LivePure Kids Primer

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Live Pure Movement

Live Pure Kids

Chastity Forum

The world has created different standards on how a man and woman should be seen and classified
– appearances, accomplishments, possessions, interests. Because of many false standards, many
people, especially the young, have forgotten who they really are and what they’re real identity is.
One must see himself/herself in the eyes of his/her maker for us to be able to know who we really
are and how special we are.


I. Introduction

All of us men are created out of love. It is out of God’s abundant love for us that is why we are here
on earth, living and breathing and experiencing many good things. And part of us being created, we
were also given an identity. And we often ask ourselves, “Who really am I?”

II. Who am I?

In the world’s vastness, come the many different things that confuse many of us young people
about our real identity, the Media, the Social Media and relativism. Different things around us
influence us of how do we see ourselves.

With all of these things, how and where can we really find our true identity? Who are we? Who am

III. Through the Father’s Eyes

All of us are created by God and in Him, we should find and look for our real identity. We must all
look back to our original intent:

a. We are all special and beautiful inside and out

b. We are human the highest form of God’s creation

Man is made basically and generally for WORK ROLE.

Woman, on the other hand, is made basically and generally for CARING ROLE.

c. We are designed to Love

We are all created for love and out of love. This is the basic reason why everyone loves and longs for
love. It also the very reason why God created a companion of man for him to love.

IV. We are loved

We are created in God’s image and likeness. With this reality, we should always remember, and
never forget, that we are special and we are unique just the way we are made. No one can take that
away from us.

And because we are made out of love, one absolute truth that we should always hold on forever is
that we are loved! No matter who we are, no matter where we are, even if we are at our worst self,
know that you and I are loved. Remember that there is God and that there are people around us
who are ready to love us, i.e. God, Family and Friends

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