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old older the oldest
quick quicker the quickest
slow slower the slowest
strong stronger the strongest
brave braver the bravest
light lighter the lightest
big bigger the biggest
hot hotter the hottest
sad sadder the saddest
fat fatter the fattest
wet wetter the wettest
thin thinner the thinnest
dry drier the driest
happy happier the happiest
busy busier the busiest
heavy heavier the heaviest
tidy tidier the tidiest
pretty prettier theprittiest
clever cleverer the cleverest
simpler simplerer the simplerest
expensive more expensive the most expensive
polite more polite the most polite
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
interesting more interesting the most interesting
surprised more surprised the most surprised

good / well better the best

bad / ill worse the worst
little lesser the least
little (količina) less the least
far (prostorno) farther the farthest
far (dalji) further the furthest
much more the most
many more the most
old elder eldest
 Veznik THAN se koristi uz komparativ – Jonh is older than his sister; Peter has
more money than Jim.
 Za jednakost AS ... AS – Jim is as good as John; He is as tall as she; My house is
as big and large as your.
 Za nejednakost NOT SO ... AS – This wine is not so good as that one; Mary's
house is not so big as Jim's; He is not so clever as I expected.
 Postepeno uvećanje – Petros is becoming more and more expensive; Your
daughter is becoming more and more beautiful.
 Uporedno uvećanje ili smanjenje – The more I listen, the less I understand; The
more money you have, the more you spent.
 THE + ADJECTIVE = Imenica: the old (starci), the young, the rich, the poor, the
blind, the deaf, the homeless, the sick, the bad, the week, the dead, the
unknown, the unemployed.
 Neki pridjevi se završavaju na ING (koristi se za opis) i ED (za stanja) – Jane is
bored because her job is boring; My job makes me depressed; This weather is
depressing; I am not interested in my job any more.
 Mnogi adjectives se formiraju dodavanjem sufiksa imenici ili glagolu:
 ible = sensible (sense-razum)
 able =reliable (rely-osloniti se)
 ful = helpful (help)
 y = moody/bossy (mood/boss)
 ive = talkative (talk)
 ous = ambitious (ambition)
 al = critical (critic)
 ic = ironic (irony)

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