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Good evening teacher and classmates

My presentation is about my groupmate, Daniel Chinchilla.

Daniel is twenty-eight years old. He lives in a flat located in Bogota with his pet, a
cute dog named Muñeca.

He has studied law for some years. Currently, he is about to get his law degree.
Daniel said that his life has changed a lot since he started to study law because he
has met amazing people thanks to his career.

Studying law wasn`t easy for him in the beginning, because even though he studied
hard and read lot of books, he couldn’t understand many subjects. Then, he learnt
that each person has his or her own learning pace and everything became easier for
him; he put aside anxiety and anguish he used to feel in the past.

Thanks to his career, Daniel had had great job opportunities. For example, he
worked in the Congress of the Republic. Daniel has been working as legal assistant
for an important multinational company since a few years.

Daniel has been studying the English levels that are offered by our university to
improve his English skills. He thinks that speaking English will help him to be a better
and more integral professional. It is wide known that professionals who speak
English get more and better job opportunities.

Daniel has a clear goal in his life. His goal is to approve the English courses to get
graduated as a lawyer. He thinks that it would be the most satisfactory thing that he
could do for himself. He means to get graduated with his own effort, paying for his
own study.

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