Benson 1987

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Energy Vol. 12. No. 3/4. pp. 203-207. 1987 036&5442/87 f3.00 +O.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Journals Ltd


3M Company, 3M Center, Building 207-lW-08. St. Paul, MN 55144, U.S.A.

Abrtract-A highly specular silver-PMMA solar reflecting film, 3M Brand ECP-300. is discussed
with respect to construction, accelerated and natural weathering properties, application methods
and initial solar conantrating collector applications. ECP-300film has been dry laminated to
various substrates and tested for specular reflectance properties &fore and after accelerated aging
tests. Glass and coil coated aluminum substrates have demonstrated excellent specular reflectance
at 8.4 mrad and good QUVt accrkratcd aging resistance. ECP-MO solar reflecting film laminated
to acidctched aluminum substrate has been weathered in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota for 1yr.
The Arizona and Florida panels retained 93% of their original rcflcctana and the Minnesota
panel had a reflectance retention greater than 98% after I-yr aging. Initial industrial applications
of ECP-300 film have been in solar concentrating parabolic trough and dish collectors.


Solar concentrating collectors, of either parabolic line-focus (trough) or point-focus (dish)

configuration are utilized for the production of thermal energy.’ The thermal energy can
be used for production of process steam, air conditioning, hot water or electricity. A highly
reflecting (97%) lightweight, weatherable film, ECP-300, has been developed for use on
these high-performance solar collectors.
ECP-300 is a highly specular silver-PMMA film with pressure-sensitive adhesive and a
protective release liner. Successful 1-yr natural weathering has been completed for ECP-
300 in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. Pilot quantities of an abrasion-resistant coated
ECP-300 film currently are being field tested.


The ECP-300 film construction is very similar to the aluminum metallized film, ECP-
244, which has been produced for over 10yr. Currently, more than 600,000ft2 of ECP-244
film are in use on 30 installations throughout the United States. Hexcel Corp. and Solar
Kinetics Inc. were early manufacturers of parabolic troughs using the similar construction
ECP-244 film (formerly known as FEK-244).3
Main differences are that ECP-300 utilizes silver metallization and has greater U.V.
protection. The ECP-300 film construction shown in Fig. 1 consists of silver metallized
0.003%in.-thick extruded polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) film with a weatherable,
pressure-sensitive acrylic adhesive and protective release liner.


ECP300 was dry, roller pressure laminated to 23 in. x 11 in. test panels which were
retained at room temperature for 72 hr prior to testing. Two 2) in. x 4 in. pieces of test
film were applied to each panel; one without i-in. width ECP-244 edge tape and one with
edge tape. The reflectance was measured on the washed, edge-taped piece of test film. A
SO/SO,by weight, water-isopropyl alcohol solution was used to wash the tested panels
after flooding with plain water. Soft Kleenex tissues, saturated with the So/SO water-
isopropyl alcohol solution were used to gently wash away any deposits, followed by a

tThc Q-PanelCompany, Ckveland, Ohio.

204 B. A. BENSON



Fig. 1. ECP-300 silver solar reflecting film construction.

Table 1. ECP-300 specular reflcctancc retained (%) after 997 br aging in

a OUV Wcatberometer
Reflectance retained (%)
after997 hr QUV aging
Substrate 25 mrad 15 mrad 8.4 mrad
ECP-300 on smooth aluminum 89.1 88.9 82.8
ECP-300 on coil coated aluminum 93.0 92.8 90.8
ECPJOO on glass 93.1 92.7 91.7

water rinse and drying by gentle wiping with Kleenex tissues.

ECP-300 film was laminated to the following three substrates:
smooth aluminum, 0.06Oin. thick;
polyester coil coated aluminum, 0.045 in. thick;
glass, 0.125 in. thick.
After lamination, the panels were exposed to 997 hr of an aggressive QUVt accelerated
aging cycle of:
64 hr 65°C (149°C);
14 hr condensing humidity at 50°C (122°F).
The specular reflectance at 25, 15 and 8.4mrad for ECP-300 on each substrate vs aging
time was tested. The specular reflectance was measured on the edge-taped piece of test
film. The specular reflectance retained after 997 hr of the QUV aging is listed in Table 1.
The retained reflectance values, shown in Table 1, indicate substrate selection has an effect
upon accelerated aging results. The polyester paint coil coated aluminum and glass
substrates had improved reflectance retention as compared to uncoated aluminum.
Substrate selection also has an influence on initial specularity. This will be discussed later
under “Substrate Selection”.
Additional accelerated aging was performed in a 5% salt fog cabinet, 100”F/100% r.h.
cabinet and a box maintained at 170°F. Acid-etched aluminum substrate panels
were used for the ECP-300 film. The specular reflectance values for the washed panels vs
aging time are listed in Table 2. Good reflectance retention was realized throughout all
three accelerated tests. The importance of using j-in.-width ECP-244 edge tape was very
apparent in the 5% salt fog test as shown in the comments in Table 2.


ECP-300 weathering panels were prepared as described earlier using acid-etched

aluminum substrate. Panels were aged for 3, 6, 9 and 12 months in Arizona and Florida
and 12 months in Minnesota. The specular reflectance at 15 mrad vs aging time is listed
in Table 3. The specular reflectance was measured using a Devices and Services Model
15-R Reflectometer. The 12-month Arizona and Florida ECP-300 panels retained 93% of
their original specular reflectance at 15 mrad. The Minnesota panel retained 98.6% of its
original specular reflectance.
The total solar reflectance readings for the natural weathered panels as tested on a
Beckman U.V.5240 Spectrophotometer are listed in Table 4. The results show approximately
Silver-polymer film development 205

Table 2. ECP-300 specular re&tance (%) w acxckrated agin#

2S mrad I5 mrad 8.4 mrad Comments

Hours m 5% salt fog
0 98.0 97.5 96.0
48 %.8 %.7 95.4 No visible cbanp
168 97.1 %.8 92.5 Slight edge degndation. Nonulge taped portion
completely degraded

Hours in Ioo”F.‘loO% r.h.

0 91.5 97.2 95.4 -
612 97.3 97.0 95.3 No visible change

Waks m 17o’F U.Y. hot box

NOW. 91.6 97.3 93.4
3 96.6 95.6 81.1 No visible change
6 96.8 96.4 93.0 No visible change
9 95.3 94.2 85.9 No visible change

a 6 percentage point loss in total reflectance after 12 months in Arizona and Florida and
a 1.3 percentage point loss after 12 months in Minnesota.
Figure 2 shows the hemispherical total and diffuse reflectance before and after 12 months
aging in Minnesota.

Table 3. ECP-UK) specular retlectanoct (%) vs natural weathering

% specular reflectance ( I5 mrad)
EXpoWe Arizona 45” Florida 5” Minnesota 45”
None (control) 97.5 91.5 97.3
3 Months 96.5 96.5
6 Months %.2 95.6 -
9 Months 95.4 93.8
12 Months 91.1 90.6 9;8
tMcasured on a Devices and Services Model 15R Reflectomcter.

Table 4. ECP-3CG total solar refkctancet (%) vs natural weathering

ECP-300 total solar reflectance %
EXporUtZ Arizona 45’ Florida 5’ Minnesota 45”
None %.2 96.2 95.0
3 Months 95.9 94.1 -
6 Months 94.4 94.5 -
9 Months 93.2 92.7 -
12 Months 90.0 89.8 93.7
tMeasured on a Beckman U.V. 5240 Spectrophotometer over a
wavelength range of 0.3-2.2 pm.


Smooth aluminum, polyester paint coil coated aluminum or other smooth substrates
are recommended. Polyester paint coil coated aluminum has performed well in accelerated
testing as has glass substrates. Substrate “telegraphing” will adversely affect specularity.
Ten 2 in. x 3 in. ECP-300 panels were prepared by dry pressure laminating the film to the
substrates listed in Table 5. The panels were measured for specular reflectance using a
Devices and Services Model 15-R Reflectometer. The results (Table 5) show polyester coil
coating to improve the aluminum substrate specularity and uniformity. ECP-300 laminated
on a glass substrate has outstanding specularity and uniformity (Table 5).
ECP-300 film requires smooth surfaced substrates to obtain good specularity at low
angles of resolution.


Fig. 2. Percent hemispherical rcllcctancc vs Minnesota 45” south-facing aging for ECP-300
laminated to aluminum substrate.

Table 5. ECP-300 specular rctkctancet (%) VI substrate utilized

ECP-300 % rpoxlar rcfkctana
Substrate 25 mnd 15 mrad 8.4 mnd
Smooth aluminum 97.3 96.9 90.1
(S.D.) (0.36) (0.34) (4.12)
Coil coated aluminum 91.8 91.5 92.9
(S.D.) (0.22) (0.26) (1.65)
Glass 97.6 97.4 96.9
lS.D.1 10.2I b 10.19) 10.32)

t Measured on a Devti and Services Model I5 R Refktomcter


ECP-300 can be machine roller applied or detergent-water squeegee applied to smooth

substrates per 3M Instruction Bulletin No. 70-0701-0671-4.5 A &-in. gap is recommended
at all joining seams and panel edges to provide for film expansion resulting from changes
in temperature and humidity. A +-in.-width ECP-244 edge tape must be used to cover all
&in, gaps and also to overlap all film edges.


The importance of cleaning parabolic trough reflecting surfaces to maintain maximum

reflectance has been well documented. w An abrasion-resistant coated silver-polymer film
would permit the use of more aggressive, mechanical cleaning methods without film
Pilot plant quantities of ECP-300 with an abrasion-resistant coating (ARC) have been
prepared for testing. The ECP-300 ARC film was laminated to 0.062in. aluminum panels
and tested for abrasion resistance on a Taber Abraser using a 5OOg weight and 1100 cycles
with a CS-0 wheel. The results listed in Table 6 show a 25.3 percentage point loss for ECP-
300 and only a 1.7 percentage point loss for ECP-300 ARC.
ECP-300 ARC has been laminated to aluminum substrate and weathered in Arizona
and Florida with excellent reflectance retention after 6 months aging (Table 7).


Initial parabolic trough and dish applications using ECP-300 silver reflecting film are
shown in Table 8. Conventional parabolic trough installations are currently operating and
DOE innovative dish collectors up to 45 ft in diameter are under construction.
Silver-polymer film development 207

Tabk 6. Specular refkctancr (Ye) of ECP-300 and ECP-300 ARC before

and after abfasion tuting?
% spaulrr rcfkctamx (25 mrad)
Test film Control 1100 cychx: Rdkaatvx Ion
ECP-U)O 98.2 73.4 25.3%
ECP-3tB ARC 91.6 95.9 1.7%
iTested on a Mode) 503 Tabcr Abrader
:I100 cycks on a Tabcr Abrader with a CS-0 wheel and 5OOg weight.

Table 7. Relkctancz proper&sof abrasion-resistant coated ECP-300 (ECP-300 ARC) vs

natural weathering

Specular rcfkctanac (%) Total solar

ECP-300-ARC reti (%)
aging 25 mnd I5 mrad a.4 mrad 0.3-22Jml
None 97.2 97.0 91.7 95.9
6 Months FL 5” 95.9 95.8 94.0 92.9
6 Months AZ 45” 95.2 94.9 92.0 93.1

Table a. Initial industry applications of ECP-300 silver solar refkcting lilm

Company Type of application
Sole&c Corporation, Cincinnati, Ohio Twenty 4R x loft pnraboiic troughs with a 90/l comxntration ratio focus
on photovoltaic cells at a San Diego, Calif. installation
Industrial Solar Technology, Lakewood, Colo. Sixteen 2Oft x 7+ft purbolic troughs provide heating for an indoor
swiming pool and hot water for showers at the F’aul Beck Recreation
Center in Aurora, Colo.
Acurex. Incorporated. Mountainview. Calif. Acurex 15-m innovative dish concentrator. Next generation regarding
performance and - production
Solar Kinctia. lmxxpontcd, Dallas. Tex. 26-11diameter DOE stretched-membrane heliostat
Science Applications International 14-m strascd-membrane heliostats utilizing front and back 0.003~in-thick
Corporation, Ssn LXcgo. Cslif. stainless steel membranes. ECP-300 is applkd to the front membrane by
a special dry application technique.


Arizona, Florida and Minnesota 1Zmonth aging of ECP-300 has been completed with
93% or greater reflectance retention. Polyester paint coil coated substrates show promise
of greater ECP-300 reflectance retention and greater specularity. Pilot plant quantities of
ECP-300 ARC (with abrasion-resistant coating), have shown good abrasion resistance and
excellent initial 6-month weathering results. Parabolic dishes, up to 14m or larger in
diameter, combined with Stirling or other heat engines offer an efficient method of
generating electricity from solar energy.6 The use of lightweight, durable, silver-polymer
films like ECP-300 on these large dishes offers the promise of needed component cost
reduction. ECP-300 film advantages of 97% specular reflectance, light weight and ease of
application will be well utilized on parabolic dish and trough installations.

Acknowledgements-The author wishes to thank Dr Paul Schisscl and his co-workers at SERI for the co-
opcrativc testing performed on silver-polymer film samples. A portion of the work discussed in this report was
performed under SERI cost sharing subcontract No. ZX404052-I.

1. J. Duffic and W. Beckman. So&r Engineering oj T/termul Processes. Wiley, New York (1980).
2. L. E. Murr. Solar Morerfals Science. Academic Press, New York (1980).
3. Proceedings o/ the ERDA CorJrrence on Concenrrating Solar Collectors, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Atlanta, Ga, pp. 2-11.2-93 (1977).
4. V. L. Morris, ‘Final Report Solar Collector Materials Exposure to the IPH Site Environment”, Vol. 1. Sand-
81-7028/l. NTIS (1982)
5. II. A. Rcnson, 3M Instruction Bulletin No. 70-0701-0671-4, 3M Co., St Paul, Minn. (1985).
6. W. Stine and R. Harrigan. Solar Energy Fundamentals and Design with Computer Applications. Wiky. New
York (1985).

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