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Thorax 1982;37:1-10

Alveolitis: the key to the interstitial lung disorders

The interstitial lung diseases are a heterogeneous it has actually been with us for some time. For years,
group of chronic, non-infectious, non-malignant dis- morphologists have been pointing out that, besides
orders that affect primarily the alveolar structures.1-5 the fibrosis and cystic lesions that characterise the
The spectrum of disease included under this late stages of these diseases, early on there are
heading is enormous-at least 130 different inter- accumulations of macrophages, lymphocytes and
stitial lung diseases have been described (see references often, polymorphonuclear leucocytes. An excellent
1, 5 for the current list). Most of these diseases, example of this is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF),
however, are relatively rare; the common interstitial a disease for which Scadding championed the term
disorders are those resulting from inhalation of "fibrosing alveolitis", perceptively implying that not
inorganic or organic dusts, sarcoidosis, idiopathic only is this disease characterised by fibrosis, but it is
pulmonary fibrosis, and the interstitial lung diseases an alveolitis that causes the fibrosis and hence, the
associated with the collagen-vascular disorders.' derangements of the alveolar structures." 12
While diagnosis is not usually a major problem, There is compelling morphological evidence that
the management of patients with interstitial lung the alveolitis precedes the derangements to the
disease presents a difficult challenge. These diseases alveolar structures that characterise interstitial
are generally progressive, but in a baffling, often disease. In sarcoidosis, Carrington et al13 have
intermittent, stop-start fashion. More importantly, shown that almost all patients with sarcoidosis have
it is now apparent that conventional, clinical, radio- an alveolitis. Rosen and colleagues have demonstrated
logical, and physiological assessments bear little that 100% of patients with radiographic features
relationship to staging the activity of these disorders, of hilar adenopathy without parenchymal changes
thus frustrating the clinician's attempt to make have granulomata, the result of alveolitis.14 Con-
rational therapeutic decisions.1 5 6 vincingly, Takahashi et al,15 Telium et al,'6 Judd
All this is changing, however. Through the work et al,17 and Rosen et all8 have all presented evidence
of many laboratories throughout the world, it is now that a mononuclear cell alveolitis precedes granuloma
recognised that, independent of the type of disease or formation in sarcoidosis. Consistent with this concept,
specific aetiology, the earliest manifestation of inter- Lacronique and colleagues have used a quantitative
stitial disease is an "alveolitis"-the accumulation point counting technique to demonstrate an inverse
of inflammatory and immune effector cells within the relationship between alveolitis and granuloma in
alveolar structures.1 3-5 7-10 The importance of the this disease.19
alveolitis is simply stated: while it is clear that the There is also ample evidence that an alveolitis is
interstitial lung diseases are characterised by a the earliest manifestation of IPF.3 82021 Probably
variety of derangements to the cells and connective the most convincing data come from the studies of
tissue matrix that comprise the alveolar structures, Carrington and Gaensler who have shown that patients
it is now recognised that it is the alveolitis that with morphological evidence of desquamative inter-
causes these derangements. As we will see, the con- stitial pneumonitis (early 1PF) are those who can
cept of "alveolitis" has caused a revolution in think- resolve completely.20 Conversely, those with usual
ing that has completely changed the clinical approach interstitial pneumonitis (late IPF), do not. Alveolitis
to staging and treating patients with interstitial lung is also prominent in the descriptions of biopsies of
disease. patients with early hypersensitivity pneumonitis
(extrinsic allergic alveolitis),22 23 asbestosis,24 sili-
Lessons from morphology cosis,25 26 and the interstitial lung diseases associated
with the collagen vascular disorders.27 Furthermore, a
While the concept of alveolitis may appear "new", variety of experimental animal models of interstitial
lung disease including asbestosis,28 29 silicosis,30 and
Address for reprint requests: Dr RG Crystal, 6D06, Building hypersensitivity pneumonitis,31 have also emphasised
10, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20205, that the earliest morphological findings are an
USA. alveolitis.
Methods to evaluate alveolitis in humans whether the effector cells are airway or alveolar
While intellectually satisfying, the concept of the Importantly, bronchoalveolar lavage is safe.37
central role of the alveolitis would not be much of a We only lavage those individuals without significant
key to the interstitial disorders unless the alveolitis heart disease or clotting disorder and require: an
could beevaluated routinely in these patients.Alveolitis FEV1 > I litre, Pao2 > 75 mm Hg (with supple-
can be evaluated by open lung biopsy, but not all mental 02), and that the Paco2 not be elevated. With
patients are biopsied in this fashion, open biopsy is these guidelines, prospective evaluation of individuals
rarely carried out more than once during a patient's undergoing lavage demonstrated a complication
course, and quantitation of the number and types of rate of <5 %. All complications were minor-for
effector cells present in biopsy material is tedious and example, transient fever, bronchospasm, or nasal
not routinely available.1 3 bleeding. In addition, bronchoalveolar lavage is
To move the concept of alveolitis to that of useful readily accepted by patients as a routine method by
routine clinical practice, it was necessary to have which to evaluate their disease; over the past seven
methods by which the clinician could safely and years we have had several patients who have had
accurately evaluate the alveolitis on a repetitive two to four lavage procedures each year.
basis. Until the mid 1970s this concept was only a It has been estimated that a standard 100 ml lavage
theoretical hope, but with the development of two samples approximately 106 alveoli. Thus, it is not
techniques-bronchoalveolar lavage7 32 and gallium- surprising that for most situations, lavage analyses
67 (67Ga) scanning33 34-repetitive, quantitative from different lobes yield similar results32-that is,
evaluation of inflammatory and immune processes in bronchoalveolar lavage gives a representative
the alveolar structures became possible on a routine "average" picture of the status of the inflammatory
basis. and immune processes in the alveolar structure.
Quantification of the effector cell populations
BRONCHOALVEOLAR LAVAGE recovered by lavage is approached in two ways.7
This method permits repetitive sampling of the in- Most commonly, the analysis is presented in a similar
flammatory and immune effector cells and mediators fashion to cell differentials in blood with each cell
in the fluid lining the epithelium of the alveolar type presented as a percentage of the total cells
structures.3 7 The technique is a simple extension of recovered. Alternatively, the data are expressed as
routine fibreoptic bronchoscopy. After local anaes- total numbers of alveolar macrophages recovered
thesia, the fibreoptic bronchoscope is wedged into a per ml of lavage fluid recovered.
distal bronchus, usually in the lingula or right middle There are advantages and conceptual dangers
lobe (all lobes can be used, but the yield is somewhat associated with both methods. In the "differential"
greater in these sites). Following the original method method, 200-500 cells are usually counted and the
developed by Reynolds and colleagues,35 we use a proportion of each expressed. In normal, non-
total of 100 ml of 0 9% sterile saline (in five 20 ml smoking individuals, a typical cell differential
aliquots) for each site up to a maximum of three sites reveals 93 ± 5% macrophages, 7 ± 1 % lympho-
-that is, 300 ml total. Each aliquot of saline is cytes, and < 1% polymorphonuclear leucocytes.7
flushed through the bronchoscope and immediately In cigarette smokers with no evidence of lung disease,
aspirated using conventional suction. With this the cell differential is similar except that up to 50%
technique, the average volume returned from a neutrophils are present, with a proportionally
normal, non-smoking individual is 50-70% with decreased percentage of alveolar macrophages.1 38
recovery of 5-10 x 106 cells and 1-10 mg protein.7 In the "total cell" method, the cell differential is
Comparison of the effector cells recovered by combined with the total cell count to quantify the
lavage to those present in open lung biopsies has total numbers of each cell type recovered per unit
shown that the cell populations recovered by lavage volume of fluid recovered. For example, in normal,
accurately reflect the population of effector cells non-smokers, a standard 100 ml lavage yields
present in the alveolar structures.36 This is not sur- approximately 107 cells contained in 60 ml of
prising since for a standard lavage, approximately returned fluid. Assuming a cell differential of 90%
98% of the epithelial surface "seen" by the lavage fluid macrophages and 10% lymphocytes, the total cells
is alveolar-that is, the contribution by bronchi is recovered would be 167 x 103 cells/ml with 150 x
negligible. The only caveat modifying this concept is 103 macrophages/ml and 17 x 103 lymphocytes/ml.
that bronchoalveolar lavage only reflects the effector In contrast, a typical "normal" cigarette smoker
cell populations in the alveolar structures when no will yield the same return volume but containing
inflammatory airway disease exists. In the presence three-fold more cells with a cell differential of 88 %
of bronchial inflammation, it is impossible to tell macrophages, 7 % lymphocytes, and 5 % neutrophils.
This results in a yield of 501 x 103 cells/ml including Ideally, it would be desirable to know the concen-
441 X 103 macrophages/mI, 35 x 103 lymphocytes, tration of various proteins and mediators in the
and 25 x 103 neutrophils/ml. fluid lining the epithelium of the alveolar structures.
To the naive observer, the total cell method Unfortunately, the epithelial fluid obtained is diluted
has obvious advantages-it not only reveals a shift to a variable amount by the saline used to recover it.
in the effector cells-for example, smokers have Since the volume of fluid returned is variable, there
neutrophils-but also gives insight into the total are inherent dangers in expressing the noncellular
number of effector cells present in the alveolar components as "per ml" fluid. To circumvent this
structures-for example, smokers have more macro- problem, most investigators use albumin as a
phages and lymphocytes as well as neutrophils. standard to which noncellular components are com-
This is particularly important concerning macro- pared.7 32 41 42 Albumin is a midrange size serum
phages. When the data are expressed as total cells, component (69 000 daltons) that easily diffuses
the macrophages (along with many other effector through the lung yet is not synthesised or concen-
cell types) are invariably increased in the interstitial trated by lung. While using albumin as a reference
lung diseases, making their importance apparent. point does not give the exact concentration of
However, since the macrophages represent > 90% noncellular constituents in the alveolar structures, it
of the cells present in the normal individual, if there does help to distinguish whether the noncellular
is any shift toward another cell type (as is the case in component is derived from blood-for example, by
most of the interstitial lung diseases) then the per- diffusion-or whether it is produced in lung. For
centage of macrophages invariably decreases. Thus example, IgG in normal lavage fluid is similar to
if the data are evaluated using only the differential that present in blood.3241 In this context, if IgG/
method, this suggests (to the non-lavage aficionado) albumin in lavage fluid is greater than that in serum,
that themacrophages are less important to the overall it is reasonable to hypothesise that IgG production in
alveolitis. However, as we will see below, macro- the alveolar structures is increased relative to that
phages are critical to the pathogenesis and staging of in blood.32 41
these disorders. While this approach is the most rational available,
The validity of the "total cell" method, however, it does not get around the problem of the circum-
depends on the validity of quantifying the total stance where the actual concentration of albumin
number of cells per standard lavage. The problem in the alveolar epithelial fluid is also increased-
is not in counting the total number of cells (this is for example, a chronic lung disease in which there
easily done using routine laboratory methods), but are slightly "leaky" capillaries. In this circumstance,
rather in the variability in the volume returned.7 increased IgG levels in lung may be missed when
While several series have shown that the average lavage albumin levels are used as a reference point.
volume returned for groups of patients are simi- Unfortunately, there is no currently acceptable way
lar,32 35 39 there is significant variability (per standard around this problem. In an analogous fashion to
100 ml lavage) within each group, in the same lavage cell analyses, it is probably best to evaluate
patient from segment to segment, and in the same the data both as per mg albumin and per ml fluid
segment from day to day.32 The reasons for this have until more experience is available.
not been studied in detail, but are probably associated
with bronchial tone, the site of the equal pressure GALLIUM-67 SCANNING
point relative to the position of the bronchoscope, This is a scintigraphic procedure which gives an
the force at which the fluid is instilled, the length of overall estimate of the extent and intensity of in-
time it is left in the distal lung, and the force of the flammation in the alveolar structures. Gallium-67
vacuum used for aspiration. Furthermore, the (67Ga) is a cyclotron produced isotope that, in the
volume returned is dependent on the disease state- form of 67Ga-citrate, is known to localise in regions
much less is returned from patients with lung of inflammation.4344 It is conventionally administered
destruction that from normal individuals. Because intravenously and the scan carried out two days
of this problem, the safest approach is to present the later. Besides the radiation (approximately 1 rad/
data as a cell differential. However, the total cell scan; similar to that associated with a barium enema),
method may yield important insights into the there is no potential danger from this procedure. In
intensity of the alveolitis and, until enough data are over 10 000 scans at the NIH, we have seen no
obtained worldwide to establish clear standards, it is allergic reactions to the material administered.
worth using both methods. Unlike bronchoalveolar lavage, gallium scanning
Quantification of the noncellular constituents of can be carried out in the presence of active inflam-
lavage fluid presents even a more difficult problem matory airway disease; apparently the total mass of
than quantification of the cellular components.7 39 40 bronchi is too small to give a positive scan.44
Furthermore, since the scan procedure does not The lymphocyte subpopulations of the normal
compromise lung function, patients who do not fit lung are similar to that of peripheral blood.7 47 48 Of
the minimal safety criteria for lavage can still under- the lymphocytes present, 73 ± 4% are T cells and
go 67Ga scanning. 8 ± 3 % are B cells.48 Of the T cells, 48 ± 7 % are
In normal individuals, 67Ga is not taken up in helper cells and 25 + 5% are suppressor cells.48
sufficient quantities within the alveolar structures to Although the T cell populations of the human lung
yield a positive scan. In patients with active inter- are capable of being stimulated to produce a variety
stitial lung disease, however, there is diffuse uptake of lymphokines, they are not doing so when ob-
of the isotope over broad areas of the lung paren- tained from the normal individual.7 41O of the B cell
chyma.44 It is now recognised that the mechanism of populations, < 1% are spontaneously producing
this accumulation of gallium-67 in interstitial disease immunoglobulins including IgG, IgM, IgA, and
is the uptake of the isotope by active effector cells IgE.7 50 51
within the alveolar structures44 45-that is, a positive Evaluation of the noncellular constituents present
gallium scan indicates the presence of activated in- in normal lavage reveals that IgG and IgA are present
flammatory and immune effector cells within the in significant quantities but there is relatively
lower respiratory tract. Recent studies have demon- little 1gM.41 Components of the classic, alternative,
strated that, in most instances, this reflects a high and common complement pathways are present but
density of activated alveolar macrophages.45 there is very little C5, suggesting that a source of this
The easiest approach to the 67Ga scan is to simply component is necessary before the complement
read it as positive or negative. However, the amount cascade can play an important role in the pathogen-
of gallium-67 taken up by the parenchyma can also esis of lungdisease.41 In addition to immunoglobulins
be quantified by visual or computerised methods. and complement, a variety of other inflammatory
In this context, a "gallium-67 index" can be generated and immune related molecules are present in alveolar
which accounts for the area of lung involved as well structures. However, while such molecules (for
as the intensity of each region of uptake.33 For example, ocl antitrypsin,5 myeloperoxidase,52 and
example, assuming the liver to be 4 + and a region of histamine53) are probably involved in the patho-
the abdomen to be 0, a 0-4+ "intensity" scale can genesis of the interstitial disorders, their use in
be constructed for each patient. Thus, if 50% of the routine clinical evaluation of these patients has not
lung is involved to an intensity of 3 +, the individual been established.
has 3 x 50 or 150 index units. Using such a method,
normal individuals have 50 index units or less. Inflammatory and immune effector processes in
In evaluating 67Ga scans, it is important to distin- interstitial lung disease
guish between lung parenchyma and hilar nodes.34 44
While the activity of the hilar nodes may be of inter- Bronchoalveolar lavage and gallium-67 scanning
est in disorders such as sarcoidosis, it is the activity have demonstrated that, in general, the alveolitis
in the parenchyma that reflects the alveolitis and of active interstitial disease is characterised by three
hence is relevant to the pathogenesis, staging, and features: (1) an increase in the total number of
therapy of the interstitial lung diseases. inflammatory and immune effector cells in the alveo-
lar structures; (2) a shift in cell populations such
Inflammatory and immune processes in normal that one or more effector cell types are emphasised in
alveolar structures relation to others; and (3) an activation of one or
more effector cell types. The activation of these
With the use of bronchoalveolar lavage, a great deal effector cells is of critical importance to the patho-
of information has accumulated concerning the genesis of interstitial disease, as such cells have the
effector cells and inflammatory and immune related potential to effect parenchymal toxicity,46 54 55 in-
mediators present in the normal human alveolar crease the population size of specific parenchymal
structures (see references 1 and 7 for comprehensive cells,50 attract inflammatory and immune effector
reviews). In normal, non-smoking individuals, the cells from the blood to the alveolar structures and
alveolar macrophage is the major effector cell activate these cells once they arrive,48 57 58 modulate
present. Importantly, although this cell is capable granuloma formation,57 and derange the connective
of releasing a variety of inflammatory and immune tissue matrix and modulate the fibrotic process.5659 -61
mediators when activated, the macrophage popula- The alveolitis of the interstitial disorders in-
tion in normal lung is relatively quiescent.46 fluences lung function in at least two ways.' 5 First,
Consistent with this concept, the normal alveolar the effector processes of the cells comprising the
macrophage takes up little gallium-67 and normal alveolitis causes the cellular and matrix disorganisa-
individuals have negative gallium scans.3345 tion of the alveolar structures that characterise these
disorders-that is, changes in the type, number, and potential to significantly derange the alveolar
location of parenchymal cells, fibrosis and/or granu- structures. In this context, it is no wonder that, on
lomata. Secondly, the alveolitis influences lung the average, IPF is the most rapidly progressive
function just by its presence since the cells compris- of the interstitial disorders.'
ing the alveolitis expand the interstitium and occupy Since neutrophils are blood cells not normally
space in the alveolar lumina normally occupied by found in alveolar structures, there must be a mech-
gas.62 The specific effects of such physical defor- anism by which they are chronically attracted to the
mations on lung function is unknown, but they alveolar structures in diseases like IPF. Interestingly,
probably influence critical mechanical processes although the complement system is classically
involved in the respiratory cycle. thought to play a role in neutrophil attraction (mostly
through CSa, a complement fragment that is chemo-
Classification of interstitial lung disease using tactic for neutrophils), there is no evidence that the
alveolitis parameters complement system is involved in the chemotaxis of
blood neutrophils in those chronic interstitial lung
While all the interstitial lung diseases are associated diseases characterised by a neutrophil alveolitis.9 41 67
with increased numbers of effector cells in the alveo- In those diseases studied, the source for the
lar structures, groups of interstitial diseases can be neutrophil attraction seems to be the alveolar
characterised by the relative proportions of the macrophage, a cell that when appropriately stimu-
different effector cell populations comprising the lated, releases a chemotactic factor that is relatively
alveolitis. Currently, the alveolitis of the interstitial specific for neutrophils.68 For some interstitial lung
disorders is classified into two groups: neutrophilic diseases, the stimulus that activates the macrophage
and the lymphocytic. to release this chemotactic factor is known. In IPF
and familial pulmonary fibrosis the stimulus is
NEUTROPHILIC DISORDERS locally produced immune complexes produced
These disorders are characterised by an alveolitis within the alveolar structures ;58 these complexes
comprised of macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutro- activate the macrophage through its IgG Fc recep-
phils. The best characterised is idiopathic pulmonary tor.58 68 In asbestosis, the stimulus is the asbestos
fibrosis;3 41 a typical patient with active disease has particle itself;29 when macrophages attempt to
an alveolitis consisting of a five-fold increase in the ingest the asbestos they are activated to release the
number of alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes neutrophil chemotactic factor.
together with an accumulation of neutrophils. The Thus, the alveolitis of the neutrophil disorders
numbers of neutrophils present are not trivial; they seems to have two components: increased numbers
represent 5-50 % of all effector cells recovered; that of activated macrophages and large numbers of
is, assuming 5 x 107 cells and a 60% return of a neutrophils. In this regard, if the alveolitis theory of
100 ml lavage, these represent 42 x 103 to 417 x 103 interstitial lung disease is correct, it is reasonable to
neutrophils/ml recovered. Other diseases known to hypothesise that individuals with neutrophil dis-
have an alveolitis with an emphasis on neutrophils orders that have a high intensity alveolitis (that is,
include familial pulmonary fibrosis (a disease large numbers of activated macrophages and neutro-
similar to IPF with an autosomal dominant inheri- phils) will deteriorate while those with low intensity
tance),63 64 the chronic interstitial lung diseases alveolitis (that is, small numbers of activated macro-
associated with the collagen-vascular disorders,7 32 41 phils and neutrophils) will not. In IPF, this hypoth-
histiocytoxis-X,1 32 and asbestosis.7 65 66 esis has been substantiated by studies in both Britain
While all effector cells comprising the alveolitis and USA. Haslam et a!69 have demonstrated that
undoubtedly play a role in the derangement to the those with larger proportions of neutrophils clearly
alveolar structures that characterise IPF, the presence do more poorly than those with low numbers of
of the neutrophil is paramount.5 The neutrophil is a neutrophils. Likewise, Keogh et a170 have shown
short-lived cell that, within a short time after reach- that over one year, if neutrophils represent greater
ing the lung, releases a potent armamentarium of than 10% of the effector cells present and if the
inflammatory mediators (such as oxidants and gallium scan is positive (that is, larger numbers of
connective tissue specific proteases) that can injure activated macrophages) then 45% of patients with
parenchymal cells and disorganise the extracellular IPF will deteriorate in at least two functional
matrix.7 Furthermore, by virtue of the chronicity of parameters such as vital capacity, total lung capacity,
the alveolitis (we have seen patients with IPF in or diffusing capacity. In contrast, with low intensity
which neutrophils comprise greater that 25 % of all alveolitis (that is, less than 10% neutrophils or
effector cells for over three years), the IPF lung is negative gallium scan), less than 10 % of patients will
constantly under attack by effector cells with the deteriorate.
In addition to predicting deterioration in diseases lung B cells to produce immunoglobulin in a poly-
like IPF, the presence of a neutrophil alveolitis can clonal fashion.7' While this may not be important in
be used to identify individuals in the earliest stages terms of pathogenesis, it explains to a large extent
of their disease. For example, recent studies by the mechanisms of the hypergammaglobinaemia of
Bitterman et al64 have shown that in families with this disease-that is, the increased immunoglobulins
familial pulmonary fibrosis, a neutrophil alveolitis found in blood are derived from lung B cells stimu-
occurs before any evidence of lung dysfunction. lated by lung T cells.
The mechanism of the expansion of T cell numbers
LYMPHOCYTIC DISORDERS and of the state of their activation are not fully
In contrast to the neutrophilic disorders, the alveo- understood in sarcoidosis, but the alveolar macro-
litis of the lymphocytic disorders is distinguished by phage seem to play a major role. These patients
large numbers of macrophages and lymphocytes have markedly positive gallium scans and thus a
without neutrophils.7 32 41 Whereas lymphocytes high density of activated alveolar macrophages.45
comprise < 10% of the normal effector cell popula- Interestingly, however, the macrophages of the sar-
tions in the neutrophilic disorders, lymphocytes coidosis lung seems to be activated in a fashion
represent at least 15 %4, and usually more, of the cells different from that in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
making up the alveolitis of the lymphocytic dis- While IPF macrophages produce neutrophil chemo-
orders.32 Moreover, for all those lymphocytic dis- tactic factor,58 sarcoidosis macrophages instead
orders characterised to date, the expanded lympho- release interleukin-l, a factor that expands the
cyte populations are primarily T lymphocytes.7 41 49 numbers of T cells.72
The best characterised lymphocytic disorder is Macrophage T cell interactions at sites of disease
sarcoidosis.4 The alveolitis of a typical patient in- activity in sarcoidosis may explain the mechanism
cludes a five-fold increase in number of macrophages of increased serum angiotensin converting enzyme in
and lymphocytes together with a relatively expanded these patients. Recent studies suggest that activated
proportion of T lymphocytes. Thus, a standard T cells will stimulate cells of the mononuclear
100 ml lavage of a patient with active pulmonary phagocyte series to produce angiotensin converting
sarcoidosis will contain 60 % macrophages and enzyme;73 the increased presence of this enzyme in
40% lymphocytes with T lymphocytes representing serum may reflect this process.
36 % of all cells recovered (normally T cells represent Although most of the information regarding the
< 7% of all cells recovered). In terms of total cells, lymphocytic disorders deals with sarcoidosis, it is
assuming that 5 x 107 cells and 60 ml of fluid were recognised that all the classic granulomatous
recovered, this would represent 500 x 103 macro- disorders, including hypersensitivity pneumonitis4t
phages/ml recovered and 300 x 103 T cells/ml and berylliosis,74 are characterised by an alveolitis
recovered. In the context that lavage of a normal that includes increased numbers of macrophages and
individual contains at most 10 x 103 T cells/ml lymphocytes with relatively expanded proportions of
fluid recovered,7 it is obvious, therefore, that activated T lymphocytes.
sarcoid is clearly a disease characterised by marked Like the type of analyses performed for IPF, it is
expansion of the lung T cell populations.4 reasonable to suggest that individuals with lympho-
Lung T lymphocytes play a critical role in the cytic disorders with high intensity alveolitis will
pathogenesis of sarcoidosis. Not only is the alveolitis deteriorate more rapidly than those with low in-
characterised by an increase in number of T cells, tensity alveolitis. In untreated patients with sarcoid-
but the T cell populations are altered such that there osis, this is clearly the case. While the vast majority
is a relative expansion of the proportions of T of patients with T cells greater than 28 % and positive
helper cells and a decreased proportion of T suppres- gallium scans deteriorate over a six-month period,
sor cells.48 Of paramount importance, these lung less than 8 % of patients with T cells less than 28 %
T cell populations are activated and release lympho- and/or negative gallium-67 scan will worsen their
kines such as monocyte chemotactic factor and lung function over the same period.75
migration inhibitory factor.457 Both products are
important in granuloma formation. Monocyte MIXED DISORDERS
chemotactic factor attracts monocytes to the alveolar Classification of the interstitial lung disorders by
structures while migration inhibitory factor immo- virtue of lavage-defined alveolitis criteria will un-
bilises the cells and activates them.4 57 Since mono- doubtedly undergo revision as more patients are
cytes are the building blocks of granuloma formation, studied. In fact, minor exceptions to the neutro-
this explains one important aspect of this disease. philic and lymphocytic classification are already
In addition, the lung T cells in sarcoidosis are non- known. Roth et al have shown that in the late stages
specifically releasing "helper factors" that stimulate of sarcoidosis, when there is cystic disease and
fibrosis, neutrophils can be present.76 Furthermore, is easier said than done. In general, the alveolitis of
the Brompton group have noted that, in a rare the interstitial disorders represents effector processes
patient with IPF, lymphocytes can rarely represent localised to the lung-that is, they are not reflected
> 10% of the effector cells present.69 77 This systemically. Thus, routine clinical parameters
observation is of interest since this minor shift in (such as blood tests) are generally not useful in
effector cell populations may represent a very early making decisions concerning the status of the alveo-
phase of the alveolitis. If so, it will not be surprising litiS.1 3 4 Furthermore, although it seems rational to
if such patients have a better prognosis. use the chest radiograph and lung function testing to
Eosinophils may also be an important component stage these patients and make decisions on treatment,
of the alveolitis of the interstitial lung disease. comparison of these tests with open lung biopsies
While the roles of the eosinophil in such diseases have shown that they bear little relationship to the
have not been clarified, Davis et a178 have recently status of the alveolitis.1 6 81 -83 Thus, while the x-ray
demonstrated that eosinophils carry a collagenase and pulmonary function test can indicate the overall
capable of deranging human lung collagen and are state of these patients, they are more useful in staging
capable of destroying a variety of lung parenchymal the overall derangements to the alveolar structure
cells, including epithelial cells and fibroblasts. than in staging disease activity. They tell what has
Eosinophils are clearly present in a variety of dis- occurred before, not what is happening at the time of
orders, particularly the neutrophilic disorders such as evaluation.
IPF.7 32 41 69 It is also likely that at least some To stage the alveolitis accurately, the clinician
patients with disorders such as chronic eosinophil must go directly to the site of disease-the alveoli.
pneumonia, and perhaps the drug induced diseases, To do so, he must use tests that directly monitor the
will be characterised by eosinophils dominating the status of the alveolitis-bronchoalveolar lavage and
alveolitis. If so, it may be useful to develop the gallium scanning. We now use both parameters to
"eosinophilic disorders" as another category of the make routine clinical judgements. For a patient
alveolitis of the interstitial lung diseases. with high intensity alveolitis, we start treatment. If
the patient is already under treatment, we use more
Noncellular components of the alveolitis of the aggressive therapy. For an individual with low
interstitial lung diseases intensity alveolitis, we follow the patient but do not
treat; if they are currently under therapy, we taper it.
While the effector cell populations are the most Two questions are frequently asked in relation to
direct means by which to characterise the alveolitis this approach. First, do you need both bronchoalveo-
of the interstitial lungdiseases, analyses of the cellular lar lavage and gallium scanning? Second, if a patient
fluid constituents of bronchoalveolar lavage permits has high intensity alveolitis, is it necessary to start
evaluation of the results of the alveolitis, that is, the therapy immediately or can you wait to see if the
various proteins and other mediators released by the alveolitis will subside spontaneously?
activated effector cells comprising the alveolitis. The answer to the first question is-we do not
There are numerous examples of this including know. For routine clinical practice, the gallium scan
increases in immunoglobulins in most diseases;7 79 is probably the best way to assess the intensity of
presence of active collagenase in IPF ;61 increase the activated alveolar macrophages while broncho-
in histamine in IPF;53 increases in fibronectin in alveolar lavage is the best method to assess lympho-
most diseases;59 and the presence of immune com- cytes and neutrophils. Our current data suggest the
plexes in IPF.58 However, while these findings repre- use of both parameters increases accuracy signifi-
sent a goldmine for those interested in the pathogenesis cantly, but the final answers are not yet in. If the
of these disorders, clear guidelines have not been patient has coexisting inflammatory airway disease,
establishedconcerning their use in diagnosing, staging, (for example, from cigarette smoking) there is no
and treating patients. choice-lavage is not as useful as gallium-67
scanning. Likewise, if the patient does not fit the
From laboratory to bedside-use of alveolitis guidelines for bronchoalveolar lavage,37 gallium-67
parameters in staging and treating patients with scanning is the only option. However, in most
interstitial lung disease circumstances, lavage is more sensitive and yields
more information. Thus, if only one test can be used,
The central role of alveolitis to the interstitial lung lavage is probably the best choice.
diseases is clear. It is obvious, therefore, that the The answer to the second question is not defini-
most rational way to stage these patients and make tively known but guidelines are beginning to emerge,
therapy decisions is to evaluate the alveolitis to at least for IPF and sarcoidosis. For IPF, the alveo-
determine its character and intensity. This, however, litis is so potent that therapy is usually begun as soon
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