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Constructive Cost Model:

Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is a technique used to estimate the approximate
time required to develop the software and hence the cost of the project.

● Effort Estimation using COCOMO Model

Assuming: A = 3, Sum of Weight of Scale Factors = 13
Considering that HMS developed using Visual Basic (VB), Hence LOC/FP for=32
1. Calculate Size
Size = 645 * 32 = 20640 SLOC ~ 20 KSLOC
Assuming: EAF = 0.2 based on the project cost drivers
● Calculate Effort
Effort = A * EAF * ( 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 )𝐵
Effort (Nominal) = A * ( 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 )^𝐵
= 3 * ( 20 )^1.12
= 85.955 Persons-Months
~ 86 Persons-Months
● Calculate Duration
Duration = C × ( Effort)^D
= 3.67 × (86)^0.306
= 14.34 Months
● Cost = Duration * Salary (per month)
=15 * 50000
= ₹ 7,50,000

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