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Chapter #-10
The process of creating and editing word document is called word processing. The s/w used for word processing is called
word processor. MS-Office is a word processing s/w which is used to for creating and editing all kinds of documents.

MS-Word Interface:
A brief description of major tools of MS-word is given below:

Tool Description
Title Bar Title bar is the top most bar of the application window. It displays the name of
program and the name of the document.
Menu Bar The commands that can be used to perform different tasks during creating or
editing document are grouped together.
Standard Toolbar It contains the shortcut command buttons for performing commonly used
Formatting Toolbar It contains the formatting command buttons and options. These buttons or
options can be used to apply commonly used text formats
Ruler It shows the margins, position of tabs, indents and other element of page.
Document Window Document window is a rectangular portion of the screen in which you view,
enter and edit a document.
Status Bar The bar at the bottom is the status bar. It displays the basic information about
the status of document.

Paragraph and Paragraph Formatting:

Paragraph is defined as group of sentences. But in word processor the paragraph has different meaning. A new
paragraph in a document is inserted when Enter key is pressed. Formatting applied on a paragraph is called paragraph
formatting. It includes:
 Line spacing
 Paragraph spacing
 Indents
 Alignment
 Tab stops
 Borders and shading etc.

Line and paragraph Spacing: The white space b/w two adjust lines of a paragraph is called line spacing. Lines can be
single-spaced, double-spaced or they can be set to any spacing you want. The white spaces before and after the
paragraph is called paragraph spacing.

Margins: The white spaces on all sides of a document page are called margins. Margins define the boundaries of the

Indents: The white spaces b/w the page margins and the text in paragraph is called indent.
Text Alignment: Arrangements of lines of text in a paragraph with respect to left and right margins is called text

Adjusting Tabs: Tabs are used in document to accurately move the insertion point to a specified horizontal distance
with one keystroke.

WordArt: WordArt is a work of art, which can be done in word document to transform text into an image. It means that
WordArt feature of word processor is used to turn ordinary text into graphics objects.

Features of MS-Word:

A spreadsheet is an application s/w which provides worksheets to enter and process data. In a worksheet, data is
arranged into rows and columns. MS-Excel is a spreadsheet s/w. A worksheet consists of rows and columns. A collection
of worksheets is called workbook. A spreadsheet s/w is used for calculation, chart drawing, filtering and sorting the data
in worksheets.

MS-Excel Interface:
Tool Description
Title Bar Title bar is the top most bar of the application window. It displays the
name of program and the name of the document.

Menu Bar The commands that can be used to perform different tasks during creating
or editing document are grouped together.
Standard Toolbar It contains the shortcut command buttons for performing commonly used
Formatting Toolbar It contains the formatting command buttons and options. These buttons
or options can be used to apply commonly used text formats
Cell The intersection of row and column is called cell. The data is entered in
cells of a worksheet.
Active and Passive Cell The currently selected cell where data can be entered or edited is called
active cell. The cell other than active cell is called passive cell.
Status Bar The bar at the bottom is the status bar. It displays the basic information
about the status of document.
Cell address It represents the location of cell in worksheet.
Column Header A horizontal bar that has headings of columns with labels A, B and so on is
called Column Header.
Row Header A vertical bar that has headings of rows with labels 1, 2, 3 and so on is
called row header.
Formula Bar Formula bar is sued to display the contents of a cell.

Function and Formula:

A formula is a mathematical expression that is combination of numbers, constants, cell address and arithmetic
operators. It is written by user, a function is a built-in predefined formula that is used to perform specific calculation i.e.

IF Function:
The IF is very powerful function in Excel. It is used to perform calculation on the basis of a given condition. It returns one
value if the given condition is TRUE and another value if the given condition is FALSE. The syntax of IF function is:
IF (Condition, Exp1, Exp2)
Condition: specifies the given condition. For example, A10>=100 is a condition.
An IF function that is inside the body of another IF function is called nested IF function. For example;
IF (AVERAG>89, “A”, IF (AVERAGE>79, “B”, IF (AVERAGE>69, “C”, “F”)))

Chart and its elements:

The graphical representation of numerical data is known as Chart or Graph. It makes easy to compare and to analysis the
numerical data.

Elements of a Chart:
Chart Title It represents the title of chart.
X-Axis It is the horizontal axis and represents the labels for points.
Y-Axis It is the vertical axis and represents the numeric values against the points of x-axis.
Legends It represents the name of each data series along with the color used by the series. It is
used if Chart is created on more than one data series.

Plot Area It represents the rectangular area in which the actual Chart is plotted.
Chart Area It represents the total area occupied by the chart. It includes Plot area, X-axis, Y-axis
and Legends etc.
X-Axis Title It represents the title along x-axis.
Y-Axis Title It represents the title along y-axis.

MS-PowerPoint is a presentation s/w that uses graphics, animations, sound, and data or information to make visual
presentations. These presentations can also be viewed as slides on large monitor or projection screen.

Features of MS-PowerPoint:
Formatting MS-PowerPoint has a wide range of formatting facilities. You can change
the color, background color, size and style of your text.
Printing MS-PowerPoint provides printing facility. The user can print slides to get
Predefined Formats MS-PowerPoint provides predefined presentations formats with different
backgrounds colors, text styles and graphics for presentations.
Slide Layout MS-PowerPoint provides different slide layouts. The user can select any
layout for presentations.
Audio and Video MS-PowerPoint provides facility to add sounds and videos in the
Auto Shapes MS-PowerPoint allows the user to draw different geometrical shapes,
arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and banners on the slides.
Clipart Gallery MS-PowerPoint includes a clipart gallery that contains images, photos,
videos, and audio clips for the presentation.
Spelling and Grammar Spelling and Grammar features is used to detect and correct the spelling
and grammatical mistakes in the presentations.
Animation MS-PowerPoint provides the facility to animate the contents of
presentations. It makes presentations more attractive.
Slide Transition MS-PowerPoint can be used to apply effects to the transition between
slides. Slide transition are visual movements as one slide changes to
Slide Timing Slide timing is used to set the timings of slides. The presentation
automatically displays the next slide after a preset delay.

Chapter #-11
Security, Privacy and Ethics
Computer Crime:
A type of crime in which a computer is the target or tool for an illegal activity. It often involves stealing, using or selling
company's personal data. A type of crime that refers to an illegal act involving the internet is called Cyber Crime.
Computer Criminals:
The person who commit computer crimes is known as computer criminal. There are different types of computer

1-Hacker: A person who accesses a computer or network illegally is known as hacker. This term was originally used
for computer enthusiasts.

2-Cracker: Cracker is a person who accesses a computer or a network illegally for some negative purpose. A cracker
may destroy data and important information etc.

3-Script Kiddie: A person who accesses the computer or network illegally without technical knowledge is known as
script kiddie.

4-Corporate Spy: A person who is hired to break into a specific computer is known as corporate spy. Corporate
spies have excellent computer and network skills. Some organizations hire them to identify security risks in their

5-Unethical Employee: The unethical employee may access the computer for different reasons. Some may get
financial gains by selling the confidential information. Some unhappy employee may do this to get revenge.

6-Cyber Extortionist: A person who uses email as tool for extortion is known as cyber extortionist. Such persons
send emails to a company with a threat. They tell the company to pay money otherwise they will expose confidential
information of a company.

7-Cyber Terrorist: A person who uses computer internet or network to destroy and damage computers for political
reason is known as cyber terrorist. For example cyber terrorist may harm air traffic control system or electricity
generating system.

Methods used by Computer Criminals:

1-Bomb: It is a program that triggers under certain conditions. It is usually activated at a certain date. It may be
planted in commercial software like shareware software.

2-Data Diddling: It is a process of changing data before or as it enters the system.

3-Denial of Service: It slows down a computer system or network. It floods a computer or a network with requests
for information or data. The server under attack receives so many requests that cannot respond to legitimate users.

4-Piggybacking: It is a process of entering the system by riding on the back of an authorized user. It occurs when an
authorized user does not log off the system properly. An illegal user may continue where original user left.

5-Salami Technique: It is a process of getting small amount of money illegally from a large financial system.
6-Scavenging: It is a process of searching company's trash cans to find useful information. The thieves search
garbage and recycling bins of individuals to find bank account number and credit card number.

7-Trap door: It is an illegitimate program that is left within a completed legitimate program. It allows subsequent
entry by unauthorized user to change the program.

8-Zapping: The zapping software is to design to bypass all security systems.

9-Trojan Horse: It is a program that hides itself within a useful program. It executes illegal, destructive instructions
in the middle of a program such as computer game.


Security is a system that is used to protect a system and data. It protects from intentional or accidental damage or
access by unauthorized person.

Controlling Access:
1-What You Have? The user may have a key, badge, token or plastic card to get physical access to the server room
or computer building. Some organizations use active badge. It is an identification card that contains an embedded
computer chip.

2-What you know? The user may have to enter the user ID and password or special number to logon the machine.
3-What You Do? The user may enter signatures on the documents to confirm that they are authorized user.
4-What You Are? A user may be checked through biometrics. It is a mean of biological identification such as
fingerprints, voice recognition, eye retina scan etc.

Computer Virus: A computer virus is a program that disturbs the normal working of the computer is called
computer virus. It can also destroy important data and software stored in computer.

Activation of a Virus: When a virus performs its actions, it is called activation of virus. Different computer viruses
are activated in different ways.

Causes of Viruses:
There are many ways through which viruses may be transferred from one computer to another. Most common ways are
as follows:

1-E-mail: Most of the viruses spread through e-mail messages. A virus is attached to an e-mail message. When a user
opens an infected e-mail message, virus is also loaded to the user's computer. In this way, many other program files
inside computer are infected.

2-Networks: Another way of spreading virus is by using Internet and other networks. For example, when a user
downloads infected programs files or data files from the internet, the viruses are also transferred to his/her computer.

3-Removable storage media: Data or program files are mostly transferred from one computer to another
through removable storage media like CDs and flash drives. When a virus infected file is copied from one computer to
another through a removable storage media the virus is also transferred.

4-Pirated software: The word "pirated" means "copied illegally". The software which is installed into computer
without licenses called pirated software. Some companies may intentionally attach some virus programs in their

Types of Viruses:
1-Boot Sector Virus: The boot sector virus modifies the program in the boot sector. Once a boot sector is infected,
boot sector virus will be loaded into memory whenever computer is turned on. This virus is attached with the executable
files like .exe, .dll and .com.

2-Chernobal Virus: The chernobal is a Microsoft windows virus. It is the most harmful virus. It deletes all the MS-
OFFICE files and other data on the hard disk. It also deletes the partition information from the disk and corrupts the
system's BIOS.

3-Logic Bomb: It is a program that triggers under certain conditions. It is usually activated at a certain date. It may
be planted in commercial software like shareware software.

4-Trojan Horse: It is a program that hides itself within a useful program. It executes illegal, destructive instructions
in the middle of a program such as computer game.

Redlof virus is a polymorphic virus. Polymorphic means "changes nature with the passage of time". This virus changes its
nature with the passage of time. Therefore, it is difficult to catch by an antivirus program.

Security Threats:
Threat is defined as a computer program, a person or an event that violates the security system. A threat causes loss of
data and attacks the data privacy. There are different threats to data security. The main threat to data security are as

1-Un-Intentional Threat: The word "un-intentional means" means "by mistake or by chance". The authorized
user may delete sensitive data by mistake or accidentally. The data may also be corrupted or deleted due to:
 Technical failure of hardware
 Sudden breakdown of electric supply
 Viruses
 User mistake

There are following solutions for un-intentional threats:
1-Backup: Backup of data should be taken regularly. The backup of data can be used to recover the deleted data.
2-Antivirus: Latest antivirus software should be used to scan all the data coming into the computer.

2-Intentional Threat:
The word "intentional" means "planned or with purpose". The authorized user may delete sensitive data intentionally.
The user may be an angry employee of an organization or any other unauthorized person.

1-User Rights: The user must be assigned proper rights to minimize the intentional threats. Only the authorized users
have rights to access data may be allowed to delete or modify data after following a step-by-step process.
2-Password: A proper password protection should be used. A log file should also be maintained to keep track of all the
activities performed on the data/files.
3-Encryption: Some strong encryption algorithm should be used. Data encryption is a technique in which sensitive data
is encoded before its storage or transmission over a network.
4-Place Computer & Data in Locked Room:
Computers and all backing storage devices should be placed in locked rooms. Only authorized users should access these

Anti-Virus: The special programs that are used to detect and remove the viruses from the computer are called anti-
virus programs .Anti-virus programs can also prevent new viruses from getting to the computer. The most commonly
used antivirus programs are:
 Norton
 McAfee

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