Dialog Bing 1

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Dialog 1:

Naura is a new student at INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI MITRA GAMA,where she used to be,she was
known to be active in organizations and also has a beautiful face

One day,naura and eni met at the park,eni wanted to intoroduce naura to eko

Eni:hai naura,im eni

Naura:hai eni,how are you?

Eni:im fine,how about you feel at new campus?

Naura:preety good,everyone here looks good

Not long after eko came over to them both

Eko:hai eni,you’re here since I was looking for you

Eni:sorry eko I forget to tell you oh yeah eko introducing naura and naura this is eko

Eko:hai naura,I’m eko nice to meet you

Naura:hai eko,Im naura,nice to meet you to

Naura:I have an assignment from miss eka about introducing my self,can you help me?
Eni:of course,how about you eko

Eko:I agree I”ll you know where it is

Scane 2:.

The next day they met in a park not for from campus.

Eko:hi naura,what is your assignment?

Eko:I’ve done this task before it must look very easy

Naura:oh ya,you seem smart

Eni:Hey,it’s been along time for you guys

Eko:Come here,we’ve been waiting for you

Eni:I’m sorry it look so long,because earller on thewey I hit a duck

Naura:oh my goodness eni

Eko:so what are you hurt

Eni:No,I hide time to bury him ecrlier but I shil feel guilty

Eko:It would be okey soon

Eni:it would be okay.then you very much for your support

Eko:yes,let’s continue doing the task

Scene 3
Eni: oh ya eko,this your new hair?omg your hairstyle

Naura:that’s right like your new hair too

Eni:that’s a nice compliment

Naura:eko,can you help me open this choclate?

Eko:of course naura

Naura:aaaa thank you so much eko

Eni:it seems they are very close(whipering in my heart)

Naura:Hei eni why?

Eni:em,oh I’m fine

Naura:would you like this bread?

Eni:hmmm…no,thank you

Eko:Your task u ready,look here

Naura:Wah yeah,thank you eko sorry!troubled you

Eko:I recommend it would be nice you take English lessons

Naura:that seems like a great idea

Eni:I heard that soon we will have an realy English exam

Eko:yes,that’s true,I hope we all get good grades.

Scane 4
Naura:hi eko,how about you English test

Eko:alhamdulillah ican answer it,how about you naura?

Naura:because thank you I can answer all the answer

Eko:No,it’s because you want to try

Naura:I have to say congratulations to you eko and because you have heped me I will buy you a drink
was here

Naura:eko,is the drink

Eko:thank you naura,you are very kind

Naura:oh yaa…do you like eni?

Eko:I aleready think of eni as my own sister,how could I like her

Naura:thank god

Eko:why?do you like me?

Naura:yes,I like you,from the first time we meet

Eko:I like you too.be my lover naura

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