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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp-2019-ABN-2.35 on 14 November 2019. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.

com/ on November 19, 2019 at Karolinska BIBSAM


001 RISPERIDONE INDUCED SEIZURES AFTER CESSATION OF is paramount. Information leaflets including drug side effects
CLOZAPINE and teratogenicity, as well as weight loss advice, should be
Muhammad-Kazim Kanani. Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust
given at diagnosis. BMI should be recorded at each

Introduction Antipsychotic drugs are known to reduce the

seizure threshold. clozapine, a second-generation antipsychotic 003 DIAGNOSTIC WORKUP IN SUSPECTED VIRAL
is most associated with causing convulsions. ENCEPHALITIS-A SINGLE CENTRE AUDIT
Case report A 70-year old gentleman with a diagnosis of Para- Faizan Aslam, Helee Patel, Pablo Garcia-Reitboeck. St George’s University Hospital
noid Schizophrenia had been stable on a daily dose of cloza-
pine 150 mg. The patient wished to stop clozapine for a 10.1136/jnnp-2019-ABN-2.37
number of reasons. His clozapine was stopped and he was
titrated on to risperidone 3 mg daily. Two weeks after being The British Infection Society and Association of British Neu-
on risperidone monotherapy the patient attended the emer- rologists published joint guidelines in 2012 for the manage-
gency department following a fall. Within the department he ment of encephalitis. We wanted to audit our practice. We
had two witnessed seizures. Following normal investigations a analysed data from discharge summaries of 150 patients
diagnosis of risperidone induced seizures was made and the admitted to St George’s Hospital who underwent a lumbar
medication stopped. puncture (LP) between March-December 2017. We identified
Discussion The incidence of seizures in non-epileptic patients 30 patients with suspected encephalitis. Time to LP was 30.47
attributed to the use of risperidone has been reported as ± 6.98 hours. Opening pressure was documented in 14/30
0.3%. The mechanism is unclear but it is interesting to note (46.6%) whereas paired serum glucose was sent in 6/30(20%)
that a moderate risk of EEG abnormalities has been associated cases. Neuroimaging was performed prior to lumbar puncture
with it. Other risk factors such as old age and hypertension with a mean time of 7.68 ± 3.93 hours in 26/30 (86.6%)
can also influence EEG changes. In contrast seizures with clo- cases, 16 (61.5%) of whom had a clear indication with focal

Consortia. Protected by copyright.

zapine are dose-dependent (5% at doses above 600 mg/day) neurological signs and/or low Glasgow coma score (GCS) (no
and associated with rapid titration. These effects are consistent documentation of ophthalmoscopy was found). Time to acy-
with the process of kindling. clovir administration was 10.43 ± 4.01 hours. Repeat LP after
Conclusion A reminder that all antipsychotics can cause seiz- 24 hours was performed in 3/30(10%) cases. Viral PCR was
ures. Clozapine is most commonly associated but has specific performed in 27/30(90%) cases; 3/30(10%) cases were HSV-1
risk factors. Consideration of patient specific pro-convulsive positive. MRI scan done in 12/30(40%) cases.
factors is required before prescribing antipsychotics. We recommend a clear protocol for clinicians to improve
timeliness and completeness of the workup of suspected viral
Matthew McWilliam, Rebecca Broad, Oliver Cousins, Lorena Flores,
Sreedharan Harikrishnan. East Kent Foundation Trust REFERRALS
Josephine Robertson, Elizabeth Gray, Alexander Thompson, Emily Feneberg, Kevin Talbot,
10.1136/jnnp-2019-ABN-2.36 Martin Turner. Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford

The annual incidence of idiopathic intracranial hypertension
(IIH) has increased from 1.0 per 100000 (1990–2001) to 2.4
per 100000 (2002–2014). Strong correlation exists with rising Increased serum neurofilament is associated with CNS axonal
levels of obesity. We conducted an audit within East Kent loss from a range of causes. We assessed its potential as a
Hospitals NHS Trust utilising the 2018 ABN guidelines. A ret- minimally-invasive indicator of active CNS pathology in those
rospective analysis was performed on 33 patients diagnosed with neurological symptoms.
with IIH, from September 2017 to September 2018. GP referrals to the Neurology Rapid Access Clinic (RAC)
The results demonstrated that all patients had CSF opening at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford were approached to
pressure recorded. However, only 42% had MRI brain and take part. Informed consent was taken under a local Research
24% had MR-venogram within 24 hours, while just 27% Ethics Committee-approved protocol. Serum was taken prior
completed all neuroimaging within 48 hours. Formal visual to clinical assessment and tested for phosphorylated neurofila-
field testing at identification of papilloedema was performed ment heavy chain (pNFH) using a commercial ELISA (Euroim-
in 27% and ongoing ophthalmology assessment was arranged mun, Germany). Participants were followed up for final
in 82%. BMI was recorded in only 3% and weight manage- diagnosis.
ment discussion was recorded in 27%. Headache management The 62 participants had a range of symptoms, with final
was initiated in 91%. Discussion regarding drug side effects diagnoses including migraine, functional, neurodegenerative
(e.g. Acetazolamide and Topiramate) were documented in just and inflammatory conditions. Receiver Operating Curve analy-
15% and teratogenicity in 3%. sis defined cut-off levels based on serum pNfH levels in
These findings demonstrate clear areas for improvement. healthy controls and patients with motor neurone disease
Working alongside acute physicians and ophthalmologists to measured as part of an independent local biomarker study.
formalise neuroimaging pathways and visual field assessments pNFH levels in the ‘pathological’ range were associated with

e8 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2019;90(12):e1–e65

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