 .

Reversing the direction of running, arrow, time is impossible, because it is not pos-
sible to have an outflowing vortex. Nemasa cannot exist . Negamas is a concept introduced
by analogy with electric charges. Negamasa is a property of matter that determines its
gravitational interaction. Negative bodies gravitationally attract each other, as do massive
bodies, while a massive body and a negamasive body gravitationally repel each other. The
existence of negamas is impossible, because the existence of a protruding vortex is not

Ether 2 exhibits quadraticity space --field-substantial-time . It should be taken for

granted that the common efficient cause of the existence of substances and fields exhibits
the characteristics of both. In the field --substantial duality of ether 2 , the principle of
complementarity does not apply. Whether Aether 2 is more of a substance or a field de-
pends on the relative velocity between the Aether 2 currents . The faster the speed, the
more aether 2 is a substance, the slower the speed, the more aether 2 is a field. Generally,
ether 2 is a substance for itself, but for its vortex 3 , that is, the fundamental particle is a
field. Effect of Aether 2 on the Aether Vortex 3 , i.e. for the fundamental particle, is aniso-
tropic. Aether Vortex 3 , i.e. the fundamental particle, moves along the line connecting
points with the same value of probability density ( isoprobe ) without experiencing the re-
sistance of the medium, while it experiences a drift by the ether current 2 , flowing from a
place with a higher value of probability density to a place with a lower value of probability

WITH the interferometer experiment of Michelson and Morley does not imply
that "... one should not attribute to it [the aether] any marked state of
motion ..." . It follows, however, that an observer associated with the inertial frame per-

ceives that the aether 2 is at rest relative to his reference frame, and that other frames mov-
ing relative to the observer's frame also move relative to the aether 2 . The postulate: "...
Einstein A., Aether and Relativit ätstheorie , lecture given on May 5, 1920. at the University
of Leiden on the occasion of the appointment of A. Einstein as a professor of this university,
[after :] Source literature ..., op. cit., vol. 1, p. 117, Ether and the theory of relativity, p. 121.
Pais A., Lord God is sophisticated…, op. cit ., p . 316, (in a footnote): " In the printed version
of the lecture [E39 { [p. 324 - ed. G. R.] A. Einstein, Ather and Relativit ätheory . Springer,
Berlin 1920. }] the date of its publication is incorrect [according to Pais, the correct date is
October 27 - ed. G.R. ] . By aether Einstein understood the gravitational field (one wonders if
this name was chosen happily). »The aether of general relativity is a medium with no me-
chanical or kinematic properties that co-determines mechanical and electromagnetic events
«. ". The author cannot agree with Pais' second comment . Too large volume of the text of the
lecture does not allow to quote it
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________22

one should deprive it [ether] of the last mechanical feature through the process of abstrac-
tion ..." 38not only relatively , locally, in relation to the inertial frame of the observer, but
also globally - absolutely , absolutely is an overinterpretation, not confirmed by experi-
K K1
mental facts and in theory: " The physical equivalence , and in conjunction with the
K K1
hypothesis that the aether rests and moves, does not seem to me to be logically ab-
surd, but I find it impossible to accept. The constant speed of light relative to the observer
in each frame, from Einstein's special theory 39of relativity, is because the observer in each
inertial frame perceives that aether 2 is stationary relative to him.

The motion of one frame of reference relative to another is described by the relative
velocity of these frames. In the aether hypothesis, the motion of the system relative to
aether 2 is described not by the velocity of this system, but by its first derivative. Newton's
first law of motion is identical to the law of locality. The non-existence of an absolute
frame of reference for inertial frames means that when taking the derivative, it becomes
zero. The uncertainty of the position of the inertial frame relative to the ether 2 results from
the uncertainty of the constant added after integration. In the aether hypothesis, the posi-
tion of the system relative to aether 2 makes no physical sense. Newton's second law of
motion is the same as the principle of equivalence. The value of the apparent force appear-
ing in the non-inertial system is proportional to the ether current 2 . And the value of ether
current 2 is proportional to the acceleration of this system. In general: the mutual motion of
the systems relative to each other is described by time derivatives shifted one order down-
wards relative to the derivatives describing the motion of the system relative to the ether ,
¶n ¶ n+1
|ukµad wzgldem ukµadu « n+1 |ukµad wzgldem eteru
¶ tn ¶t nÎ
; For  . Therefore, while all inertial frames
moving relative to each other in a uniform rectilinear motion are mutually equivalent, non-
inertial frames moving relative to each other in a uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion
need not be mutually equivalent. With acceleration, the velocity of the system relative to
the ether becomes definite.

non-commutative algebra , position and time are undefined. In the presence of mat-
ter ( non-inertial systems ), the space created by the aether is subject to the description of
geometry corresponding to commutative algebra, position and time are determined. Subject
to the description of geometry corresponding to commutative and non-commutative alge-
bra, they are quantum eigenstates of the ether. The presence and absence of matter causes
the corresponding transitions between these states. This is due to the fact that the dimen-
sion of the ether current is energy.
ibid. , p. 120
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________23

Curvature 4 of three-dimensional space 1 , caused by the presence of massive bod-

ies, is an ether depression 2 . Gravitational phenomena, including relativistic ones, are the
result of the resultant interaction of the curvature 4 of three-dimensional space 1 and the
ether current 2 .

The equality of the inertial and gravitational mass consists in the equality of the
mass of the fundamental particle 3 and the sum of the kinetic energy of the ether 2 flowing
to the fundamental particle 3 and the potential energy of the curvature of three-dimensional
space 1 (aether buoyancy) beyond the fundamental particle 3 .

Curvature 4 of three-dimensional space 1 , caused by the presence of massive bod-

ies is not as large as predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity. The smaller curva-
ture is compensated by the aether current 2 .

The current of aether 2 can be detected by repeating the experiment with the
Michelson-Morley interferometer, rotated not about the vertical axis, but about the hori-
zontal axis (see , An attempt to quantify the effectp. 60).

Attempts to explain selected cosmic phenomena

Precession of the perihelion of Mercury's orbit

IN 1 ¶
according to some, 40Einstein's general theory of relativity does not completely ex-
plain the perihelion movement of Mercury's orbit: " Equation (5) [
Ñ hmν − 2 2 h mν =16 pGT mν
c ¶t
 (5) - footnote G. R.] and the like were indeed considered
by Einstein and others in the years 1900-1920. --It is not quite as consistent with experi-

ence as presented above. E.g. predicts too large (by a factor  ) shift of the perihelion of
Mercury. Eventually, particle theorists went back to the equation (5) and showed that after

1. Dicke , after : Source literature..., op. cit., p. 17, Newton's gravity and Einstein's gravity in
the course of Fundamentals of Physics (editor's didactic preface), Kruczek W.
2. Robert Dicke, Karol Brans , Marek Goldenberg, [ after :] Hey T, Mirror Einstein , Amber,
Warsaw, 2000, pp. 203 and 204
3. "[...] Robert H. Dicke [...] in 1961 collaborated with Carl Brans to create a new theory of
gravity, now called Brans -Dicke's theory . Although Einstein's theory of general relativity
is still the accepted theory of gravity, most books on it also feature Brans -Dicke's theory
as a viable alternative that should not be ignored. […]” ( Guth Allan H., Wszechświat …,
op . cit., p. 94)
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________24

small but drastic changes, necessary for some reasons, the equation becomes consistent
with all modern experiments. " 41. Perhaps a better agreement of theoretical predictions
with observational data can be obtained by taking into account the flow of the aether.

Ether flow

The structure of the distribution of matter in the Universe

WITH the opposite phenomenon to the outflow from the three-dimensional

space 1 of the ether 2 in the vortex 3 is the outflow of the ether in the
three-dimensional space 1 (see 42Fig. 6.2 ) . Herring 2 is much larger than the vortex Fig. 4.
3 of the ether 2 .

Smarr , Wiliam H. Press, Our Elastic Space-Time: Black Holes and Gravitational Waves, [af-
ter : ] Source literature ..., op. cit., vol. 3, Grawitacja, p. 361, (in the footnote: " This article
was translated into Polish by Dariusz Nowikowski and Małgorzata Bugla, students of the
Faculty of Electronics. The article was linguistically checked by W. Wanacki , MA , and fi -
nally edited by Dr. Janina Mikołajczyk. "
During World War II, Allied airmen fighting U- -boats called herring a hydrological phenom-
enon caused by an emerging submarine. As the submarine emerges, it pushes up the water
above it. The surface of the sea bulges , and the water flows from the center of the bulge out-
ward. When aviators spotted herring , they rushed to throw depth charges at it
Matter in the universe is not evenly distributed on the largest scale , but is found in
flat walls surrounding void spaces. The construction of the structure of the distribution of
matter resembles soap foam in its appearance. Repetitive modules of building the structure
of matter distribution are cells in the shape of geometric solids limited by flat walls. Two
cells meet with a face, three with an edge, and four with a vertex. Such a structure of mat-
ter distribution in the Universe is caused by the fact that in the center of each cell there is a
herring Fig. 6.2 . The ether current flowing from the herring bulges three-dimensional
space in the direction corresponding to the gravitational interaction and mass, which
pushes the matter from the entire volume of the cell to the walls. Matter is formed into
walls by the partial balancing of the aether currents coming from neighboring herrings 2 .
Herrings 2 interact with each other, repel each other and the distances between them in-
crease. Since the three-dimensional space of Fig. 4.1 is formed by the three-dimensional
outer boundary hypersurface of the aether 2 , the inflow of ether 2 through the herrings Fig.
6.2 causes the increase of the three-dimensional space Fig. 4. and 6.1 . Together with the
herrings Fig. 6.2, the walls of matter move. This phenomenon is seen as the escape of gal-
axies and the expansion of the universe.

Ether outflow Fig. 4. 2 in three-dimensional space Fig. 4. and 6. 1 Fig. 6.2 is the
equivalent of the cosmological interaction from the original, abandoned version of Ein-
stein's general theory of relativity .

Aether currents push matter from the centers of the walls to the edges and from the
centers of the edges to the vertices. In the language of modern astronomy, the space sur-
rounded by herrings, devoid of matter, is called a "bubble" and "emptiness", the matter in
the plane between the adjacent, pushing apart herrings 2 - a "wall", this term also includes
the so-called "Great Wall "; matter pushed to the edges - "filaments".

Ambient tracks 2 , i.e. modular cells of the construction of the structure of the dis-
tribution of matter in the largest scale of the Universe resemble Rayleigh -B énard convec-
tion cells in a larger number of dimensions. This is not tantamount to the statement that the
cause of the ether flow in Fig. 4.2 in three-dimensional space was supposed to be convec-

The recently discovered movement of certain galaxies, including our Local Group
of Galaxies, towards the so-called The "Great Attractor ", located in Virgo, is the move-
ment along the edge from its center to its tip. At the current stage of the Universe's evolu-
tion, a large amount of matter has not yet accumulated in the vertices. In the place where
the "Great Attractor " should be located, only a collection of many faintly luminous galax-
ies has been found. The observed matter from these galaxies is being supplemented with "
dark matter " in an amount not ten to a hundred times as much as elsewhere, but three hun-
dred times that of visible matter.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________27

Gravitational lensing

k the curvature of three-dimensional space causes the path of light rays to bend. Multi-
plied images of distant celestial bodies in the form of arcs and even full rings are ob-
served. This phenomenon has been called gravitational lensing . Gravitational interaction is
assumed to be the sole cause of gravitational lensing . The stronger the gravitational lens-
ing , the greater the curvature of three-dimensional space that caused it must have been.
Sometimes the observed phenomenon of gravitational lensing is so strong that it is difficult
to find the cause of such a large curvature of three-dimensional space. In an object, espe-
cially a cluster of galaxies, suspected of being the source of the gravitational field causing
the deviation of the path of light rays , the mass recorded , i.e. observed, is too small,
sometimes even ten times, to cause the curvature of three-dimensional space adequate to
the magnitude of the observed deviation. It is assumed that in addition to the mass ob-
served in the object, there is also the so-called " dark matter ", not observed with the par-
ticipation of electromagnetic radiation, but having mass, being the source of the missing
part of the gravitational field. The hypothetical existence of " dark matter " is not the only
possible explanation for the observed amount of deviation in the path of light rays.

Another explanation could be the passage of light rays through one or more her-
rings. The mechanism of the phenomenon is explained in Fig. 5. Three-dimensional space
is symbolically represented as surface 1 . Light emitted by a distant space object 2 is ob-
served on Earth 3 . Paths of light rays : 6 and 7 , emitted by object 2 are not rectilinear, but
curved. On the curvilinearity of the paths of light rays : 6 and 7 , sent by object 2 , we are
convinced by the ring shape of the image of object 2 , observed on Earth 3 . On bending
the paths of light rays : 6 i 7 , sent by object 2 with its gravitational field, an object is
wrongly suspected, especially a cluster of galaxies 8 . In fact, the cause of the bending of
the paths of light rays : 6 i 7 , sent by object 2 , is their passage through a pair of adjacent
herrings: 4 and 5 . The shading symbolizes the convexity of herrings : 4 and 5 , just like
any neighboring herrings, they press against each other, as a result of which the lines of
force of the gravitational field in the area between them form a diamond shape. Curvature
of three-dimensional space in the area between herrings : 4 and 5 is saddle-shaped. If the
gravitational lens formed by the concave mass-derived curvature of three-dimensional
space can be called a monopole lens, then the pair of tracks : 4 and 5 - dipole lens.
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Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
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The optical paths of the off-axis rays 6 are longer than the optical paths of the inter-
nal rays 7 , also due to the curvature of three-dimensional space 1 in herrings: 4 and 5 ,
thus the time it takes for the off-axis rays 6 to pass from the object 2 to the Earth 3 is
longer than the time for the internal rays 7 to pass from the object 2 to the Earth 3 . If the
brightness of the light emitted by the distant space object 2 is variable in time, then due to
differences in the transition time of the changes in brightness observed on Earth 3 , are
blurred in time. The delay of the observed changes in brightness is angle-dependent and is
greater for larger angles. Of course, an analogous dependence of the delay on the angle is
given by the passage of light rays through the concave curvature of three-dimensional
space, caused by mass, but due to the differences in curvatures, the characteristics are dif-

If Earth 3 is not near the focus of the dipole lens, then the image of object 2 is cre-
ated by only one herring and no full rings are visible, only arcs with an angle not greater
180 °
than and multiplied images. If Earth 3 is near where the full ring should be visible,
but is not, then the missing part of the ring has been swallowed or deflected by another ob-

The best conditions for observing are when the optical axis lies in the space plane
of the wall of matter, and especially passes through the edge and vertex.

Follow 4 and 5 , and Fig. 6.2 exhibits properties similar to the postulated, hypothet-
ical so-called " dark energy ".

Gravitationally bound systems

ABOUT ether flow Fig. 4.2 from three-dimensional space Fig. 4. and 6.1
occurs not only in fundamental particles Fig . 4. 3 , but also in
more extensive areas Fig. 6. 3 . Component objects of gravitationally bound systems: stars
and cosmic dust in galaxies, and galaxies in galaxy clusters 4 , observed in electromagnetic
radiation, have too little mass for the gravitational field generated by them to cause such
movements as are observed; in particular, that they are capable of forming a gravitationally
bound system at all. Mass deficiency, even tenfold, is explained by the presence of the so-
called. " dark matter ", unobserved in electromagnetic radiation, but heavy. An alternative
explanation to " dark matter " is the outflow of 3 Aether from three-dimensional space 1 ,
which holds object 4 in a gravitationally bound state. Track 2 moves the Aether Outflow 3
along with the Object 4 it contains .

Observations show that stars outside our galaxy move at a constant linear speed re-
gardless of the radius. This means that the curvature of three-dimensional space and the
stream of ether flowing out of it, where the stars in question 3 are moving , are constant.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________30

g the gravitational curvature of three-dimensional space 1 , caused by the outflow 3 of

the aether, may explain some cases of gravitational lensing .

The "space-forming" property of the ether Fig. 4.2 makes the herring Fig. 6.2 and
the ether drain 3 the geometric properties of the three-dimensional space itself Fig.
Fig. 4. and 6.1 . The metric of three-dimensional space Fig. Fig. 4. and 6. 1 in the herring
Fig. 6.2 and in the ether drain 3 is a function of time and position relative to the herring 2
and the ether drain 3 . The metric of three-dimensional space Fig. Fig. 4. and 6. 1 in herring
( x , x )|
d t, 1 2 x , x =const .
1 2

Fig. 6.2 is an increasing function of time . The metric of three-dimen-

sional space Fig. Fig. 4. and 6. 1 in the ether drain Fig. 6.3 is a decreasing function of time
( x , x )|
d t, 1 2 x , x =const .
1 2


Electrical impact

P three-dimensional space, presented in a section along the direction perpendicular to

three-dimensional space and directions corresponding to other interactions, in the di-
mension corresponding to the electrical interaction, symbolically, in the form of a line Fig.
7. 1 is a three-dimensional phase boundary of two ether phases: 2 and 3 , corresponding to
unlike electric charges . Similar electric charges are ether vortices in the same phase : 4
and 5 . Opposite electric charges are etheric vortices in different phases : 5 and 6 . Due to
the phase boundary 1 , unlike in the gravitational interaction, the electric charges 4 , 5 and
6 do not bend the three-dimensional space 1 apart from the vortices themselves: 4 , 5 and 6
. Vortex interior : 4 , 5 and 6 is filled with the opposite phase of Aether: 2 and 3 . Unlike in
the gravitational interaction, the outflow of ether in three-dimensional space 1 occurs not
on a large scale, but between each pair of aether vortices and is much more intense. The
dissolution of the ether in three-dimensional space 1 separates charges of the same name: 4
and 5 , and approaches unlike: 5 and 6 .
ANDthe existence of magnetic monopoles is impossible, because in the above understand-
ing of electric charges: 4 , 5 and 6 magnetism is a spinless phenomenon .

Fun fact

WITH there is a very interesting relationship. The ratio of the distance be-
tween adjacent ether outflows to three-dimensional space in the direc-
tion corresponding to the interactions and electric charges to the distance between adjacent
herrings is equal to the coupling constant of the gravitational interaction:
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________32

R el
=α gr

Rê Rel
where : - distance between adjacent herrings Fig. 6.2 , - distance between adjacent
ether inflows into three-dimensional space in the direction corresponding to the interaction
α gr=5⋅910−39 [ − ]
and electric charges, - coupling constant of gravitational interaction43

hence :

Rel =α gr R ê ;

It can be assumed that the distance between neighboring herrings is approximately

equal to the length of the module of the periodic structure of the Universe in the largest
scale of the size hierarchy:

Rê =200 mlnl. ú . ´ 9⋅4610 17 cm/ ( r.ú . ) =1⋅89210 24 m

44 45

hence :

Rel =1⋅1162810 −14 m

which corresponds to the size of the atomic nucleus, i.e. the distance at which the electro-
magnetic interaction loses its dominant significance. The moving apart of the masses
moved apart by the herring Fig. 6.2 and the repulsion of the same electric charges Fig. 7.4
and 5 is caused by the same mechanism.

Short-range impacts

P Contrary to long-range interactions , the aetheric vortices responsible for short-range

interactions do not interact with each other with their hypersurface parts located in

Encyclopedia of Contemporary Physics, PWN , Warsaw , 1983, p. 87, Elementary particles
and their interactions, Białkowski G.
Rees M. , Only six numbers, op. cit., p. 89
Great Universal Encyclopaedia, PWN , Warsaw , 1967, vol. 10, p. 39
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________33

three-dimensional space, but they interact with each other with their deep-sea parts located
in the aether at some distance from three-dimensional space. The deep-sea sections of the
aetheric vortices responsible for short-range interactions are approximately cylindrical in
shape. The axes of symmetry and rotation of the ether vortices of fundamental particles in-
teracting with each other with short-range interactions are parallel to each other and to the
direction corresponding to the given short-range interaction , and perpendicular to three-di-
mensional space and directions corresponding to other interactions. The distance between
the side surfaces of the ether vortex cylinders of fundamental particles interacting with
each other by short-range interactions is small. As a result of the fast rotation of the ether in
the ether vortices of fundamental particles interacting with each other with short-range in-
teractions, a negative pressure is created between the ether vortices of fundamental parti-
cles interacting with each other in short-range interactions , according to Bernoulli's law.
According to Pascal's law, the difference in ether pressure between the ether vortices of the
fundamental particles interacting with each other with short-range interactions and the
ether outside the fundamental particles interacting with each other with short-range interac-
tions creates a pressure pressing the fundamental particles interacting with each other with
short-range interactions , to each other.

After providing energy from the outside to the fundamental particles interacting
with each other with short-range interactions , they can be moved away from each other.
The supplied energy is stored in the form of aether pressure energy. After exceeding a cer-
tain threshold value of energy, the energy of the ether pressure difference creates between
the ether vortices of fundamental particles interacting with each other by short-range inter-
actions , a pair of ether vortices with opposite helicity forming a pair: quark - antiquark .
The creation of a quark- antiquark pair can be described by catastrophe theory.

Hadrons are two- -and three-quark systems because only in these systems each
ether whirl is in contact with each other, which ensures a sufficiently high stability.

INmedium-range " interactions is impossible .

Relativistics and unification of interactions

P The parameter which can be used to determine the state of the object system in relation
to the observer system is the total energy density. The total energy consists of the sum
of the kinetic energies of all ether currents of the subject system and the potential energy of
the three-dimensional space curvature, buoyancy, relative to the observer's system. The
volume dimension in which the total energy density is determined includes three dimen-
sions of three-dimensional space plus all dimensions corresponding to all interactions, one
for each interaction. If the currently known four interactions exhaust all interactions occur-
ring in nature, then the dimension of the volume in which the total energy density is deter-
mined is seven. If new interactions are discovered, related to the directions perpendicular
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________34

to the dimensions of three-dimensional space and to each other, then the dimension of the
volume in which the total energy density is determined must be increased by these addi-
tional dimensions.


P ether currents in the system are divided according to Kirchhoff's law into ether cur-
rents circulating in aether vortices, i.e. creating fundamental particles, transferring in-
teractions between fundamental particles, and currents whose kinetic energy stores the en-
ergy supplied to the system from the outside. With the increase of the total energy density
of the object system observed in the observer system, the values of ether currents storing
kinetic energy increase. According to Bernoulli's law , the ether pressure in the system de-
creases. Since the maximum relative velocity of the aether is finite, an increase in the value
of the aether currents storing kinetic energy can, according to Kirchhoff's law, be done only
by decreasing the value of the ether currents carrying the interactions in the system. In the
objective system, the intensity of impacts, the rate of occurrence of physical phenomena
and the course of time observed in the observer's system decrease. The energy supplied to
the object system is also stored by ether currents forming fundamental particles, which in
the observer's system is perceived as an increase in mass and a decrease in the dimensions
of the object system.

P relativistic phenomena are caused by all interactions, not just gravitational ones. It
seems that relativistic phenomena caused by the electric field of the nucleus of heavy
elements will be the first to be observed among the non-gravitational ones. The essence of
relativistics consists in the transfer in the objective system, observed in the observer's sys-
tem, of the interaction energy to the kinetic energy of the ether current circulating in the
ether vortex of the fundamental particle.

ABOUT an observer associated with the inertial system, observing a vast

body Fig. 8.3 , moving in relation to it with a uniform, rectilinear
motion with relativistic speed, perceives that body 3 sinks into the ether 2 , creating an
aether ditch 2 , with its own axis perpendicular to the direction of motion bodies 3 . In the
depths of the ether 2 , caused by the movement of the body 3 , can be discerned a distant
resemblance to a wake. FitzGerald -Lorenz's contraction is that, although curved due to
motion, body 3 maintains its rest length in the direction of motion, along the aether cav-
ity 2 , but the length of the body 3 as perceived by the observer is the projection of this
length onto the extension of the directions 4 of three-dimensional space 1 . FitzGerald
-Lorenz's contraction as body deflection and aether depression also explains the shape of
the vortex. The middle part of the vortex is deeper than the outer part, because the aether
moving in it has a higher speed. A body that reaches the speed of light folds in half. At the
lowest point of the fundamental particle's vortex, located on the axis of the vortex, the low-
est point in the ether, the currents of the ether reach the highest speed possible for the
aether, equal to the speed of propagation of gravitational waves and the speed of light. The
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________35

place where the currents of the aether reach the speed of light in the vortex of the funda-
mental particle has zero dimensions. The coherence, indivisibility, integrity of the ether
manifests itself in the tendency to minimize the boundary hypersurface of the ether, i.e. to
minimize the volume of three-dimensional space. Therefore, the larger ether vortices of the
fundamental particles break down into smaller ones. Since too small eddies in which the
aether currents do not reach the speed of light are unstable, and the principle of conserva-
tion of angular momentum must be fulfilled, the minimum vortices in the aether currents in
which the currents reach the speed of light are permanent. At higher levels of the hierarchy
of the size scale, the indivisibility of the ether manifests itself in the dissipation of energy.
The ether sink 2 is also the cause of the relativistic increase in body mass 3 . The relativis-
tic increase in mass in inertial frames applies only to inertial mass, not to gravitational
mass. The relativistic increase in mass in non-inertial frames applies to inertial and gravita-
tional mass (cf. Einstein's carousel Observation I, p . 11).
ABOUT An observer associated with the inertial system, observing the
aether vortex of the fundamental particle, perceives that in differ-
ent places of this vortex the currents forming the vortex move with respect to it with differ-
ent velocities. The observer perceives that the aether vortex is not perfectly hyperboloid in
shape, but that various parts of it are bent and sunk into the aether by relative motion.
These depressions are interpreted as de Broglie waves .

k system can be divided into subsystems. In the aether hypothesis, a sensible dividing
line is the infinitesimal aether current. The infinitesimal current of the ether can be de-
fined as the current of the ether flowing through a separate part of space, in which the en-
tire volume of the ether stream values do not differ from each other by more than a certain
arbitrarily assumed constant. The simplest clock is an infinitesimal ether current that flows
through the position of the observer associated with the inertial frame, moves away from it,
and then turns back. An observer bound to an inertial frame of reference cannot measure
the passage of time in his own frame of reference, only in a frame different from his own.
The passage of time does not occur in inertial frames, only in non-inertial frames . The per-
ception by an observer associated with the inertial system of the passage of time in the ob-
jective system is the same as distinguishing this system from its own system, i.e. distin-
guishing it from the ether, because every inertial observer perceives that the ether rests rel-
ative to it. At the level of the infinitesimal current of the ether, time is identical with space.
The eigentime of the system associated with the infinitesimal aether current is the magni-
tude of the displacement vector. The definiteness and constancy of the direction of flow, ar-
row and time result from not distinguishing any of the directions of three-dimensional
space and the freedom of choosing the orientation of the coordinate system, hence the need
to take the modulus from the infinitesimal shift vector of the ether current . The velocity of
the inertial frame associated with the infinitesimal current of the aether relative to the
aether is the quotient of the displacement vector by its own modulus. This quotient is equal
to the set of verses forming the base spanning the vector space:

r 01

∫ jds r 02
¶r Dr Dr
v|ukµad inercjalny wzgldem eteru = ⃗ S→0 ⇒ Dr →0
= = = M0
¶t |∫ jds| d ( Dr ) |Dr| ri
r 0n

v r
where - velocity of the inertial system relative to the ether, - position vector of the iner-
∫ ds
j S S
tial system relative to the aether, - aether flux, - hypersurface integral , - hypersur-
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________38

j ds
face with dimension one less than the dimension of the aether flux tensor  , — infini-
Dr d ( Dr )
tesimal hypersurface element , — instantaneous displacement vector , — local
ri n
metric of space, — unit of local reference frame, — dimension of space.

Thus, the velocity of the inertial system relative to the ether and , therefore, its position are
undefined, but its orientation is determined. Therefore, a system rotating even with uniform
rotation is not an inertial system , "[...] a very important argument can be put forward in
favor of the ether hypothesis. To deny the existence of the ether is to assume that the vac-
uum has no physical properties. Fundamental phenomena in the field of mechanics contra-
dict this understanding. The mechanical behavior of a system of bodies freely hanging in a
vacuum depends not only on mutual positions (intervals) and relative velocities, but also
on the state of twisting, which cannot be understood as a feature of the system as such . In
order to make the twisting of the system possible to understand at least as something for-
mally real, Newton regards space as self-existing. Because it counts its absolute space
among real beings, this twisting in relation to absolute space is something real. Newton
might as well have called his absolute space »aether «; the only thing that matters is that,
in addition to perceptible objects, the existence of another imperceptible object had to be
accepted as something real in order for acceleration or rotation to be recognized as some-
thing real. […]” 46.

Minkowski space is a graph formed by adding to the three directions of three-dimensional

space a fourth direction perpendicular to each of them , which is the displacement vector of
the infinitesimal aether current. Minkowski space has a well-defined physical interpreta-
tion at the level of infinitesimal aether currents in a hierarchy of size scales. As the scale
increases, Minkowski space loses its physical meaning. Minkowski space regains its real
meaning on large scales, where the abstract notion of a material point can be used. The
pendulum clock indicates the distance traveled by the center of gravity of the pendulum. It
is a bit like repeating some properties of ether in macroscopic liquids.

As already stated in Observation II(p . 18) each level of the size scale hierarchy has
its own time. The time of a complex system is related to the times of subsystems as tem-
perature is related to the kinetic energies of molecules. While in Minkowski space the time
axis is straight, in the aether hypothesis the time axes are curved along the trajectories of
the ether currents of the fundamental particle ether vortices.

Einstein A., Aether und Relativit ätheory , op. cit ., pp. 122 and 123
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________39


J if the object system containing the fundamental particles moves rectilinearly with re-
spect to the observer's system, the observer perceives that half of the fundamental parti-
cle's ether vortex moves in the direction of the object system's velocity and the other half in
the opposite direction. On the basis of classical physics, the observer would have noticed
that some fragments of the half of the aether vortex, in the direction of the velocity of the
system, move faster than the greatest possible speed of the aether current, and stop in the
opposite direction relative to the aether. This is impossible, because the current of any
medium, especially ether, cannot move faster than the speed of propagation of waves of
this medium 47, especially gravitational and electromagnetic waves. On the other hand, the
stopping of the ether vortex forming the fundamental particle is tantamount to the destruc-
tion of this particle. The observer sees that to prevent this from happening, the shape of the
aether vortex changes from axially symmetrical to elliptical. The minor axis is directed
along the direction of motion of the object system relative to the observer's system, the ma-
jor axis - perpendicularly. As a result, the path and time of the ether flow in the vortex of
the fundamental particle are shortened parallel to the direction of motion. As the funda-
mental particles contract in the direction of motion, the observer sees the object frame con-
tract in the direction of motion.

Unification of interactions

IN  as successive certain limit values of the total energy density of the system are ex-
ceeded, in certain specific volumes fundamental particles of lower mass are re-
placed by fundamental particles of greater mass. In a fundamental particle with a greater
mass, the ether flow time is shorter. Another time-saving mechanism of the ether flow as
the total energy density of the system increases is the rotation of the directions correspond-
ing to the interactions. With the increase of the total energy density of the system, the di-
rections corresponding to the interactions rotate, cease to be perpendicular to each other,
the angles between them decrease until they completely coincide. The axes of rotation of
the ether vortices remain parallel to the directions corresponding to the interactions, and as
the energy density of the system increases, they rotate along the directions corresponding
to the interactions until they completely overlap. The ether vortices of the fundamental par-
ticle corresponding to its individual interactions become mutual , and the path and period
of ether circulation in them shorten. The ether vortices of the fundamental particle corre-
sponding to its individual interactions gradually disappear and merge into one resultant
vortex of the ether.

Although there are known examples of flows moving in a given medium with a speed faster
than the speed of wave propagation in this medium, the causes of these flows are not products
of this medium
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________40

The angles between the directions corresponding to the interactions can be a mea-
sure of the value of the total energy density of the system. The maximum angles corre-
spond to the minimum total energy density of the system that can be achieved by the sys-
tem. Since the zero value of the total energy density of the system is a non-physical case ,
it can be assumed that in reality the angles between the directions corresponding to the in-
teractions are never exactly straight, but are slightly smaller, even at the top of the largest
herring and in the absence of matter. The achievement of zero angles between the direc-
tions corresponding to the interactions corresponds to the highest value of the total energy
density of the system, at which the existence of fundamental particles in the system is still
possible. After the total energy density of the system increases above this value, the angles
between the directions corresponding to the interactions still remain zero, but the existence
of fundamental particles in this system is no longer possible, the ether currents perform
movements that are not vortices. Perhaps this state of the aether can be called the Higgs

boson .

the sines of the doubled angles between the directions corresponding to the interac-
tions are the Higgs fields , to the nearest constant.

A = a ( cos(2 α )+1 )
ij ij ij

A ij ij i, j=
where: — Higgs field corresponding to the unification of interactions  ; gravita-
α ij

tional , electromagnetic, strong, weak; — angle between directions corresponding to

ij a ij

actions ; - constant.


Example I

k When a " burnt out " star of sufficient mass collapses and turns into a neutron star, the
value of its total energy density, derived mainly from the potential energy of the curva-
ture of three-dimensional space, buoyancy, is so large that an endothermic reaction of pro-
ton-electron fusion takes place:
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________41

p+e+EG →n+ ν e

where : — is the gravitational field energy.

Some of the energy of the star's gravitational field is converted into neutron binding en-
ergy. The interaction responsible for the fusion reaction, described by the formula above, is
the unified weak and gravitational interaction, which could be called the gravitational weak
interaction . The gravitational interaction not only provides the energy necessary for the re-
action to take place, but is a prerequisite for its occurrence. If the gravitational field was
not necessary for the reaction to take place, and only energy, the origin of which would be
irrelevant, would suffice, it would be possible to produce neutrons in laboratory conditions
by bombarding a target containing protons, especially with a hydrogen (pro t ) beam of
electrons accelerated in an accelerator . Experience shows that the cross-section for this re-
action, taking place in laboratory conditions, is much lower than in a collapsing star, even
for the energy of the proton- -electron system corresponding to the maximum cross-sec-

Example II

P An example of an object in which the unification of interactions takes place may be a

black hole. The energy that raises the total energy density to the value where the unifi-
cation of interactions takes place is primarily the potential energy of the curvature of three-
dimensional space, buoyancy. From the definition of the horizon of a black hole , it follows
that it is a place where the unification of the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions
takes place. The total energy density in a black hole is so high that not only aether vortices
responsible for different interactions in one fundamental particle merge, but also aether
vortices from different fundamental particles. A black hole is one big resultant aether vor-
tex formed from the combination, in the process of black hole formation, of the aether vor-
tices of the fundamental particles from which the black hole was formed. A black hole, be-
low its horizon, exerts a resultant, unified force. Attention is drawn to the similarity of a
black hole to a particle. In addition to the unification of interactions, a black hole differs
from a particle in that the ether currents reach the speed of light not at a point, but on a cir -
cle, which is the black hole's horizon 48.

String theory ( M -theory )

h the iper boundary surface of the aether is similar to a large and extended tribrane . The
circular motion of the ether in the vortex can be decomposed into two mutually perpen-

cf. _ ibid., p. 201
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________42

dicular harmonic oscillations with the phase shifted relative to each other by . The deep
sections of the ether vortices of the fundamental particles responsible for short-range inter-
actions are open strings, and the cross-section of the aether vortex in the plane perpendicu-
lar to the axis of the aether vortex is a closed, single-brain string . The wider, three-dimen-
sional space-facing portions of the fundamental particle's aether vortex set are the mem-
brane, the hypersurface portions of the fundamental particle's aether vortices are the bag,
double-field . The path of the ether in the vortex is a string wound in a tightly wound di-
mension. In string theory , a string with the opposite helicity to a given one represents an
antiparticle. In the aether hypothesis, the antiparticle is an aether vortex with a helicity op-
posite to that of the particle's aether vortex (see , Antimatterp . 43). Insofar as the open
strings, helically wound on a tightly coiled dimension, are the trajectories of the aether cur-
rents in the ether vortices of the fundamental particles, they are the timelines of the
Minkowski worlds.

String theory uses a space with more dimensions than the four dimensions of space-
time. In addition, the entered dimensions are used to express the actions. In order to pre-
vent them from being noticed by a macroscopic observer, which is contrary to common ex-
perience, they are tightly coiled around rays of the size of the so-called Planck distances
(~ 10 −35 m )
, compacted .

Similarly, in the ether hypothesis, three-dimensional space is extended by additional

dimensions, also used to express interactions. Unlike in string theory, however, each force
corresponds to one dimension. In string theory, space is enlarged by a greater number of di-
mensions than in the aether hypothesis. Additional dimensions are used to provide the
strings with the right number of degrees of freedom.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________43

The ether hypothesis does not need more dimensions than the number of interac-
tions. The necessary degrees of freedom are provided in a different way. Aether vortices
can vibrate axially, transversally and radially. Since matter is a hypersurface phenomenon
in the aether hypothesis , the extra dimensions corresponding to the interactions need not
be collapsed to be inaccessible to matter and cognition by the macroscopic observer. The
ether hypothesis allows for the collapse of the dimension corresponding to the gravitational
200mln l.ú.
interaction with a circumference of about , and the collapse of the dimension
corresponding to electric charges and the electric interaction with a circumference of
. The curvature and closure, looping of the directions of the spaces re-
sponsible for interactions may be related to the circulation of the ether in a closed circuit.
The collapse and closure of the dimension corresponding to electric charges and electric in-
teraction may mean that the three-dimensional space, which is the phase boundary of two
phases of the ether corresponding to opposite electric charges, is the point of contact be-
tween the top of the ether and its own bottom .

In the aether hypothesis, it is impossible for " supersymmetry " to exist.

It is possible that perhaps the Calabi -Yau spaces are different stages of particle col-
lisions and decays.

A special case of a string is the event horizon of a black hole.


P There is no quantitative or qualitative symmetry between matter and antimatter. It is

assumed that in the Universe matter may have such a large quantitative advantage over
antimatter that practically only matter exists. From antimatter, only single antiparticles
arise exclusively in natural and artificial reactions, and after a relatively short time of exis-
tence they annihilate. There is no definitive explanation as to why matter was created
solely by itself, or in such a quantitative advantage over antimatter that after annihilation
the Universe remained only material.

There is also no qualitative symmetry between matter and antimatter. This is unex-
pected, because if you arrange particles and antiparticles in terms of properties, then there
is a photon in the center  , which is itself its own antiparticle. It would seem that by a
photon  , the plane of symmetry should also be carried out, which is also a mirror of
physical properties, and particles and antiparticles should be mirror images of each other.
However, matter particles and their corresponding antiparticles have different physical
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________44

properties, especially they decay differently. For example, it was discovered in 1964. CP
combined parity breaking in kaon decays  and anticaons  where : C --charge parity
---change of sign of the wave function at the transition to the antiparticle, P – change of
sign of the wave function with change of sign of the spatial coordinate.49

AND A fundamental particle is the same set of aether vortices as the correspond-
ing fundamental particle, except that if the fundamental particle has an
electric charge, then the corresponding fundamental antiparticle has an aether vortex re-
sponsible for the electric charge in the phase of the aether corresponding to the opposite
electric charge. All the aether vortices of the fundamental antiparticle have a helicity oppo-
site to the helicity of the aether vortices of the corresponding fundamental particle.

The ether turns 50. The ether vortices of the fundamental particles of matter have a
helicity consistent with that of the Coriolis acceleration, the aether vortices of the funda-
mental antiparticles have a helix opposite to that of the Coriolis acceleration. During the
formation of fundamental particles, the Coriolis acceleration increased the value of the
probability of the formation of fundamental particles of matter above the value of the prob-
ability of the formation of antiparticles. The Coriolis acceleration causes the ether in the
fundamental antiparticle vortices to circulate upstream . Interactions between the funda-
mental particles of matter, between the fundamental particle of matter and its correspond-
ing antiparticle, and between fundamental antiparticles are different. Thus, masses, abso-
lute values of electric charges, charges of short-range interactions , lifetimes of a matter
particle and its antiparticle are different. The CPT symmetry is not preserved in the ether


K ,K
CP parity breaking was observed for the first time in the decay of kaons 
K ,K
because the quarks (quark - antiquark ) forming the kaon  have the
smallest mass difference. Differences in masses of quarks are represented by: Table 1. :

EFW , Journal cited, p. 83 et seq., Elementary particles and their interactions, Białkowski G.
cf. _
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________45

Quark u d s c b t

times the
mass of ¿ 0047 ¿ 0074 ¿16 1⋅6 5⋅2 189
the proton
u ¿ 0047 0 ¿ 0027 ¿ 1553 1⋅5953 5⋅1953 188⋅9953

d ¿ 0074 0 ¿1526 1⋅5926 5⋅1926 188⋅9926

s ¿16 0 1⋅44 5⋅04 188⋅84

c 1⋅6 0 3⋅6 187⋅4

b 5⋅2 0 183⋅8

t 189 0

Table 1. Quark mass differences in mesons. Masses expressed in multiples of the proton

and Graph 1. Quark masses were expressed in multiples of the proton mass 51. Mass differ-
ences between the quark and the corresponding antiquark resulting from the Coriolis accel-
eration were not taken into account. The smaller the difference in mass of the quarks that
make up the meson, the more significant the difference in mass caused by the Coriolis ac-
celeration and the easier it is to observe CP symmetry breaking. Although the difference in

the masses of quarks in pions and in mesons made of quarks with the same flavor
( anti-flavor ) is even smaller than the difference in masses of quarks in kaon , but mesons
built of quarks with the same flavor decay by annihilation, and pions  , being made of
the lightest quarks, they cannot decay into hadrons by the weak interaction with a simulta-
K ,K
neous change of flavor. kaons  are mesons with the smallest difference in the masses
of the quarks that compose them, at the same time decaying into hadrons by the weak in-
teraction with the simultaneous change of the flavor of the quark. CP symmetry breaking
can be observed in the decays of all heavier mesons, but the greater the difference in quark
masses, the more difficult it will be to observe CP symmetry breaking.
Green B. , Piękno ..., op. cit., p. 21, Tab. 1. 1. and footnote 1. to Chapter 1, p . 381
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________46

Różni ce m as kw ar ków w m ezon ach









5.1953 5.1926 5.0400 3.6000 0.0000
20.0000 1.5953 1.5926 1.4400 0.0000 t
0.1553 0.1526 0.0000 b
0.0027 0.0000 c
0.0000 s
0.0000 d
u d s c b t u zap ach kw ar ku
zap ach kw ar ku
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________47

Graph 1Differences in the masses of quarks in mesons expressed in multiples of the mass of the proton.

Another cause of CP symmetry breaking may be the precession of aether vortices

described in Classification of particles of matter(p. 47).
Because a black hole inherits its helicity from the particles from which it was
formed, there are material and antimatter black holes with opposite helixes . In contact
with each other, they annihilate . It is impossible for a black hole to form from equal
amounts of matter and antimatter.

Classification of particles of matter

Fundamental particles are dynamic, stable ether formations. The photon is a wave
of torsion vibrations of the phase boundary of the ether phases corresponding to unlike
electric charges. A pair of skewed deflections of the phase boundary in the direction corre-
sponding to the electric interaction in the opposite sides of the ether phases corresponding
to opposite electric charges is the electric component. A pair of skewed inclinations of the
phase boundary in the direction corresponding to the electric interaction towards the oppo-
site sides of the ether phases corresponding to opposite electric charges is similar to a pair
of a virtual particle and a corresponding virtual antiparticle charged with opposite electric
charges. A pair of antiparallel ether currents flowing parallel to the ether phase boundary,
in the ether phases corresponding to opposite electric charges, in the direction perpendicu-
lar to the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave, is the magnetic component.

ν e, m,t
real ermions are sets of an odd number of aether vortices: 1 and 3. Neutrinos are
single aether vortices in the direction of the weak interaction. Charged leptons: elec-
e m t
tron  , muon  and taon  , and quarks are sets of three etheric vortices: mass, electric
charge, and the associated short-range interaction . Leptons have an aether vortex in a di-
rection related to the lepton number and the weak interaction. The quarks have an ether
vortex in a direction related to the baryon number and gluon interaction . Quantum num-
bers characterizing the generations of fundamental particles, i.e. lepton numbers : electron,
muon , tau and quark flavors, are modes of vibrations excited on the ether vortices associ-
ated with short-range interactions . The color of the quark is a mode of other vibrations ex-
cited on the ether vortex in the direction corresponding to the baryon number and gluon in-
teraction or the phase of vibrations. If the color of the quark is the phase of vibrations ex-
cited on the ether vortex in the direction corresponding to the baryon number and gluon in-
teraction , then the color change of the quark during the gluon interaction means that the
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________48

vibrations excited on the ether vortex in the direction corresponding to the baryon number
and gluon interaction of different quarks bound in one hadron are phase synchronized.

n it remains only to answer the question of how it is possible for a given interaction to
involve particles which do not have an ether vortex corresponding to this interaction.
The ether vortices of the fundamental particle make precessional movements. The value of
the projection of the angular momentum of the aether vortices, and thus the force charge,
on the direction corresponding to this interaction is variable. The non-zero components of
the force charge appear in the direction where the particle does not have an aether vortex.
Changes in the value of the angular momentum projection in the direction corresponding to
the mass and gravitational interaction are interpreted as the Heisenberg uncertainty princi-
ple. The equivalent of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applies to any charge of force.
Participation of a particle that does not have an ether vortex corresponding to a given inter-
action, in this interaction occurs analogously to tunneling through the potential barrier.

m The vibrational patterns and precession of the aether vortices that make up the
fundamental particle act as a pump that circulates the ether. Therefore, fundamen-
tal particles belonging to different generations, generations, have different masses.
l=l max

m i= ∑ I ijkl
j,k =0 ,l=0

( 1) _

mi i
Where: ---mass of the fundamental particle; — fundamental particle index ,
i=u , d , s , c , b ,t , e, m, t , ν e , ν m , ν t I ijkl j j=
; ---ether current;
- vortex index, gravitational,
k k=
electromagnetic, strong, weak; — type of vibrations, axial, radial, transversal, pre-
cessional; - vibration mode .

( 1.) does not account for the mass differences between the fundamental particle
and its corresponding antiparticle due to Coriolis acceleration (see , Antimatterp . 43). Due
to the outflow of ether into three-dimensional space in the direction corresponding to the
electric charges and the electric interaction, the balance of the ether circulation in the direc-
tion corresponding to the electric charges and the electric interaction may be zero.

IN The ir of the ether of the fundamental particle, performing precessional move-

ments, draws the ether from three-dimensional space with only one of its sides.
The ether deficit caused by this is arranged in the ether vortex and the particle's interaction
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________49

field into furrows rolled into a heicoidal --spiral-hyperboloid shape . The furrows of the
particle's interaction field are interpreted as the quantum nature of this field. The interfer-
ence of the furrows of the fields of interacting particles is interpreted as virtual bosons me-
diating the interaction.

Impact fields

P the electric field is a current, action field. Short-range fields are current --pressure , re-
active fields . The gravitational field is a current -curvature field -. The curvature part
is due to the current part. The current part is stock. The curvature portion makes the pre-
dominant contribution to the gravitational interaction. The experience of Pound and Snider
shows that on the Earth's surface the share of the energy of the current part of the Earth's
gravitational field in the total energy of the curvature and current part is not greater than

The ratio of the energy of the current part of the gravitational field to the energy of
the curvature part is equal to the tangent of the angle of deviation of the world cone from
the direction perpendicular to the directions of three-dimensional space:

=tg α
E c

E I E c

where : — energy of the current part of the gravitational field, — energy of the
curvature part of the gravitational field, — angle of deviation of the world cone from the
direction perpendicular to the directions of three-dimensional space; — the angle of
inclination of the world cone to three-dimensional space.

The current part takes on a more direct meaning in a black hole.

Pound , Snider ,:
1. Phys. Rev. Lett.13, 1964, p. 539
2. Phys. Rev. B140, 1965, p. 788
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________50

Final remarks
Black hole radiation

c Fig. 9 4 , which passed through the horizon, not shown in the drawing, of the black
hole 3 , due to the unification of interactions, turns into a single ether vortex 2 . For
greater readability of the description, the possible disintegration of the body has been omit-
ted 4 . Mutual relative motions of body 4 and the black hole 3 , and especially their combi-
nation produces aether waves 5 . Aether wave 5 is not a gravitational wave, but a wave of
unified, all interactions. Aether wave 5 emerges from black hole 3 above its horizon. After
the aether wave 5 passes through the horizon of the black hole 3, the interactions separate.
As a result of the separation of interactions, the aether wave 5 turns into a gravitational
wave, and the emergence of other, non-unified interactions, different from the gravitational
one, is the cause of the creation of particles. Some of the newly formed particles may fall
into the black hole 3 , and part may move away from it. The creation of particles of matter
as a result of the body 4 falling into a black hole 3 takes place analogously to the creation
of particles in collisions of elementary particles, except that it proceeds at macroscopic dis-
tances and over a longer time.
Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity as a tool for describing a black hole
can be accused of shortcomings. Let's do a thought experiment. We hang an observer
above the black hole. The observer does not change its position relative to the black hole,
nor does it perceive its gravitational field. Two bodies move away from the observer. One
falls freely into a black hole. The second body moves outward with an acceleration equal
in magnitude to the acceleration of the first body falling into the black hole in the opposite
direction. The observer maintains contact with the bodies by exchanging signals. The ob-
server is not able to distinguish which of the bodies falls into the black hole and which
moves away to infinity. In the description of general relativity, a black hole is an inverted

According to general relativity, for an external observer, the time of falling of a

massive body onto the event horizon of a black hole is infinite. Also infinite is the time it
takes for a new black hole to form from non- black hole masses. It follows that only those
black holes that were created together with the Universe can exist today. But even the
masses of these black holes cannot increase in finite time 50(p. Error: Reference source not
found) .

GTR was derived from Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity. And STR was
derived from Maxwell's equations. By definition, the event horizon is where Maxwell's
equations fail to hold. The basis of STR and OTW disappears. It follows from the proper-
ties of a black hole that it cannot be described with infinite accuracy by general relativity.
The definition of a black hole's event horizon predates Einstein's theory. The problem of
the event horizon of a black hole is a problem of interaction unification, and general rela-
tivity does not deal with interaction unification. While it can be said that general relativity
is sufficiently geometrised, it is insufficiently dynamized.


Example I
The ratio of the mass of the black hole at the center of the galaxy to the mass of the
¿ 006
galaxy is constant at . In the case of an elliptical galaxy, the whole mass enters the ra-
tio, in the case of a spiral galaxy , the mass of the central bulge. The ratio is constant re-
gardless of the age of the galaxy. Elliptical galaxies are thought to predate spiral galaxies.

It is very difficult to explain the constancy of the relationship on the grounds of the
GTR. If the flow of mass into the black hole is unidirectional (Hawking radiation is negli-
gible), it is very difficult to imagine a reason for the constant ratio other than the interrup-
tion of the flow of mass to the black hole. It is also difficult to imagine a reason why the
flow of matter from the galaxy to the black hole would stop. The gravitational field of a
black hole and the flow of matter flowing into it are linked by positive feedback.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________53

In the ether hypothesis, the constant ratio is the point at which the mass flux enter-
ing the black hole balances out with the mass flux leaving.

Recently, a jet of mass flowing out of a black hole with greater energy than theoret-
ically predicted has been observed 53.

Example II quasars and microquasars

Comparison of quasars and microquasars shows Table 1.:

L.p. _ _ Size quasar Microquasar

1. Mass of a compact object 10 8÷ 10 9 M Ziemi 3÷20 M Ziemi

10 5 K 10 7 K
2. Drive temperature
3. Time scale of volatility ~years ~minutes
10 7lat úw .
4. Jet range ~several years of St.

Table 1. Comparing quasars with microquasars .54

In turn, in microquasars themselves , a compact object can be a black hole or a neu-

tron star — Table 2.:

Compact object
Black hole Neutron star
V int
Source Source
L.p. _ _ [c]
1. V4641 Sgr 0.99 0.45 SCORPIO X -1
2. GRS 1915+105 0.92 0.43 LS I 61303
3. GRO J1655 --40 0.92 0.4 LS 5039
4. XTE J1550 --564 0.83 0.26 SS 433
5. CYNGUS X -3 0.81 0.15 CI CAM
6. XTE J1748 --288 0.73 0.1 CIRCINUS X -1
Steve Allen(e.g.
engines-revealed.html )
Urania - Postępy Astronomii , 3/2002 (699), volume LXXIII, May - June, p. 105, Micro-
quasars , Janiuk A.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________54

7. arithmetic 0.866666667 0.298333333 0.344230769

Mean Ratio
8. geometric 0.862348482 0.259000694 0.300343422
V int

Table 2. Sources of relativistic jets in our Galaxy.  is the (true) velocity in the jet.55

Chart. 1. and Chart. 2. In the Contribution Chart, the velocities of individual jets are shown
as a share of the speed of light. The speed of light corresponds to a complete angle. The ve-
locity values of the jets increase according to the Cartesian helicity from the highest point
of the circle. Those sources for which numerical values were not given were omitted:
1E1740.7 --2942, GRS 1758 --258, SGR A * ( Sgr A * is a black hole with a mass of about
2⋅5 miliona
the mass of the Sun, located in the center of our Galaxy).

ibid. , p. 108.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________55

P rę d k o ś c i d ż e tów

V4641 Sgr

1915+ 105
J 1655– 40
J 1550– 564
J 1748– 288


LS I 61303

LS 5039

SS 433


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
P rę d k o ś ć [ c ]
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________56

Chart. 1. Jet velocities.

Wy k r e s Ud z i a ł o w y - u d z i a ł prę d k o ś c i d ż e tu w p rę dk o ś c i ś w i atł a
c V4641 Sgr
GRO J 1655– 40 V4641 Sgr
CI RCINUS X-1 GRS 1915+ 105
1915+ 105
XTE J 1550– 564 J 1655– 40
J 1550– 564

SS 433 J 1748– 288
XTE J 1748– 288
LS I 61303

LS 5039

SS 433
LS 5039 CI C AM
LS I 61303

Chart. 2. Jet Velocity - Equity Chart. ©1999÷2006Copyright by Grzegorz Rossa. Chart

Type: Equity Chart is the work of Grzegorz Ross and is copyrighted by Grzegorz Ross. All
rights reserved.

The same is true for quasars. Jets reach relativistic speeds. They are very well colli-
mated . The divergence of the jet beam is of the order of a few degrees. The range of the jet
is limited only by the duration of the quasar emission and can reach 10 million. years of st.
Within the error of measurement, the jets carry away all the energy of the quasar 's accre-
tion disk .

The determining factor in jet speed is the type of compact object at the center of a
quasar and a microquasar . Jets emitted by microquasars , whose compact objects are neu-
tron stars, are on average three times slower than jets emitted by quasars and
microquasars , whose compact objects are black holes. The difference in mass between a
neutron star and a black hole in a microquasar of a fraction of the mass of the Sun has a
greater effect on the speed differences of the jets than the difference in mass of the black
hole in a quasar and microquasar of nine orders of magnitude. This shows that it is not the
size of the gravitational field that affects the speed of the jet.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________57

Magnetic field and rotational motion are assumed to be the causes of jet formation.
It would seem that the neutron star is more predisposed to generate faster jets. A black hole
has no magnetic field of its own , nor does it have the equivalent of a hard surface on
which momentum can be exchanged and a fusion reaction initiated. The rotational motion
of a black hole is most effective in the ergosphere , away from the inner edge of the accre-
tion disk . The temperature of the accretion disk a microquasar is two orders of magnitude
higher than the temperature of the accretion disk quasar .

The causes of jets in neutron star microquasars and black hole quasars and micro-
quasars are different.

The space outside the event horizon of a black hole is a reactive center for the
aether wave of unified interactions. After going beyond the horizon, the aether wave de-
cays exponentially over a distance of the order of a wavelength. The space inside the hori-
zon is a dispersion medium for the aether wave. For the aether wave, the horizon is the
boundary of two different media, and at the same time a semi-transparent mirror. The
aether wave partly passes through the horizon and partly reflects off it. Inside the horizon,
the aether wave is a standing wave. The horizon containing the aether wave does not have
a fixed position in the frame of reference of the black hole. The crest of the aether wave
pulls the horizon inward, the valley shifts outward. Matter falling into an aether wave black
hole unifies the interactions and turns into an aether wave in the aether wave valley, further
deepening it. This phenomenon is analogous to stimulated emission.

The gravitational field of the accretion disk distorts the shape of the black hole's
horizon. The horizon loses its spherical symmetry. Along with the horizon, the spherical
symmetry is lost by the standing aether wave. Fashions are produced in the aether wave.
Black hole quasar and microquasar jets are produced by the polar modes of the aether

The Big Bang Theory and the Steady State Theory

h the ether hypothesis does not settle between the big bang and the steady state theories.
It provides arguments for both and modifies them. In the ether hypothesis, the model
for the origin of the universe is similar to the ekpyrotic one . The universe could have
arisen from the dissolution of a pillar of aether sticking out over three-dimensional space.
The curvature energy of three-dimensional space in herrings may be the source of the cre-
ation of fundamental particles needed in the theory of the steady state.

In cosmology based on the aether hypothesis, the universe can be both inflationary
and stationary at the same time. Herring alternately grow and divide. Various results of
measuring the length of the module of the periodic structure of the distribution of matter in
the Universe on the largest scale from 200 to 150 million. years of st. may be caused by
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________58

herring measurements before and during splitting. The curvature energy of the slopes of
herrings creates particles. Coriolis acceleration produces an excess of matter over antimat-
ter. Since the expansion of the universe and the formation of new matter are caused by the
same cause - the outflow of the ether into three-dimensional space and its convexity , the
density of matter in the universe is constant. The processing of matter in black holes main-
tains a constant isotopic composition.


J if the aether hypothesis is correct, then quantum mechanics, particle theory, and field
theory can be derived from special relativity. In the ether hypothesis, quantum mechan-
ics, particle theory, and field theory are all relativistic continuum mechanics. The charges
of forces are angular momentum. All physical reality can be described by a set of non-lin-
ear differential equations of high order power series of seven-dimensional tensors. If, in ad-
dition to the known ones, there are other interactions that are related to the dimensions of
space, then the dimension of the tensors should be increased by these newly discovered di-
mensions. The properties of the ether, especially the substance-field duality and the anisot-
ropy of the interaction of the ether on the particles, are illustrated by the powers of the ap-
propriate series terms. The most general equation can be expressed as:

( )( )
i15 i4 i16 i5
i10 K 14 i8 K 9 ¶ ¶
(X ) + b=0
∑ A i2i i4K 9 ∏ i i
¶x ¶t
i 2i 1 i17
i1 i2i i4 K 9 1
i3 , i15 K 16=0 , i17 15 16

( 1)

i Ùi Î
1 3 i 4 K 14 ÎW , i 8 K9Ù i 15 K 16 Î ¿ ¿¿ È {0} ¿
where : - space dimension  indices , ,

i 17 =R , j, P X i2 i1 j = j i 2i 1 X i2 i1 P = P i 2i 1

- position tensor, - flux tensor, - pressure tensor,

A i 2i 1 i 4 K 9 , b X i2 i1 R = R i2 i1

- constants.

The position tensor describes the fundamental particles and the curvature part of the
R i2 i 1 P i2 i1
j i 2i1

gravitational interaction, the flux and pressure tensors describe the interac-
tions, including the current part of the gravitational interaction.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________59

A i 2i 1 i 4 K 9 i 8 K9

It is reasonable to expect that most of the terms will be zero, and they
i 10 K 14

do not reach large values.

A partial solution ( 1.) is :

¶t ∮
=a jds
( 2)

∮ ds
R j S
where: — is the position tensor (aether shape), — is the aether flux tensor, — is
the hyperspheric integral , — is the hypersphere with a dimension one smaller than the
S ds
dimension of the space bounded by the hypersphere  - there is infinitesimal element of
S a
the hypersphere  , - is a constant.

R ¶t
( 2)means that the shape of the ether changes over time  , in a volume bounded by
S j
the hypersphere  is equal to the imbalance of the ether flux in this volume.( 2) it is valid
only in those volumes of the ether that contain three-dimensional space. In the deep parts
of the aether that do not contain three-dimensional space( 2) not valid due to the incom-
pressibility of ether.

If the definition of time given in the ether hypothesis is correct (see Relativismp.
¶ ¶ Dx →o ¶

¶t ¶t d ( x , x+ Dx ) d ( x , x+Dx )
34), the terms at or are set to zero , where is the
d ( x , x+Dx )
local metric of space. The metric can express the rotation and composition of
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________60

the directions corresponding to the actions as the actions unify (see Unification of
interactionsp. 39).
It seems reasonable to start attempts to solve the equation ( 1with the use of elec-
tronic analog circuits, if only to obtain preliminary, approximate data that can later be used
when solving the equation ( 1by numerical methods , and to visualize the results of calcula-
tions. Using analog electronics to solve an equation ( 1can be likened to " training " a neu-
ral network, or tuning a radio.

INIn the ether hypothesis, no partons or singularities are possible.

An attempt to quantify the effect

The existence of the current component of the gravitational field can be demon-
strated by conducting experiments with the Michelson Morley interferometer . It is as-
sumed that the value of the velocity of the ether current coming from the gravitational field
of a massive body at a given point in space is equal to the value of the smallest initial ve-
locity sufficient to transfer a test massive body in a random motion from this point of space
to the nearest point of space with a zero field in the absence of other fields.

The following conditions are not mandatory. They were adopted because they pro-
vide the strongest effect and the greatest simplicity of calculation. The experiment is car-
ried out during the spring or autumn equinox, with the new moon on the Earth's equator at
midnight. The plane of the interferometer is set in accordance with the direction of the lo-
cal vertical in the plane of the ecliptic, which at the solstice coincides with the plane of the
Earth's equator, the interferometer rotates around the axis lying along the north direction,
i.e. perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic (local level), the optical paths in the arms of
the interferometer are equal południe,and are . One of the arms of the interferometer is di-
rected vertically. The experiment can be carried out under other conditions, but they are not
as favorable, the effect is weaker and the calculations are more complicated.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________61

The relative delay of light in the arms of the interferometer after turning it by an an-
gle is:

=2 (
1 2
− =1,16793⋅10 -16
c+ v c−v c

m m
c=299792458 v =28048,43081
s s
where : - speed of light in a vacuum, ,
m m
v =v III +v II + v KZ v III =16700 v II =11190
s s
where: - third cosmic velocity, - second
v KZ =158,430807
cosmic velocity, - escape velocity from the Moon's gravitational field

2 GM K -11 Nm
v KZ = G=6,672 59⋅10
R kg 2
from the measurement site, where: - gravitational
M K =7,35⋅10 kg R=390780160m R=R ZK +R R
constant, - mass of the Moon, , where:
RZK =384402000m R R =6378160m
- average the distance of the moon from the earth, -
the equatorial radius of the earth.

The effect will be best visible if, as a result of rotating the interferometer by the an-
gle , bright interference fringes appear in the place where before the rotation were
dark, and vice versa , the relative delay of the light in the arms of the interferometer will
2 λ
correspond to the phase shift of the light wave by  where : - wavelength of light.
Grzegorz Rossa, The ether hypothesis, description, Warsaw , February AD 2001÷4 December
AD 2006 __________________________________________________________________62

λ R=0,00000067m
For red light with a wavelength (e.g. a laser pointer) the mini-
l min R=9,56773381m
mum optical path length in the interferometer arm is , and for blue
λ B=0,000000405m
light with a wavelength (e.g. one of the lasers in the DVD drive ) the
l min B =5,783480885m
minimum optical path length in the interferometer arm is .

The most unfavorable measurement conditions are at noon on the Equator during
l max R =262,6979718m
the spring (autumn) equinox and the full moon. ,
lmax B =158,7950427m

At other latitudes, at other times of year and day, the plane of the interferometer
should contain the Lagrangian point ( L1 ). At the beginning of the measurement, the opti-
cal axis of one of the interferometer arms should run along a straight line passing through

Warsaw , February 2001÷4 December 2006.

Gregory Rossa

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