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Piper Sundberg

Harbron, Matthew


19 March 2023

The Effects of Covid

The COVID-19 pandemic that emerged in December 2019 has caused unprecedented disruptions

to societies worldwide. With the virus's highly contagious nature, governments have implemented

measures to contain its spread, such as social distancing, lockdowns, and mask-wearing. As a result, the

pandemic has significantly impacted nearly every aspect of people's lives, including employment,

healthcare, and expenses. The global economy has experienced a sharp contraction, with businesses and

individuals facing immense financial pressures. The pandemic's impact on healthcare systems has also

been significant, with an increase in healthcare expenses. The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching

consequences on employment, healthcare, and expenses, exposing the vulnerabilities in our systems.

The pandemic has resulted in the loss of jobs, reduced work hours, and furloughs for millions of

people around the globe. This has caused a ripple effect on the economy, with many industries

experiencing a permanent shift in demand and the nature of work. “After reaching a peak in February

2020, employment fell by a combined 22.4 million in March and April, a decline of 15 percent (U.S.

Bureau Of Labor Statistics).” The situation has been particularly challenging for those who have lost their

livelihoods, and it is expected to have a long-lasting impact on their lives. The employment impact of the

pandemic also has been particularly significant for women, low-income workers, and ethnic minorities. A

study by the International Labor Organization (ILO) found that women were disproportionately affected

by job losses during the pandemic, accounting for 5% of global employment losses compared to 3.9% for

men. Additionally, low-income workers and ethnic minorities were more likely to lose their jobs or face

reduced work hours due to the pandemic. The impact on the loss of employment and income can have
negative effects on physical and mental health, increase stress and anxiety, and lead to a decline in quality

of life.

The pandemic has also had an impact on healthcare coverage worldwide. With the increase in

healthcare expenses due to testing, treatment, and vaccine development, individuals and governments

have had to spend billions.The loss of employer-based healthcare coverage has been a particular concern

for many individuals in the United States during the pandemic. Many healthcare systems worldwide have

struggled to cope with the surge in demand for medical care, and the situation has highlighted the

inadequacies of healthcare systems worldwide.” If we extrapolate this finding to the entire group market,

including self-insured employer plans, this would suggest that a total of roughly 2 to 3 million people

may have lost employer-based coverage between March and September (McDermott et al.).” This loss of

coverage has left many individuals without access to necessary medical care during a time of crisis. In the

United States, the pandemic has ignited debates over healthcare reform, and the importance of employer-

sponsored healthcare coverage has become more apparent as people lose their jobs and consequently their

health coverage. The situation has left many without access to necessary medical care, which has further

exacerbated the impact of the pandemic. In addition, many healthcare systems worldwide have been

unable to cope with the surge in demand for medical care, revealing the inadequacies of healthcare

systems globally.

Additionally, the pandemic has led to an increase in household expenses, with people spending

more money on food, essential needs, and other household essentials. As job losses and reduced work

hours have affected millions of individuals, many have been forced to choose between paying for

essential expenses such as rent rather than food. “in October 2021, nearly 20 million adults lived in

households that did not get enough to eat, 12 million adult renters were behind on rent” Governments

worldwide have also implemented measures to mitigate the pandemic's economic and social impacts,

leading to an increase in government spending. In the United States, the federal government has

implemented several economic relief measures, such as stimulus checks, enhanced unemployment

benefits, and small business loans, to help mitigate the pandemic's economic impacts.
In conclusion, COVID-19 has had a profound and far-reaching impact on employment, health

coverage, and expenses worldwide. The pandemic has brought significant challenges to people's lives.

The pandemic has caused job losses, reduced work hours, and furloughs for millions of people, resulting

in long-lasting effects on employment and income. Women, low-income workers, and ethnic minorities

have been disproportionately affected by job losses. The pandemic has also highlighted the inadequacies

of healthcare systems worldwide, with the loss of employer-based healthcare coverage leaving many

without access to necessary medical care. Additionally, the pandemic has led to an increase in household

expenses, with many struggling to pay for essential needs. Governments worldwide have implemented

measures to mitigate the pandemic's economic and social impacts, with increased government spending.

Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in our systems, emphasizing the need for

reform and improvement.

Works Cited

Ansell, Ryan, and John Mullins. “COVID-19 Ends Longest Employment Recovery and

Expansion in CES History, Causing Unprecedented Job Losses in 2020 : Monthly Labor

Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.”, June 2021,


“Tracking the COVID-19 Economy’s Effects on Food, Housing, and Employment

Hardships.” Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Center on Budget and Policy

Priorities, 10 Sept. 2021,


McDermott, Daniel, et al. “How Has the Pandemic Affected Health Coverage in the

U.S.?” KFF, 9 Dec. 2020,


Dalomba, Frances. “Pros and Cons of Social Media.” Lifespan, Lifespan, 1 Mar. 2022,

International Labour Organization. “International Labour Organization.”, 2019,

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