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05-02 20:28:57.

575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: Failure starting process

05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: java.lang.SecurityException:
Package com.google.android.gms is currently frozen!
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:28:57.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: Failure starting process
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: java.lang.SecurityException:
Package com.google.android.gms is currently frozen!
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:06.575 1409 2428 E ActivityManager: at
05-02 20:29:10.524 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:29:10.641 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:29:10.935 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:29:17.790 1409 9575 E RoleUserState: Holders of a removed role should
have been cleaned up, role: android.app.role.SMS, holders: {com.android.mms}
05-02 20:29:21.862 1409 1491 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10271; state: ENABLED
05-02 20:29:26.072 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:29:26.076 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:29:35.602 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:29:38.285 1409 9575 D _V_InsetsPolicy: hideTransient size = 2
05-02 20:29:38.286 1409 9575 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider: setClientVisible
win:Window{fadf319 u0 StatusBar} Source type=0 visible:false
05-02 20:29:38.286 1409 9575 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider: setClientVisible
win:Window{daa2dd2 u0 NavigationBar0} Source type=1 visible:false
05-02 20:29:38.286 1409 9575 D _V_InsetsStateController: onInsetsModified
newState = InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720), mSources=
{ InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][1600,56], mVisible=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,688][1600,720],
mVisible=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][1600,56],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,684]
[1600,720], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[44,720], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES,
mFrame=[1556,0][1600,720], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0][1600,56], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0]
[46,720], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[0,0][1600,-2147483648], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[2147483647,0][1600,720], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][1600,720],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=false} } from com.android.server.wm.InsetsPolicy$1@cfccece
05-02 20:29:38.870 1409 9575 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:reminder_exp_learning_time_elapsed value:9642901784
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
05-02 20:29:39.019 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.07322558
05-02 20:29:39.533 1409 9575 D _V_InputMethodManagerService:
client=com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@389a0ef ,windowToken
=android.os.BinderProxy@4eece49 ,isPassword=false ,mIsSecImms=false
05-02 20:29:39.533 1409 9575 V InputMethodManagerService:
startInputOrWindowGainedFocusInternalLocked: reason=CHECK_FOCUS
client=android.os.BinderProxy@7d8f69e inputContext=null missingMethods=
ADJUST_PAN windowFlags=#88810500 unverifiedTargetSdkVersion=31
05-02 20:29:39.534 1409 9575 V InputMethodManagerService: IME PreRendering MASTER
flag: false, LowRam: false
05-02 20:29:39.534 1409 9575 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused,
ignoring focus gain of:
attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@87c87fc, token =
android.os.BinderProxy@4eece49, startInputReason=CHECK_FOCUS
05-02 20:29:39.538 1409 9575 D _V_InputMethodManagerService: setCurClientLocked--
set mCurClient to ClientState{f519f22 uid=10314 pid=30492 displayId=0}
05-02 20:29:39.538 1409 9575 D _V_SecInputMethodManagerService: mImmsB
setCurClientLocked-- set mCurClient to ClientState{a894db3 uid=10314 pid=30492
05-02 20:29:39.538 1409 9575 W _V_InputMethodManagerService:
setLastInputTypeInCaseBindFail mPasswordInputType=false
05-02 20:29:39.538 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 20:29:39.761 1409 9575 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{d44cb7e u0 EdgeBackGestureHandler0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
05-02 20:29:39.950 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.07322558
05-02 20:29:40.647 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.07322558
05-02 20:29:40.649 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.07322558
05-02 20:29:43.160 1409 9575 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:999 callingPackage:null callingUid:99910167 callingPid:31008
05-02 20:29:43.161 1409 9575 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
ias newState:2 userId:999 callingPackage:null callingUid:99910167 callingPid:31008
05-02 20:29:43.162 1409 9575 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.DeviceVisibilityActivity newState:1
userId:999 callingPackage:null callingUid:99910167 callingPid:31008
05-02 20:29:43.163 1409 9575 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.DirectShareService newState:1
userId:999 callingPackage:null callingUid:99910167 callingPid:31008
05-02 20:29:43.183 1409 9575 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.ReceiveSurfaceService newState:1
userId:999 callingPackage:null callingUid:99910167 callingPid:31008
05-02 20:29:43.185 1409 9575 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.SharingSliceProvider newState:1
userId:999 callingPackage:null callingUid:99910167 callingPid:31008
05-02 20:29:52.143 1409 9468 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10167; state: ENABLED
05-02 20:30:12.558 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2228509 tx_bad 17
rx_good 1690459 tx_retry 287575
05-02 20:31:05.108 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:31:05.360 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:31:51.680 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:31:54.423 1409 9575 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
ingToolbarActivity newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10167
05-02 20:31:56.678 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:31:56.943 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:37:50.210 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:37:50.217 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-02 20:37:50.302 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:38:00.394 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:38:03.219 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:38:04.351 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:38:04.698 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:38:14.610 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:38:33.737 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 20:38:55.251 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:38:55.255 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-02 20:38:55.322 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:40:01.035 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2241108 tx_bad 17
rx_good 1705344 tx_retry 292575
05-02 20:40:04.054 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2241108 tx_bad 17
rx_good 1705344 tx_retry 292575
05-02 20:40:34.928 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 20:42:01.653 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 20:42:11.915 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:42:11.918 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-02 20:42:12.184 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:42:16.022 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:42:16.027 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:47:39.688 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2257509 tx_bad 17
rx_good 1730182 tx_retry 299504
05-02 20:47:51.575 1409 1473 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
8050,uid: 99910167
05-02 20:50:43.608 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2261575 tx_bad 17
rx_good 1737719 tx_retry 301024
05-02 20:56:26.575 1409 3346 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:30.014 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:30.096 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 20:56:30.109 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:30.160 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:30.165 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-02 20:56:30.167 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:30.280 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:31.592 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:31.797 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:31.819 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:32.025 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 20:56:53.683 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 21:02:50.963 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 21:02:52.052 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 21:03:30.151 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2273501 tx_bad 21
rx_good 1755256 tx_retry 305758
05-02 21:05:00.575 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2274009 tx_bad 21
rx_good 1756018 tx_retry 305978
05-02 21:10:17.149 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2280407 tx_bad 23
rx_good 1765575 tx_retry 308911
05-02 21:14:06.291 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2287624 tx_bad 23
rx_good 1775757 tx_retry 311600
05-02 21:26:55.191 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2309575 tx_bad 23
rx_good 1807554 tx_retry 320767
05-02 21:32:59.924 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2319575 tx_bad 23
rx_good 1820200 tx_retry 325211
05-02 21:37:19.097 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2322575 tx_bad 24
rx_good 1825171 tx_retry 326691
05-02 21:38:04.290 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2323197 tx_bad 24
rx_good 1825754 tx_retry 326970
05-02 21:41:29.786 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 21:41:29.797 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-02 21:41:30.030 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 21:41:30.388 1409 9575 E PackageDexUsage: Unsupported context?
05-02 21:42:23.607 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2329708 tx_bad 24
rx_good 1835157 tx_retry 329575
05-02 21:43:39.002 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2335758 tx_bad 24
rx_good 1842729 tx_retry 331161
05-02 22:03:31.181 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2368440 tx_bad 26
rx_good 1885754 tx_retry 340319
05-02 22:35:28.575 1409 3407 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 22:37:45.575 1409 2677 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_6 identical
1 line
05-02 22:41:26.402 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2381575 tx_bad 28
rx_good 1911696 tx_retry 343418
05-02 22:48:19.939 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:20.017 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:20.068 1409 9575 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package
05-02 22:48:20.081 1409 9575 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package
05-02 22:48:20.081 1409 9575 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package
05-02 22:48:20.420 1409 9575 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package
05-02 22:48:20.455 1409 9575 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package
05-02 22:48:20.455 1409 9575 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package
05-02 22:48:20.494 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:20.537 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:21.199 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:21.686 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 8 lines
05-02 22:48:21.758 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:26.295 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:27.393 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:32.247 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:32.299 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:48:32.714 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:53:19.185 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 22:54:01.228 1409 9575 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
isMultiWindowExitedJustDefaultDisplay of false
05-02 22:54:01.228 1409 9575 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
isMultiWindowExitedJustDefaultDisplay of false
05-02 22:54:01.229 1409 9575 V _V_WindowManager: checkTargetSame
dcTarget:Window{bbb5f39 u0 com.discord/com.discord.main.MainActivity}
isClosing:false mImeTargetFromIme:Window{bbb5f39 u0
com.discord/com.discord.main.MainActivity} controlTarget:Window{bbb5f39 u0
05-02 22:54:47.850 1409 9575 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{e44ede0 u0
FloatingBallIdleView}: oldVis=8, newVis=8, requestedWidth=140, requestedHeight=140
05-02 22:54:47.854 1409 9575 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
isMultiWindowExitedJustDefaultDisplay of false
05-02 22:54:47.854 1409 9575 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
isMultiWindowExitedJustDefaultDisplay of false
05-02 22:54:47.864 1409 9575 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{e44ede0 u0
FloatingBallIdleView}: oldVis=8, newVis=8, requestedWidth=140, requestedHeight=140
05-02 22:54:47.868 1409 9575 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
isMultiWindowExitedJustDefaultDisplay of false
05-02 22:54:47.868 1409 9575 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
isMultiWindowExitedJustDefaultDisplay of false
05-02 22:54:49.601 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 22:54:49.650 1409 9575 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 22:55:44.575 1409 2742 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-02 22:55:58.850 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 7.0274065E-5
05-02 22:59:29.575 963 963 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2439282 tx_bad 28
rx_good 1995468 tx_retry 356753
05-02 22:59:29.575 963 963 I wificond: station_info.station_tx_packets =
05-02 22:59:29.575 963 963 I wificond: station_info.station_tx_failed = 28
05-02 22:59:29.575 963 963 I wificond: station_info.rx_good = 1995468
05-02 22:59:29.575 963 963 I wificond: station_info.tx_retry = 356753
05-02 23:05:00.575 1409 4501 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{73d8130 u0
PopupWindow:9fbab39}: oldVis=0, newVis=0, requestedWidth=56, requestedHeight=54
05-02 23:14:13.787 1409 4501 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10167; state: ENABLED
05-02 23:14:48.207 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-02 23:14:48.219 1409 9575 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [foreground]
BroadcastRecord{7bd5bf0 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON} to ReceiverList{606ad9
30768 com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/10128/u0 remote:9680120}: process gone
or crashing
05-02 23:14:55.245 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-02 23:14:58.725 1409 9575 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10167 pkg
com.google.android.gms code 79 startTime of in progress event=1683043054944
05-02 23:14:58.730 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-02 23:14:58.735 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-02 23:14:58.739 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-02 23:15:29.697 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-02 23:16:10.258 1409 9575 E _V_VivoPowerManagerService: wakeUp(Binder call)
uid=1000 ident=4294967298884 reason=0 details=android.policy:FINGERPRINT
pkgName=com.vivo.fingerprintui mProximityEnabled=false mProximityStatus=false
05-02 23:16:12.075 1409 9575 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-02 23:16:12.126 1409 9575 D LocationManagerService: request 8e5261e passive
Request[POWER_NONE passive] from com.google.android.gms(10167 foreground)
05-02 23:16:31.726 575 1156 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x1da], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
05-02 23:16:31.726 575 1156 D AudioALSAHardware: createAudioPatch()
createAudioPatch Mixer->0x00000001, handle 474
05-02 23:16:31.726 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=1
05-02 23:16:31.726 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[0], flag 6
05-02 23:16:31.727 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x6, device: 0x1
05-02 23:16:31.727 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, normal routing, output_devices: 0x00000004 => 0x00000001
05-02 23:16:31.727 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setSuspend(), mSuspendCount =
0, suspend_on = 1, flags 0x6
05-02 23:16:31.727 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x4 to 0x1, flag 0x6
05-02 23:16:31.727 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
05-02 23:16:31.727 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamOut: closeWavDump()
05-02 23:16:31.728 575 1156 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x4
05-02 23:16:31.728 575 1156 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2:
vafx_speaker_boost_deinit ePlaybackHandlerType 7
05-02 23:16:31.729 575 1156 D _V_vafxssp_wrapper: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit
05-02 23:16:31.731 575 1156 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
05-02 23:16:31.731 575 1156 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
05-02 23:16:31.731 575 1156 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xb400007d68236400) 0xb400007d622303c0 0xb400007d5fb6be80
05-02 23:16:31.731 575 1156 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x4, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
05-02 23:16:31.731 575 1156 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = headphone_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
05-02 23:16:31.754 575 1156 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
05-02 23:16:31.754 575 1156 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
05-02 23:16:31.755 575 1156 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x4, SampleRate =
05-02 23:16:31.755 575 1156 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
05-02 23:16:31.755 575 1156 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xb400007d5fa48c00,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xb400007d58580900, retval = 0
05-02 23:16:31.756 575 1156 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xb400007d79e8c680
05-02 23:16:31.756 575 1156 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeWavDump()
05-02 23:16:31.756 575 1156 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
05-02 23:16:31.756 575 1156 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
05-02 23:16:31.756 575 1156 D [Awinic]: End Done !
05-02 23:16:31.757 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setSuspend(), mSuspendCount =
1, suspend_on = 0, flags 0x6
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamIn:
updateOutputDeviceInfoForInputStream(), mStreamInReopen = 1,
mStreamAttributeTarget.output_devices change: 0x4 => 0x1
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 1156 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 0, mode 0x3, gainDevice 0x0
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 1156 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices = 0x00000001
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 1156 D AudioALSAHardware: createAudioPatch() new handle
[0x1dc] current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 8570 D AudioALSAStreamIn: read(), close handler and
reopen it
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 7749 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 0, mode 0x3, gainDevice 0x0
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 1156 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x1dc]
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 8570 D AudioALSAStreamIn: close()
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 8570 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateStandByFrameCount(),
update the mStandbyFrameCount = 0-> 148089600
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: +close()
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 7749 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 7749 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, output_devices = 0x1, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag = 6
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 7749 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x1, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 1
05-02 23:16:31.763 575 7749 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
05-02 23:16:31.771 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
pthread_join hProcessThread done
05-02 23:16:31.771 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xb400007d626b8000, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xb400007d7ba30480
05-02 23:16:31.771 575 8570 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopInputDevice(), mInputDevice = 0x80000010, stop_device = 0x80000010,
mStartInputDeviceCount = 1, mMicInverse = 0, mNumPhoneMicSupport = 1
05-02 23:16:31.772 575 8570 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = headset_mic_input descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
05-02 23:16:31.772 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: close()
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x1db], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAHardware: createAudioPatch()
createAudioPatch Mixer->0x00000001, handle 475
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=1
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[1], flag 8
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x8, device: 0x1
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, normal routing, output_devices: 0x00000004 => 0x00000001
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, stream out not active, route itself and return
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x4 to 0x1, flag 0x8
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAHardware: createAudioPatch() new handle
[0x1dd] current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
05-02 23:16:31.778 575 12597 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x1dd]
05-02 23:16:31.791 575 8571 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -readThread(),
pid: 575, tid: 8571
05-02 23:16:31.792 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: pthread_join
hReadThread done
05-02 23:16:31.794 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -close()
05-02 23:16:31.794 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xb400007d626bbf00, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xb400007d7ba30480
05-02 23:16:31.794 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: close()
05-02 23:16:31.802 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mCaptureDataProviderEchoRef detach done
05-02 23:16:31.802 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
05-02 23:16:31.802 575 8570 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xb400007d7bb4c400,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xb400007d5f08f1c0, retval = 0
05-02 23:16:31.803 575 8570 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xb400007d7ba390e0
05-02 23:16:31.803 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: -close()
05-02 23:16:31.803 575 8570 D AudioALSAStreamIn: closeWavDump()
05-02 23:16:31.803 575 8570 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC:
05-02 23:16:31.803 575 8570 D AudioUtility: power_hal_hint - custPowerHint 37,
data 0
05-02 23:16:31.803 575 8570 D AudioALSAStreamIn: open(), flag 0x20
05-02 23:16:31.803 575 8570 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createCaptureHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, input_source = 7, input_device = 0x80000010,
mBypassDualMICProcessUL=0, rate=16000, flag=0x20
05-02 23:16:31.803 575 8570 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
05-02 23:16:31.877 575 7749 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
05-02 23:16:31.877 575 7749 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
05-02 23:16:31.902 575 7749 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
05-02 23:16:31.908 575 7749 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
05-02 23:16:32.063 575 704 E AudioALSAStreamManager: routingInputDevice(), ptr
is NULL!!
05-02 23:16:32.066 575 8570 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
05-02 23:17:02.369 575 704 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
05-02 23:17:02.370 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6,
mode 0
05-02 23:17:02.373 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8,
mode 0
05-02 23:17:02.373 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536,
mode 0
05-02 23:17:02.374 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerBase:
getCaptureHandlerType(), mCaptureHandlerType = 80
05-02 23:17:02.374 575 704 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
05-02 23:17:02.575 1409 2739 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:03.575 967 13900 D Hal3Av3 : [buildSceneModeOverride] -
05-02 23:17:03.575 967 13900 D Hal3Av3 : [setupStaticInfo] -
05-02 23:17:03.575 967 13900 E Hal3Av3 : [parseConfig]
05-02 23:17:09.575 1409 4501 D _V_VivoNetworkAnalyser: recordDnsEvent eventType =
1 returnCode = 0 hostname = api.openweathermap.org uid = 10325
05-02 23:17:17.246 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:17:17.393 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:17:26.591 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:26.596 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:26.599 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:26.602 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:26.695 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:26.948 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.029 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.086 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.373 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.475 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.489 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.527 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.532 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.542 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.593 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.620 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.763 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.921 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:27.926 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:28.129 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:28.271 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:28.276 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:29.084 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:29.575 618 618 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:184842,
05-02 23:17:31.575 1409 2538 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:33.475 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:33.530 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:33.695 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:33.876 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:35.179 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:17:35.312 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:36.195 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:36.599 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:36.737 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:36.752 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:36.776 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:36.810 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:37.068 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:37.173 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:17:37.505 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:18:00.009 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:04.505 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:04.521 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:04.540 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:04.609 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:05.707 575 7749 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
05-02 23:18:05.715 575 7749 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) writer identical 1
05-02 23:18:05.720 575 7749 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
05-02 23:18:17.501 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:17.598 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:18.678 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:19.799 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:20.164 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:20.409 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:20.821 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:21.764 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:24.443 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:24.632 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:25.722 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:33.847 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:33.859 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:18:34.727 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:41.790 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:41.879 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:41.896 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:41.916 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:41.917 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:42.548 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:42.599 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:42.652 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:19:42.655 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:30:58.575 19671 19691 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-02 23:36:51.932 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:36:52.133 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:36:52.236 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:36:53.970 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:37:41.191 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:37:41.318 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:43:53.688 22994 23018 I _V_LIB-Security-MobileAgentManager-
05-02 23:44:02.575 1409 6100 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:44:05.575 1409 6100 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:44:08.575 1409 4512 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:44:11.575 1409 6100 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:44:11.575 1409 6100 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-02 23:44:17.575 1409 4512 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-02 23:44:24.575 1409 2677 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_6 identical
8 lines
05-02 23:44:51.575 1409 6100 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:44:52.575 1409 2677 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_6 identical
2 lines
05-02 23:45:31.575 1409 2677 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:45:33.575 1409 4512 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:45:49.575 1409 5111 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:45:59.575 1409 11370 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:47:08.575 1409 5428 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:47:15.575 1409 5428 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:47:27.575 1409 5428 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:47:35.323 1409 1409 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10210; state: ENABLED
05-02 23:47:35.328 1409 1409 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10170; state: ENABLED
05-02 23:47:37.524 28970 29115 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: 013 check config spilt
time:1683046057522; retry time:180000;lastRefreshTime:1683044721505;
configInterval:259320000; spTime:1336017; versioncode:6200002; modulever:6200002
return false
05-02 23:47:41.575 1409 5428 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:50:05.575 1409 5111 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_19
identical 3 lines
05-02 23:51:21.870 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:51:21.881 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-02 23:51:21.891 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:51:31.875 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:51:31.888 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:51:40.087 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:51:40.945 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:53:41.997 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:53:50.349 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:53:50.352 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-02 23:53:50.516 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-02 23:53:52.062 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:54:02.039 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:54:02.046 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:54:12.049 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:54:12.056 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:54:32.038 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:59:17.690 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-02 23:59:17.752 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : An error occurred. No action was taken
because the exception was not actionable.
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot
perform this operation because the transaction has already been marked successful.
The only thing you can do now is call endTransaction().
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
com.google.android.libraries.geller.portable.Geller.nativeCleanupAll(Native Method)
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:16.575 3797 4204 E A : at
05-03 00:00:30.464 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:30.534 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:30.567 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:30.786 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:00:30.972 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:00:33.150 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:00:33.154 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:00:33.736 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:34.463 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:35.226 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:36.575 1409 1598 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:37.530 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:00:38.575 4613 21197 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-03 00:00:45.662 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:00:53.673 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:01:04.941 30399 10343 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting transferred=1
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Images/IMG-20230404-WA0010.jpg file_size=32343
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file_length=32343 media_name=null media_duration=0 chat_row_id=769
05-03 00:01:05.316 30399 10343 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting transferred=1
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first_scan_length=7511 direct_path=/o1/v/t62.7118-24/f1/m235/up-oil-image-af985757-
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is_animated_sticker=0 file_hash=U5OCgGfIc7Qyz8vaAoMh9BX0CtYZhe2Uwrokn5US1Vw=
file_path=Media/WhatsApp Images/IMG-20230404-WA0050.jpg file_size=89170
partial_media_hash=ZilLaL3uKqki0jk61d3OxeH+gLl2U4sjTZK+kTMLGyI= face_x=0 face_y=0
height=1600 trim_to=0 media_key_timestamp=1680626115000
WaS7bPy5ryKAd4KkCpCRJy6ZAQ&oe=6453D40F&mms3=true media_caption=null trim_from=0
mime_type=image/jpeg partial_media_enc_hash=null width=720 original_file_hash=null
has_streaming_sidecar=0 autotransfer_retry_enabled=1 media_upload_handle=null
message_row_id=1336158 multicast_id=null
enc_file_hash=ivZVwazZ+kqJsfLmWkKZPDyqftxECoSP9PX1qg5vWyg= mute_video=0
page_count=0 first_scan_sidecar=[B@d7f61ec suspicious_content=0 file_length=89170
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05-03 00:01:23.505 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
05-03 00:01:23.505 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1682814357590: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
05-03 00:01:23.506 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1682814357590
05-03 00:01:23.506 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1682814357590: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1682736933120: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method)
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
05-03 00:01:23.575 1409 1474 E NotiHistoryDatabase: ... 10 more
05-03 00:04:08.789 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:04:09.165 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:04:11.907 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:04:11.997 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:04:12.020 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:04:12.745 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:04:21.710 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:09:01.936 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:09:02.105 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:09:02.429 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:09:02.891 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:09:47.575 5778 9539 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-03 00:10:23.052 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:10:23.500 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:10:24.594 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:10:25.607 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:10:25.805 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:10:26.687 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:10:26.692 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:32.786 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:33.659 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:33.911 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:34.264 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:34.933 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:38.193 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:38.415 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:38.445 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:39.974 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:39.983 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:41.414 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:41.431 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:41.472 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:41.634 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:41.967 1409 9575 E system_server: Invalid class loader spec:
05-03 00:11:41.968 1409 9575 E PackageDexUsage: Unsupported context?
05-03 00:11:42.721 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:11:43.159 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:43.355 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:43.401 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:43.424 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:43.771 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:43.794 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 00:11:43.815 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:11:43.859 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 00:18:03.383 1409 1418 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 122898(5917KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(124KB) LOS objects, 8% free,
61MB/67MB, paused 687us total 209.575ms
05-03 00:38:25.575 1409 3407 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:38:42.575 1409 2538 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 00:58:46.575 1409 11370 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 01:12:45.575 14865 14914 E _V_V-AppStore.CurrentVersionUtil:
getcom.vivo.shareinfo from package, catch NameNotFoundException
05-03 01:17:56.709 1409 9575 E ProcessStats: Executing service
ServiceState{51b3d76 org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0
pkg=com.android.chrome proc=8974f77} without owner
05-03 01:17:56.719 1409 9575 E ProcessStats: Executing service
ServiceState{51b3d76 org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0
pkg=com.android.chrome proc=8974f77} without owner
05-03 01:17:56.722 1409 9575 E ProcessStats: Foregrounding service
ServiceState{51b3d76 org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0
pkg=com.android.chrome proc=8974f77} without owner
05-03 01:17:56.722 1409 9575 E ProcessStats: Binding service ServiceState{51b3d76
org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 pkg=com.android.chrome
proc=8974f77} without owner
05-03 01:17:56.723 1409 9575 E ProcessStats: Starting service
ServiceState{51b3d76 org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0
pkg=com.android.chrome proc=8974f77} without owner
05-03 01:17:56.726 1409 9575 E ProcessStats: Executing service
ServiceState{51b3d76 org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0
pkg=com.android.chrome proc=8974f77} without owner
05-03 01:17:56.727 1409 9575 E ProcessStats: Foregrounding service
ServiceState{51b3d76 org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0
pkg=com.android.chrome proc=8974f77} without owner
05-03 01:42:18.758 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:42:19.169 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:42:28.771 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:42:38.749 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:42:38.805 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:42:48.812 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:42:58.766 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:43:28.819 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:43:28.847 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:43:38.801 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:43:48.835 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:43:48.839 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:43:58.815 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:44:18.856 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:44:38.847 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:44:48.878 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:45:00.140 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:45:00.168 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:45:08.869 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:45:58.934 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:45:58.969 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:46:08.944 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 01:46:08.950 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:46:18.949 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:46:28.932 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:46:38.973 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:46:43.172 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:46:43.218 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 01:46:48.946 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:46:49.005 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:28.978 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:38.750 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:38.811 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 4 lines
05-03 01:47:38.814 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:38.854 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:39.402 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:54.070 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:54.105 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:54.226 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:55.159 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:55.239 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:55.813 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 01:47:55.950 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 01:47:56.117 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:56.329 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:56.523 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:56.529 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:56.661 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:56.728 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:56.806 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:57.062 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:57.504 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:57.588 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:57.702 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:57.708 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.231 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.233 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 01:47:58.262 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.342 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.427 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 01:47:58.431 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.446 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 01:47:58.498 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 01:47:58.540 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.578 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.580 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.630 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.649 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.669 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 01:47:58.671 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:58.766 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:47:59.031 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:01.516 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:01.532 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:03.401 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:09.032 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:09.074 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:19.059 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:29.045 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:39.088 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 01:48:39.575 1409 1473 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
16050,uid: 10188
05-03 02:21:00.575 1409 2738 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:25:01.575 1409 1468 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 02:25:01.716 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:25:02.783 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:25:02.802 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:25:06.259 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:25:06.262 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:30:04.575 1409 11370 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 02:30:15.575 1409 2742 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_9 identical
11 lines
05-03 02:50:02.000 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:50:12.005 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:50:32.015 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:50:42.016 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:50:52.030 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:02.007 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:02.059 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:12.034 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:12.042 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:22.051 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:22.073 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:42.035 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:42.084 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:51:52.068 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:52:22.492 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 02:52:22.797 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:53:04.575 1409 3409 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 02:58:32.575 1409 5428 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:02:22.010 1409 1409 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10170; state: ENABLED
05-03 03:02:22.575 1409 3348 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 03:02:22.575 1409 2742 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:03:32.575 1409 3407 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_13
identical 3 lines
05-03 03:03:51.575 1409 3408 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:03:56.201 1409 1409 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-03 03:03:57.331 1409 2742 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10167; state: ENABLED
05-03 03:03:58.207 1409 2742 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-03 03:04:33.748 1409 9575 D _V_VivoWifiInjector: com.google.android.gms
getScanResults, ignore the location switch restrictions
05-03 03:04:33.768 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:33.768 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:04:33.806 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 03:04:33.817 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:33.900 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:34.112 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 5 lines
05-03 03:04:34.189 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:34.297 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:34.378 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 03:04:34.391 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:34.467 1409 9575 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 260764189, curTime = 260470139
05-03 03:04:34.467 1409 9575 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 260479573, curTime = 260470140
05-03 03:04:34.486 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:34.673 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 4 lines
05-03 03:04:34.755 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:35.051 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:35.158 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:35.361 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 4 lines
05-03 03:04:35.444 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:35.558 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:35.640 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:35.755 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:35.858 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 03:04:35.938 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:36.054 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:36.135 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 03:04:36.151 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:36.228 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:36.336 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 3 lines
05-03 03:04:36.418 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:36.531 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:36.628 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 03:04:36.710 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:36.824 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:36.907 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:37.019 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:37.686 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:37.898 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:37.981 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.096 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.180 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.294 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.376 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.473 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.687 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.770 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.884 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.968 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:38.968 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:04:39.075 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:39.162 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:39.274 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:39.358 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:39.559 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:39.643 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:39.856 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:39.940 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.051 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.138 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.351 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.434 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.548 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.629 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.744 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.829 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:40.945 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.028 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.143 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.227 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.341 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.425 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.539 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.638 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 03:04:41.720 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.833 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:41.915 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:42.029 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:42.129 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 03:04:42.213 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:42.523 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:42.610 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:42.627 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:42.726 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:04:42.807 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 03:04:42.817 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:23.330 1409 9575 I AS.AudioDeviceBroker: In isBluetoothScoOnForApp(),
mForcedUseForCommExt: 0
05-03 03:05:23.402 1409 9575 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 261032286, curTime = 260519074
05-03 03:05:23.402 1409 9575 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 260589362, curTime = 260519074
05-03 03:05:23.501 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:23.615 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:23.619 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 03:05:23.707 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 03:05:23.804 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:23.805 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:05:23.918 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:24.026 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:24.575 3797 3940 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
05-03 03:05:24.575 3797 3940 I chatty :
uid=10172(com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox) Lite Thread #2 identical 2 lines
05-03 03:05:45.623 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:45.738 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:45.839 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 03:05:45.928 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:46.731 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:46.840 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:46.953 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:47.040 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:47.543 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:47.629 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 1 line
05-03 03:05:47.645 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:47.733 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:48.355 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:48.435 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:48.551 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:48.709 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:05:48.708 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 03:05:48.736 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:48.851 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:48.936 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:49.058 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:49.141 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:49.257 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:49.345 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:51.178 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:51.296 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:51.379 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:51.495 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:51.593 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 03:05:51.678 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:51.791 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:51.890 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 2 lines
05-03 03:05:51.977 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:52.096 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:52.382 1409 9575 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1409_1E
identical 6 lines
05-03 03:05:52.467 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:52.585 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:52.669 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:52.896 1409 9575 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
05-03 03:05:59.509 575 12597 I EffectsFactory: EffectQueryNumberEffects(): 18
05-03 03:05:59.521 575 12597 I EffectsFactory: EffectQueryNumberEffects(): 18
05-03 03:05:59.525 575 12597 I EffectsFactory: EffectQueryNumberEffects(): 18
05-03 03:05:59.613 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 32
05-03 03:05:59.614 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: close()
05-03 03:05:59.615 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateStandByFrameCount(),
update the mStandbyFrameCount = 148090240-> 368369600
05-03 03:05:59.615 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: +close()
05-03 03:05:59.623 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
pthread_join hProcessThread done
05-03 03:05:59.625 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xb400007d626b8000, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xb400007d7ba30c00
05-03 03:05:59.625 575 704 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopInputDevice(), mInputDevice = 0x80000004, stop_device = 0x80000004,
mStartInputDeviceCount = 1, mMicInverse = 0, mNumPhoneMicSupport = 1
05-03 03:05:59.628 575 704 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = builtin_Mic_SingleMic descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
05-03 03:05:59.628 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: close()
05-03 03:05:59.630 575 13560 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -readThread(),
pid: 575, tid: 13560
05-03 03:05:59.633 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: pthread_join
hReadThread done
05-03 03:05:59.636 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -close()
05-03 03:05:59.636 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xb400007d626bbf00, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xb400007d7ba30c00
05-03 03:05:59.636 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: close()
05-03 03:05:59.642 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mCaptureDataProviderEchoRef detach done
05-03 03:05:59.642 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
05-03 03:05:59.644 575 704 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xb400007d7bb4c800,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xb400007d5ec8fd80, retval = 0
05-03 03:05:59.645 575 704 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xb400007d7ba397e0
05-03 03:05:59.646 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: -close()
05-03 03:05:59.646 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: closeWavDump()
05-03 03:05:59.646 575 704 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC:
05-03 03:05:59.648 575 704 D AudioUtility: power_hal_hint - custPowerHint 37,
data 0
05-03 03:05:59.667 575 12597 D AudioALSAHardware: +releaseAudioPatch() handle
[0x1de] current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
05-03 03:05:59.667 575 12597 D AudioALSAHardware: releaseAudioPatch()
releaseAudioPatch 0x80000004->Mixer, handle 478
05-03 03:05:59.714 575 12597 I StreamHAL: removeEffect(): halEffect =
0xb400007d79e0be80, effectId = 100
05-03 03:05:59.714 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), this =
0xb400007d79e62300, effect = 0xb400007d79e0be80
05-03 03:05:59.715 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=3
05-03 03:05:59.715 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xb400007d79e0be80
05-03 03:05:59.715 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 1 to 0
05-03 03:05:59.715 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 2 to 1
05-03 03:05:59.715 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
05-03 03:05:59.718 575 12597 I EffectsFactory: EffectRelease():
05-03 03:05:59.725 575 12597 I EffectsFactory: Effect_Command(): self =
0xb400007d5fb55560, cmdCode = 4
05-03 03:05:59.727 575 12597 I StreamHAL: removeEffect(): halEffect =
0xb400007d5fb55560, effectId = 101
05-03 03:05:59.727 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), this =
0xb400007d79e62300, effect = 0xb400007d5fb55560
05-03 03:05:59.727 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=2
05-03 03:05:59.727 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xb400007d5fb55560
05-03 03:05:59.727 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 1 to 0
05-03 03:05:59.727 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
05-03 03:05:59.727 575 704 I StreamHAL: removeEffect(): halEffect =
0xb400007d5fb55560, effectId = 101
05-03 03:05:59.728 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), this =
0xb400007d79e62300, effect = 0xb400007d5fb55560
05-03 03:05:59.728 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=1
05-03 03:05:59.728 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() no effect
found in backup queue
05-03 03:05:59.728 575 704 I EffectsFactory: EffectRelease():
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 12597 I EffectsFactory: Effect_Command(): self =
0xb400007d5fb55600, cmdCode = 4
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 12597 I StreamHAL: removeEffect(): halEffect =
0xb400007d5fb55600, effectId = 102
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), this =
0xb400007d79e62300, effect = 0xb400007d5fb55600
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Automatic Gain Control, BackupCount=1
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xb400007d5fb55600
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 12597 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 704 I StreamHAL: removeEffect(): halEffect =
0xb400007d5fb55600, effectId = 102
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), this =
0xb400007d79e62300, effect = 0xb400007d5fb55600
05-03 03:05:59.730 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
05-03 03:05:59.731 575 704 I EffectsFactory: EffectRelease():
05-03 03:05:59.748 1409 9575 I SoundTriggerMiddlewareLogging:
areImpl@63b9b3a, caller=1041/626](false)
05-03 03:05:59.750 1409 9575 I system_server: oneway function results will be
dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
05-03 03:05:59.750 575 704 D DeviceHAL: closeInputStream mOpenedStreamsCount 4
05-03 03:05:59.750 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +closeInputStream(), in =
0xb400007d79e62300, size() = 1
05-03 03:05:59.750 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamIn: ~AudioALSAStreamIn()
05-03 03:05:59.750 575 704 D AudioUtility: ~AudioThrottleTimeControl()
05-03 03:06:00.515 575 704 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
05-03 03:06:00.515 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
05-03 03:06:00.515 575 704 W AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "activeStreamType=0"
05-03 03:06:00.515 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
05-03 03:06:00.515 575 704 W AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "activeStreamType=0"
05-03 03:06:00.515 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
05-03 03:06:00.515 575 704 W AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "activeStreamType=0"
05-03 03:06:00.516 575 704 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
05-03 03:06:00.676 575 704 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
05-03 03:06:00.676 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6,
mode 1
05-03 03:06:00.676 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8,
mode 1
05-03 03:06:00.676 575 704 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536,
mode 1
05-03 03:06:00.676 575 704 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
05-03 03:06:01.045 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:06:01.048 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:06:01.099 1409 9575 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 260795318, curTime = 260556771
05-03 03:06:01.099 1409 9575 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 260589362, curTime = 260556771
05-03 03:06:01.104 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:06:01.139 29847 29860 I .gms.persisten: Background young concurrent
copying GC freed 34896(1575KB) AllocSpace objects, 82(4264KB) LOS objects, 18%
free, 22MB/28MB, paused 9.370ms total 158.212ms
05-03 03:06:01.368 575 704 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
05-03 03:06:01.575 626 14808 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setStreamVolumeIndex:
stream AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY attributes={ Content type:
05-03 03:06:01.575 626 14808 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
setVolumeIndexForAttributesInt: group 1 matching with { Content type:
05-03 03:06:02.233 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:06:02.308 1409 9575 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.019465918
05-03 03:06:59.008 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 03:06:59.333 1409 9575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
05-03 03:12:22.575 11608 11608 E _V_Hib_4.6.0.4_DualInstanceManager: disconnect
with dual service

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