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zDate: February 22, 2023

To: Bob’s Burgers restaurant cooks

From: Dan Abbate
Subject: How to Make an Amazing Cheeseburger Instructions
Reference: Instructions useability test

I am writing to all of you to cover the instructions “How to Cook an Amazing Cheeseburger” and how
effective those instructions are when put into practice. These instructions covered all ingredients, cooking
instructions, and final additions needed to cook and assemble a delicious cheeseburger. The instructions
were tested to see how effective the training our cooks received when trained to cook at the amazing
Bob’s Burgers.

After the usability test was complete and questions were asked to the user it is clear that there are certain
things that need to be revised about these instructions After the usability test was complete the user
mentioned certain revisions that are key to the success and functionality of the instructions. Multiple sets
of instructions or just multiple parts of the “Cooking” sections should be included so more than one
option for cooking. For example, a stove and grill option. Other than those fixable and helpful critics, the
instructions were clear, easy to follow, and produced a delicious outcome.

 Test the functionality of the instructions by observing a user complete said instruction.



 The user found the instructions to be clear and easy to understand.

 While following the instructions the user felt confident while performing the tasks.
 After completing the instructions, the user claimed the result of the cheeseburger was delicious.

 The user did not have a grill so the instructions needed to be tweaked so the user could use their
stove and pan.
 The heating of the grill instruction also needed to be tweaked to the heating of a stove.

After speaking with the user and asking them questions, one aspect that needs to be added to the
instructions is multiple ways of cooking. For example, grill instructions and stove instructions. After
speaking with the user and asking them questions, the user expressed that there should be instructions for
multiple ways of cooking. Another recommendation made waschange that needs to be made is to have a
variety of times the burger cooks, because some users like their burgers a little more done or vice versa.
More changes that were found during this test was “Cut tomato into thin slices.” is too specific. The step
should be changed to “Cut tomato into slices.” so the user can dictate the thickness.

The user also expressed that they like a thicker cut of tomato on their burger when the instructions say
“Cut tomato into thin slices.”

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