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Level H


10 passages

Created By A Teachable Teacher

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Level H
Dear Teacher,
As teachers, we know how important it is to
provide students with appropriately leveled text. These
no prep leveled reading passages were created just for
that purpose! Not only do they include a variety of
engaging stories within the skill set for this level, they
also include level-aligned comprehension activities.
Students will benefit from using these leveled passages
in the following ways:
• Whole group
• Small group
• In tutoring
• As a guided homework activity
• Independently *(if passage is below the student’s
independent reading level)
The following components have been
incorporated based on the text and abilities of students
reading within Level H.
• Use of high frequency words and picture clues
• Fiction and Nonfiction passages
• Short answer text-based comprehension
questions and multiple choice questions
• Decodable words (CVC, digraphs, beginning blends,
ending blends, long vowels and inflectional endings)
• Comprehension focus on inferencing & story elements
Level H
Level referenced in the top
left corner of every page

th at
the text
lines of
text with

Build fluency
Comprehension by reading the
activities passage three
One written response times, marking
question and one or coloring
multiple choice each time it is
question read
Level H
Nonfiction Text
Level referenced in the top Vocabulary:
left corner of every page Review and color code
throughout text

the text

lines of
text with

Build fluency by
reading the passage
three times, marking
Comprehension or coloring each time
activities it is read
I Can Read


Name ____________________
I Can Read

Name ____________________
HC The Water Cycle Name_______________
Vocabulary ○ evaporation ○ condensation ○ precipitation
Have you ever wondered where rain comes from? We know that
rain comes from clouds in the sky. How does it get there? To understand
that, you need to know the water cycle.
The water on earth is all a part of the water cycle. The water
in oceans, rivers, and lakes are heated by the hot sun. It turns water into
water vapor. Water vapor is a gas that cannot be seen. After the sun
heats the oceans, rivers, and lakes, the water vapor rises to the sky.
The sky is a lot cooler than earth. When it cools, the water vapor
turns into liquid again. This is called condensation. The clouds in the sky fill
with condensation. Over time, they become heavy and full. Soon the
water begins to fall from the sky. This is where rain comes from! This water that falls from the sky can also be
called precipitation. Precipitation falls to the earth in the form of rain or snow. Where does all of the rain and
melted snow go? The oceans and lakes on earth collect all of the rain and melted snow. What happens then?
Thanks to the sun, the water starts to evaporate again. The cycle starts over. These steps keep
repeating. This creates the water cycle.
① Where does rain come from? © A Teachable Teacher

② What is it called when water turns into water vapor? ○ evaporation ○ condensation ○ precipitation
HC All About Kangaroos Name_______________
Vocabulary ○ marsupials ○ joeys ○ mature
Kangaroos are marsupials that live in Australia. A marsupial is
a type of mammal. Marsupials carry their young in pouches. Kangaroos
have two large, strong back legs. They use their back legs for leaping.
They also have two small front legs. A kangaroo’s strong and muscular tail
is used for balance. Adult kangaroos are about six feet tall and weigh
around two hundred pounds. Kangaroos usually walk or jump on their
back feet. Although kangaroos are not able to walk backwards, they can
move forward very quickly. Kangaroos can hop as fast as 40 miles per hour!
Kangaroos travel and live in small groups called troops or herds. Australians call them “mobs”. Each mob
is made of about fifty or more kangaroos. These kangaroos protect each other. They use their strong back
feet to pound the ground or kick if they are in danger.
Baby kangaroos are famous for living in pouches. Female kangaroos have pouches on their bellies. The
pouches are like pockets for their babies. Baby kangaroos are called joeys. When joeys are first born, they are
the size of grapes. The mothers’ pouches keep them safe as the moms travel. After about ten months, joeys
are mature enough to travel and live outside the pouches.
① Why do you think joeys need to travel in their mothers’ pouches when they are first born? © A Teachable Teacher

② What are kangaroo groups called? ○ mobs ○ herds ○ troops ○ all of these
HC All About Magnets Name_______________
Vocabulary ○ magnetic field ○ invisible ○ attract ○ repel
Have you ever played with magnets? Magnets are pieces of metal
that have magnetic fields around them. We can’t see the magnetic fields.
They are invisible to us. However, these magnetic fields are what makes
the metal a magnet. When you bring objects near a magnetic field, three
things can happen.
If the object is plastic, wood, glass, or fabric, nothing will happen. It
is just like having two objects next to each other. If the object is a metal,
the magnet can push or pull the object. If the magnet pulls the object
closer, the object is attracted to the magnetic field. If the object is pushed away from the magnet, the object
is repelled from the magnetic field.
Let’s think about it. Have you ever played with magnets on the refrigerator? When you hold a magnet
close to the refrigerator, it will stick. The magnetic field is attracted. It pulls the magnet to the refrigerator. It
is so attracted that the magnet will stay there. What happens if you try to push two magnets together? You
might feel them repel each other. The magnetic fields push the other magnets away. They will not
stick together. As you can see, these invisible magnetic fields make a big difference.
① What makes metals be attracted or repelled? © A Teachable Teacher

② Which word means to push away? ○ repel ○ attract ○ magnetic field ○ all of these
HC The Apple Life Cycle Name_______________
Vocabulary ○ blossoms ○ pollinate
If you cut into an apple, you will find seeds. We cannot eat these
seeds. These seeds are used to grow more apples. Once an apple seed
is planted in soil, it needs water and sunlight to grow. The seed will sprout,
or begin to grow a stem and leaves. Over a long time, this sprout will
grow into an apple tree.
In spring, the apple tree will begin to blossom. The blossoms on
the apple tree are beautiful pink flowers. Bees travel from tree to tree
and flower to flower. The bees have a very important job. As they go from
flower to flower, the bees pollinate the blossoms. The pollen the bees bring make the blossom able to make
fruit. The tiny blossoms will turn into buds. This is the beginning of apples.
The buds will turn green and grow in size. When fall is near, the buds will be red, green, or yellow. The
apples will be ripe. They will be easy to pick off of trees. If they are not picked, the apples will fall on the
ground. When they fall on the ground, the apples will begin to decay. What will be left of the apples? The seeds
will be left, of course! These seeds will then turn into sprouts. The apple life cycle will begin again!

① How do bees play a role in the apple life cycle? © A Teachable Teacher

② What happens after blossoms turn into buds? ○ Bees pollinate them. ○ They turn into apples. ○ Both
HC Types of Colors Name_______________
Vocabulary ○ primary colors ○ secondary colors ○ tertiary colors ○ illustrations
Did you know that there are three types of colors? There are
primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors. Primary colors are
red, blue, and yellow. Red, blue, and yellow cannot be made by mixing any
other colors. Secondary colors can be made by mixing primary colors. The
secondary colors are orange, purple, and green. In order to make orange,
you need to mix red and yellow. In order to make purple, you need to mix
red and blue. In order to make green, you need to mix yellow and blue.
Tertiary colors are made by mixing primary colors and secondary colors. These colors have two-word names.
Tertiary colors include yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, and yellow-green.
Why does this matter? Let’s say that you are coloring or painting. You would really like to color the grass
green, but your green crayon is lost. If you know about the types of colors, you can mix primary colors to get
the color you need. Lightly color the grass yellow. Then go over the grass area lightly with a blue color. Now you
have a shade of green for your grass! Color mixing also gives you the chance to use new colors in your
illustrations. For example, you can now make something blue-green, even if you do not have a
“blue-green” crayon.
① Why are the primary colors red, yellow, and blue? © A Teachable Teacher

② Which of these would be a tertiary color? ○ purple ○ herds ○ red-violet ○ all of these
H The Invitation Name_______________
“Hey, Grace. Here is your invitation to Lily’s party!” said Mom. Grace
grabbed the invitation. “I don’t want to go,” said Grace. She seemed upset.
“Grace, I thought that you loved Lily. Why wouldn’t you want to go to her
birthday party?” asked Mom. “I heard that it’s going to be a pool party.
You know why I can’t go to a pool party,” said Grace. “What if we teach
you how to swim? We can go to the pool this weekend,” said Mom.
That weekend, Grace and her parents went to the pool. “Hold onto
the edge of the pool,” said her dad. “Now kick your feet,” said her mom.
Grace held on as tightly as she could. She wasn’t just upset that she didn’t
know how to swim. Grace was afraid of the water. Each time she kicked, Grace told herself, I can do this. I can
swim. The water is not scary.
“You’re doing great,” said Mom. “Now it’s time to start swimming.” Grace’s parents got in the water.
“You’re going to swim to us, now!” Grace wanted to get out. It seemed too scary. Then Grace remembered
Lily’s birthday party. She pictured herself there swimming in the pool with her friends. Grace let go of the
edge. “Move your arms, Grace! Scoop the water with your hands and arms!” Grace put her head in the water.
It wasn’t even scary! She kicked her legs. She moved her arms. Suddenly, she felt someone grab her. It was Dad!
She swam all the way to her parents. “Grace, I’m so proud of you. You swam!” said Dad. Grace
smiled. “I can’t wait to go to Lily’s party!” she said.
① Why was grace upset when she got invited to Lily’s party? © A Teachable Teacher

② How do you think Grace felt at the end? ○ upset ○ proud ○ lonely ○ all of these
H Ceramic Shop Name_______________
Dad took Sam and Jane to the ceramic shop to paint. The lady at the
ceramic shop taught Sam and Jane all about pottery. At the end of her
lesson, they each got to pick something to paint. “I want to paint this
dinosaur for my room!” said Sam. “I want to paint this pencil cup for my
teacher Mrs. Johnson,” said Jane. “I’m going to paint this vase for your
mom,” said Dad.
Sam, Jane, and Dad got to work. They each picked their paint colors
and started to paint their pottery. Painting the pottery was really fun!
“I can’t wait to show my teacher!” said Jane. “Remember, you can’t take
it home today. We need to fire it up,” said the lady. “What?” asked the kids. “Why are you going to burn our
pottery?” The lady chuckled. Dad giggled. “Your pottery will not be done until it is fired. By heating up the clay,
we are turning it into ceramic. It will make it shiny. More importantly, it will make it last.”
A few days later, Dad, Jane, and Sam went back to the ceramic shop to pick up their pieces. They looked
great! They were even better than when they left. They were shiny. They were hard. They were almost like
glass! Dad, Jane, and Sam couldn’t wait to show Mom. While they were walking to the car, Dad heard something
shatter. He looked over to see Jane staring at the ground. “I dropped my pencil cup for Mrs. Johnson!” she
cried. “I’m so sorry!” said Dad. He gave her a hug and cleaned up the shattered glass. “Don’t worry, Jane,” said
Sam. “You can give Mrs. Johnson my dinosaur.” “Really?” asked Jane. “I know she will love it!”
① What was the main problem in the story? © A Teachable Teacher

② Who offered the solution to the main problem? ○ Sam ○ Dad ○ Jane ○ Mom
H The Birthday Wish Name_______________
“Now blow out the candles and make a wish!” I wish that my dog
Sparky could talk! thought Jake. Everyone was clapping. “Yay! Jake, Happy
birthday! Let’s have some cake!” said Sally. “I hope some cake falls on the
ground so that I can eat it!” said Sparky. Everybody gasped. They all Hello!
turned to Sparky. “Sparky, you can talk?!” they screamed.
“I hope it’s chocolate cake!” said Sparky. “Wow! He can talk!” said
Sally. Jake was thrilled. His birthday wish actually came true. Just then, the
doorbell rang. “Who is there? Why are you coming to my house? Who
are you? What do you want?” Sparky screamed. So that’s why dogs go
crazy barking when someone rings the doorbell, thought Jake. Jake answered the door. Sparky started jumping
and talking. “Oh, I am so excited to see you, Tim. I am so excited! I can smell your dog on your shoes. Did you
bring him? Is he here?” said Sparky. “Jake, is your dog talking?” asked Tim. Jake didn’t answer. He was afraid
that his wish would be undone if he told why Sparky could talk. “Come have some cake!” said Jake.
“I brought you my bone! Please throw it! I want to play fetch!” Sparky pushed his bone against Mom’s
feet. “Not now, Sparky. We are having cake!” she said. “Please, please, please!” begged Sparky as Dad walked into
the room. “Is that Sparky talking?” gasped Dad. “Yes!” everyone yelled. “Yep!” yelled Sparky. “How did this
happen?” asked Dad. “I think that it was Jake’s birthday wish!” said Sally. “Ruff, ruff, ruff!” barked Sparky. “Oh
no, it’s over! You gave away the secret,” said Jake. “Boy, it sure was great while it lasted!”
① Why didn’t Jake want to tell anyone why his dog was able to talk? © A Teachable Teacher

② Who accidentally guessed and shared Jake’s birthday wish? ○ Jake ○ Dad ○ Sally ○ Tim
H Beary and the Three Humans Name_______________
Beary was a one-year-old bear cub. He escaped the forest and
was traveling through a neighborhood. He smelled something good that
made him think, I am hungry. Beary followed the smell. It led him into a
house. He walked right in.
Beary went into the kitchen. He had been smelling bacon! There were
three plates on the table. He went to the big plate. He grabbed a
piece of bacon. “This bacon is too crunchy,” said Beary. He grabbed a
piece of bacon off of the middle plate. “This bacon is too soft,” Beary said.
Finally, Beary took a piece of bacon off of the little plate. “This bacon
is just right!” said Beary. He ate it all.
The bacon made Beary sleepy, so he went to sit on the big couch. “This couch is too hard,” said Beary. He
moved to the loveseat. “This loveseat is way too soft,” said Beary. Finally, Beary went to sit in the little chair.
“This chair is just right.” Beary sat down and took a nap.
While Beary was sleeping, the human family came down the stairs. “My bacon is gone!” said Dad. “My
bacon is gone, too!” said Mom. “My chair is not empty!” screamed Bob, their child. Mom and Dad looked at Bob’s
favorite little chair. “There’s a bear in the chair! There’s a bear in the chair!” screamed Mom. Mom, Dad, and
Bob looked at the chair in shock. Mom’s screams woke up Beary. “I have got to go!” said Beary. He ran out the
door just as fast as he had run in. The human family never saw Beary again!
① Whose things did Beary like the most? © A Teachable Teacher

② What genre is the story? ○ fiction ○ nonfiction
H Cell Phone Santa Name_______________
Molly used to have long Christmas lists every year. Molly was a good
girl. Between her parents’ gifts and Santa’s gifts, Molly was used to
getting everything on her list.
This year, Molly only had one thing on her list. It was a cell phone.
“Molly, you do not need a cell phone. You are only ten. Please add more
items to your list,” said Mom. “But, Mom!” said Molly. “Everybody I know
has cell phones. It’s all I want for Christmas. I need one.” “You do not
need a cell phone. I did not have a cell phone until I was thirty years old!”
said her mom. “How will I talk to my friends?” asked Molly. “You can
see your friends at school. You can call them on our house phone. You can even invite your friends over. You do
not need a cell phone. When I was your age, that is how I talked to my friends. You can do those things, too,”
replied her mom. Molly was sad. She was sure that if her mom would not get her a cell phone for Christmas,
neither would Santa.
Finally, it was Christmas morning. Molly’s mom handed her a gift. She opened it. It was a cell phone case.
“Mom, why are you giving me a cell phone case?” asked Molly. “I do not have a cell phone.” Molly’s mom giggled.
“Just open Santa’s gift.” Molly opened Santa’s gift. It was a cell phone! Now Molly had a cell phone and a case.
“Mom, I thought you said that I didn’t need a cell phone?” asked Molly. “You don’t,” said her mom. “but you
wanted it, and we wanted you to have one!” “Thanks! I’m going to go call my friends!” said Molly.
① How did Molly’s mom say that Molly could talk to her friends? © A Teachable Teacher

② Which character changed her mind during the story? ○ Molly ○ Molly’s mom
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