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Narrator: In one of the colleges, there will be a standardized college entrance test
that will happen today. At 7:30 am, students arrive at the testing site.

(First to arrive kay si gogs - silent person with water)

(Jmari, ken, mae arrived)


Jmari: Guys this is it. We are going to do our best for our dreams.
Kensette: I'm so excited, but I'm also nervous.
Mae: Guys, the exam is about to start, we have to prepare.

Narrator: The entrance exam is supposed to begin at 8:00am. However, due to

unrevealed reason, students waited outside until 9:30am. Finally, after 2 hours, the
proctor arrived.


[Sulod si thea, maldita ang face with test papers (any paper)]

Althea: Students you can now enter the room.

(Students entered anxiously)

Narrator: Right after they entered the lecture hall, the examination started. During
the examination, students began to sweat. Not just because they are nervous, but
also due to the temperature inside the lecture hall.
5 seconds
Narrator: At about 10:30am, this happens.

(Cheering and shouting effect)

(Students reacted and out of focus)
Althea: Just keep working! You have only 5 minutes remaining to complete this
section of the test.

(Wala nag stop ang shouting and ang mga students is low-key complaining)

Narrator: Although the examination was scheduled to conclude at 11:45 am,

examinees were not excused from the testing area until close to 2:00pm.

Proctor: Okay, the examination is over, you can now leave the lecture hall.

(Prepare for the next scene)

Narrator: after the examination, Joshua, one of the examinees feels anxious
throughout the examination and is now convinced that he completely failed the
entrance examination that he took on Saturday. His parent is very concerned about
Joshua since he prepared so much for the examination, but due to the unfortunate
things happened during the examination, he loss his confidence to pass the exam. In
fact, his parent is furious about this, so she decided to file a complaint.

Ate: Good morning, Ma’am. How can I help you?

Ako: I just want to complain about what happened during the entrance examination
that was taken on Saturday by my Son.

Ate: Alright, Ma’am. May I know your name first, Ma’am.

Ako: I am kensette, the Mother of Joshua who is one of the high students who took
the entrance examination in this university. And I am very furious about what
happened during that examination.

Ate: Alright, Ma’am Kensette. Please calm down. I’m sorry for what happened and I
understand you.
Ako: No, let me explain first. This is very unusual. My son, Joshua, has maintained
solid grades throughout high school and he devoted three months preparation for
this college examination. Nevertheless, he was convinced that he completely failed
the test which is very unusual.

Joshua, can you please explain and describe what happened during the

Ate: go ahead (tango tango)

Joshua: During the examination, we waited outside the lecture hall for two hours.
Upon entering, the lecture hall was too hot and too noisy. For these reasons, my
anxiety was triggered and I wasn’t able to focus the examination.

Ate: Alright. To whom would you want to file a complain?

Ako: i want to file a complain on how the school administration and proctors
mismanaged in conducting the standardized test.

Ate: Okay, I understand your situation and we will look unto that. Due to this
unfortunate issue about the examination, we will reach out out the said school
administration and resolve this problem immediately.
Ate: Okay, I understand your situation and we will look unto that. Due to unfortunate
issues about the examination, we'll reach out the said school administration and
resolve the problem.

Parent: Thank you.

(Insert gayle script)

(Insert jmari script

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