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Lab 8, Distance vs. Time, Car Rolling Down an Inclined Plane

(Aristotle vs. Galileo)

Kayla Creasy
October 10, 2022

Physical Science 141

Professor Nora Ortega


In the experiment, the relationship of time in seconds, and distance in centimeters of a car

rolling down various different points of distance along an inclined plane were determined. The

distances ranged from 10 to 25 centimeters. The experiment of rolling a car down different

inclines provided a way to examine how the variables regarding distance, time, acceleration, and

mass affect one another. Through the experimental data and its arrangement via Excel’s online

graphing tool, a linear relationship between time and distance of a car rolling down an inclined

plane was found. This was that the longer the distance that the car rolled down an inclined plane,

the faster it went.


Lab Eight focused on determining the relationship of distance and time regarding a car

rolling down various distances on an inclined plane. After conducting the experiment and

collecting data, a graph was utilized to examine the type of relationship shown amongst the

variables. This proved to be a linear relationship as increasing the distance of inclination in

return decreased the time used by the car in its descent down the plane.

The findings of the experiment prove to be useful and valid in everyday life. The focus of

the experiment dealt with rolling a car down an inclined plane. This is essentially a safe, smaller

way to look at how vehicles in real life are affected by inclines. Though living in a place with

little to no hills or valleys, one who drives knows the feeling of a car accelerating due to rolling

down an incline in the road. However, in the real world brakes on vehicles allow for the
slowdown or entire stop of a car when it needs to or is going too fast which ensures safety as

people drive. This could also be related to sliding down a slide or rolling a ball down a hill

outside. In relation to how this idea can be applied elsewhere, the article “Rolling Race”

highlights ideas that can be used when considering objects traveling down inclined planes. For

example, background information is provided through representing that “For a rolling object,

kinetic energy is split into two types: translational (motion in a straight line) and rotational

(spinning)... It has the most potential energy when it is at the top, and this potential energy is

converted to both translational and rotational kinetic energy as it rolls down.”


The experiment considers the theories of both Galileo and Aristotle regarding the idea of

motion. Galileo believed that light and heavy objects fall together in free fall. As explained in the

class video, Galileo found that the “speed of an object in free fall increased with the time at the

same rate.” Therefore, all objects fall at the same constant acceleration rate. On the other hand,

Aristotle claimed that “heavy objects would fall faster than light objects.” However, in this, he

didn’t account for air resistance. It is important to note that Aristotle believed that the heavier

objects fall at a constant rate of speed than objects of lighter weight.


The distance it takes for an object to travel on an inclined plane is directly proportional to

the time it takes in order to do so.


1. The Degree/Level of the Inclined Plane.

2. Mass of the Toy Car (will stay the same).

3. Distance rolled by the car.

4. Where the car is dropped along the inclined plane.

5. Time required for the car to roll down the plane.


The objectives of the experiment focused greatly on comparing the theories of renowned

scientists, Aristotle and Galileo, in regards to measuring the relationship between the distance

and time of a car rolling down an inclined plane. Using the set directions in order to conduct the

experiment and collect data that will be arranged in an Excel Graph to better determine the

relationship of how the variables correlate.


1. Stopwatch

2. Inclined Plane

3. Toy Car

4. Meter Stick

1. Set up the incline plane in a decline position.

2. Ensure the meter stick is placed with its zero marking at the lowest point of the plane.

3. Start with placing the car at 10.00 cm, release it to allow it to roll at its own rate of speed,

time the car using the timer (in seconds) as it travels down the plane and reaches a stop.

4. Repeat the step of releasing the cars at the desired incline stopping at the last one, 100.00



Table 1
Graph 1

Graph 2


The results matched previous understandings of the relationship of distance and time. The

graphs of the data obtained from the experiment, showed that the variables were proportional to

one another as they align within a trend that shows a linear correlation. The experiment and its

background reflected on the theories of motion of both Aristotle and Galileo. After the reflection

of the scientists’ theories, the outcomes of the experiment support those of Galileo. As

previously explained, Galileo believed the relationship was that “the speed of an object in free
fall increased with the time at the same rate.” The graphs provided show this as the variables

increase in a linear relationship at a constant rate.


It is evident that there is a relationship between the distance and time of a car rolling

down an inclined path. The observations and data collected did support the hypothesis that; The

distance it takes for an object to travel on an inclined plane is directly proportional to the time it

takes in order to do so. In regards to the stated objectives of the experiment, all were met. The

graphs of the data collected allowed for the determination of the relationship amongst the two.

Lastly, it is important to remember that in any and all experiments, that there is room for error. It

was odd that the calculated slopes in comparison to the ones within the Excel equation, did not

match. This may be due to an error in calculation.


Finio, Ben. (2017). Rolling Race; a Spinning Science Activity. Scientific American.

YouTube. (2020). Lab 8 - Procedure and Special Lab Report. YouTube. Retrieved October 17,

2022, from

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