Metode Penelitian 13 April 2023

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Buku zikmund  bab research design

 MSDM : Job security, turnover employment. Teori maslow masih relate sampai saat ini.
 Bab 1 “seperti jendela suatu penelitian”
 Bab 2  membangun pondasi dulu, baru ke bab 1 (miniatur bab 2)
 Bab 1 (pendahuluan) terdapat perumusan masalah, dan riset problem
 Bab 1  harus membuktikan penelitian signifikan, justifikasi penambahan variable signifikan
 Bab 3  Ceritakan kenapa pake metode tersebut, bagaimana data dikumpulkan, siapa
respondennya, cara ngukurnya, cara analisisnya. Teknik samplingnya
 Metodologi  bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan research, bagaimana mencapai tujuan
research, bagaimana overall research design, bagaimana dtaa diambil, termasuk teknik
sampling, bagaimana data diolah/dianalisis
 Mengapa perlu metodologi  agar riset menjadi terukur dan sistematik (tau kapan
penelitian selesai dan biaya penelitian) memenuhi kaidah scientific
 Good science is  1. Empirical : penelitian harus bisa diuji di lapangan, 2.
Replicable/objective : bisa ditiru, 3. Analytical, 4. Theory driven : dari literature review
sebelumnya, 5. Logical, 6. Rigorous : metodologinya kokoh
 Pasimonious research  applying the simplest approach that will address the research
 Systematic approach (Flyn, 1990)
Establish the theoretical foundation (theory building, theory verification)  Select a research
design (Single case study, multiple case study, panel study, focus group, survey)  Select a
data collection method (historical archive analysis, participant observation, dll) 
Implementation  Data analysis  Publication
 Research design  provides the basic directions or “recipe” for carrying out the research
Following parsimonious principle, researcher should choose a design that : will provide
relevant information on the research questions, will do the job most efficiently
 Research onion (Saunders & lewis, 2012)
 Exploratory research  about discovering general information about a topic that is not
understood clearly by the researcher. The most usual ways of conducting exploratory
research are : Literature reviews, unstructured interviews, depth interviews, focus groups,
delphi technique
 Riset desain mana yg dipilih?
1. Apapun riset desain yg dipilih, harus dijustifikasi dengan baik melalui literatur
2. Lihat pertanyaan research dan tujuan research anda? Mana yg lebih cocok?
3. Lihat di literature yg sesuai, riset desain apa yg dipakai? Apa alasannya?
4. Apakah longitudinal atau cross sectional?

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