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TEXT BOOK: Ticket2English

1. Gerund and Infinitive

1-1- Verbs followed by infinitive with “to”: decide – expect – seem- appear – hope
– deserve – begin –fail – intend – manage – need – swear - threaten –
offer- volunteer – agree – plan – pretend – refuse – promise – arrange
– learn

1-2- Adjective +infinitive, e.g it is easy/difficult/early…. to answer/to set off...

1-3- Some patterns

……….someone to……………
• Advise someone to …..
• Allow someone to…….
• Order someone to……..
• Want someone to……
• Ask someone to…….
• Promise someone to ……
• Beg someone to ……….
• Challenge someone to…..
• Need someone to……
• Hire someone to ….
• Encourage someone to…
• Invite someone to …
• Remind someone….
• Teach someone to ….
• Warn someone not to..
• Force someone to…

2- Bare infinitive= infinitive without “to” :

2-1 : Modals : can-could / shall-should / will-would / may-might
/ must –2-2 : some verbs: recommend – let –help.
2-3 expression: let us/you’d better/I’d rather…

3-1 – After some verbs: enjoy – avoid – miss – mind – suggest – detest –
spend- delay –postpone – keep (continue)-deny-consider- go (+ activity, e.g go

3-2- after some expressions: be looking forward to – cannot help- cannot

stand/bear-cannot imagine – would you mind – I do not mind-it’s no
use/good-it’s worth-have problem/difficulty- spend/waste time.
3-3- after prepositions: in – on –for- by – with – without- from – for –against –to...



1. Do you enjoy ............................................ mysteries or science fiction books?

read - reading - to read

2. Latifa will join us for dinner when she finishes. ................................. the baby.
feeding - feed - to feed

3. Your results weren't satisfactory last semester, you’d better........................ harder.

to work - work - working

4. I suggest .................................... our website to make it more attractive.

updating - to update - update

5. Hassan is looking forward to ...........................the new car he has just ordered.

drive - driving - have driven

6. You've lost too much weight, you'd better. .................................... a doctor.

see - seeing - to see

7. I don't feel like ................................any work this afternoon; I just want to relax.

do - to do - doing
8. Try to avoid. that contains too much fat.
to eat - eating - eat

9. Don't forget ...................................................... me a call when you get home.

to give - giving - give

10. My aunt promised .............................. me when she gets to Amsterdam.

calling - to call - call

11. Laura doesn't really regret ............................... the opportunity to marry.

miss - missing - missed

12. Whenever I see this film, I can’t stop ……………..……………………

laugh - laughing - to laugh

13. Stephanie stopped ……………………… when she realized that she had breathing problems.
smoke- smoking - smoked

14. Would you mind ……………………. the boss tomorrow?

call - calling - to call

2. Modal verbs
1. may -- have -- must
We ………………………………. be at the bus stop at 08:00 if we don’t want to miss the bus.

2. must -- need to -- wouldn’t -- may -- needn’t

a. Why don’t you read this story? You ………………….. like it.
b. You …………………… go to the university to register: you can send your application by

3. need -- not need -- needn’t

Workers ……………………… bring their old uniforms. The company will give them new ones.

4. wouldn’t -- can’t -- needn’t

You ……………………….. buy a ticket for the match; I have got two invitations.

5. can’t be -- shouldn’t be -- needn’t be

Jane: Look! Is that Tim crossing the street?
Rich: No, it ……………………. Tim . He is on holiday in Turkey.

6. might have -- would have -- will have

Richard can’t find his mobile phone. He …………………………..... left it in his father’s car.

7. will -- may -- could

I wish I ……………………… help you, I’m too busy right now.

8. won’t -- doesn’t -- can’t

Sami ………………………. have cheated in the exam. He is honest and hard-working.

9. needn’t -- couldn’t -- wouldn’t

You ……………….. carry this suitcase; the porter will take care of it.

10. have -- may -- need

My parents …………………. Travel at the weekend if the weather is nice.

Vocabulary .

1. gifts of youth

Gift - gifted- talented- vigor- passionate- audacious- adventurous-ambitious –

delinquent - generation gap – imaginative – creative –obstinate – immature-
nosy – authoritarian – reward/prize – genius – lifeblood – aspire – expectations
– trustworthy- somber
/obscure- indecisive- moody- stubborn/obstinate-introverted/extroverted- brainy
– quarrelsome-rebellious- bossy- self-opinionated-impulsive.

A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in brackets:

1. My father hates waiting in lines. He is a very (patience) . . . . ... …………. person.

2. Karim, our classmate, is known to be very (efficiency) . . . . . . . . . . . …… . When we are assigned
projects, he works well with us and always does his share of work.
3. Go and ask John. He‘s a (reliability)……………………………
He never lets his friends down when they need help.
4. Samir is really an (ambition)……………………………..person.
He wants to become an engineer. That‘s why, he is working hard.
5. My brother is an (energy) . . . . . . . . . . ….. . . . . Man. He works for hours and hours without getting
6. He is very (enthusiasm) . . . . . . . ………………. . .about his role in the play.
7. Khalid is an (ambition) . . . . . ……………….. . . . . . person. He wants to become an engineer.
8. They are looking for (creativity). . . ………….. . . . . . . . . . . . .engineers.
9. Empowering women in rural areas is this association‘s first (prior) . . . . ………. ……..
10. (create) . . . . . . . . . . . ……….. . . . . .is one of the qualities of youth
11. Youths are (adventure)…………………..……people. The
always like to take risks.
12.(curiosity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .is one of the qualities of youths.

2. Humour
Humorous – comedy/comedian – tragedy – gag – laughter – woes –grief –
caricature – cartoons – impression – kidding – depression- stress/stressful
modern life quick pace – feel jubilated – amusement- entertainment – to have
fun – joyful – cheerful- feel frustrated – a sense of humor- stand up comedian –
reduce/decrease- relieve/relief – workaholic – do something within boundaries
–to recharge batteries – replenish – avoid boredom/monotony-
contagious/infectious – unbearable - downside – ruin.

1- Write the appropriate missing words from the list:

Satire – hilarious – witty – funny – sense – cracks – facetious – humourists –
laughter – enjoyed – fun – serious

1. He's very funny. Whenever I meet him, he ………………………..a joke. He

reallyhas a good ……………………………….. of humour .
2. Charlie Chaplin was one of the most creative ……………………………… .
3. keep your …………………………… remark for you. You know. It's not very funny.
4. The show was ………………………… . It just caused a lot of ………………………….. in
5. The president's …………………………… speech attracted a lot of admiration.
6. He is very …………………………….. . He makes me laugh a lot.
7. Black humor is a way of looking at ……………………….events in an amusing way.
8. A piece of writing or play which criticizes people or ideas in a humorous way

9. ―What was the play like?ǁ ―Great! We…………………………….it very much. We had
a lot of………….. ................................................... ǁ

B.Fill in the chart with the correct missing form:

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

1-humour 11-misery
2- Sad 12- Pessimist
3- 13-benefit
4- Happy 14- Enthusiastic
5-joy 15-performance
6- Comic 16- Energetic
7-pleasure 17-depression
8- Boring 18- Tense
9-mood 19-stress
10- Optimist 20- Cheerful

C.Match the expresions in A with their definitions in B:

Expression/word Definition answers

a-humour 1-an amusing imitation of a famous person. A
b-joke 2-funny in a slightly stupid way; ridiculous. B
c-humorous 3-a short story that causes laughter. C
d-an impression 4-funny in an intelligent way. D
e-make fun of 5-to make jokes, to joke with someone. E
f-witty 6-laugh at someone in a mocking way. F
g-silly 7-amusing, funny or laughable. G
h-to kid 8-something said to cause amusement. H

D.Fill in the blanks with words from the exercise above:

-Sam:How did you find Jake‘s moves at the party?
-Sandy : oh ! He was so funny. He had a great sense
of………….……………. And you?
-Sam: I didn‘t appreciate his…………………………….Some of them made
me sick.What about Ketty. Didn‘t you think she was
really funny? I was laughing the whole time she was telling us about
her trip to Los Angeles.
-Sandy: Yeah, her story was quite……………………………but at times, I
couldn‘t tell if she was……………………….or being serious.
-Sam: I think she was quite………………………..; her jokes were so intelligent.
-Sandy: Did you see that girl who was doing Charlie Chaplin‘s…
Wasn‘t that .........................................................?
-Sam: Well, I agree she was a real idiot! A few of our friends were
laughing, but I think she was making out fool of herself.

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