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Practice Test UNIT 3 | LEVEL 2

3 Read and circle T (True) or F (False).

1 2 3 4 5

This is light. This is soft. This isn’t clean. This isn’t light. This is soft.
It’s not heavy. It’s not hard. It’s dirty. It’s heavy. It isn’t hard.

4 Read and complete.

1 This soft ball is yours. It’s ball.

2 This is my gold watch. It’s .

3 The new T-shirt is for Jack. It’s T-shirt.

4 Our car is old. is old.

5 key is dirty. Theirs is dirty. / 5 points

5 Write sentences about things. Use the words in the box.

clean dirty gold hard heavy
light new old silver soft square

1 Our .

2 His .

3 Their .

4 My .

5 Your .

/ 5 points Total: / 25 points

# 47

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 47 26/08/2020 08:57

Unit Test


1 018
Listen and match.
1 Lisa a old

2 Rob b dirty

3 Emily c silver

4 John d heavy

5 Eric e soft / 5 points

2 Read and tick or cross .

1 My shoes aren’t old. They’re new.

2 Her bag is light. It’s not heavy.

3 Your piece of cake is square.

Mine is round.

4 His hat isn’t clean. It’s dirty.

5 Their toy is hard. It’s not soft. / 5 points

3 Look and label.

1 2 3

/ 3 points

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M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 48 26/08/2020 08:58

Unit Test UNIT 3 | LEVEL 2

4 Read and write mine, yours, his, hers, ours or theirs.

1 This book is for Ana. It’s .

2 You haven’t got a heavy doll. is light.

3 Ben and Kim have got a red car. is red.

4 I want a new pencil case. is old.

5 Your brother’s got a dirty ball. ball isn’t clean.

6 Their house is old, but our house isn’t. is new.

/ 6 points

5 Write six sentences about things you see around you now.
Use words from the boxes.

clean dirty hard heavy light new hers his mine ours
old round silver soft square theirs yours

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

/ 6 points
Total: / 25 points

# 49

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 49 26/08/2020 08:58

Speaking Assessment Prompts

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M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 50 26/08/2020 08:58

Speaking Assessment Prompts: Teacher’s Notes

Individual: Invite the student to look at the different things. Point to specific
items and ask questions to elicit the target lexis, e.g., point to the piece of
wood and ask Is this soft? (No, it isn’t. It’s hard.). Continue this way until
you’ve established qualities of most of the items.
Then ask the student to talk about things in their surroundings or things they
own that have these qualities. To provide some support, ask Have you got
something that’s dirty?

Class: Divide the class into small groups and ask them to note down some of
their possessions and what qualities they have. Then ask the group to share
their notes with you and ask each member questions based on the notes,
e.g., Whose is the black jacket?, Is the old pencil case yours?, etc.

Challenge: Ask a strong student to talk about friends’ and family members’
possessions and their qualities.

# 51

M03 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 51 26/08/2020 08:58

Practice Test


1 019
Listen and number.
a b c

d e

/ 5 points

2 Read and complete.

angry helpful lazy naughty young

I’m Rob. I’m 1 and my room is not tidy.

My mum gets 2 a lot! Sometimes I’m
3 and I do many things in the house. I take
the rubbish out and I help Dad to cook. I have a sister.
She’s only five years old. She’s 4 .
She doesn’t listen to our parents! She’s 5 .

/ 5 points

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M04 English Code ASB2 BrE 22728.indd 52 26/08/2020 09:10

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