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Severe and Hazardous Weather has not only lengthened my knowledge in the

field, but it also spiked my interest to go further and learn more. As I have completed yet

another course in my college career, I know it has set me up to strive. As a business

major, this class falls more under my elective courses, so as far as the information I

learned relating to business, it has taught me how to be efficient with getting things

done when times are hard, and how to work hard through it all. With my goal of running

my own business someday, I know I’ll need efficiency, nerve, time, and confidence and I

can say happily that this course has helped me learn to display those things comfortably

and uncomfortably.

As I go on to complete the final project for this class, I am able to dig up

something I want to do whether that is writing a business plan or making a good

marketing campaign or blog post for my business, I know this practice will help me in

the long run when I go on to build my own business from the ground up and have to

complete models for it like the ones I mentioned above.

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