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1- Urban sprawl: The area of the Kingdom of Bahrain is limited, and after the exploration of
kerosene in 1932 the population increased because of the influx of arrivals. At the same time,
there is an economic and urban renaissance that leads to an increase in the area of the Kingdom
of Bahrain from 663 Km2 in 1964 it reached in 2009 to 758 km 2, because of the need to build
houses, factories, tourism, economic, and services.

2- groundwater depletion: In developing Arabian Gulf countries in general use groundwater more
than the recovery of nature, in other words, they use groundwater faster than nature does its
work to increase the level of groundwater. In addition, the way of traditional agriculture
(immersion) consumes 64.44 – 69.57% of groundwater between the years 2003-2006, and it is
polluted by seawater which leads to let the soil being salted which affects agriculture.

3- Overfishing: Fishing reflects its importance of it historically, culturally, in economics, and

provides food security. The number of fishers increased in 2008 to around 6,816. In addition,
some fishers and who are fishing as their hobby do not abide by the ban on fishing. Also, some
ways of fishing affect other aquatic species.

4- Environmental pollution: Wastes that come from factories (solid, liquid, gas wastes) affect
biodiversity, especially aquatic life. 53 estuaries of refining, petrochemical, iron, power and
desalination stations, and wastewater treatment plants are located along the eastern coastline
of the Kingdom, where its wastewater is discharged to the marine environment after undergoing
treatment processes. In addition, in transporting kerosene (oil, petrol, etc…) sometimes it
happens that there is a mistake that leads to accidence because there are too many oil tankers
that are transported in the Arabian Gulf. In 2003 an oil slick hit the coast of Muharraq Island, as
well as in 2010 when the coast of Sitra Island was damaged due to an oil spill.

5- Camping: In Winter there are many people camping in the desert (Sakhir), so some campers
bulldoze the soil and the fungal life it contains before setting up their tents, and some uproot
wild plants for use in burning and logging operations. In addition, using vehicles for
entertainment or for transportation, and that can affect the environment.

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