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C.I.A Problems – Chapter 1, PP.


Teacher Candidate Name: Alysa Simerson

Grade & Subject Area: 4th grade & Reading
Date for Planned Lesson: Wednesday – January 18, 2023

Lesson Title Problems – Chapter 1

MN/CC State Standard(s) MN Standard: Reading. Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining

what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the

Central Focus Refer to details in the text when drawing inferences.

Learning Target for this Show understanding of important story elements


Academic Language (AL) Domain-specific academic vocabulary: element(s)

General academic vocabulary: problem, engage, and map

Sentence Frame:

- When the book said_______ I was thinking this is important

because ________.

AL in lesson:

- In Lesson Phase 3 Guided Practice (below), students will be

given the opportunity to use sentence frame.

- Vocab word “element” will be written on board with


Needed - ET, MG, MB will accomplish the stated target, with the
modifications/supports added support from one-on-one work time with student
teacher or classroom teacher if needed.

- Visual of the sentence frame will be provided for all

students on the white board. When the book said_______ I
was thinking this is important because ________.

- Each student will have the C.I.A book in front of them and
will follow along as I read aloud.
- A graphic of a map will be provided to each student to give
them a visual as we read.

Resources & materials Students will need:

- C.I.A book
- Pencil

Teacher will need:

- C.I.A book
- C.I.A curricula book
- Copies of map for all students
- White board
- Dry erase marker
- Half-sheet of paper for each student

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 Learning Target: Listen and look up at
State Target & Activate white board as
Prior Knowledge - Teacher will read: “We will show teacher reads learning
understanding of important story target.
Answer by raising
Activate Prior Knowledge: their hand.

- Review points about the video we

have been watching the last few
days. Ask students to share what
they think may be important
elements in the story based off the
video we watched.

Phase 1 Assessment Assessment:

- Take mental note of students who

are/not participating in discussion
and activities.

Phase 2 Teacher Input / - Teacher will start reading aloud in Students will follow
Inquiry C.I.A book (page 1) and stop on along as teacher reads
page 1 after “We had come to the aloud.
stream at early dawn, and both of
us were weary, almost too weary to Students will actively
talk.” participate in table
- Ask students to do a turn and talk
with their table group. Ask “Do you Students will listen
think this may be an important and learn, quietly, as
element in the story? Why or why teacher models.

- Ask students to put a thumbs up if

they think this is important, ask
students to put a thumbs down if
they disagree. If student(s) put
thumbs down, ask them to explain
their reasoning.

- Model thinking aloud by stating

“When the book said that it was
dusk and they were both weary
from searching for hidden berries, I
was thinking this was important
because it tells me that at this time
of the year, it is difficult for the
Native Americans to find food such
as berries.”

Phase 2 Assessment - Observe and take mental note of Students will

students who are/not participating. actively participate in
table talk.
Phase 3 Guided Practice - Teacher will begin to read aloud Students will listen as
- Paired/collaborative again and stop on page 3 after it teacher reads aloud.
work states “Stay where you are, I told
- Teacher(s) may roam & her. Stay and be silent.” Students will listen to
assist directions and
- Teacher will ask students to think actively participate.
quietly on why this may be
important in the story.

- Teacher will give students 1-2

minutes to think and write their
answer on a sticky note.

- Teacher will introduce students to


- Teacher will ask students to stand

up and pair up. When students pair
up, they are to share why they think
this element in the story is
important (1 minute).

- Teacher will then ask students to

pair up, pair up. Students in pairs
will find another pair of partners to
share their thoughts (1 minute).

- Teacher will ask students to sit

down quietly. Once voices are off,
teacher will ask a few students if
they would like to share either what
they thought or what they heard
someone else say.

Phase 3 Assessment Assessment: Students will actively

Explain the plan to check participate in
for ability to apply - Teacher will take mental note of activities.
demonstrated which students are participating and
steps/procedures during understanding and which students
guided practice are not.

Phase 4 Independent practice - Teacher will continue to read and Students will write
finish page 4. down one element
from page 3 that they
- Teacher will ask students to write think is important in
down one element from page 3 that the story and why on
they think is important on half sheet half sheet of paper.
of paper and why.

Phase 4 Assessment Assessment: Students will turn

half sheet of paper
- Check individual answers on half into the basket.
sheet and make note of students
who understood the concept of If student is finished
important elements. they may put C.I.A
materials away and
grab their materials
for social studies and
play stack the states
as they wait for their
Phase 5 Restatement & Assessment: Students will respond
Closure with 1, 2, or 3
- Students will raise 1 to 3 fingers in fingers.
the air to indicate how solid their
understanding is from 3 (I
understand what an important
element is and can pull an example
from text) to 1 (I want would want
it explained to me again before
pulling an example from the text).
Phase 6 Summative Next Assessment:
Ability Check Tool:

- Shown below

Next Steps Tool:

- Shown below

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yCj7IMyWAQ.
Updated 1/2016

Ability Check Tool:

Next Steps Tool:

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