Signature Assignment Final

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Signature Assignment

Ariel Mendez

Division of Teacher Education, Azusa Pacific University

TESP 501, Art of Teaching I: Foundations of Teaching

Dr. Tammy Bachrach & Dr. Cynthia Dollins


Classroom Procedures and Learning Environment

When I was younger, I assumed the only components of an effective teacher was one

who taught captivating lessons, but from the class readings and video resources I began to realize

there were many more important aspects one must obtain to be an effective teacher. A successful

educator must establish a classroom climate, enforce classroom procedures and rules, incorporate

comprehensive classroom behavior management, and create a culturally responsive classroom.

From the moment a student enters a classroom, they should feel welcomed and safe.

According to Borich, “The classroom climate is the atmosphere or mood in which interactions

between you and your students take place. Classroom climate is created by the manner and

degree to which you connect with your students, show warmth and support” (2017). I believe

establishing a classroom climate begins before the student enters the room. While I observed Ms.

Martin in Teaching Procedures, Routines, and Rules During the First Week of School in Fourth

Grade, she started each morning by greeting each student individually. As a future educator, I

plan on implementing Ms. Martin’s morning greetings. By this simple task I am able to check in

with students to see how their morning is unfolding. I would also be able to monitor students'

emotions and behavior before instruction begins. For instance, if a student arrives at school

upset, I would be able to acknowledge the students emotions and give them time to regulate their

feelings. Morning greetings set the tone for the day if students are made to feel welcomed and

safe then learning can begin.

An effective classroom climate incorporates a social and organizational environment.

The social environment is made up of the interaction patterns in the classroom. There are three

different environments a teacher can implement. Borich lists the three environments as

authoritarian, laissez-faire and a middle ground of the first two environments (2017). In my

classroom I would hope to implement an environment that is in the middle of authoritarian and

laissez-faire. I plan on creating a classroom climate where students are comfortable participating

in discussions and feel that their ideas are just as important as mine. After reading Borich (2017),

I do understand the importance of being able to create different climates at different points of


Before an educator can effectively teach subject content matter it is vital to teach

classroom rules and procedures. According to Borich, “ Rules and procedures, which you should

formulate before the first day of school, are your commitment to applying and “ounce of

prevention” to avoid a “pound of cure” (2017, 81). If rules and procedures are not discussed or

set in action, it can be damaging to the classroom climate and instruction. It is vital to

communicate rules to students on the first day of class. A key to successfully implement the

classroom rules is consistency (Borich, 2017). When establishing rules, I must ask myself if the

rule I am implementing falls within the following four categories: does it enhance work

engagement, minimize disruption, or promote safety and security. In order to be an effective

teacher, I understand the importance and need of rules.

As I watched various observation videos, it was evident that all teachers had one thing in

common. Every teacher had routines and procedures placed in their class. Every classroom was

able to run smoothly because every student knew exactly what to expect or what to do.

According to Classroom behavior management (part 1): Key concepts and foundational

practices, “ When teachers establish classroom routines, they are creating consistent, predictable

sequences of events to help students understand what to expect” (2021). Disruptive behavior is

less likely to occur when routines are in place because students already know what to expect. In

my classroom, I will be sure to have a routine for every aspect of the day. In order to implement

routines, I must teach my students the process and expectations. By modeling the routine and

procedures, students will have a clear understanding of what is expected. Before I can begin

teaching content, students will have to practice and have an understanding of the routines and


After observing Ms. Balderma in Morning Meetings: A Daily Strategy for Teaching

Social and Emotional Learning to 1st Grade Students, I realized how crucial her morning

meetings were in terms of creating and setting the tone for the day. The morning routine

consisted of greeting students, conducting a feeling check, allowing students to share feelings,

hold a discussion and close with a message. I will implement morning meetings in my

classroom because it sets the tone for the day and gives students the chance to connect with

peers and myself.

Being able to build relationships with students plays a vital role in creating a

comprehensive classroom behavior management plan. As educators, we must understand our

class is not going to be composed of students with excellent behavior. Instead, our class may

include students who are experiencing traumas, have troubled home lives or challenge behaviors.

It is our responsibility to create a positive climate and help improve students' behavior. If a

behavior management plan is not implemented and disruptive behaviors are present in the

classroom we may see negative impacts. Some negative impacts can include loss of instructional

time, decreased student engagement and motivation (The IRIS Center. 2012, 2021). In my

classroom, I will create a comprehensive classroom behavior management plan to avoid the

negative outcomes. Before implementing the plan I must build relationships with my students

and their families. In order for the plan to work, it is important that my students, their families,

and myself are on the same page. Communicating my expectations and consequences to all

parties involved is critical for the success of a comprehensive classroom behavior management

plan. My goal as an educator is to create an atmosphere where every student has the opportunity

to learn. I will be able to obtain this goal by establishing an effective classroom management

plan and creating a culturally responsive classroom.

By creating a culturally responsive classroom, I am ensuring every student has the

opportunity to learn and exceed. In order to ensure my classroom is culturally responsive I must

value student’s language, culture, and background ( Fenner & Synder, 2017). One of the first

steps in creating a culturally responsive learning environment is to examine my own beliefs and

culture. Next, I have to learn about my students’ cultural backgrounds. Learning about my

students’ cultures, I will be able to create rules that align with my students’ culture and identify

areas my student may need more support in (The IRIS Center, 2002, 2012, 2021). Building

relationships with my students will allow me to plan more efficiently. It is crucial to align lessons

to my students interest and background. By implementing this strategy, students are able to make

connections to the lesson. It is my goal to create an environment of learning accessible to each

student no matter their cultural background.

After analyzing and reflecting on the class readings and videos, it is evident that there is

more to teaching than explaining subject content. Instead, an educator must establish a

foundation and classroom climate before they can begin teaching lessons.

Classroom Discipline Policy and Environment

Spending a vast amount of hours in school renders a teacher’s role as one that reaches beyond

academic- a teacher’s role is didactic, but also acts as the stepping stone for how students focus

their time, social skills, and emotional intelligence. Being a teacher is a multi-faceted role: they

are actively shaping how a student perceives their world. Students spending over seven hundred

hours with their teacher unequivocally affects how they process and react to information.

Generating an environment for my students that ensures safety and creates an atmosphere that

renders them to thrive socially, emotionally, and academically is integral to the success of my


From the very first time a student enters my classroom I want them to feel welcomed,

safe, and happy. By focusing on the physical climate of my classroom I will be able to ensure my

goal is accomplished. The physical climate includes the external and internal features of the

room (Borich, 2017). In my classroom, I will incorporate a welcoming theme and showcase my

students' work on bulletin boards. There are moments in our lives when we all need a little

motivation therefore I plan on incorporating a motivational wall for my students. The wall will

consist of inspirational quotes and sayings. Stress can negatively affect a student’s ability to learn

(Medina, 2014). In order to give my students every opportunity to learn I will create a calm

classroom environment where stress is controlled.

The social climate I envision for my class includes an environment that is cooperative

and in the middle of authoritarian and laissez-faire. Therefore I will arrange my desk in groups of

four or five. As a result of the internal arrangement students will be able to work with peers and

collaborate. According to Borich (2017, 81), “ The social climate created by your words and

deeds should always match the organizational climate created by the physical arrangement of

your classroom”. If I were to change the social climate of my classroom it is important to

simultaneously update the physical arrangement of my desk. Flexible seating will also be

included in my classroom’s physical arrangement. The use of flexible seating allows students the

choice to choose their preferred seating arrangement. Students will be able to choose from;

standing, yoga ball, air cushion, or an alternative chair. Flexible seating is beneficial to students

because it helps the student focus, increases collaboration, reduces extended sitting (Raudys ,


One of the roles of a teacher is to help students in the area of social emotional

development. After viewing Ms. Ortiz’s classroom it was evident that she established a

procedure to successfully help student’s regulate their emotions. In my classroom, I will create a

calm down center for students to utilize when they need a brain break or regulate their emotions.

The calm down center will consist of various items to help students relax and refocus their

attention. In Ms. Ortiz’s calm down center she first has students identify their emotion, this

allows her to be proactive in student’s behavior (Calm Down Centers: Creating a Safe

Classroom Environment for Your Students, 2019). By implementing Ms. Ortiz’s calm down

center in my classroom, it will help avert disruptive behavior in the classroom. Throughout the

day students feel different emotions and many times do not know how to recognize or regulate

the emotion. As a result students may exhibit frustration, irritability or self doubt in which

returns cause a disruption in their ability to learn ( Leaf , 2018, 39). Through the use of the

calm down center, students will be able to recognize their current emotion and begin regulating

the emotion. According to Leaf et al. (2018, 39) “Naming our emotions makes what we are

thinking clearer to others and to ourselves, because we often feel more grounded and in more

control. This helps us to begin to process”. It is essential for every student in my class to

understand that every emotion is welcomed but it is also my responsibility to teach students how

to respond to every emotion.

As I strategize and generate my classroom climate it is integral to incorporate all learners

and learning styles. The classroom will be full of diverse individuals and therefore I will plan

accordingly to my students needs. To obtain a classroom that fits the needs of all students, I first

must develop an understanding of my students. Through the help of parents and other resources

such as occupational therapists or special education teachers I will be able to ensure all student’s

needs are met. For instance if I were to have a student in my class with Dysfunction in Sensory

Integration (DSI) it is extremely important to create an environment where the student's sensory

needs are supported. One strategy I will put in place is a sensory diet designed for individual

students. According to DiMatties (2003) “ A sensory diet consists of specific elements designed

to meet the child’s sensory integration needs. A sensory diet can help maintain an age

appropriate level of attention for optimal function to reduce sensory defensiveness". Every

student’s sensory accommodations will vary depending on the student but it is important to to

develop different strategies such as environmental modification, adaptations to routines and how

the student interacts with others (DiMatties, 2003). Environmental modifications may include

the lighting of the class, noise level, or smell, although these seem like small modifications to

others but to a child with DSI they can make all the difference in their ability to learn.

While working in education it is anticipated to experience challenging behavior at some

point in our career, but as a teacher I can implement procedures and rules and build relationships

with my students to help prevent undesired behaviors. According to Borich (2018, 81)

implementing rules and procedures is an “ounce of prevention” to avoid a “pound of cure.” In

order to have effective classroom management I must build trusting and nurturing relationships

with all my students ( Borich, 2017,68). I plan to incorporate Positive Behavioral Intervention

Support (PBIS) inside my classroom. During my observations, many teachers implemented PBIS

in their class and I saw how effective it was in regards to students behavior. In Ms.West's

classroom she focused on the positive actions of other students when she noticed some students

not on task or displaying desired behaviors. Ms. West incorporated a 4:1 ratio in her classroom,

meaning every time she corrected behavior she then would make four positive remarks. I would

like to incorporate the same strategies as Ms. West in my classroom, by doing so I am creating a

positive classroom climate and not focusing on the negative.

In my classroom there will be times when students do not follow my rules and

procedures. As an outcome I will incorporate restorative practices. Restorative practices include

key principles in order to work effectively. The principles include acknowledgment that

relationships are central in building community, building systems that address misbehavior in a

way that strengthens relationships, focuses on the harm done rather than only on rule breaking,

give those who were harmed a voice, engage in collaborative problem solving, empowers change

and growth, and enhances responsibility ( Hulvershorn, n.d.). If a student in my class displays

challenging behavior my first step would be to conduct a peace circle. The peace circle will

include the principles of restorative practices. My goal as an educator is to understand the

behavior my student is exhibiting. All behavior is a form of communication, at first it may seem

hard to understand, but as I build relationships with my students I will be able to have a clearer

understanding of my students and their behavior.

Classroom Engagement and Grading Policy

Classrooms invite an excessive amount of diversity. Each student comes with an

individuality that shines through their culture, background, and unique experiences. The same

concept is applied to education: every student has their own learning style, and each student

responds to different methods and ways of internalizing information. This means, as educators,

we have a crucial role to fill. We must observe, adjust, and adapt in ways that ensure every

student has the same opportunity to process and use the information they are taught. By being

open to ways in which we as educators can find new methods and practices to better our teaching

style, we are able to create a space that allows for all students to learn in a way that supports and

encourages them.

In a diverse classroom, an effective teacher will need to implement different strategies to

enhance student engagement. When students are actively engaged, they are motivated and ready

to learn ( Borich, 2017). To ensure engagement occurs in my classroom and lessons, I first need

to understand my students' culture and backgrounds. Therefore, I will incorporate a culturally

responsive pedagogy in my classroom. According to Fenner and Snyder (2017), "Culturally

responsive educators draw on the cultural knowledge, backgrounds, and experiences of their

students in order to make the learning more meaningful (p.40). I will plan better lessons and

content to keep them engaged and eager to learn by understanding my students.

Creating a classroom climate that is welcoming, safe, and student-centered is extremely

important in a culturally responsive classroom. In a student-centered learning environment,

students can help shape the classroom content, instructional activities, and the pace of the

learning ( Fenner & Snyder, 2017). Since students play such an essential role in the

student-centered classroom, it is common for active engagement to occur in the class. To ensure

my students are engaged and motivated in my class, I will have students create academic and

non-academic goals for themselves. When planning and developing new lessons, I will keep in

mind my students' goals. Incorporating lessons that align with my students' goals helps them see

the relevance in the lesson. If students think the activity and content are relevant, they are more

likely to be engaged and motivated to learn (Student Motivation: Making Students' Work

Relevant, 2019).

In a culturally responsive classroom, an effective teacher will embrace and appreciate the

diverse cultures of the class. According to Mastropieri & Scruggs (20), "Gaining an

understanding and an appreciation of these cultural influences will assist in developing culturally

responsive education which should increase student motivation and investment" (p. 117). In

addition, my class will include all genders, and to ensure equality amongst all my students, I will

create an inclusive environment. For example, when picking literature, I will include both female

and male authors and incorporate books that represent all genders as the main characters in a

text. To ensure I equally allow all students to help or answer questions, I will draw students'

names randomly. I will create a jar that has each students' name on a popsicle stick, and when I

need volunteers or helpers, I will pull a stick and allow that student to help or answer. As an

effective teacher, I plan to help break the labels society has placed on genders. In my classroom,

I want to make every student feel welcomed and safe.

While working in education, there will most likely be a time where I have Gifted students

in my class. Therefore, while planning lessons, it is essential to plan accordingly to

accommodate my Gifted students. Educators will often only assign more work for their Gifted

students, but this does nothing for the child. Instead, in my class, I will challenge my students

and implement Universal Design for Learning strategies. I must remember Gifted students can

quickly become disengaged; therefore, I need to adapt my instruction and curriculum to meet the

needs of all my students.

English learners (ELs) will most likely have difficulties adjusting to the new

environment; therefore, I will implement different strategies to help them overcome any

obstacles in my classroom. To support my ELs, I will first create a culturally responsive

classroom and build positive relationships with my students. Positive relationships in the

classroom are beneficial to a student's academic success. According to Hammond (2015), "The

quality of relationships between teacher and students are just as important as the technical

strategies used to get students to perform at higher levels" (p. 8). Therefore, after providing my

EL students with a safe and nurturing environment, I can implement different strategies to assist

their learning. Through scaffolding, I will give instructional support to help students meet the

challenging demands of instruction and content. ( Fenner & Snyder 2017). Knowing my students'

background, strengths, and needs is vital to implement scaffolding techniques properly. The goal

of scaffolding is for the student to no longer need support and complete the task independently

(Fenner & Snyder, 2017). Finally, I will monitor my students' progress and guide them through

any challenging content.

An effective tool I plan on implementing in my classroom is UDL strategies. Using UDL

strategies is beneficial for all students in my diverse classroom. Universal Design for Learning

strategies allows every student to learn effectively and can impact the student's academic

success. After observing administrators and teachers implement UDL strategies at Westglen

Elementary School in Alberta, Canada, it was evident that there was a shift in students' progress

and academic capabilities. Not one child thinks alike; each individual is unique and responds to

different methods of teaching. To lead my students to their fullest potential, I will include

multiple means of engagement, representation, and actions and expression.

Often, a grade can make or break a student's outlook on education. Students look at a

grade and come up with prenotions about themselves and their academic capabilities. One of my

goals as an educator is to help students stop the assumption that they are defined only by grades.

My grading policy will reflect on the growth and learning of a student. I will use a 0-4 point

scale for grades because the traditional 0-100 scale sets students up for failure(Feldman, 2019). I

will not give a zero for missing work because I am setting my student up for failure. For

instance, if one student starts with 0s, they are forever catching up no matter their other grades.

My job as an educator is to teach students, and I can not expect students to understand content

automatically. My grading policy will reflect on a student's growth, which means I will allow a

student to retake a test or resubmit assignments. The overall goal is to encourage students to

continue with their education, and my grading policy will not hold back students but instead give

them a chance to succeed.

Before a student can learn new academic content and skills, an effective teacher must

ensure specific components and strategies are in place. Educators have a crucial role to fill to

guarantee all students have an equal opportunity to learn. Two of the most critical aspects in my

class are the understanding of my students and the positive relationships I build with each

student. The end goal is to help students in their academic career, but for them to know they have

a teacher who truly cares about them.



Borich, G. D. (2017). Effective Teaching methods: Research-based practice. Enhanced

Pearson eText with loose-leaf version -- access card package (9th ed.). San

Francisco: Pearson.

Calm Down Centers: Creating a Safe Classroom Environment for Your Students. (2019, October

11). [Video]. YouTube.

DiMatties, M. (2003, May). Understanding Sensory Integration | LD Topics | LD OnLine.


Feldman, J. (2019, January 23). What Traditional Classroom Grading Gets Wrong. Education


Fenner, D & Synder, S (2017) . Unlocking English Learners’ Potential: Strategies For

Making Content Accessible. Thousand Oaks: Corwin.

Hulvershorn, K. (n.d.). Introduction to restorative practices. Peace Learning Center . Retrieved

October 5, 2021, from


Leaf, C. (2018). Think, learn, succeed: understanding and using your mind to thrive at school,

the workplace, and life. Baker Books.

Mastropieri, M & Scruggs, T. The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective

Differentiated Instruction (6th ed). New York: Pearson.

Morning Meetings: A Daily Strategy for Teaching Social and Emotional Learning to 1st Grade

Students. (2020, February 18). [Video]. YouTube.



Raudys , J. (n.d.). Flexible seating: 21 awesome ideas for your classroom. Flexible Seating: 21

Awesome Ideas for Your Classroom | Prodigy Education. Retrieved October 5, 2021,


SanBdoCitySchools. (2019, October 11). Calm down centers: Creating a safe classroom

environment for your students. YouTube. Retrieved October 5, 2021, from

State Education Practices (SEP). National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Home Page, a

part of the U.S. Department of Education. (2018). Retrieved October 3, 2021, from

Student Motivation: Making Students’ Work Relevant. (2019, December 9). [Video]. YouTube.

The IRIS Center. (2021). Classroom behavior management (part 1): Key concepts and

foundational practices. Retrieved from

The IRIS Center. ( 2021). Classroom behavior management (Part 2, Elementary): Developing a

behavior management plan. Retrieved from


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