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Letters to the Editor should not exceed 500 words. Treatment of Thyroid Disorders
SIR,-I read with interest the article on
treatment of thyroid disorders (22 August,
Fibrosing Alveolitis p. 493) which records the discussion
SIR,-The use of the title " fibrosing in the lung, etymology would permit it to be on the subject by a panel consisting of
alveolitis " for your leader on the paper' by called a pneumonia. But this would not have Sir Edward Wayne, Mr. Guy Blackburn,
my colleagues Drs. Livingstone, Lewis, Reid, the sanction of usage, for, by a generally and Dr. R. H. Davis. It was refreshing to
and Jefferson (22 August, p. 464) is, I be- accepted convention, " pneumonia " is re- see how ready they all were to see each other's
lieve, the first time this term has appeared in stricted to inflammations of the lung point of view, and the upshot of their dis-
print in this sense. As hitherto I have voiced characterized predominantly by exudate into cussion would, I feel, be generally acceptable
my advocacy of it only in informal discus- the alveolar spaces. I had been thinking over at present.
sions, perhaps you will permit me now to this problem of nomenclature for some time, I would like to underline the point made
explain why I think its general adoption when in March 1963, during an informal dis- by Sir Edward Wayne that all the thio com-
would make it easier for us to talk to each cussion at a colloquy on pulmonary insuffi- pounds used as antithyroid drugs act in the
other about patients whom we know or be- ciency at the University of Oklahoma, Dr. same way, and point out that methylthiouracil
lieve to have lung changes of the sorts to A. L. Fishman suggested to me the possibility is far cheaper than the proprietary prepara-
which such names as " Hamman-Rich of adopting the term " alveolitis." And, after tions for which great superiority is unjusti-
disease " and " idiopathic diffuse interstitial reflection, I have concluded that the term fiably claimed. I was disappointed that in
fibrosis of the lungs" have been applied. " fibrosing alveolitis " is as acceptable as any the discussion no mention of the dosage of
As you point out, the disease which we are likely to devise to refer to the whole that class of drug was made, because I fear
Hamman and Rich2 described was an acute gamut of histopathological changes from the many people still use too much for too long.
one, as indicated by their title " acute diffuse acute type described by Hamman and Rich I do not know what Sir Edward Wayne means
interstitial fibrosis of the lungs." I suspect to the much more frequent chronic type. by his advocacy of a big dose at the
that only a minority of those who indiscrimi- Of course, in a broad sense, a pneumonia beginning, but I do not find any need to
natingly confer eponymy upon Drs. Hamman is also a pulmonary alveolitis ; but if we use more than 50 mg. of methylthiouracil
and Rich have extended to them the pre- accept the conventionally restricted definition four times a day to start with and think that,
liminary courtesy of reading their original and of " pneumonia " suggested above, and adopt as with potassium perchlorate, this level
important contributions. By all means let the complementary convention that the term suitably tailored later is far safer than the
us, if we wish, refer to a case with combina- " alveolitis " shall refer to an inflammatory high doses originally employed. Also, with
tion of symptoms and signs and of histo- change predominantly in the alveolar walls, due respect to Sir Edward Wayne and Mr.
pathological changes in the lungs similar to the distinction between the usages of the Blackburn, who are both enthusiastic about
those described by them as an example of the words " pneumonia " and " alveolitis " be- the value of pre-operative preparation with
Hamman-Rich disease. But to say that a comes evident. The fibrosis consequent upon anti-thyroid drugs, mainly because of their
patient with a different and more chronic sort non-resolution of a pneumonia results from fear of post-operative thyroid crisis, I doubt
of illness and with histopathological changes organization of alveolar exudate, is custo- whether there is any advantage these days in
similar in only some respects is suffering from marily and without confusion called an such a course. Few patients now reach the
the same syndrome or disease is meaningless organizing pneumonia, and is quite distinct surgeon in a severely thyrotoxic state which
unless it is intended to imply that his illness from the progressive fibrosis predominantly has been allowed to run on to the point of
has some close aetiological or pathogenetic in alveolar walls, leading in severely affected grave emaciation and uncontrolled auricular
relationship with that of the four patients parts to obliteration of alveolar spaces in con- fibrillation with heart failure, and I find that
described by Hamman and Rich. While this fluent tracts of fibrous tissue, which my patients do uniformly well with modern
may be true, it is surely undesirable to imply characterizes fibrosing alveolitis. anaesthesia after 10 days' rest, iodine, and
a priori by the unreflecting use of words a The adoption of " fibrosing alveolitis" sedation.-I am, etc.,
proposition which should be submitted to offers other advantages besides the ability to Selly Oak Hospital, A. M. NusSEY.
objective study. indicate, with a not too arbitrary restriction Birmingham.
The term " chronic diffuse interstitial of meaning, the essentials of the histopatho-
fibrosis " which in the past I myself have logical changes which characterize the group Toxaemia of Pregnancy
used for the more chronic cases' suffers from of cases to which we wish to refer. It also
the defect that it refers to an end result. To directs attention to the part of the lung where SIR,-We would like to make some
be restricted to the use of this term is as if the functional defect is to be found, for in comments on your leading article entitled
" pleural thickening " were the only term by patients whose lungs are affected in this way "New Look at Toxaemia of Pregnancy"
which we could refer to pleurisy. We need a it is disturbance of the orderly encounter be- (22 August, p. 459) in which you refer to
term appropriate to an evolving histopatho- tween gas in the alveoli and blood in the the possible role of renin in the pathogenesis
logical process. The essential feature of this alveolar capillaries that is the earliest and of toxaemia.
process, in general terms, is inflammatory principal cause of disability. If a clinician In the literature there is considerable con-
thickening of alveolar walls with progressive uses the term fibrosing alveolitis, he is com- fusion concerning the use of the term renin,
reticulin proliferation and formation of mitting himself to nothing beyond a state- since this enzyme has not so far been
fibrous tissue ; it may be added that any ment of belief that histopathological changes obtained in pure form. In some instances
cellular exudate present in the alveolar spaces of a certain broad type are present in the the term renin is used to refer to the enzyme
is predominantly of macrophages, though lungs. The freedom of this term from aetio- which converts plasma angiotensinogen to
variable in amount. The problem is to find logical implications facilitates discussion both angiotensin, whereas in others it is loosely
a name which, after an acceptably restrictive of causation and of the interrelationships applied to renal extract which has been puri-
definition, can be applied with clarity to a between acute and chronic forms and between fied to a varying degree and which contains
process having these characteristics. If cases in which the lung changes present as a the enzyme renin. Used in the latter context
" interstitial fibrosis of the lung " is to be lone phenomenon and those in which they we cannot agree with your statement " nor
applied to such a process, some such epithet accompany such diseases as rheumatoid is there any pharmacological reason why
as " progressive " must be added to indicate arthritis.-I am, etc., renin should produce proteinuria, oedema, or
reference to an active process, and the mean- London S.W.3. J. G. SCADDING. epileptiform seizures." It has been known
ing of the term " interstitial " must be re- REFERENCE
for some time that injection of renin (purified
stricted in a very curious way to exclude the I Livingstone, J. L., Lewis, J. G., Reid, L., and
renal extract) produces proteinuria in experi-
perivascular and peribronchial spaces, which Jefferson. K. E., Quart. 7. Med., 1964. 33, 71. mental animals,`-3 and it has also been shown
are the most extensive " interstitia " in the 2 Hamman, L., and Rich, A. R., Bull. Johns Hopk. that both renin and angiotensin increase the
Hosp., 1944, 74, 177.
lung. As the process is an inflammatory one 3 Scadding, J. G., Brit. med. 7., 1960, 1, 443. rate of disappearance of Evans blue-protein
page 686

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