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2. Alters
3. Contour
4. Texture and colour
5. scale
6. tint
7. altered
8. primary
9. stippling
10. pictograph


Five parts of chiaroscuro: paint, texture, lines, vanishing points, and meaning behind it.


Self portrait:

Self portrait is a picture or a drawing of yourself being the artists that is drawn and or painted by
yourself. Self meaning you portrait being a picture or drawing. Artists create self portraits so people can
express themselves through art so people can see the real them. They also make them so hopefully their
picture/self portrait ill become famous and get passed down in history.


I would say it depends on what you mean by time because that is a very broad category however it
could effect the meaning of the work because depending on when or where in time you are basing your
artwork off of if I were to use material from now on a painting of something in the 50’s it would have
less meaning rather than if I used material from the 50’s to make that piece of art.


Reaction: my first impression of this artwork is that it is a very bright and vibrant oil painting. My
emotions toward this painting are that this is an incredibly happy piece of art. What puzzles me is where
does this painting take place is this an actual piece of land somewhere? This peace of art reminds me of
when flowers first start to bloom in a new garden.

Analysis and interpretation: the element of this design I would say are its colour and how well it has
blended in its vanishing points. The message coming across it is a very calm one but vibrant at the same
time with all the red in it. The vocal point is really all over the place and it is hard to tell because of how
blurry the picture of the painting is but I would say it is in the middle of the art piece.

Expression: the flowers work well in the picture. Another element in the picture are the people in the
background they are the cherry on top and finish the picture. I think the flowers colour should be less
vibrant and look more like poppies for instance they have no black in the middle of them. My reaction
has changed a bit over time from looking at this art piece it also reminds me of a calm soothing farm and
of Flanders field from the poem.

Ongoing reflection: this work makes me want to investigate farther into the artists background and see
how he lived some of his other photos and see what really inspired him. This has inspired me to want to
dig deeper in=not some well known artists. The lasting impression I would say I am left with is explore
some history on artists because you never know what you are going to find.

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