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SS101: Skills for Success


Liam Miller SS101: Y
Name: _________________________________________ Program/Section:_________________

People who can define their goals are more likely to achieve them!
This assignment helps articulate parts of your goals here at TFS and beyond. Hand this in through the "Knowing
Your Goals" assigment submission page in the "GOALS" section of the SS101 class page. Please ensure you
download this file on to your computer before filling it out. Once you have completed it, save it & submit!


Name one specific goal you have while you’re at Toronto Film School:
Learn the ins and outs of the various types of film equipment

What do you need in your life outside of school to make your goal happen?
The proper networking of both friends who can help me, and mentors who can help get me into the right places.

How will you know you’ve achieved your goal?

When I get my first tv show made, and renewed for a second season.

List a few resources Toronto Film School has to help you achieve your academic goal:
Fellow students who can help me
Equipment that I need to master and help me improve my filmmaking skills
and mentors who can help me


What is a SPECIFIC professional goal of yours?
To get a tv show made.

Other than attending school, list 4 things that you will need to do make this goal happen (you will place
them on the timeline on the back of this page 😊):
1. Make short films which I can use on a resume
2. Work on other's projects that can help me network and get experience/the proper networking
3. Get financing and crew for my projects
4. Finish my scripts
SS101: Skills for Success

Who are some important people who believe in you and your ability to achieve your goal?
My mom, and a friend who has helped me improve my skills and explained more of the business side of film.

Why is your goal important? What does achieving your goal mean for you? For the world around you?
It allows me to achieve my dream of making content and having others see it, which helps me make a living and
help my passion of creating stories.

What’s your timeframe and what needs to happen when? Insert them in the timeline below. Remember,
2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 4 1/2 Years

Have at least 3
short films made Find a financer for When?: 5 Years
my show

Get my show picked up

and into production
Begin working on
film sets

Finally: what might hold you back from achieving your goals? “Myself” or “nothing” doesn’t count!
Think critically about your habits, attitudes, beliefs, and define areas where you could improve. If there
are things, people, or uncontrollable events that you foresee holding you back, you can list them here if
you like. Foreseeing obstacles and improving yourself are key parts of success and achievement too!

The proper networking and my self doubt.

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