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Appearance and character (My friend)

The attitude of people to a person depends on many things: his character,

mind, manners, behavior, abilities and appearance. If a person is good-looking he
feels more confident. Unfortunately, to be pretty or handsome doesn’t mean to be
happy. Very often beautiful people are stupid, stubborn and arrogant. And
unattractive people can be intelligent, kind and generous. That’s why people say:
“Do not judge by appearance”.

I have many friends, but Jane Brown and Andy Johnson are my best friends.
Andy is tall (short) and lean. Jane is middle-sized (of medium height). She isn’t
slim, she is pretty plump. Andy is strong and well-built. As for Jane, she doesn’t
care about her figure. She is never on a diet and hates doing morning exercises.
That’s why she often puts on weight.

Andy took after his father in appearance and character. His face is long and
thin (square). His features are regular and stern a bit. His complexion is ruddy
(fair, dark, clear). His forehead is broad (doomed) and high (law, narrow). He has
got large (small) wide-set (close-set) and deep-set eyes (bulging eyes). They are
hazel (green, steel-grey). People remember his eyes because they are piercing
(curious, prying). His nose is straight (aquiline, hooked). His chin is pointed
(protruding, round, square). His cheeks are hollow (plump, chubby). He has got
thin 9full, thick) lips. He is a brunette (blond). He has got chestnut (auburn, red,
dark, black) straight thick (thin) hair.

Jane looks like (resembles) her mother. She is a blue-eyed girl. Everybody
admires her expressive shining eyes. She has got thick long curving eyelashes. Her
eyebrows are penciled (bushy, arched), her noise is small and snub (turned up).
Jane has plump cheeks with dimples in them. She never worries about her hairdo
(hairstyle), because she has got beautiful, long, thick, curly (wavy) hair. She thinks
she would look nicer with a short haircut, and she wants to change the colour of
her hair, but her mother doesn’t let her to do it. To look more attractive she
sometimes wears make-up: she puts a little black mascara on her eyelashes and
some eye shadow on her eyelids. She hates lipstick and never applies it (puts it on)
because she believe that her well-cut lips are good enough.

As for their characters, I like them both. Let me give a touch on Jane’s
character. It is easy to get along with her. People find her sociable and easy-going.
Nobody can call her selfish (unselfish), greedy (generous), ill-bred ( well-bred),
angry (kind). She is reserved, modest (shy) and good-tempered (hot- tempered). I

think she is of a romantic nature, she is interested in music, art, theatre. She is keen
on literature especially she likes poems. She is good at writing verses.

A lot of my classmates envy that my best (good, bosom, true, faithful) friend
is Andy. I respect many traits of his character. He is honest, brave (courageous),
cheerful with a good sense of humour. He is always the life and soul of the party.

I am proud of my friends because they are caring, faithful (sympathetic) and

sincere. They are ready to help you when it is necessary.

We have much in common, we spend plenty of time together and I

appreciate their charming (magnetic, dynamic, striking, strong) personalities more
than their appearance (looks).

Stubborn ['stʌbən] - упрямый

arrogant ['ærəgənt] - высокомерный, надменный

well-built [ˌwel'bɪlt] - крепкий; хорошо сложённый

to be on a diet ['daɪət] - сидеть на диете

take after – унаследовать от

stern [stɜːn] - строгий, суровый

complexion [kəm'plekʃ(ə)n] - цвет лица

forehead ['fɔrɪd] - лоб

bulging ['bʌlʤɪŋ] eyes - глаза навыкате

prying ['praɪɪŋ] eyes - любопытные глаза

aquiline ['ækwɪlaɪn] – орлиный

auburn ['ɔːbən] - золотисто-каштановый, темно-рыжий

to give a touch [tʌʧ] – затронуть, коснуться (в беседе)

sociable ['səuʃəbl] - коммуникабельный, общительный

easy-going – легкий в общении

to be keen on – увлекаться

to be life and soul – быть душой

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