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2 Oeoron PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION IN NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING The American Society for Nondestructive Testit)g, Inc. ASNT...Creating a Safer World!® ‘Copyrignt © 2016 by The American Soca thr Nondestucive Tesi, The American Society for Nondestuctve Tes ing, Ine. (ASNT] fk no! responsi forthe authenticity er accuracy of nformation| hoton Published options and stalomenls dp not necettrly reflec! the opinion of ASNT, Procucts er savices the! oe odverisect Srimenioned eo net cary the endorsement of recommendation af ASNT No pot ofthis publication may be reproduced er fransmitted in any form, by means electric or mecharicol including photo Copying. recorcing or otherwise, without Ihe expressed pr witen permision of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing. ne IRRSP, NDT Handbook, The NDT Technician od wwwosntorg ate tradematts of Te American Society for Nondastuctive Testing. Ins, ACCP. ASNT, Level l Study Guide, Matias Evatation, NondesrucveTestng Handbook, Reseorch in Nondestuctive Froluaion and RNDE are regatered faders of The American Socely for Nondestuctve Testing, ne. fst pining 09/16 (2000K 08/16 ‘rata, available for hs pdntng, may be otcinad trom ASNT's web ste, San 978-1-57117-379-9 (ore \SBN:978-1.57117-282-9 (ebook) Printed in me Untied St sof Ametice Pubisnes by: ‘he Amevican Sociol for Nondestructive Telting. in. 1711 Afingate Lone Columbus, OH 452760518 wow 05.089 Eile oy: Cyntivo M, Leeman, Educational Motetais Supervisor Tim Jones. Senter Manager of Pubications ASNT Mion Staternant (ASNT ens fo create @ safer world by eromiting he profesion and technologies of nondestucve testing, FOREWORD ‘This Recommended Practice establishes the general framework for a qualification and certification program. In addition, the document provides the educational, experience and training recommendatigns for the different test methods, hls recommended practice is not intended to be used asa strict specification. Il is recognized, however. that contracts equire programs, which meet the intent of this document. For such contracts, purchaser and supplier must agree upon acceptability of an employers program. | ‘The verb “should” has been used throughout this document to emphasize the rejommendation presented herein. It is the employer’ responsiblity to address specific needs and to modify these gudelings as appropriate in a written practice. In ‘the employers written practice, the verb “shal” isto be used in place of ‘should’ to emphasize the employer's needs ‘The 2016 Edition of SNT-TC-1A Is annotated so that users of the 2011 edition can quickly and easily locate new and ‘updated material. The vertical lines in the margins ofthis document indicate tha} information in the text has been ‘modified in some way. An SNT-TC-14 Interpretation Panel is available to respond to waltten Inqulties regarding the SNT-TC-1A guidelines, ‘These responses clarify the intent of ASNT’s Technical and Education Couneil aiid the recommendations of SNF-TC-1A and are subject to the statement of "Scope" in each edition of SNT-TC-1A. ‘To make an inquiry, use the SNT-TC-1A Interpretation Request Form on the lat page ofthis Recommended Practice Inquiries elated to this recommended practice should be directed to the chair ofthe SNT-TC-IA Interpretation Pane! et the following addces: SNT-TC-IA Interpretation Panel Chair clo Senior Manager, Technical Services ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing 1711 Arlingate Lane PO Box 28518 Columbus, Ohio 43228-0518 E-mail Faxe (614) 274-6899 REVIEW COMMITTEE Publication and review of this Recommes ded Practice was under the direction ofthe SNT-TC-1A Review Committee which is a committe ofthe Methods Division. fhe Methods Division reports tothe Technical & Education Council of the ‘American Society for Nondestructive Tesiing. Review Committee Members: Michael Ruddy, Chair Terry Cleusing Robert Cameron, Vice Chair David Clibertson Charlie Longo, (Claude Cievis Secretary David Déchene ‘Chinam Dwarikanath Patra John Ahow Nat Farasso Mike Allgaier Jerry Fulin Bill Baker Darrell Farris Robert Barnett Paul Har bower Karen Bruer ‘Mosteza jafari Eugene Chemms Walter Jter Technical & Education Council: Glena Light, Chair Danny Keck, Vice Chale/Secreta Jim Kelly Doron Kishoni Joseph Mackin Jim MacMillan Walter Matulewice Ron Mika Ray Morasse Ricky Morgan Matthew Patience Bill Plamstead, Ir Bill Plumstead, Sr. ‘Mark Pompe Scott Ritzheimer Rick Rubge David Sanders Mark Stowers Lawrence Strouse Marvin Trimm. Ray Tsukimura David Vaughn Dave Vigne Sareea ae ed Halogen Diode Detector 2 level! 1, Good operating practice dictates that the period of time tallow for warm up ofthe halogen diode detector prior to calibrating ie: a, 30 minutes. b, 15 minutes. © Tow. 4. recommended by the manufacturer. 2. While adjusting a reservoie-type variable-halogen standard lea, the operator accidentally vents the gas from the only standard leak available. Which of the following actions would quickly resolve the problem? Replace the standard leak, Replace the cylinder inthe standard leak, Recharge the standard leak, Send the standard leak tothe manufacturer for recharging, 3. While performing a halogen-diode detector tes, the leak detector becomes difficult to zero, and the pointer onthe leak rate meter repeatedly swings up scale. The most likely cause ofthe problem could be the use of too high a sensitivity range, a shorted clement, an excessive heater voltage, or: 1 poor airflow. 8 sensing element that is too new. ‘high halogen background, a faulty leak rate meter. Levelt 1. Most eaks detected during halogen sniffer test could have been detected and usualy can be verifed be 3. a bobble eae test. an ullesoni examination & vinusl examination 2 pressure change test ‘The presence of smal traces of halogen vapors in the halogin diode detector: 4 im:reases the emission of negative ions. i. dezreases the emission of postive ions. teases the emission of positive ions. dd. décreases the emission of negative ions. ‘A halgen standard leak of a certain sve produces 8 knows signal on a halogen leak detector. To receive this sime intensity signal on the instrument during the te\t of an object containing 2 2% by volume blog n-air mixture, the size ofthe leak in the object causitg the signal would theoretically hae to be at least times larger than the standard leak. Mass Spectrometer level ‘The sinsitivty of a mass spectrometer leak detection syste is the mass flow rate of tracer gas: a tit elves maximum measurable signal, Db. thit gives a minimum measurable signal. ‘cat tandard temperature and pressure. 4. ing leak. ‘The diffusion pump and mechanical fore pump in = mass pectrometer leak detection system: us) the same type of ol us) different types of oi, ‘operate using the same motor us} the same principle of operation, ‘The hylium mass spectrometer detector probe pressiye-test technique is a. a (uanttative test. . a qualitative test © aspmiautomatic test 4, anjautomatic test 14-2016 | APPENDIXES Ground Penetrating Radar | Level “The most common form of grout penetrating radar (GPR) measurement is: 1 a using a single transceiver devi similar to fequipzent used in shear wave ultrasonic testing, b. by deploying @ transmitter an! a receiver in fixed geometry over the surface microwave propagation through e constant time 4. inspection for landmines ‘What are the key wave field proprtles for GPR? Time, distance, and velocity B. Reflection, reftaction, and dirction of travel €. Velocity, atenuation, and EN) impedance. Antenna ste, shape, and angle of incidence. Electromagnetic waves separate Into two independent components, What are they? ‘4. Transverse electric feld and fransverse magnetic field. b, Resolution zone and refracticn zone. High impedance and low imjjedance. 4. Focused energy and attenuation. Level Il 1 6 ‘The ratio of the largest receivabl signal and the ‘minimal detectable signal i called the: a. system detection factor. by. peak performance rato. dynamic range. i <4. maximum depth of detection. What is gating? 2. A method of expanding the lepth of penetration by viewing only portion ofthe total signal b. The ability to control the shipe ofthe transmitted signal A method of reducing the sipnal bandwidth, Timing the transmit and rectiver signals to avoid detrsmetal effects from strong signals 3 ‘Why is dewowing important? a. Itacte.s a biomonitor. 1. Ithelps to produce a stable image of unstable soils ¢. Itallows positive and negative color filing to be used in the recorded trace. 4. It is generally used to improve section resolution and ereste more spatial realistcs. Guided Wave Testing Level 1 ‘The velocity of guided waves depends on all ofthe following except: the material properties. b. the boundary conditions of the component or part the dimensions of the component or part G. the dimension ofthe transducer Which of the following is a propagating guided wave ‘mode in pipe? fs. Bulk compression wave, ». Bulk shear wave. Torsion wave 4, allofthe above Guided wave testing (GW) of long lengths of pipe ‘a is used to measure remaining wall thickness, B. can determine the change in pipe wall cross section, is used to measure the exact lengtis of any wall, lass 4, can determine the exact geometry of any level 1 © 1.0(100 percent, 25 (25 percent) racers frequency (of materi 128 rrr tt fequency required to ge tn fips 10 would be 125 He b 128 ite © 125ktte @ 125kite fr age hardened aluminum and titanium alloys, changes in hardness are indicated by changes tp, a etentivity b. permeability & conductivity & magnetostriction Remote Field Testing level! ‘The dominant electromagnetic energy distribution rocess in remote field testing (RFT) is said to be- pewter energy conversion 4. fagnetc motive vce. bred 1, Sed RET probe, he detector coll is Ina Positioned inthe: & diet eld zone, transition zone & remjotefeld zone junition between remote feld zone and transition zone 3. Thezy 0 these ced he & anftion ne © nome sse & nea ed tension one 4 gence leven 4+ Inthe reijot eld sone wth distance, the magnetic field distribution decays: a. linearl) b. expondntially. emily 4. and thin increases with distance. 2 The excitel and the receiver coileoilsin «remote feld probe separated bya distance yreater than I. IL the tbe diameter. 2. twice | ‘. three tithes © one tim? four tines 3. requenclel selected for RFT inspection ave £ Raber then aed in dy cae Blower thym used in eddy curren 2 cael nd ht nv be changed daring a3 inspection 4. higher tan used in ultrasonic testing PGs Electromagnetic Testing iterating Current Field Measuremet t Technique level! ‘Wha is the medium between an alterjating current field measurement technique (ACEM) probe and a ‘metal surface when operating in ait? | An electric current Air. Magnetic eld. Couplant 2, For which ofthe following inspection requirements could you NOT normally use ACEM lor defect detection? 2. atige cracks in welded joints of high strength 'b, Subsurface crack in welded jointslof mild see . Inspection. for cracks in a weld of jhigh strength steelunderpantcosing | 4k Sarace faguein mild tel weld |A fatigue crack perpendicular tothe ijduced current ‘will cause the induced current to: 4. disperse from the central area of te crack and ‘concentrate around the ends. b, disperse from the ends of the crack and ‘concentrate in the central area. | «stop flowing inthe part. 1 4. increase in velocity 1 Level 1, Daring an ACEM weld inspection, the measurement oferack depth is NOT dependent on: the frequency ofthe inspection . the length ofthe crack. the depth of penetration ofthe altgnating current field 4. contact withthe part 2. What effect would you expect ifthe coils in an ACFM probe were smaller and closer together? a. Noeffect '. Improved detection of smaller defects «Improved siaing on larger defects, 4. Improved signal-to-noise ratio. 3, The Bx magnetic feld can best be described as ‘4, parallel to the plate surface and perpendicslar to the eurrent ow. ». perpendicular tothe weld. parallel tothe plate surface and parallel to the current flow. 4. perpendicular to the plate surface and parallel to the current flow. Eddy Current level! ‘The impedance of an eddy current test coll will Sncrease if the: test frequency increases. inductive reactance ofthe coll decreases, inductance ofthe coil decreases resistance ofthe coll decreases 2. Which of the following test frequencies would produce eddy currents with the largest depth of penetration? a. 100H2 b. 10k 1 MHa 4. 10MHa 3. Togenerate measurable eddy currents in a test specimen, the specimen must be conductor, tithe a condvetor or an insulator. 8 ferromagnetic materia pose Appendix A: Example Questions ‘Tae purpose ofthis append isto provide a guidline forthe preparation of th: General, Level and Level It wrtenexem- nations. Extensive examples of representative question for dere of difficulty, type. ete, are provided maeparte quence ‘booklets, whic canbe obtained from the ASNT Intemational Service Center Thee question ae intended nares only and should not be used verbatim for qualification examinations, Not: All questions and answers shouldbe referenced toa regained source, | Acoustic Emission Testing Level 1, A qualitative description ofthe sustained signal level produced by rapidly occurring acoustic emission events isthe accepted definition for: burst emission acoustic emission signature. acoustic emission signal, continuous emission, 2, Attenuation of «wave is best defined by which statement? 4. A decrease in frequency with distance traveled, 1b. A decrease in amplitude with distance traveled. ©. Addecrease in wave speed with distance traveled. 4. Acchange in direction asa function of time 3. The number of times the acoustic emission signel exceeds a preset threshold during any selected portion ofa testis called the acaustic emission response count rate energy ee When detecting impulsive acoustic emission signals gn ing obec the peak ofthe gels nom decreas wit increasing distance from the source Thisaltiation, dependent on distance, cannot be explaingt by ‘4 absorption: the elastic pulse gradually converts into heat. . dispjsion: the pulse gradually spreads out in time because the different weves involved travel with diferent velocities. the geometric factors: the energy in the pulse is distbuted into ever-larger volumes, 4d. densty: the more dense (hard) the material, the hard itis to move sound through the object. ‘Which ofthe following factors will tend to produce Jow-amplitude acoustic emission response during a tensile tot? a. Low emperature, b, High strain rte © Plastc deformation. . Crack propagation, ‘The kaiser effect is 4. valid only when testing composites, , a physical law of nature that is never violted © notapplicable when an rms recording is being made 4. the absence of detectable acoustic emission until revivusly applied stress levels are exceeded 8 Dean) eka se e 100 Technical Performance Evaluation | 101 NDT personnel may be rexamined anytime at the disretion ofthe impoyer and heve thet ceilfcates extended or revoked. 102 Peviodically, defined in the employers written practice, NDT Levelland I! personne should be reevaluated by the NDT Level I administering a practical examination. The practical examination should follow the format and guidelines described in section 8.5, 11.0 Interrupted Service 111 The employer's written practice should include rules covering the types and duration of {ntercupted sevice that requires reexamination and recertification, 112 The written practice should specify the requirements for reexaminatioh and/or recertification for the interrupted service 120 Recertifcation 121 Alves of NDT personnel shal be recertified periodically in accordance wth ne ofthe following crite 1211 Evidence of continuing satiactory technical performance 12112 Ressamination in those portions of the examination in Section 8 deemed necessary bythe employer NDT Level 122 The recommended maxim recertification intervals are 5 yeas for a ertifeation levels. Ceriestons expire onthe las cay ofthe month of expan, 123 When new techniques ee added the employers writen practice, NDT Level I personnel should recive applicable taining take applicable examinations and olan the neceanry experience sich that the NDT Level If meets he requirements of thee techniques ‘Table 6.3.1 A, prior to their next reerifeaton dete Inthe applicable thou | 130 Termination 131 The employer's certification shall be deemed revoked when employment is terminated, 132 An NDF Level f Level Il, or Level II whose certification has been terinated may be certified to the former NDT level by «new employer based on examination, as described in Section 8, Provided all ofthe following conditions are met to the new employer'ssatisfaction: 13.21. The employee has proof of prior certification, 1322 The employee was working in the capacity ta which certified w thin six (6) months of termination, 1323. The employee is being recertified within six (6) months of tetination. 1324 Prior to being examined for certification, employees not meett g the above requirements should receive additional training as deemed appropriate by ths NDT Level Il. 140 Reinstatement M41 An NDT Level |, Level Il, or Level Il whose certification hasbeen terminited may be reinstated tothe former NDT level, withouta new examination, provided all ofthe following conditions are met 14.11 The employer has maintained the personnel certification records required in section 9:4 14.12 The employee's certification did not expire during termination, 141.3. The employee is being reinstated within six (6) months of term nation. 10 MIMS es 88 872. Method Examination (foreach method). 87.21 Thirty (0) questions relating to fundamentals and prineiples that are similar to [jblished ASNT NDT Level ill questions for each method, and liiteen (15) questions relating to application and establishment of techniques and $rocedures that ae similar tothe published ASNT NDT Level Il questions for {Gch method, and 8.72.3. ‘hwenty (20) questions relating to capability for interpreting codes, standards, and {pectications relating tothe method. 873. Specific Bfamination (for each method). 8273.1“ wenty (2) questions relating to specifications, equipment, techniques, and {irocediures applicable tothe employer's product(s) and methods employed and to the administration ofthe employers writen practice 8.73.2 ‘The employer may delete the specific examination ifthe candidate has a valid ASNT NDT Level Il or ACCP Professional Level If certificate in the method and {f documented evidence of experience exists, including the preparation of NDT {rocedares to codes, standards or specifications and the evaluation of tet results. 874 Avalidetdorsement on an ASNT NDT Level II certificate fulfils the examination criteria described jn 87.1 and 872 for each applicable NDT method. 875. Avaliderdorsement ofan ACCP Professional Level It certificate falls the examination itera discrbed in 87.) snd 87.2 for each applicable NDT method. Reexamination 85.1 Those failing to attain the required grades should wait atleast thirty (30) days or receive suitable a dtionalteining a determined by the NDT Level Ii before reexamination. 9.0 Certification 91 92. 93 94 Certification of NDT personnel to all levels of qualification isthe responsibility ofthe employer. Certification of NDT personnel should be based on demonstration of satisfactory qualification in accordance with ijections 6 7, and 8, as described in the employer’ written practice. ‘At the option of tle employer, an outside agency may be engaged to provide NDT Level ii services.In ‘such instances, thy responsiblity of certification ofthe employees shallbe retained by the employer, Personnel certification records should be maintained on file by the employer forthe duration specified in the einployer's written practice and should include the following: S41 Name of setified individual 94.2 Level of ertification, NDT method andlor technique, as applicable. 914.3 Educatiril background and experience of certified individuals. 9.44 Statemen| indicating satisfactory completion of training in accordance with the employer's written practice, 945 Results olthe vision examinations prescribed in 8.2 forthe current certification period 9.4.6 Curcent examination copyes) or evidence of successful completion of examinations, 914.7 Other suitable evidence of satisfactory qualifications when such qualifications ae used in lieu of| the specifi examination prescrdbed in 87.3. or as prescribed inthe employer's writen practic, 9.48 Composite grade(s) or suitable evidence of grades, 949. Signature-of the NDT Level Il that verified qualifications of candidate for certification. 9.410 Dates of certification andlor recertification. 94.11 Certification expiration date. 9.4.12. Signatureof employers certifying authority. Tost Method ‘Acoustic Emission Testing Electromagnetic Testing 1 Altemating Current Field Measurement 2. Eddy Current 3, Remote Field Testing ‘Ground Penetating Radar ‘Guided Wave Testing Laser Testing 1. Profiometry LPs 2. Holography/Shearography oH) Leak Testing 4, Bubble Test He 2 Pressure Change Measurement HP 43. Halogen Diode Leak Test HH 4 Mass Specizometer Test Ha Liquid Penetant Testing D ‘Magnetic Fux Leakage Testing ve ‘Magnetic Particle Testing 8 Microwave Technology Mar Neutron Radiography Testing F Radiographic Testing 1 Radiographic Testing A 2. Computed Radiography Testing Ant 3, Computed Tomography Testing AB 4, Digital Radiography Testing Act ‘Thermatlnrared Testing a Utvasonie Testing c Vibration Analysis « visual Testing ' 87 NDT/PEM Level II Examinations { 87.1 Basic Examinations 87.11 NDT Basic Examination (need not be retaken to add zpother test method as long as the candidate holds a current Level Il certificate or certification). The ‘minimum number of questions that should be given i 2s follows Fifteen (15) questions relating to understandigg the SNT-7C-1A document 1871.12 Twenty (20) questions relating to applicable naterials, fabrication, and product technology 871.13 Twenty (20) questions that are similar to publ shed NDT Level I questions for other appropriate NDT methods 87.2 PdM Basic Examination (need not be retaken to add dnother test method as long as the candidate holds a current Level II certificate ot certification). The ‘minimum number of questions that should be given i as follows: 871.21 Fifeen (15) questions relating to understandiig the SNT-TC-14 document. 8.71.22 Twenty (20) questions relating to applicable njachinery technology. 87.23 Thirty (30) questions that are similar to publithed NDT Level II questions for other appropriate PaM methods SRM Sones [Se cu eee i el 835 Avalid ACCP Lvl lor ASNTNDT Lee I cerifeate maybe aceptd ling he eee ete or exch appcshe med fhe MOT Level hs Gti Sra AghT cmisason eat te Squremensef he employers writen acc 4 Specie Waten «for NDT Les and I) cpa cumtnalon shuld adres the equpmen, operating procedures and NOT ‘ehlgodtat the nda! may encounter daringepctic angen othe degree tegurddfte employers writes pacce a2 Tabapeatl ccna hold als coves the specication or codes and acceptance Ghar tnd in be employers NDT procedures 243 FaCmtiun umbet of gusuon hat held be given shown in Table 83.4 j BAS AARC afr aS NB cee mba igh ‘pail cjnatin enter ech eppleate method ifthe NDT Love has determined | asthe AGN enmineton eat be equrementset te employe wn practice, 85 Practica oe NDI Levelland) Pant rhecandiae soul demonstrate airy with an ably o operate the neces ND eglpnet cord and analyse resantforiation toe degre require isa ison faved secinn or conpooent shoul bette andthe vex of he NOT thawed Oy ne canate S520 Based Ary and Tne of Plight Diacton Practical Examination, Flawed {Eppes sel praca exialon shold be representative of the epeP ence talercogarton that he anda wou beeing unde thi chime and approved by he NDE Level 522 Bellin terpeeton Led Cevieaton, te paccal ea Sasi of erew and grading oat eas 20 mages 453 ‘The dnctbton af especie be DT procedure, nuding checkpoints andthe ‘aul of e rami oud be docarentd 54 NDI Lev { fraciel Beutnatin Proficiency sould be demonstrated in performing the Ippledl NDT calgon one oe more pecinent or machine problems approved by ENDrtevelifandcvakatng eel to the eye of responsi decribed inthe cngloyers wren pacer At let te (10) dflsetcheckplne equrig sn wiudsang of eatvettbcrand the ampoyer® procedural requrement stu be asst tlc ciel ersinaon The condi Should dete all dscontnlles and tendlionespethed bythe NDT Level should ‘Note: While it is normal to sore the practical on a percentile bass, practical examinations should contain chsekpoints tha flue to successfully complete will result in fare ofthe examination 855 NDT Level Il Practical Examination. Proficiency should be demonstrated in selecting end performing the applicable NDT technique within the method end interpreting and {evaluating the results on ane of more specimens or machine problems approved by the NDT Leve IL Atleast ten (10) different checkpoints requiring an understanding of NDT variables and the employer's procedural requirements should be included in tis practical txamination. The candidate should detect ll discontinuities and conditions specified by the NDT Level Il An example of a practical examination checklist i attached as Appendix B to this Recommended Practice. The example checklist has been provided as guidance on | evelopment of practical examinations for any method or level. Note: While it is normal to score the practical on a percentile basis, practical examinations should coitain checkpoints that failure to successfully complete wil result in fatlure ofthe 85.6 Avalid ACCP Level Il certificate may be accepted as fulfilling the practical examination ‘rtera fo} each applicable method ifthe NDT Level II has determined thatthe ASNT ‘examinatiyns meet the requirements of the employers written practice. 186 Sample questions for general examinations are presented in the separate question booklets that can be obtained from ASNT International Service Center, These questions are intended as examples ‘only and should ot be used verbatim for qualification examinations. The following ASNT (Questions & Ansvers Books are availabe from ASNT International Service Center: 83 General (Writen ~ for NDT Levels I and I) 831 The general examinations should address the basic principles of the applicable method 1832 _In preparing the examinations, the NDT Leve Il should selecor devise appropriate ‘questions covering the applicable method to the degree require by the employer's wnten practice. 1 833 See Appendix A for example questions, I 1 ‘834 The minimum number of questions that shouldbe given is shejon in Table 8.3.4 Table 8.3.4: Minimum Number of Examination Questions baie Covet [Lav | Tat [Lev] [ Reoote emision Testing 0 0 20 20 | | Etectomagnot Testing: [__ Alerting Curent Field Measurement © 40 0 2 ay Curent [20 =| erate Fin Tostng 2 20 z0 2 “Ground Penetatng Racor 2 2 0 a (ui Wave 0 0 0 70 [esceatiee J [eeu L Sara EE = ‘Absolute Pressure Leak Test (Pressure Change) 15 |F natogen Diode Leak Test 18 Mass Spectrometer Leak Test 40 Magnete Flux Leake Magnetic Particle Testing | Mirowave Technolog | Nowron Rasiography Testing ([eenetant Testing Radiographic Fim interpreaton = Non-Radographer Radiographic Film iterprotaon Radographet(Ceriled RT NOT Level!) ‘Computed Rasiegeaphy Testing 0 a ‘Computes Tomography Tesi ‘@ 40 Digital Radiography Test cg 40 “Thermavinared Test Bulling Diagnostic Testing Eleeical ang Mechaniesl Testing storas Test Uivasonie Testing (igi Thickness Measurement (mere output ony) ‘ASean Thickness Measurement Vibration Anaivis 0 40 [isa Testing 2 20 | RECOMMENTED PRACTICE| 72.0 Training Programs 71 Personnel being considered for inital certification should complete suficient organized training. ‘The organized taining may include instructor-led training, personalized instruction, virtual instructor-led teining, computer-based training, or web-based training, Computer-based training tnd web based ing should track houts and content of ening with student examinations in sccolance with2. The sficienly organized training sha be sch as to ensure the stadest is Tovoughly familar withthe principe and paces of the pecfied NDT method related to the leet, tfcntfeain diced, ang eppeabeto th procesest be sed and the products tobe ested. Al {ining progr ould be approved by te NDT Level I responsible forthe spplicable method 7.2 The waihing pregeam should incude scent examinations o ensure undersanding ofthe necessary infornation 15 Recommended taining course outline and references for NDT Levels and ll personnel, svhich maybe uledas ech source materia, re contained in ANSWASNT CP-105: ASNT ‘Standard Topical Onin: for Quaifcation of Nondestructive Testing Personnel 24 The employes uno purchase outside raining eves rerponsse for asvring thet soch series sneel the tequtnens of the employer's ween practice 80 Examinations Et Admingrton jd Grading STAI gafestn examination qetone shouldbe approved by he NDT Lev reunion aplable eed cuz KeNifevel shed eapoabl forthe dination and grdigotcxamioaons ‘Plated nec though or NDT Love or ober Lev ll pesonel Te ‘Srfaton and gedgfexamiatononny be die oa quale erent of ‘EeNDI Lee fend so nd A quad presen ftheompoyermey perform he ‘hal aljinuatin and gating NDT Lv fi examinations apeced 87 SIDI Fobeceigead ars qaaetepeseiavea! he NDY evel he Tonsstorionand gig of NDT Level ln Lae peso enon sealant get shuld ne document, prep acne Soph loeradminstaon an ping of uecnon xaos Porte snducngcnd gang ndepndet gate Sainatons oe NDT rnp Altona fe pail a shoul be ante bye peson “Erued in teaple NOT mebod seNDT Le ior 813 AUNDI Levelt tl nif writen eminatons held blose bok exept ha necessary hh gniee ets pris ote cea prove ‘hecunton Gheton ing such erence mate shold gue sn sera otihelifrmatin eer than me locating te sppropite never a ForNDl Level Tend If persone, compte ite soa be detrmined by singe Engi ofthe ros one genera speci tl preci examination decsied bow or NDf Lea il peonne fe composte gade shouldbe deena by single gil ofthe ref he ase method. and spd esminatons deribed below 15 Euontons amined y the omplyer for qaienton shoo ean pasng volte gas of aes 0 pen hn indolent hangs pang grade fee bg rere 1 Wheray ekination administered and gral forthe employer by an ui agency rele basil gency nus te of us oral oy, om seed epor,then he Snolyl may ep eps ade psn or ta paar exanaton a7 Tab cdtayt who puro tune seves io epons for ensuring hat he traminon oe met he eutenente of he enpayer en prctce 818 Innocieshalancuminatonbesdmiiterd by one's selfor ye storia 82 Vidon Examinpions 2 NexeVitonscuty-The examination shold ens ntl cored ea cdiane ety Inatet one sesh at te apps cpuleerediga msi offer mb? en dtfune cand starlet he dtnesdesgtton te chat bt tir in Cio) ons Sana jee st cn Tne oly poco a Oro ar nino of orl patenis tl acre. Tht hl ener eal 422 Gabor Conan Ditrentaton The amination ssl demons the apy of Sistngyshing ond iftrentiting cnt snang ers or hades fry ue n he ‘meses darmindby the enployer Thi sl be condntel pont certexton tndat heya tonal errr 823. Vision amination xpi on hela day ofthe month of expiration Table 6.3.1A Notes: | "2 "Apanontay bs quad tet o Nor Level wine ine or carfed NOT Leal rng he aconmended | {cng and uence coro ha nm ole reunrasorrarSe oh att ore eet | 20 fo6Fevalilcarfcolon he poten inna cov oe oman hous NOt es develo | Se oan Svea opsecoa he oma fing saad con oie HBT ovo ons eve eae Pusan oastoralomel vanngendsined nre moupervamenresee, | {sec teang non maybe edocs aeicmoed ne emcoyer een ect oan on th corse’ | srt eacanen mre 0 ganas enon colge possum engneeng oe 40, Noniginoud se oved ihe nmoyert sen pociee Mayra fetee hg hea oye couned Isat Mopretc han nakoge tang aus ov cutnounompenes wren oes 50 Nonidet aren eoengin nace sed oleae ome we oto mal i tektcotorin that erie, he rum rannghows toasty mcrae fete eons NT Love | moyberediced vp ie apuee io aetneain ne ompaye' mon pacice Hon acl conee nse Ich, he rium eperoce fe us foots ecru at sony ewes we tou a oe ‘Saucedby po opmrenttsaseinesn he crmioervwnien ccna se iting ota NS expeincsemurem’ eaione tay be gored n md han one [I] thos, ewer | theme hr ras ee osch raed | 70. Wonvcicua irony cores a tdoperhceving ecriaue ant ese emo! wot to | Ieinlauateaton mes tecticue ha toner codhene toeghees wea nro eau ne ‘Se avid be house wren fate hour nea be eaderen Yoroesioy teens en HQUStS at eines nine eracretwnen ster Hon chase Cotes Nengos wera Scorl nzarerce reo to cto ona echnun one ve forse coe yes 90, ecpencatat ne rnngrocarmerod 1 Le ondlevltcoicoten,o hfe saute io receive ‘eicon sey ronng tesco te equi eho | 99, Fen aout cure ceties nora aallres occu od cue et wor wa ome he Sr qioicotoran ho fecmave ne mnunen aston ang hows w olf areron ese fe ‘Seite ui on Zora frwreh ole anon had se pete wowle een) Rees ‘utine she be os cinecin tho ompoyers wnon rocica, en mavcvel bcebfndn a tcteigee ne Iimum edconolexpevence requrec fo Quy enafher technique othe tare ve ony bo fecie by {oso percom. as aetned the enone wien rochce 109 Te oFigt irocton ond ase Ary require ior: Tosing Level ceScofon oso pereuite. | Table 6.3.18; Recommended Inifial Training and Experience Levels for NDT Level Il Limited Certifications Examination Limited Jeehnican’s [Formal |] sinimum Work Experience in | Method enttieation | starting Point | Training | Method (Hours) Fim teroretaton | NonRadographer | 40 220 | | Radiographic eee | Fim ntepretaten | RTLovelt z | 220! | Digital Thickness i Measurement Trance a | “ ivasonie | (UmBr ouput ony) i _ ‘scan Thickness [ ee Tesines 2% 15 | 1 = Should include a review of 1000 radiographs a RECOMMENDED PRACTICE Table 6.3.1: Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels Eerie examination Method | M2, technigue | T0i99 (—igimam Hours | Tol ows a urs lin Methodor Technique | in NOT. ; t = 2 3 neous Emieson || —h x en a, 1} rer —[—28 $e = (| teseren [ap a0 ian Etecromagntc 1" y cunant_ | 22 zi0 490, f i #o co W Faneute Fett 40. 630 7200 Ground Peeing ||! ¢ © ‘0 far 7 7 00 i 7 5 | cuiea wave 2 7 Ea . 7 489 | Laser Methods: ie) ee at 4 280 | (So) meee [re i - 1]_seaseapy [a ra ia | ? A i 11 eutlerexieg |? = s 1} Fens ae 705 2 | ‘cue [as 5 3 Peete) 1) amogen nleda i 105 200 1 jour 8 280 530, Fa a i Sn I spattanese [-~32 oe to Pr Te 1 4 70, 730] Laisiatee bedmard 1 5 140, [270 7 ia j iano Fux Leakagy| ig aD 2 t iH 2 433 [msoneierarce | | a a 3 HH % Ft i roware Tecboten | —> 4 zi a — a ‘a #9 Keune Remeamety i 40, 7680, 2400 1 a zo “a 1] peaapamne [12 zo 20 1—coaanea | 20 3 roa 1] _sssogaeny [to $35 ia Radiographic Testing 1 ‘Computed 40, 210 400, 1 _temogashy [a 50 a | T Digial 40 20 400 | 1 _asogreny [a0 0 i208 + 2 3 ‘es «| oe, [oe 1280 ‘eoo io " Electrical and “ 7 | eesti [ae 1200 1200 1 nates ese | 5 a t a He is | t a ea ia Ueaoni Testing Tea 1 | ee 00 199 a | Bisesiay | 60 75 on t a i fa . (town 72. 1680 2400 t i 3 2 veut Testing i a 7 2 noble 631A note a NDT Level II should be responsible forthe NDT operations fe which uaifed and assigned and shouldbe capable of interpreting and evaluating sls in ern of cating codes, standards and spectcaions. The NDI Level shouldavesufiient practic! background in applicable mater breton, and product atnnsogy fo etaish techniques and to ais netaihingacxptance eter whe) none sre oeeee valle, The NDT Lov lf should have general famlarty wih ther sppropate NDT ‘ethos, at demonsvated by an ASNT Level Il Basicexmingtion or oer means The NDT Level the methods in which cried, shuld have sulient technical Koowitge and sls tobe capable oftining and examining HD" Level ad pero for certification in hose eos 5.0 Written Practice 5.1 The employer shall establish a written practice forthe control and adm istration of NDT. personnel training, examination, and certification. 5:2 The employer's written practice should describe the responsibilty ofeach level of certification for determining the acceptability of materials or components in accordanc; with the applicable coces, standards, specifications, and procedures, 53. The employer's written practice should describe the training, experienc, and examination requirements for each level of certification by method and technique, al epplicabe. 5.4 The employer's writen practice should identify the test techniques within each test method applicable to its seope of operations, ' 55 The employer's written practice shall be reviewed and approved by the bmployer’s NDT Level I 56 The employer’ written practice shall be maintained on fle 60 Education, Training, and Experience Requirements for Initial Qualification 6.41 Candidates for certification in NDT should have sufficient education, taining, and experience to ensure qualification in those NDT methods in which they are being considered for certification Documentation of prior certification may be used by an employer as evidence of qualification for comparable levels of certification fj {62 Documented training and/or experience gained in positions and activitis comparable to those of Levels I, Tl, and/or It prior to establishment of the employer's written practice mey be considered in satistying the criteria of Section 6.3, {63 To be considered for certification, a cendidate should satisfy one of the jollowing criteria for the applicable NDT level: 63.1 NDT Levels f and It Table 63.1 A lists the recommended training and experience hoars to be considered by the employer in establishing written practices for intial qualifcetion of NDT Level ane Level If individuals. ‘Table 63.1 B iss intial training and experience hours, which may be considered by the ‘employer for specific limited applications as defined inthe empl3yer’s written practice Limited certifications should apply o individuals who do not met the fall training and ‘experience of Table 63.1 A, Limited certifications issued in any inethod should be approved by the NDT Level If! and documented inthe certficat on secords 632. NDT Level I 63.2.1 Havea baccalaureate degree (or higher) in engineering or science, plus one 1 additional year of experience beyond the Level I requitements in NDT in an sssignment comparable to that ofen NDT Level I in te applicable NDT method(s), or 632.2 Have completed with passing grades at least :wo years cf engineering or science study at a university, college, or technical school, plus tyo additional years of experience beyond the NDT Level Il requirements in NDT in an assignment at least comparable to that of NDT Level Il inthe applicatle NDT method(s), or 632.3 Have four years of experience beyond the NDT Level Il requitements in NDT in an assignment at least comparable to that of an NDT Level Il inthe applicable, NDT method(s), ‘The above NDT Level III requirements may be partially replaced by experience as a certified NDT Level ITor by assignments a last comparable to NDT Level Ils defined in the employer's written practice. mn RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 24.12 Outside Agency: a company of individual who provides NDT Level II services and whose ‘qualifications to provide these services have been reviewed by the employer engaging the company or individual 2.41.13 Qualifettion: demonstrated skil, demonstrated knowledge, documented training, and documented experience required for personnel to properly perform the duties of specific jab. 2.1.14 Recomtrended Practice: «tet of guidelines to assist the employer in developing wniform procedutes for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel to satisly the ‘employer's specific requirements. 24.15 ‘Technicue: a category within an NDT method; for example, ultrasonic thickness testing. 21.16 ‘Training: an organized program developed to impart the knowledge and skills necessory for qual fication. 22.17 Writtes Practice: a written procedure developed by the employer that details the requireinents for qualification and certification oftheir employees. '30 Nondestructive Testing Methods 21 Qualifstion ard certification of NDT personnel in accordance with tis Recommended Practice i applicable to e4zh ofthe following methods: ‘Acoustic Emisson Testing Eleecomagnet Testing Ground Penetecing Radar Guided Wave Testing Laser Testing Nethods Leak Testing Liquid Peete Testing ‘Magnetic Flux xkege Magnetic Parte Testing Microwave Technology Neutron Radiojraphy Testing Radiographic Testing Thermal/infrared Testing Ulrasonic Testing Vibration Analysis Visual Testing 40 Levels of Qualification 441 ‘There are three basic levels of qualification, The employer may subdivide these levels for situations ‘where additions levels are deemed necessary fr specif skis and responsibilities 42 While in the process of being initially tained, qualified, and certified, an individual should be considered a trinee. A trainee should work wit «cetifed individual. Te trainee should not independentiy conduc, interpre, evaluate, of report the results of any NDT test. 43 The recommeded technical knowledge and sk sets fr the thre basic levels of qualification ae ss follows: S31 NDT Live L An NDT Level individual should have sufficient technical knowledge and Skil 6 be qualified to properly perform specific calibrations, specific NDT, and specific evaluations for aceptae or rection determinations according to writen instructions tnd to (ecord results. The NDT Level should receve the necessary insrucion and Supervision from a cetifed NDT Level I or Ii individual 432 NDT lel IL An NDT Level I individual should have sufficient technical knowledge and Skills) be qualified to set up and calibrate equipment and to interpret and evaluate results ‘with e}pect to applicable codes, standards, and specifications. The NDT Level If shouldbe oro wie spe andi ofthe maths or whch ult ad ‘houldexerie asigned responsbty fron the job taining and guidance of sine nd NOT pelt peone. The NDT Lev shoul be alo organi adept theres of ND} tests. 433. NDT Upvel ll. An NOT Level I! individual should have sufficient technical knowledge and sil obe capable of developing, qualifying, and approving procedures, establishing and approving techniques, interpreting codes, standard, specifications, and procedures; tnd delignating the particular NDT methods, techniques, and procedures to be used. The Recommended Practice Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing i 10 Scope 11 Tes recognized thatthe effectiveness of nondestructive testing (NDT) applications depends upon the capabilities ofthe personnel who are responsible for, and perform, NDT. This Recommended Practice has been prepared to establish guidelines for the qualification ind cerlifieation of NDT Personnel whose specific jobs require appropriate knowledge ofthe teqjnical principles underlying the nondestrudtive tests they perform, witness, monitor, or evaluate, 1.2 This document provides guidelines for the establishment of a qualficaton and certification rogram, 113 These guidelines have been developed by The American Society for No)destructive Testing, Inc, to al employes in recognizing the essential factors tobe considered in qlalfying personnel engaged in any of the NDT methods listed in Section 3, i 2.4 It is recognized that these guidelines may not be appropriate for certain employer's circumstances and/or applications. In developing a written practice as required in Section 5, the employer shoul ‘eview the detailed recommendations presented herein and modify thes, as necessary, to meet particular needs, Such modification may alter but shall not eliminate bac provisions of the rogram such as training, experience, testing, and recertification, Suppdrting technical rationale for ‘osification of detailed recommendations should be provided in an Aghnex to the written prac, 20 Definitions 2.1 Terms included in this document are defined a fellows \ 2.1 Certification writen testimony of gulfeaton i 21.2 Certifying Authority the person or persons properly designated inthe writen practice sign certifications on behalf ofthe employer 213. Certifying Ageney the employer ofthe personnel being certifeg, 2.14 Closed Book Examinatlon: an examination administered withott acces to reference material except for materials supplied with orn the examinaiog (See 823). i 215 Comparable: being at an equivalent or similar evel of NDT responnibilty and dificlty as determined by theemploye’s NDT Level 216 Documented: the condition of being in writen form, 21.7 Employer: the corporate, private or public ently, which employ personnel for wages, selry, fers, or other considerations | 218 Experience: work activites accomplished in a speciic NDT mettod under the direction of guild supervision including the performance ofthe NDT metsod and related sevice But not including time spent in organized ining programs, 219° Grading Unit: A Qualifeation Specimen can be divide into secon called grading units, which do not have to be equal length or be equally spaced, Gradigg units ae unflaed or flawed and the percentage of fawed/unfewed grading unis required shoals be approved bythe NDT Level i 21.10 Limited Certification: nondestructive test methods may be further subdivided into limited disciplines or techniques to meet specific employer's neds theseare NDT Level Certifications, but to limited scope 21.11 Nondestructive Testing: proces tat involves the inspection, testing or evaluation of materials, components and assembles for material discontinltes, properties, nd ‘achine problems without farther impairing or destroying the prtsertceabity. Throughout this document the term NDT applies equaly fo the HDT inspection ethos sed for material inspection, Haw detection, or predictive maintetance (Pa) appletons CONTENTS FOREWORD REVIEW COMMITTEE i Review Committee Members fa Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification andi Certification in Nondestrus 1.9Scope 2.0 Definitions : 3.0 Nondestructive Testing Methods 40 Levels of Quotfication 5.0 wiiten Practice | 6.0 Education, Training. and Experience Requirements for Iitiol Quaifization Table 63.14: Recommended Initia! Training ond Experience Levelt Toble 6.3.18: Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels ce NOT Levelt Limited Certifications 7.0 oining Progcams : 8.0 Exorrinations F i Tobie 8.3.4: Minimum Number of Examination Questions i 9.0Cerification sees 100 Technical Pecformance Evauation { 11 Infemupted sevice 120 Recerification 130 Termination 140 Reinstatement ‘APPENDIXES ceeeseeees Appendix A: Example Questions ‘Answers to Exomple Questions Appendik: 8; NDT Practical Examination Checklist SNI-TC-1A Interpretation Request Form a 1 uv " a3 30 33 34

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