Tech Resaerch Essay

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Medical Advancements 1

Alma Ramirez
Dr. Jason Dew
English 1302-280
February 28, 2023
Medical Advancements

Technology advancements in medicine, well first we got to look at the development of

computers as we see that there has been a surge of technological growth in the field after Stev
Jobs' invention of the first personal computer later developed as the laptop. In the evolution of
technologies we will see the effects of applied technologies in medicine are analyzed, and from
the analysis it shows that most people are suffering from conditions that have little explanation
of what caused it and how to cure them. “Widespread adoption of sensors that monitor the
wearer's vital signs and other indicators promises to improve care for the aged and chronically ill
while amassing a database that can enhance treatment and reduce medical costs.” (Pentland 1).
We even see benefits of ongoing diseases in which no cure is found as some congenital disorders
or diseases. Autism spectrum disorder impacts the nervous system in which learning,
communication and among other social interactions from developmental state is compromised.
Technology is used to help those affected by autism for example to betterment there daily life
with this research study “...analyze the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
(ASD) to have a pervasive, feasible and non-stigmatizing form of assistance in their emotional
self-regulation, in order to ease certain behavioral issues that undermine their mental health
throughout their life” (Torrado 1).

In this aspect we will see how medicine benefits from the upcoming medicine complications and
even surgical applications. “The near-physiological technology can virtually recapitulate organ
development and human diseases, such as infectious diseases, genetic abnormality and even
cancers. In addition, organoids can more accurately predict drug responses, and serve as an
excellent platform for drug development, including efficacy evaluation, toxicity testing and
pharmacokinetics analysis. Furthermore, organoids can also be exploited to explore the possible
optimized treatment strategies for each individual patient” (Xu 2). Besides, organoid technology
is a promising strategy for regeneration medicine and transplantation use, which can overcome
Medical Advancements 2

the deficiency in the supply of healthy donor tissues and inherent immunological rejection
through establishing isogenic organoids from minuscule amounts of patient biopsies.The
influence organoids hold has potential for clinical applications and bring basic research closer to
clinical practice.

Lastly, when high-amplitude, short-duration pulsed electric fields are applied to cells and tissues,
the permeability of the cell membranes and tissue is increased. This increase in permeability is
currently explained by the temporary appearance of aqueous pores within the cell membrane, a
phenomenon termed electroporation. “During the past four decades, advances in fundamental
and experimental electroporation research have allowed for the translation of electroporation-
based technologies to the clinic.” (Yarmush 1).

After looking at all the sources, the basis of everyday life that one can benefit in everyday bases
through nutrition and through therapies other than surgeries and medicines. The technological
advancements are aiding and we just touched lightly the topic of how we may benefit. We may
see more benefits through time as we have seen the discovery of organ transplant and surgeries
that were hard to treat in recovery or infections as we do progress so would technologies and
medical practice.
Medical Advancements 3

Pentland, Alex. "Healthwear: medical technology becomes wearable." Computer 37.5 (2004):

Torrado, Juan C et al. “Emotional Self-Regulation of Individuals with Autism Spectrum

Disorders: Smartwatches for Monitoring and Interaction.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 17,6
1359. 11 Jun. 2017, doi:10.3390/s17061359

Xu, Hanxiao, et al. "Organoid technology in disease modeling, drug development, personalized
treatment and regeneration medicine." Experimental hematology & oncology 7.1 (2018): 1-12.

Yarmush, Martin L., et al. "Electroporation-based technologies for medicine: principles,

applications, and challenges." Annual review of biomedical engineering 16 (2014): 295-320.

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