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Description of The Activity

The financial proposal of a soil investigation for 2 planned bridge. The project is located in East Nusa Tenggara and the enviroment is stepa. First bridge is located 20 km from the nearest village. River width is 100 m and depth of water is 2 m. Planned to be 1 span bridge. Second bridge is located 10 km from the the other nearest village. River width 300 m and depth of water is 7 m. Planned to be 5 spans bridge. These is the sketch of the 2 bridges : First Bridge

Second Bridge

II. NEED EXPLANATION 1. PERSONALITATION This soil investigation will take a long time progress. And it will take in the middle of forest with a rocking soil. Because of that situation we need personel who have a good experience. In this case, we will use one engineer for the decision maker, and junior engeenir for control all off crew who operating the apparatus. These is the personalization detail for this soil investigation : 1 engineer : making the decision and control the time schedule on the location, along the progress time. We just need 1 experinced engeenir because the cost will be more expensive if we use 2 engenir, and one is enough for this case. 1 junior engineer : control the operator work progress, become the connector between operator and engeenir. Making the calculation on the field. Control demobilitation sample from field to the office. 2 machine operator : we need 2 machine operator, because we will bring 2 machine boar to the location. We take 2 machine for easier our work, and the time will use shorter than if we taken only one machine to the location. 3 chief operator : they will help the operator set up the machine. 16 local labour : they will help the chief operator setting the machine. Than making the platform on top of the river. And the important thing is they will use for moving the machine from one point to the other one.


1 machine boar : we use this machine because the soil condition is combined with rock. And with this machine we just can drill 3 meter deep/day. We will take 3 day for drilling progress, with 10 meter deep target/point. We just take 10 meter drilling with assumption the NSPT result reach >50x. This machine will work in the same time, but in different point. We will rent this machine in nearest big town at here. The price of this rent is Rp. 15.000.000,00/ month. We will use rent machine because it will be easier than if we must bring it from our office in Bandung. With using this alternatife, we dont need to think about the apparatus expedition. 4 hand boar : for manual drilling, it use in dry area, hand boar cant use in the water. 1 diamond boar : it is really important parts in this surveying activity. Becase our soil was cambined with stone, it will be very hard if we use standard equipment. The rize of this eye-boar is Rp. 12.000.000,00/ unit

2 water pump : we will ned it for crushing the stone, we will rent it too. With price Rp.3.000.000,00/month. 2 gen set : use for operating water pump, and turn on electronic stuff at the field. 72 core box and 72 sample : we will take it every 5 meter deep drilling. 6 unit camp tend: use for sleep at night. Because we will live in the forest along the progress. 325 liters solar : it will use for operating the machine boar. The boar machine will take 15 liter/day, and the genset will take 3 liter/day. Both of it will use along a month. 4 unit platform : use for put the machine boar on the top of the river, the price for build this patform is Rp. 1.000.000,00.


Flight ticket : 14 pieces Travel ticket Bandung-Jakarta : 14 pieces Expedition of equipment Rp. 18.000.000,00 1 unit jeep : we will rent it along a month, with price Rp. 10.000.000,00. It will bring the officer from the middle town to the location 1 unit truck double guardan : it use for bring the equipment and food from middle town to the nearest village, from village the truck will bring local labour to with stuff to the location. Because the survey take a place in stepa land, the truck can reach the area. 1 unit Boot : it use for across the river, and bring the equipment across the river. Sampling Mobilitation : we will send the sample to bandung every after drilling. We will use ticky express for send it. With price Rp.50.000,00/kg. Acomodation : we will use money Rp. 26.450.000,00, for buying the food at the town. We wil cook it when we are in the forest.

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