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Business Name: Pick N’ SnaCk

Group No: 1
Grade and section: 12 - STEM C DAY 2
Stall No: 98 Patatas 207.00
Cheese powder 55.00
Evaporada (2) 52.00
Expenses Hotdog Tray 20.00
Fruit Tray 21.00
DAY 1 Lumpia wrapper 30.00
Mayonnaise 70.00
Palm oil (1kg) 82.00 Daily Quezo 41.00
Cucumber lemonade 165.00 Pastry Bag (5) 25.00
Syrup Bottle (2) 74.00 TOTAL 521.00
Plastic Gloves 35.00
Plastic cups (2) 7oz 36.00
Plastic cups (2) 10oz 48.00 DAY 3
Cinnamon Powder 70.00
Gulaman Powder (3) 45.00 Condensada (2) 72.00
Hotdog Tray 20.00 Evaporated milk 55.60
Fruit Tray 21.00 Sugar washed 70.15
Mini Plastic bag (2) 52.00 Cooking oil 40.75
Ribbon 13.50 Cheese (2) 104.20
Piping bag tip 60.00 TOTAL 342.70
Piping bag (2) 10.00
Pot holder 7.00 TOTAL EXPENSES
Evaporated milk (5) 130.00
Disposable spoon (3) 39.00 2737.30+521.00+342.70=3,601.00
Transparent cups w/ lid (2) 200.00
All-purpose flour (2 ½) 143.00 Products Sold
Egg (1 tray) 235.00 Day 1
Lumpia wrapper 45.00
Sugar washed (1kg) 87.00 Cheese sticks 10×22=220
Mayonaise (1kg) 160.00 Churros 30×1=30 +
Bbq powder 55.00 15×8=120
Butter (2) 93.00 Potato Chips 20×5=100 +
Potatos (1kg) 130.00 10×7=70
Condensada (2) 74.80 Cucumber juice 10×12=120
Daily Quezo 100.00 Total: 660
Chocolate Syrup 130.00 Day 2
All-purpose cream (2) 104.0
Sprinkles 54.00 Cheese sticks 15×10=150 +
Ketchup (1kg) 70.00
Churros 30×2=60 +
Tela (2) 60.00
Thumb tacks 8.50
Potato Chips 10×4=40
Cooking oil 80.50
TOTAL 2,737.30
Cucumber juice 10×10=100 3,601.00-2780=821.00
Coffee Jelly 20×35=700 *Our total net loss is 821.00.
Total: 1,375.00

1900 ÷ 11= 176

Day 3
*The money that would come back to
Cheese sticks 10×15=150 + each member will be just 176.00. We loss
15×2=30 74.00 pesos each.
Churros 15×19=285 +
30×3=90 *We didn’t compute for the 3% since we
Potato Chips 20×2=40 + lost money.
Buko Juice 5×2=10 + 10×8=80 Scanned Copy of Receipts
Total: 745 Day 1

*We are 11 members in a group and each

of us gave 250.00 as contribution for the
capital to start our business.
250×11=2750 (this is our money before
starting our business)

Group 1 income
Day 1- 660.00
Day 2-1375.00
Day 3-745.00
Total: 2780.00
*As you can see, our capital would have
come back if only we didn’t spend more
money for the ingredients.
Although, there are still ingredients left and
we divided it depending on how much you
contributed for the group.
Our total income left is 1,945.00, so far from
our capital and it is noticeable that there is a
great net loss on our business. There is no
revenue left.
To compute for our net loss:
Total expenses-total income=net loss
Day 3

Day 2
Customer’s Attendance Sheet

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