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Angeles, Clowie Ann S. Sagon,Rhean Nicole T.

Gomez,Trish Dylan M.


In June 2018, The goal of the study on making chalk from seashells was to create
high-quality,dust-free, and durable chalk that could be compared to other
commercially available chalks, if any were available. The chalk made from seashells
can be formed into various sizes and according to your preferences, and it can be
utilized in local or distant educational settings as well as at home. I recycled the
seashells and turned them into a practical item that will be used in our growing
community. Other than that, Shells are stronger because they have trapped proteins
inside, and scientists had thought that these proteins were trapped like flies in
amber. It Turns out it’s way more organized than that. Seashell, hard exoskeleton of
marine mollusks such as snails, bivalves, and chitons that serves to protect and
support their bodies. It is composed largely of calcium carbonate secreted by the
mantle, a skin like tissue in the mollusk’s body wall.Seashells may be univalved (as
in snails) or bivalved (as in clams), or they may be composed of a series of plates
(as in chitons). etc. According to (kumar et al., 2019), Proceedings of the 19th
annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, 379-387,
1992.(Uchechi G Eziefula et al., 2018), Trends in concrete technology are currently
directed towards sourcing alternative sustainable materials for concrete in order to
minimize over-reliance on natural resources. Many of the substitute materials used
for producing green concrete are recycled materials obtained from industrial wastes
and by-products. A promising solution to the challenge of seashell waste
management involves utilizing seashells as construction materials in concrete. (DJ
Allen et al. 1995), The purpose of this report is to provide a review of the
hydrogeological literature concerning the hydraulically significant fractures in the
Chalk aquifer in England. The review discusses only the effect of the fractures on
the permeability of the aquifer; it does not address the question of storage, nor the
properties of the matrix. To conserve money and learn about
various experiment methods, it was chosen to conduct this investigation as a
research project. Our study's objective is to advocate the use of chalk in our
school since it is essential for both students and teachers to properly
comprehend the information being taught. The product is chalk, which is used as
a filler in the creation of paints and emulsions. In the paper industry, chalk is a
mineral that is frequently used as a source of calcium carbonate.
Statement of the Problem

In this study aims to make chalks out of seashells. Especially, this study seek to
answer the questions
.● What will be the ratio of the seashells in order to produce the most color pay-
● What are the possible effects of using seashells as chalk?
● Will the seachalk be more effective than the commercial chalk?
● How many seachalk can be produced, and how legible are they?

● The consistent use of seashells to make up a chalk is a more significant
difference in using seashells to save money or either lessen your
● This is more effective due to expenditures of individuals, it enables others
to use chalk without having to spend money on purchasing it. To conclude,
it is more preferable for children to use because it is non-toxic.
● This variable shows that there is no relationship and association between
the topic because making chalk made out of seashells won’t be a good
substitute to commercial chalks. Other researchers think that it is not
effective. Seashells stored at home are auspicious. Shells stand for wealth,
harmony in relationships, and open communication.a result of the calcium
carbonate and calcium sulfate in the chalk dust include irritation of the
eyes, skin.
Scope and Limitations
The primary objective of this initiative is the crafting of chalk benefits to those
who will use this product. In order to get the amount information compares it's
required to contrast the product. The researcher aims to determine the
effectiveness and effectivity/focus of this study. Researcherswill focus and study
how it works and how effective it is in the world. Based On their needs. The
information and conclusion gathered. From this research one is limited only to a
certain number of students.Kinds of seashells that can be used to create
chalk.Eggshells,seashells,snail shells - actually share a close relationship thanks
to calcium. Eggshells, seashells, and snail shells are primarily composed of
calcium carbonate, or chalk, to a degree of 95% .Despite there being proof
that waste products like seashells might be able to be recycled has been
discovered through earlier study. There has to be greater research into
renewable products.

Significance of the Study

This study provides us with a new opportunity to create chalks made out of
seashells that are more long-lasting/ useful for our study while also saving
expenses or money. Additionally, Some raw materials that we previously deemed
useless can be refined and made into something far more useful.Due to their
numerous uses, Seashells are essential elements of marine life. According to
(Uchechi G Eziefula et al., 2018). Hermit crabs' comfortable bodies loop around
the inside of spiral-shaped seashells,Making them perhaps the most evident
natural uses for shells. The purpose of this research study is to educate the
students and to understand the importance of saving and maintaining continuous
knowledge in experimenting different things. While playing with sidewalk chalk,
kids develop color recognition, sorting and matching skills (Sharmaa et al.,2021),
We also aim to create a product that is safe for kids, as opposed to regular chalk,
which is composed of toxic/chemical materials . The desire to be able to gather
seashells in the sea and lessen the amount of trash and seashells in the sea was
another reason we came up with this subject.will also benefit the community in
terms of the circumstances in our nation.

Research Design

The research design used in this study is experimental research. Since the
researchers are trying to make seashells chalk. This definition was chosen for
the independent variable because it is an essential element of the
experiment,comprising both the number of seashells that will be used to build
chalk and the total amount that they will own, as well as the maximum number of
chalks that can be made. While the dependent variables will be examined, or
tested on how to determine the effectiveness of the precise amount that will be
generated, how much seashell can be used to manufacture chalk and how it will
aid us particularly on the specific occasion. To qualify how many seashells
should be collected to understand the production of chalk and ensure that it is not
contaminated with harmful materials. Making a seashell requires 5


Collecting seashells and creating brilliant chalkboards with chalk writing,etc. is

the main goal. We anticipate 50% clarity of chalk, 50% length of chalk, and 50%
success in discovering what chalk will work and whatchalk will stay longer
through experimentation. It will facilitate the gathering of seashells and provide
information for this investigation.This will control the chalks durability,quality, and
effectiveness. The Material with the chalks will be checked if this study is
effective while monitored by us. And after 20 hours the researchers will study
howchalks will impact to each other.

Materials, Laboratory Techniques and Procedures

● 5 kilograms of seashells
● Colorant
● Liquid Soap/bleach
● Container
● Towel
● Blender ● Molder ● Big Bowl/Timba ● Measuring Cup
5 tubs of seashells were gathered from a residential area in San Rafael 3,
Noveleta Cavite. The seashells must be scrapped in the first phase to make it
smooth so that the resulting chalk will be even smoother. Add no more than half
of the bucket's worth of water to remove the stuck sand and others from the
seashell and combine 2 scoops of dishwashing soap with more than half a
bucket of water. It is preferable if the chalk can be kept non-toxic, so place 1 cup
of soap in a bucket with 1.5 liters of warm water before soaking in any other soap
but we prefer to use bleach to clean, even if it has been rinsed in the first
procedure. After washing the seashells, they must be dried after being rinsed in
water to keep them from becoming moist and making them suitable for making
the chalk. In this instance, a powdered seashell is being used. Put the speed of
the blender on NUMBER 2 if you are unable to ground the seashells. This will
prevent the blender from over-working the seashells hardness. Allow to pulverize
for 5 -10 minutes. You can set the seashells for 2-3 hours to cool down. And then
form the appropriate shape of your chalk after blending or mixing it, till it is pure
or powdered. Lastly, If you’d want colored chalk instead of white. You can add a
few drops of food color/colorant in a variety of hues to the chalk. Put coloring on
the chalk if you prefer color, 2 to 3 drops of different colors of food coloring.

Definitions of Terms

Bivalve - an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a

hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
Chiton - a marine mollusk that has an oval flattened body with a shell of
overlapping plates.
Pulverization - the oyster shells were reduced by crashing it usinghammer,
mortar and pestle to very small particles.
Phylum Mollusca- It includes snails,slugs, and other gastropods.
Calcite -The most stable solid substance that can exist in more than one form of
calcium carbonate is calcite, a carbonate substance.
Pores – A very small opening in the eggshell.
Constituent- A thing utilized when working on projects, recipes, and research.

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