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Business: Glen Oak Zoo

About: The Peoria Glen Oak Zoo takes pride in the conservation of animals. They provide many
educational opportunities to learn about the animals. These opportunities range from classes to
simply walking around the zoo.
Mission: The Peoria Zoo will be recognized as a leader in raising public awareness and
commitment to conservation.
Location: 2320 N. Prospect Rd.
Peoria, IL 61603.
Contact Information: Telephone: 309-686-3365
FAX: 309-685-6240
Identify the Audience: Working and stay at home parents who have children under the age of

• Age: 25-40
• Gender: Female
• Education Level: Elementary and middle school (children) associates degree and beyond
• Income Level: Working/Middle class and above.
• Occupation: Working parents or stay at home parents.
• Marital Status: Married or divorced
• Family Status: Has younger children
• Likes: Interest in animals and outdoor activities.
• Dislikes: Non-stimulating activities for young children.
• Attitudes: Eager to learn and hands on approach.
• Behaviors: Family friendly and friendly towards animals.

Best Communication Tactics to Reach Audience Member:

• Social media advertisements; on children’s television channels or YouTube/games
• Give out free admission to parents and children at the local elementary school for a day
and invite them to tour the zoo with access to a private room/tour. While entering the zoo
and on tour, pamphlets of zoo memberships will be provided.
• Facebook advertisement with videos and pictures. Will help catch the attention of the

Core News Statement:

The Glen Oak Zoo wants to attract parents with younger children to come visit the animals and
learn about the different species at the zoo. It gives parents the chance to take their child to a fun
outdoor activity while learning about a wide variety of animals. The children get a visual and
hands on experience at the Glen Oak Zoo.
Benefit News Statement:
The parents and children should remember the zoo as a place full of enjoyment and learning. The
children should want to come back to see the animals and the parents should want to come back
because of the interactive activities the children got to enjoy. The zoo can satisfy the public
through educating on the animals while keeping the children entertained. It gives parents an in-
person activity for the children to do either in the summer or on the weekends during school.

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