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Creative Short Story Assignment

(You may work with a partner to complete this assignment)

Due Date: Tuesday (This may change if needed)

Assignment: Using the Short Story Outline, write a 8-10 page narrative short story.  Your story must include all
elements of plot.

These elements include:

·        Title – Be Creative

·        Plot – Try drawing a Plot Diagram

of your story.

·        Exposition – Including setting, characterization, and background information

·        Rising Action – The events that lead to the Climax

·        Climax – The turning point.  The most exciting moments.  Does your protagonist learn something
new?  Do your characters change in some way?

·        Falling Action/Dénouement – Wrap it all up nice and neat at the end.

 You must include some use of DIALOGUE in your story.  That means your characters must talk directly to one
another, and this speech should be indicated with “quotation marks” and correct punctuation.  For Example:

             Mark asked, “Why do we have to go to school today.”  He was watching cartoons.

            “Because learning is more important than television,” his mother answered, pressing the power button
on the T.V.

            Mark screamed.  “That was the best part of the show!” He yelled and ran from the room.

            “One more outburst like that, and you’ll be grounded,” His mother called after him.

 Your story should also include at AT LEAST THREE (highlighted) of the following concepts from our notes:
·        Foreshadowing – give us hints and clues as to what might be happening next.

·        Flashback – have your characters remember a time long ago.

·        Suspense – Add some excitement or intensity to your story.

·        Imagery – use descriptive language to develop your setting and your plot

·        Figurative language – try metaphors, similes, hyperbole, personification

·        Irony – does something happen that is the opposite of what we might expect

·        Symbolism – make one thing in your story stand for something else.

You should also be paying close attention to your THEME.  Make sure your story has a meaning beyond just the
story itself.  Some lessons or main ideas that we can take from your story will make it more memorable and
meaningful to your readers.

 This story should be 8-10 pages long and should be typed following MLA format. The paper does not have a
word count, however, do not try to have multiple spaces between lines to get to your page requirements. Any
shortcuts or tricks will result in points deducted per the teacher’s discretion.

Short Story Rubric

Criteria 1 (developing) 2 (average) 3 (strong)

Conte E Exposition The story is not The setting is The setting,
nt l given a definite developed, the characters and
e setting, the characters are conflict are
m characters are developed, the developed in vivid
e undeveloped, the conflict is detail
n conflict is missing or developed
t unclear
Rising Action The story contains The story contains The rising action is
little action.  The actions that make interesting and
action does not sense and lead to a creative and keeps
make sense or does climax. the story moving to
not lead to the the climax
o Climax The story contains The climax is The climax is clear
t no climax.  The present, but is and exciting, and
climax is unclear, or uninteresting, or brings about changes
does not bring does not follow in the characters.
about change in the from the rising
characters action. 
Falling Action/ The story contains The story contains The conclusion is
Denouement no conclusion. an adequate clever and leaves the
conclusion reader wanting more.
  Literary The story contains The story contains The story uses more
Devices 0-1 literary devices 2-3 literary devices than 3 literary
(Highlight) from the notes. from the notes. devices effectively.
Dialogue The story contains The story contains The story contains
no dialogue, or the some dialogue dialogue which is
dialogue is poorly which does not appropriately
punctuated and directly relate to punctuated, The
unrelated to the the plot or the dialogue is part of
plot and conflict. conflict.  There are the plot, and moves
some minor errors the conflict forward
in dialogue
Format MLA Format MLA Format MLA Format MLA Format contains
contains more than contains 2-3 errors 0-1 error
4 errors
Length Story is less than 8 Story is less than 8 Story is between 8-10
pages long, story is pages long, story is pages long
longer than 10 longer than 10
pages pages
Usage/ Formal Story contains more Story contains 3-5 Story contains 0-1
Mechanics: Standard than 5 errors in errors in errors in standard
Written English English.  Slang is English.  Story English.  Slang is used
used extensively contains some use only in character
throughout of slang in dialogue.
Punctuation Story contains 9 or Story contains 5-8 Story contains 0-4
more errors in errors in errors in
punctuation. punctuation punctuation. 
Capitalization Story contains 9 or Story contains 5-8 Story contains 0-4
more errors in errors in errors in
punctuation. capitalization. capitalization.
Total: _____/33

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