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Student:Ro'zimboyev Abbosbek

Reflection paper

1.What was the name of your missed lesson?

The name of my missed topic is Teaching the imperative through actions.

2.What materials did you investigate in order to properly grasp the topic?

I prepared verious exercises to study the topic and looked for information related to the topic. And I
used the internet, grammar books , Definition B2. Here are a few of what I learned.

Imperatives are directives conveying an illocutionary force of commanding, prohibiting, suggesting,

permitting, or requesting by the speaker. The typical function of imperatives is to get the addressee(s) to
do or not to do something.We use the base infinitive to form an imperative sentence(be, do, make,
have). The subject “you” is implied. We use the imperative tense in English when we want to command
someone to do something.

3.What have you acquired on this topic?I learned a lot about this topic that i did not know. These are the

The imperatives are an actions a speaker or writer wants have someone do. For this reason, they're
occasionally called “command words” even though that may not be the speaker's or writer's intent.
“Close the window” is an example of an imperative sentence, with the imperative verb being open. A
command sentence uses an imperative verb to say what is demanded to happen. The imperative uses
the most basic infinitive form, without the word 'to' before it.

4.What challenges you came across while learning the content of the lesson?I have not any difficulty in
the process of reducing the theme because this theme is easy and interesting reduce it completely.

5.How does the topic impact to your future career?

After this reflection paper I will have a better understanding of this topic. Then I hope my students will
not complain about misunderstanding. I want my students to be proud of me. If I can explain each
lesson perfectly to my students, I hope that they will also be important in their future.The Learning
Imperative' provides leaders with practical tools to help them improve the skills and therefore the
performance of their teams. Developing learning organisations is not easy. For this reason, 'The Learning
Imperative' is an essential read for any leader.This topic is of great importance in my future career.In the
future I have a dream to teach English at school.

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