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Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.

Adherence to the enemy by giving them aid or comfort.

⎯ “adherence to the enemy” means “intent to betray”.
Title 1: Crimes against National Security and Law of the Nations
⎯ There is “adherence to the enemy” when a citizen intellectually or
emotionally favors the enemy and harbors sympathies or
Chapter 1: Crimes against National Security
convictions disloyal to his country’s policy or interest. However,
Principle of extra territoriality applies (Art. 2, RPC). emotional or intellectual attachment or sympathy to the enemy
(e.g. befriending the enemy or believing in the invincibility od the
- applicable in all cases mentioned in Title 1 because all these crimes enemy), without giving the enemy aid or comfort, is not treason.
pertain to cases that involve crimes against national security. ⎯ Ex. Giving them food, medical assistance or providing
Art. 114 Treason ammunitions.
⎯ Giving sexual favors is not treason, but the mere fact that the
‒ breach of allegiance to a government and can only be committed by person is giving aid or comfort to the country through providing
a person who owes allegiance to it either perpetual or temporary. such tantamount to adherence.
‒ violation by a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the ⎯ Adherence may be proved;
supreme authority of the State. 1. By one witness;
‒ was amended by E.O. No. 44 2. From the nature of the act itself; or
‒ war crime, not an all-time offense. 3. From the circumstances surrounding the act.
‒ going against patriotism ⎯ Adherence need not to be proved by two witnesses.
Elements: Extent of aid or comfort
a. that the offender is a Filipino citizen or an alien residing in the
Philippines; GR: The extent of aid and comfort given to the enemies must be to
b. that there is war in which the Philippines is involved; render assistance to them as enemies and not merely as individuals
c. that the offender is either; and, in addition, be directly in furtherance of the enemies’ hostile
● levies war against the government; or designs.
● adheres to the enemies, giving them aid or comfort. - The aid or comfort;
a. must be given to the enemy by some kind of action;
Levies war against the government b. must be a deed or physical activity, not merely a mental
⎯ that there must be actual assembling of men for the purpose operation; and
of executing a treasonable design by force. c. must be an act that has passed from the realm of thought into
⎯ The mere act of coming together does not mean levying war, the realm of action.
it must show a treasonable act – there must be an overt act. - The overt act of aid or comfort must be intentional, as distinguished
Not just mens rea, but there must be actus reus as well from merely negligent or undersigned ones.
⎯ If merely a civil uprising, without any intention of helping an
external enemy, the crime is not treason. Allegiance

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

⎯ is meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience which the On Criminal Liability
individuals owe to the government under which they live or to
Not all aggravating circumstances are present in the time of treason.
their sovereign, in return for the protection they receive.
⎯ is either; Aggravating circumstances that cannot be included, because it is already
a. permanent/absolute/complete – obligation of fidelity and inherent);
obedience which a citizen or subject owes to his
government or sovereign ● Abuse of Superior Strength
b. temporary – obligation of fidelity and obedience which a ● Evident premeditation
resident alien owes to our government by reason of his or ● Treachery
her residing in the Philippines. Aggravating circumstance/s that can be included;
The act committed need not actually strengthen the enemy. ⎯ Cruelty (PP v. Adlawan) – physical suffering
It is not essential that the effort to aid be successful, provided overt acts ⎯ Ignominy– moral suffering
are done which if successful would advance to the interest of the enemy. Art. 115 Conspiracy and Proposal to Commit Treason
It is not the degree of success, but rather the aim for which the act was GR: Conspiracy and proposal to commit a felony is not punishable
perpetrated, that determines the commission of treason. (Art. 8), under Art. 115, the mere conspiracy to commit treason is a
Two-witness rule felony.

- Severely restrictive Conspiracy to commit treason

- Each of the witnesses must testify to the whole overt act; or if it is Elements:
separable, there must be two witnesses to each part of the overt act.
The defendant should be acquitted if only one of the two witnesses is 1. In time of war;
believed by the court. It is sufficient that the witnesses are uniform in 2. Two or more persons come to an agreement to -
their testimony on the overt act; it is not necessary that there be a. levy war against the government, or
corroboration between them on the point they testified. b. adheres to the enemies and to give them aid or comfort;
3. They decide to commit it.
- Two-witness rule is not applicable in proving crimes other than
treason such as conspiracy or proposal to commit treason,misprision Proposal to commit treason
of treason or conspiracy to commit rebellion. (2018 Bar Exam) Elements:
How to prove that the offender is a Filipino Citizen: 1. In time of war;
a. prison record which sets out his personal circumstances 2. A person who has decided to levy war against the government, or
b. testimony of witnesses who know him to have been born in the to adhere to the enemies and to give them aid or comfort
Philippines of Filipino parents. 3. Proposes its execution to some other person or persons.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

- conspiracy could be a crime itself. 3. That he conceals or does not disclose and make known the same
- the time you agreed to commit treason, it is already a conspiracy. as soon as possible to the governor or fiscal of the province or
- They proposed and decided to commit treason. There is no overt act. the mayor or fiscal of the city in which he resides.
- Mere act of planning and conspiring is a crime itself.
- Offender is punished as an accessory to the crime of treason, but is
E.g. Group of armed men seized a southern island of the Philippines and
punished as a principal in the crime of misprision of treason.
declared war against the government. X, a Filipino, and Y, a citizen of
- Resident alien could be liable to misprision of treason because he
Rwanda, agreed to help the armed men by raising funds in support of
has temporary allegiance.
their armed struggle. X and Y are not liable for conspiracy to commit
- What is being punished, is non-disclosure of information about the
treason for the following reasons:
knowledge of conspiracy to commit treason.
1. The armed men, who seized a southern island of the Philippines, - You cannot commit misprision of treason without conspiracy to
are liable for rebellion by rising publicly and taking up arms to treason.
remove a southern island of the Philippines from the allegiance to - could either be a war crime or not.
Republic of the Philippines and its laws. (see: Lagman - Two witness rule does not apply to misprision of treason.
v.Medialdea, G.R. No. 231658, July 4, 2017) Thus,agreeing and
E.g. While the Philippines is in a state of war against China, “A,”a Filipino
deciding to help the rebels by raising funds constitutes conspiracy
citizen, obtained knowledge of a correspondence between“B,”a Chinese
to commit rebellion, and not conspiracy to commit treason.
General, and “C,” an Italian citizen, who is a resident of the Philippines,
2. Treason and conspiracy to commit treason are war crimes. They
where the latter agreed to provide vital information on the military
cannot be committed in times of peace. The war contemplated in
defense of the Philippines to the Chinese government. However,“A” did
treason and conspiracy to commit treason pertains to armed
not immediately report the matter to the proper authorities.
disputes between the Philippines and a foreign state, and not a
mere civil war. Since the Philippines is not at war with a foreign “C” for being a resident alien can commit treason. Providing military
state, X and Y cannot be held liable for conspiracy to commit information to the war enemy of the Philippines is treason by giving aid
treason. and comfort. However, “C” did not commit an overt act of treason. His
3. Y, for not being a Filipino citizen or a resident alien,cannot commit intention to commit treason is not yet punishable.
treason; hence, Y cannot conspire with X in committing treason.
“B” cannot commit treason since he is a Chinese citizen, who is not
(2018 Bar Exam
residing in the Philippines. “B” for being a Chinese General owes
Art. 116. Misprision of Treason allegiance to China and not to the Philippines. Since “B”cannot commit
treason, he cannot conspire with “C” to commit treason. Hence, B and C
are not liable for conspiracy to commit treason.
1. The offender must be owing allegiance to the government, and
Since there is no conspiracy to commit treason, A cannot be held liable
not a foreigner.
for misprision of treason. Moreover, A's failure to report to the authorities
2. That he has knowledge of any conspiracy (to commit treason)
the intention of “C” to commit treason is not misprision of treason. (2010
against the government.
Bar Exam)

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

Art. 117 - Espionage - The offender is any person, whether a citizen or a foreigner, a private
individual or a public officer.
Two ways of committing espionage;
- When the offender is a public officer or employee, the penalty next
1. By entering without authority therefore, a warship, fort or naval or higher in degree shall be imposed.
military establishment or reservation to obtain any information,
Treason v. Espionage
plans, photographs or other data of a confidential nature relative
to the defense of the Philippines. - Treason is a war crime, but espionage could be commit in time of
Elements: - Treason could be committed either by Filipino citizen or resident,
a. That the offender enters any of the places mentioned while Espionage could be committed by anyone (public officer or
(warship, fort or naval or military establishment). employee or any private individual).
b. That he has no authority therefor; and
Art. 118 – Inciting to war or giving motives for reprisals
c. That his purpose is to obtain information, plans, photographs
or other data of a confidential nature relative to the defense of Elements:
the Philippines.
1. That the offender performs unlawful or unauthorized acts
2. By disclosing to the representative of a foreign nation the 2. That such acts provoke or give occasion for a war involving or
contents of the articles, data or information referred to in liable to involve the Philippines or expose Filipino citizens to
paragraph No. 1 of Art. 117, which he had in his possession by reprisals on their persons or property
reason of the public office he holds.
‒ Crime is committed in time of peace; intent is immaterial.
Elements: ‒ Inciting to war – offender is any person
a. That the offender is a public officer. ‒ Reprisals is not limited to military action, it could be economic
b. That he has in his possession the articles, data or information reprisals, or denial of entry into their country. Example. X burns
referred to in paragraph no. 1 of Article 117, by reason of the Chinese flag. If China bans the entry of Filipinos into China, that is
public office he holds. already reprisal.
c. That he discloses their content to a representative of a foreign ‒ Penalty is higher when the offender is a public officer or employee.
nation. Art. 119. Violation of Neutrality

- Obtaining information is not necessary, but the mere purpose of - War crime
obtaining any information when he entered those places mention in Elements:
Art. 117 (1) is already an espionage.
- Public officer – disclosing information to a representative of a foreign 1. That there is war in which the Philippines is not involved;
country. 2. That there is a regulation issued by competent authority for the
purpose of enforcing neutrality; and

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

3. That the offender violates such regulation. ‒ If ciphers were used, no need for prohibition
‒ If ciphers were not used, there is a need for prohibition
‒ Government must have declared the neutrality of the Phil in a war ‒ In any case, it must be correspondence with the enemy country
between 2 other countries. ‒ Doesn’t matter if correspondence contains innocent matters – if
‒ It is neutrality of the Phil that is violated prohibited, punishable
⮚ Neutrality – nation or power which takes no part in a contest of
Art. 121. Flight to Enemy’s Country
arms going on between others.
‒ Congress has the right to declare neutrality. Elements:
Art. 120. Correspondence with hostile country 1. That there is a war in which the Philippines is involved
2. That the offender (Filipino or resident alien) must be owing
allegiance to the government
1. That it is in time of war in which the Philippines is involved 3. That the offender attempts to flee or go to enemy country
2. That the offender makes correspondence with an enemy country 4. That going to enemy country is prohibited by competent authority
or territory occupied by enemy troops
3. That the correspondence is either – ‒ Mere attempt consummates the crime
i. prohibited by the government, or ‒ There must be a prohibition. If none, even if went to enemy country –
ii. carried on in ciphers or conventional signs, or no violation. Hence, this provision must be implemented by the
iii. containing notice or information which might be useful to the Government.
enemy. ‒ Alien resident may be guilty here.

Section Three. Piracy and Mutiny on the High Seas or in Philippine

‒ Circumstances qualifying the offense:
a. notice or information might be useful to the enemy
b. offender intended to aid the enemy Art. 122 – Piracy in general and mutiny on the high seas or in
Philippine waters
If the offender intended to aid the enemy by giving such notice or
information, the crime amounts to treason; hence, the penalty is the ‒ High seas: any waters on the sea coast which are without the
same as that for treason. boundaries of the low water mark although such waters may be in
the jurisdictional limits of a foreign gov’t
‒ Hostile country exist only during hostilities or after the declaration of
‒ Piracy in high seas – jurisdiction is with any court where offenders
are found or arrested
‒ Correspondence to enemy country – correspondence to officials of
‒ Piracy in internal waters – jurisdiction is only with Philippine
enemy country – even if related to you.
⮚ Correspondence – communication by means of letters; or it may
‒ For the purpose of Anti-Fencing Law, piracy is part of robbery and
refer to the letters which pass between those who have friendly or
business relations.
‒ It is not correspondence with private individual in enemy country
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

Two ways of committing Piracy; - Any person, who knowingly and in any manner aids or protects
pirates,or who directly or indirectly abets the commission of
a. By attacking or seizing a vessel on the high seas or in Philippine
piracy, shall be considered as an accomplice of the principal
waters; and
offenders, and thus,the penalty prescribed by P.D. No. 532 for
Elements: piracy shall be graduated one degree lower.
- Aiding or protecting pirates includes giving them information
1. That a vessel is on the high seas/Philippine waters about the movement of police or other peace officers of the
2. That the offender is any person; and government,or acquiring or receiving property taken by pirates or
3. That the offender shall attack or seize that vessel. in any manner derives any benefit therefrom.

b. By seizing in the vessel while on the high seas or in Philippine Piracy under the RPC v. Piracy under P.D. No.532:
waters the whole or part of its cargo, its equipment or personal
Similarities and differences between piracy under the Revised Penal
belongings of its complement or passengers.
Code, and piracy under P.D.No.532 are as follows:

Elements: 1. Criminal Act – The criminal act in both piracy under the Revised Penal
1. That a vessel is on the high seas/Philippine waters Code and piracy under P.D. No. 532 is attacking upon or seizing a
2. That the offenders are not members of its complement or vessel, or taking away or seizing the vessel,or other properties with intent
passengers of the vessel to gain.
3. That the offender seizes the the whole or part of the cargo
2. Mode of Commission — In piracy under P.D.No.532, the seizure or
of said vessel, its equipment or personal belongings of its
taking must be committed by means of violence or intimidation against
complement or passengers.
person, or force upon things (such as destroying the door of a vessel's
P.D. NO. 532 room). On the other hand, the Revised Penal Code has not mentioned
“by means of violence or intimidation against person or force upon
Piracy under Section 2 of P.D. No. 532 is committed by any person
things”as an element of or as a mode of committing piracy.
including a passenger or member of the complement of said vessel, who
attacks upon or seizes a vessel, or takes away the whole or part of the In 2006 Bar Exam, the offenders, who are from a vessel, took properties
vessel or its cargo, equipment, or the personal belongings of its from another vessel while the crew were sleeping.There is no violence or
complement or passengers by means of violence against or intimidation intimidation against person or force upon things. The panel organized by
of person, or force upon things in Philippine waters. The offenders shall UP LawCenter suggested that the crime is piracy under the Revised
be considered as pirates. Penal Code.

Qualified piracy under Section 3 of P.D. No. 532 is committed when Piracy under P.D. No. 532 is similar to robbery while piracy under the
the seizure of vessel is accomplished by firing upon or boarding a vessel; Revised Penal Code is similar to theft or robbery.
or when the pirates abandoned the victims without means of saving
3. Offender — Under the Revised Penal Code, a pirate is any person,
themselves; or if rape, murder or homicide, physical injuries or other
who is not a member of complement of a vessel nor a passenger thereof.
crimes are committed as a result or on the occasion of piracy. (Section 3)
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

In sum, a pirate must be an outsider. Under P.D. No. 532, a pirate is any
person including a passenger or member of the complement of the
vessel. Thus, a pirate can be an outsider or insider.

4. Vessel – A ship or vessel constituting the dwelling of one or more

persons is not a vessel within the meaning of P.D. No. 532.

The Revised Penal Code provides no definition of a vessel for purposes

of piracy. Hence, vessel for purposes of piracy under the Code is
generic, and it is not confined to passenger, cargo or fishing vessel.
However, under Article 301 of the Revised Penal Code,for purposes of
robbery by using force upon things, a ship or vessel constituting the
dwelling of one or more persons is considered as an inhabited house.

If the accused used force upon thing (e.g., breaking the window) to enter
into a residential vessel, and thereafter, took personal properties therein,
the crime committed is piracy under the Code if the accused is an
outsider, or robbery by using force upon thing if he is an insider. Article 123 - Qualified Piracy – The penalty of reclusion perpetua to
Accused is not liable for piracy under P.D.No.532 since the crime is not death shall be imposed upon those who commit any of the crimes
committed in a passenger, cargo or fishing vessel. referred to in the preceding article, under any of the following
5. Place of Commission — In piracy under P.D. No. 532, the vessel
where the crime is committed must be in Philippine waters and the 1. Whenever they have seized a vessel by boarding or firing
12-mile territorial water such as Manila Bay. (1970 Bar Exam) Beyond upon the same;
this point are high seas for purposes of piracy.
2. Whenever the pirates have abandoned their victims without
RPC - Philippine waters and High Seas means of saving themselves; or

3. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder, homicide,

physical injuries or rape.

The differences between piracy and mutiny are as follows:

(1) in piracy, the criminal act is taking or seizing property with intent
to gain; in mutiny, the criminal act is resisting the authorities in the
(2) the concept of piracy is similar to robbery or theft where intent to
gain is an element; the concept of mutiny is similar to coercion
where intent to gain is not an element; and
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

(3) in piracy under the Revised Penal Code, the pirate must not be a 1. by detaining a person without any legal cause or ground therefor
passenger or member of the complement of the vessel; however, purposely to restrain his liberty
in piracy under P.D. No. 532, the pirate is any person; in mutiny, 2. by delaying delivery to the proper judicial authority of a person
the mutineer must be a passenger or a member of the lawfully arrested without a warrant; and
complement of the vessel. (1968 Bar Exam) 3. by delaying release of a prisoner.


There are two kinds of hijacking, to wit: hijacking involving Philippine When is there a valid detention?
aircraft and hijacking involving foreign aircraft.
1. The accused committed a crime
Philippine Aircraft 2. A person suffering violent insanity or any other ailment requiring
compulsory confinement (e.g. COVID-19).
Hijacking is committed by a person, who compels a change in the course
or destination of an aircraft of Philippine registry, or seizes or usurps the ARTICLE 125. Delay in the Delivery of Detained Persons to the
control thereof, while it is in flight. (2013 Bar Exam) Proper Judicial Authorities

- An aircraft is in flight from the moment all its external doors are ELEMENTS:
closed following embarkation until any of such doors is opened
1. That the offender is a public officer or employee
for disembarkation. (Section 1 of R.A. No. 6235)
2. That he has detained a person for some legal grounds
- The concept of hijacking is similar to that of coercion or mutiny
3. That he fails to deliver such person to the proper judicial authority
and not of robbery, theft or piracy. Intent to gain is not an element
of hijacking
a. 12 hours, if detained for crimes/offenses punishable by
Title 2: Crimes against the Fundamental Laws of the State light penalties, or their equivalent
b. 18 hours, for crimes/offenses punishable by correctional
penalties, or their equivalent or
ARTICLE 124. Arbitrary Detention
c. 36 hours, for crimes/offenses punishable by capital
ELEMENTS: punishment or afflictive penalties, or their equivalent
- The detention in the beginning is legal → it becomes illegal if not
1. That the offender is a public officer or employee (whose official delivered to the proper judicial authorities.
duties include the authority to make an arrest and detain persons; - Delivery - filing of a necessary complaint.
jurisdiction to maintain peace and order). - Note: 12, 18, 36 - starts the moment the person is in custody of
2. That he detains a person (actual restraint). the law; the liability will lapsed. It will stop once the complaint is
3. That the detention was without legal grounds (cannot be submitted. It will lapse with or without a warrant.
committed if with warrant). - BUT, this can be waived. The accused may ask for a prelimary
There are three ways of committing arbitrary detention: investigation and the waiver must be in:
a. In writing;
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

b. With consent 1. That the offender is a public officer or employee

c. With the assistance of a counsel. 2. That he expels any person from the Philippines, or compels a
NOTE: This is NOT applicable for light felonies as it does not person to change his residence
require a preliminary investigation. 3. That the offender is not authorized to do so by law

2 acts punishable:
ARTICLE 126. Delaying Release
1. by expelling a person from the Philippines
2. by compelling a person to change his residence
1. That the offender is a public officer or employee
ARTICLE 128. Violation of Domicile
2. That there is a judicial or executive order for the release of a
prisoner or detention prisoner, or that there is a proceeding upon ELEMENTS:
a petition for the liberation of such person
3. That the offender without good reason delays: 1. That the offender is a public officer or employee
a. the service of the notice of such order to the prisoner, or 2. That he is not authorized by judicial order to enter the dwelling
b. the performance of such judicial or executive order for the and/or to make a search therein for papers or other effects
release of the prisoner, or 3. That he commits any of the following acts:
c. the proceedings upon a petition for the release of such a. entering any dwelling against the will of the owner thereof
person b. searching papers or other effects found therein without the
previous consent of such owner
Who is usually liable for this offense? c. refusing to leave the premises, after having surreptitiously
- It is the public officers who are in charge of detaining a person. entered said dwelling and after having been required to
leave the same
The offenders are liable for 2 acts:
1. Process server (in courts) What if the criminal is inside the domicile?
2. Detainer - wardens and jailers - Then the officer may be exempt through the justifying
circumstance of fulfillment of duty.
Art. 124-126 are similar and are only different on the way of detaining.
Unlawful entry
E.g. Public officer detained Sir for 30 mins. Is the officer liable? - Any act of unlawful entry is a violation of domicile.
- Yes, he is liable for arbitrary detention. The amount of time of
detention was immaterial. There was no legal ground for the Is there a violation of domicile if it is not the owner who stopped the
detention. offender from entering?
- Yes. It is not only the owner but also its inhabitants who may stop
someone from entering the dwelling.
ARTICLE 127. Expulsion
What may be the defense of the offender for violation of domicile?
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

- That the owner has given his consent. However, this is only a - If you search a place not indicated in the warrant, that exceeds
defense on the first form. He may still be liable for the violation in your authority, thus making you liable.
the second and third form. - The silence of the owner does not equate to consent.

NOTE: This crime extends to violation of search warrants. The search

ARTICLE 130. Searching Domicile Without Witnesses
warrant must specifically describe the place to be searched, things to be
seized. It can be quashed if it is incomplete. ELEMENTS:

Art. 128 is thus connected with Art. 129. 1. That the offender is a public officer or employee

2. That he is armed with a search warrant legally procured

ARTICLE 129. Search Warrants Maliciously Obtained and Abuse in
the Service of Those Legally Obtained 3. That he searches the domicile, papers or other belongings of any
2 punishable acts:
4. That the owner, or any member of his family, or two witnesses
1. Search warrants maliciously obtained. residing in the same locality are not present
ELEMENTS: - Order of those who must witness the search:
1. That the offender is a public officer or employee - Validity of the search warrant can be questioned only in 2 courts:
2. That he procures a search warrant where issued or where the case is pending. Latter is preferred for
3. That there is no just cause objective determination of:
1. Homeowner
2. Abuse in the service of warrant or exceeding authority or using
unnecessary severity in executing a search warrant legally procured. 2. Members of the family of sufficient age and discretion

ELEMENTS: 3. Responsible members of the community (can’t be influenced by

the searching party)
1. That the offender is a public officer or employee
2. That he has legally procured a search warrant ARTICLE 131. Prohibition, Interruption, and Dissolution of Peaceful
3. That he exceeds his authority or uses unnecessary severity in Meetings
executing the same ELEMENTS:

1. Offender is a public officer or employee

- If you use this illegal warrant and searched the place, you may be 2. He performs any of the ff. acts:
liable of both violation of domicile and search warrants a. prohibiting or interrupting, without legal ground the holding
maliciously obtained. of a peaceful meeting, or dissolving the same (e.g. denial
of permit in arbitrary manner).

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

b. hindering any person from joining any lawful association 3. That the offender prevents or disturbs the same
or from attending any of its meetings
ARTICLE 133. Offending the Religious Feelings
- prohibiting or hindering any person from addressing, either alone
or together with others, any petition to the authorities for the ELEMENTS:
correction of abuses or redress of grievances
- If the offender is a private individual, the crime is disturbance of 1. That the acts complained of were performed –
public order (Art 153) a. in a place devoted to religious feelings, or (for this
- Meeting must be peaceful and there is no legal ground for element, no need of religious ceremony, only the place is
prohibiting, dissolving or interrupting that meeting material)
- Meeting is subject to regulation b. during the celebration of any religious ceremony
- Offender must be a stranger, not a participant, in the peaceful 2. That the acts must be notoriously offensive to the feelings of the
meeting; otherwise, it’s unjust vexation faithful (deliberate intent to hurt the feelings)
- Interrupting and dissolving a meeting of the municipal council by 3. The offender is any person
a public officer is a crime against the legislative body, not 4. There is a deliberate intent to hurt the feelings of the faithful,
punishable under this article directed against religious tenet
- The person talking on a prohibited subject at a public meeting - Religious ceremonies – are those religious acts performed
contrary to agreement that no speaker should touch on politics outside of a church, such as procession and special prayers for
may be stopped burying dead persons.
- But stopping the speaker who was attacking certain churches in - EG: The Church of Christ held a meeting at a public place and
public meeting is a violation of this article the permit expressly states that the purpose was to hold a
- Prohibition must be without lawful cause or without lawful religious rally. This event or act was not a religious ceremony
authority. even if a minister is preaching because the rally was attended by
- Those holding peaceful meetings must comply with local persons who are not members of the sect.
ordinances. - “Acts notoriously offensive to the feelings of the faithful” - the acts
- Example: Ordinance requires permits for meetings in public must be directed against religious practice or dogma or ritual for
places. But if the police stop a meeting in a private place because the purpose of ridicule, as mocking or scoffing at or attempting to
there’s no permit, the officer is liable for stopping the meeting. damage an object of religious veneration.
- May be committed by a public officer or a private individual
- Offense of feeling is judged from the complainant's point of view.
ARTICLE 132. Interruption of Religious Worship
Title 3: Crimes against Public Order

1. That the officer is a public officer or employee - Politically motivated crimes of masses or multitudes
2. That religious ceremonies or manifestations of any religion are - Not subject to extraterritoriality
about to take place or are going on - Its application is local in nature

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

ARTICLE 134 - REBELLION OR INSURRECTION Note: The civil war in rebellion is not within the context of war under
international law, the condition of which is an indispensable element of
1. That there be a public uprising and taking up of arms against the
2.Treason includes giving aid and comfort in adherence to the enemy;
while giving aid and comfort in adherence to rebels is not rebellion unless
2. For the purpose of:
there is a conspiracy;
a. Removing from the allegiance to said Government or its
laws 3.In treason,intention of the offenders is to betray the government by
i. The territory of the Philippines. adherence to the enemy; while in rebellion the intention of the rebels is to
ii. Anybody of land, naval or other armed forces or remove the allegiance to the government and its laws from the territory of
the Philippines or part thereof or armed forces, or to deprive executive or
b. Depriving the Chief executive or Congress, wholly or
legislative power;
partially, of any of their powers or prerogatives.
4.Treason can only be committed by a Filipino citizen or resident alien
Rebellion and insurrection are not synonymous.
while rebellion can be committed by any person;
Rebellion – more frequently used where the object of the movement is
5. Treason is a war crime while rebellion can be committed in times of
completely to overthrow and supersede the existing government. It is a
war or peace;and
crime of the masses, of the multitude. It is a vast movement of men and
a complex network of intrigues and plots. 6. Treason is subject to the extraterritoriality rule while rebellion is
governed by the territoriality principle.
Insurrection – more commonly employed in reference to a movement
which seeks merely to effect some change of minor importance, or to REMINDERS:
prevent the exercise of governmental authority with respect to particular ● The crime of rebellion or of inciting it is by nature of a crime of
matters or subjects. masses / of a multitude. It is a vast movement of men and a
complex net of intrigues and plots.
There must be public uprising and the taking up of arms.
● Rebellion is also a civil war on a bigger or lesser scale, not
Treason v. Rebellion merely a challenge to constituted authorities.
● In rebellion or insurrection, the RPC expressly states that there
The differences between treason, which is an American concept, and must be a public uprising and taking up of arms.
rebellion, which is a Spanish concept, are as follows: ● Actual clash of arms with forces of the Government, not
1. In treason, the offender levies war against the government in necessary to convict the accused who is conspiracy with other
adherence to an enemy; while in rebellion, the offenders engage in civil actually taking arms against the Government.
war against the forces of government without adherence to the enemy; o Illustration: X identified herself with the rebel groups that
were openly fighting to overthrow the Government. This
act is enough to make her guilty of the crime of rebellion.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

Persons acting as couriers or spies for the rebels are ● Against whom – duly constituted authorities of the Republic,
also guilty of rebellion. military camp, or installation, communication networks, public
● The purpose of the uprising must be shown. utilities, or other facilities needed for the exercise and continued
o Illustration: The mere fact that a band of 40 individuals possession of power
entered the town and attacked the policemen and ● Where – singly or simultaneously carried out anywhere in the
kidnapped the mayor does not constitute rebellion. If Philippines
there is no evidence to indicate the motive or purpose ● By whom – by any person or persons, belonging to the military or
of the accused, then the crime committed herein is police or holding any public office or employment, with or without
kidnapping, not rebellion. civilian support or employment
o Note that it is not necessary that the purpose of ● Purpose – to seize or diminish state power
rebellion is accomplished.
o Rebellion is committed the moment a group of rebels NOTE: The crime of coup d’état may be committed with or without
rise publicly and take arms against the Government civilian participation.
for the purpose of overthrowing the Government by
o It is not necessary that the rebels succeed in overthrowing COUP D'ETAT.
the Government – not necessary to consummate. PERSONS LIABLE FOR REBELLION, INSURRECTION, AND/OR
ARTICLE 134 - COUP D'ETAT 1) The leaders
ELEMENTS: a) Any person who promotes, maintains, or heads a
1. That the offender is a person or persons belonging to the rebellion or insurrection; or
military or police or holding any public office or employment. b) Any person who leads, directs, or commands others
2. That it is committed by means of a swift attack accompanied by to undertake a coup d’état.
violence, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth. 2) The participants
3. That the attack is directed against duly constituted authorities a) Any person who participates, or executes the
of the Republic of the Philippines, or any military camp or commands of others in rebellion, or insurrection.
installation, communication networks, public utilities or other b) Any person in the government service who
facilities needed for the exercise and continued possession of participates, or executes directions or commands of
power. others in undertaking a coup d’état
4. That the purpose of the attack is to seize or diminish state c) Any person not in the government service who
power. participates, supports, finances, abets, or aids in
undertaking a coup d’état.
● How - by a swift attack, accompanied by violence, intimidation,
threat, strategy, or stealth Who shall be deemed the leader of the rebellion, insurrection, or
coup d’état in case he is unknown?

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

Any person who in fact: HERNANDEZ RULING trenches that the crime of rebellion under the
a. directed the others, Revised Penal Code of the Philippines is charged as a single offense,
b. spoke for them, and that it cannot be made into a complex crime. It also stresses that
c. signed receipts and other documents issued in their name, or murders and other common crimes committed as necessary means for
d. performed similar acts, on behalf of the rebels. the commission of rebellion are absorbed in rebellion. The Hernandez
Ruling prohibits the complexing of rebellion with other offense committed
● The silence of an accused does not in itself constitute the on the occasion thereof, either as a means to its commission or as an
crime of insurrection. Article 134 denies and specifies the acts unintended effect of an activity that constitutes rebellion.
punished as insurrection. Among these acts, the silence of the
accused is not enumerated. The silence is not an act but an ● Acts committed in furtherance of rebellion are absorbed in
omission. What the law does not include, it excludes. one singled crime of rebellion.
● The defense that an accused never took oath of allegiance to o Illustration: The act of killing a police officer, knowing that
or that they never recognized the government is not a the victim is a person in authority, is a mere component of
tenable defense in rebellion. rebellion or an act done in furtherance of the said crime. It
● Note that those who killed persons in pursuance of the cannot be made a basis of separate charge.
movement to overthrow the government are liable for ● Membership in a rebel organization does not automatically qualify
rebellion ONLY. If the persons killed other individuals without any the criminal acts absorbed in rebellion (which has a lighter
personal motive on their part but only to pursue the movement to penalty under the law). The burden is on the appellant to
overthrow the duly constituted therein, the crime is not murder but demonstrate that his criminal acts were committed in
rebellion. furtherance of rebellion.


Are there complex crime of rebellion with murder and other common perpetrated in furtherance of a political offense assume the political
crimes? complexion of the main crime of which they are mere ingredients. Hence,
- NO. The Supreme Court held that one of the means by which common crimes cannot be punished separately from the principal
rebellion is committed is by engaging in war against the forces offense or complexed with the same in order to justify the imposition of a
of the government and committing serious violence in the graver penalty.
prosecution of said war. This implies everything that war When a killing is committed in furtherance of rebellion, the killing
connotes including: resort to arms, requisition of property and assumes political complexion of rebellion as it is a mere
services, restraint of liberty, damage to property, physical injuries, ingredient there of. It must be prosecuted and punished as
and loss of life. The resulting impairment or destruction of life rebellion alone. The killing is neither homicide nor murder.
and property is within the purview of engaging war and
committing serious violence. Hence, there is only ONE ● If the killings are politically motivated, the crime committed is not
CRIME – rebellion. murder but rebellion. The same is true with killing, robbing, and
other crimes. However, if said crimes are for private purposes

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

without any political motivation, these crimes are separately

punished and are NOT ABSORBED IN THE REBELLION. - Merely agreeing and deciding to rise publicly and take arms
● Political crimes are those directly aimed against the political against the government for the purposes of rebellion OR merely
order, as well as such common crimes as may be committed to proposing the commission of said acts to other people is
achieve a political purpose. The decisive factor is the intent or punishable under this provision.
motive. - There is no conspiracy when there is no agreement and no
● Public officers must take active part to be liable. The mere silence decision to commit said acts.
or omission is not punishable in rebellion. - Organizing group of soldiers, soliciting membership or funds from
● There is NO COMPLEX CRIME OF REBELLION WITH MURDER the people is sufficient to show conspiracy to overthrow the
OR OTHER COMMON CRIMES. Any of all the acts described in Government.
Article 132, when committed as means or in furtherance to the - The mere fact of giving speeches in favor of Communism does
subversive end becomes ABSORBED IN THE CRIME OF not make one guilty of conspiracy. There is no evidence that the
REBELLION and cannot be regarded as distinct crimes hearers of the speech agreed to rise up in arms for the purpose of
themselves. overthrowing the government.

e.g. A, B, C, D → rebellion X motivation is different hence, it is a ARTICLE 137 - DISLOYALTY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS OR
separate crime of murder. There should be a political not a personal EMPLOYEES.
motivation and that is to remove allegiance. PUNISHABLE ACTS:
1. Failing to resist a rebellion by all means in their power
ARTICLE 136 - CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL TO COMMIT COUP 2. Continuing to discharge the duties of their office under the
D'ETAT, REBELLION OR INSURRECTION. control of the rebels
3. Accepting appointment to office under the rebels.
2 crimes punishable:
1. Conspiracy to commit rebellion, and ● The offender must be a public officer or employee.
2. Proposal to commit rebellion ● The crime of disloyalty of public officers presupposes the
existence of rebellion by other person. In US v Ravidas, the
● Conspiracy to commit rebellion – when two or more persons Court held that the accused could not be held liable for disloyalty
come to an agreement to rise publicly and take arms against the because there was not actual rebellion in the municipality. There
Government for any of the purposes of rebellion and decide to must be rebellion to be resisted OR the place is under the
commit it. control of the rebels.
● Proposal to commit rebellion – when the person who has ● The offender must not be in conspiracy with the rebels.
decided to rise publicly and take arms against the Government for Otherwise, he will be guilty of rebellion, nor merely disloyalty.
any of the purposes of rebellion proposes its execution to some Reason: In conspiracy, the act of one is the act of all.
other person or persons. This is an instance where the law
punishes preparatory acts.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

ARTICLE 138 - INCITING A REBELLION OR INSURRECTION. If they commit rebellion because of the proposal or incitement,
ELEMENTS: the proponent or one inciting is guilty of rebellion as a
1. That the offender does not take up arms or is not in principal by inducement.
open hostility against the Government PROVIDED THAT ARTICLE 17 (Paragraph 2 is
2. That he incites others to the execution of any of the present):
acts of rebellion By directly inducing another to commit a crime by –
3. That the inciting is done by means of speeches, a) Giving of price, or offering of reward or promise;
proclamations, writings, emblems, banners, or other b) Using words of command.
representations tending to the same end.
Requisites for words of command to be considered
COMMIT REBELLION 1. Commander has the intention of procuring the
REBELLION 2. Commander has ascendancy or influence
The offender induces another to The offender induces another 3. Words used be so direct, so efficacious, so powerful
commit rebellion. to commit rebellion. 4. Command be uttered prior to the commission
The person who proposes has It is not required that the 5. Executor had no personal reason
decided to commit rebellion. offender has decided to commit
rebellion. NOTE: Words uttered in the heat of anger and in the
The act of inciting is done The person who proposes the nature of the command that had to be obeyed do not
publicly. execution of the crime uses make one an inductor
secret means.
NOTE: In both, the crime of rebellion should not be actually committed
1. That the offenders rise
by the persons to whom it is proposed or who are incited. If they commit
a) Publicly b) Tumultuously
rebellion because of the proposal or inciting, the proponent or the one
2. That they employ force, intimidation, or other means outside of
inciting may become a principal by inducement in the crime of rebellion.
legal methods
3. That the offenders employ any of those means to attain any of the
● Shall incite others to the execution of any acts specified in Article
following objects:
134 of this Code means that the offender incites other to rise
a) To prevent the promulgation or execution of any law or the
publicly and take arms against the Government for any
holding of any popular election.
purposes of rebellion.
b) To prevent the government or any public officer from freely
● Rebellion should not be committed. In both proposal and
exercising its or his functions or prevent the execution of any
inciting to commit rebellion, the crime of rebellion should not be
Administrative Order.
committed by the persons whom it is proposed or who are incited.
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

c) To inflict any act of hate or revenge upon the person or SEDITION FROM REBELLION, DISTINGUISHED
property of any public officer/employee. SEDITION REBELLION
d) To commit, for any political or social end, any act of hate or There must be public uprising. There must be public uprising.
revenge against private persons or any social class. The purpose of the offenders The purpose is always political.
e) To despoil, for any political or social end, any person, or the may be political or social.
government of all its property or any part thereof.
It is sufficient that the public There must be taking up of
- Nature of the crime – sedition raises commotions or uprising is tumultuous. arms against the Government.
disturbances in the State. Its ultimate object is the violation of
Purpose of the uprising is not Purpose may be to obtain
public peace or at least such a course of measures evidently
exactly against the government. independence of certain
endangers it.
Object is to merely attain by portions of territory from the
- Tumultuous - the disturbance is caused by more than 3 persons
force, intimidation, or by other government and withdrawing it
who are armed or provided with means of violence.
means outside of legal methods from the authority of the central
- In sedition, the purpose of the offender may be political or social;
to inflict an act or revenge upon government; other purposes are
while in rebellion, the purpose is always political.
the person or property of a public included.
- In sedition, the offenders need not to be private individual. Hence,
public officers who commit said acts can also be punished under
this provision.
- Public uprising and on object of sedition must together
concur. If there is no public uprising, there is no sedition. If there
Raising of commotions or Violation by a subject of his
is no object of sedition, there is no sedition.
disturbances in the State. allegiance to his sovereign.
- Common crimes are NOT ABSOBRED IN SEDITION. Hence,
these are considered separate crimes. (Exception: Unlicensed
The differences between rebellion and sedition are as follows:
firearms is absorbed in the crime of sedition because of its
1. In rebellion, there must be public uprising and taking up arms
element - tumultuous)
against the government; in sedition, there must be public and
- Preventing public officers from exercising their functions OR
tumultuous uprising by means of force, intimidation, or by other
inflicting an act of hate or revenge upon the persons of a public
means outside of legal methods;
officer is sedition.
2. In rebellion,the purpose of the rebels is political while in sedition
Can sedition be committed by one person?
the purpose of the seditionists is either political or social.
- NO. Article 189 states that the crime of sedition is committed by
3. Rebellion absorbs crimes committed in furtherance thereof; the
PERSONS who rise publicly and tumultuously. Article 163 also
doctrine of absorption is not applicable to sedition. (1950 Bar
defined tumultuous: disturbance is deemed tumultuous if cause
by MORE THAN THREE PERSONS who are armed or provided
with means of violence.
Senator Antonio Trillanes and other detention prisoners walked-out from
the courtroom during the trial of the Oakwood rebellion case on
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

November 29, 2007. Escorted by armed supporters and civilians Military Commissions, G.R.No.L-58284, November 19, 1981) The
including former Vice-President Teofisto Guingona, Jr., they proceeded to presence of Crispin Beltran as chairman of Kilusang Mayo Uno during
Manila Peninsula Hotel and forcibly occupied it. They set up a command the 1992 CPP Plenum does not automatically make one a leader of a
center at the second floor of the hotel and made a public statement, to rebellion. Membership in the Communist Party per se does not constitute
wit: “We take the fateful step of removing Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo rebellion. (Crispin Beltran v. People,G.R. No. 175013,June 1,2007)
from the Presidency and undertake the formation ofa new Before, membership in Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) is
government.”Former Vice-President Guingona uttered publicly“This is subversion under R.A. No. 1700. (People v. Liwanag, G.R. No.L-27683,
like Edsa.” October 19, 1976) However, R.A. No. 7636 repealed R.A. No. 1700. But
Section 2 of R.A. No.7636 expressly provides that it does not in any
Dangerous Tendency Test manner repeal, amend or modify the provisions of the Revised Penal
Prohibiting,interrupting or dissolving a peaceful meeting without legal Code. Thus, members of group organized to overthrow the government
ground is a crime under Article 131 of the Revised Penal Code. To by force such as CPP (People v. Evangelista, G.R. No. 36278, October
determine if the prohibition,interruption or dissolution of the peaceful 26, 1932; U.S.v. Sadian, G.R. No.1513,February 12, 1904) may be held
meeting is with legal ground, the controlling test is the “clear and present liable for illegal association (1951 and 1958 Bar Exams) or conspiracy to
danger rule.” commit rebellion.

On the other hand, to determine if a speech or publication constitutes the ARTICLE 140 - PENALTY FOR SEDITION.
crime of inciting to sedition, the controlling test is the “dangerous or PERSONS LIABLE:
seditious tendency rule.” To commit the crime of inciting to sedition, the 1. The leader of the sedition (Prision Mayor in its minimum period
speech or scurrilous libels must have a seditious tendency. The phrases and fine not exceeding Php 10,000)
“tend to disturb or obstruct,”“tend to instigate others,"and “lead or tend to 2. Other persons participating in the sedition (Prision
stir up the people”in Article 142 is a confirmation of the “dangerous Correccional in its maximum period and fine not exceeding Php
tendency principle” as the controlling rule in determining if the speeches, 5,000)
utterances or writings are seditious.
According to Dean Antonio Gregorio,the dangerous tendency rule and - Only conspiracy to commit sedition is punishable, not proposal to
not the clear and present danger rule is generally adopted in the commit sedition.
Philippines regarding sedition cases. It is enough that the words used - There must be an agreement and decision to rise publicly and
may tend to create the danger of public uprising.It is not necessary that tumultuously to attain any of the objects of sedition.
there be a clear and present danger of the substantive evil which the law - An agreement and decision to attain an object of sedition
Membership in CPP Such agreement may constitute a conspiracy to commit direct
Rebellion is distinct from participation or membership in an organization assault which is not a felony.
committed to overthrow the duly constituted government. (Buscayno v.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

ARTICLE 142. INCITING TO SEDITION. governor’s head for having recommended a bad thing for the
ELEMENTS Filipinos.”
1. That the offender does not take direct part in the crime of sedition - Uttering Seditious Speech, illustration: Accused said that the
2. That he incites others to the accomplishment of any of the act authorities abused by seizing the flag and for shooting innocent
which constitute sedition women. And in view of this, the people should be united to
3. That the inciting is done by means of speeches, proclamations, suppress said abuses and overthrow the present government and
writings, emblems, cartoons, banners, or other representations establish their own for the poor.
tending to the same end. In order to be seditious, it is not necessary that the words used
should in fact result in a rising of the people against the
PUNISHABLE ACTS: constituted authorities.
1. Inciting others to commit sedition by means of speeches, - Writing, publishing or circulating scurrilous libels, illustration:
proclamations, writings, emblems Accused took a picture making it appear that he is hanging
2. Uttering seditious words or speeches which tend to disturb the lifeless. Thereafter, he sent photographs to news papers with a
public peace suicide note written by a fictitious suicide saying that he
a. They tend to disturb or obstruct any lawful officer in committed suicide because he was not pleased with the current
executing the functions of his office administration.
b. They tend to instigate others to cabal and meet together This letter is a scurrilous libel against the government as it tends
for unlawful purposes to overthrow or undermine the government, or weaken the
c. They suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies or riots confidence of the people in the government.
d. They lead or tend to stir up the people against the lawful - A theatrical play or drama where words uttered are seditious may
authorities or disturb the peace of the community, and the be punished.
safety and order of the Government. - The proposal to throw grenades in a public place intended to
3. Writing, publishing, or circulating scurrilous (meaning vulgar, cause disturbance as an act of hate or revenge against public
mean, foul) libels against the Government or any of its duly officers is inciting to sedition. In this case, the accused can be
constituted authorities, which tend to disturb public peace. held liable for two crimes: inciting to sedition and illegal
(ELEMENTS indicated in the second act is the same possession of hand grenades.
- Knowingly concealing such evil practices is treated and punished
NOTES: as that of the principal under this provision; although ordinarily, it
- Not inciting to sedition when it is not proved that the defendant is an act of the accessory.
incited the people to rise publicly and tumultuously. - Use of words, emblems, NOT PERFORMANCE OF AN ACT is
- Uttering Seditious Words, illustration: Accused engaged in punished in inciting to sedition. Article 142 punishes said actions
discussion with other people regarding the administration of their which tend to disturb public peace or obstruct police officers in
governor which resulted in the accused shouting a number of executing the functions of their office.
times “The Filipinos, like myself, must use bolos for cutting off the

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

- Disturbance or disorder is not necessary. The law is not aimed ELEMENTS:

merely at the actual disturbance because its purpose is also to 1. That there be a projected meeting or actual meeting of the
punish utterances which may endanger public order. National Assembly or any of its committees or subcommittees,
- Unlawful rumor-mongering and spreading false information which constitutional commissions or committees or divisions, or of any
tend to cause panic, divisive effects among the people, discredit provincial boarder city or municipal council or board; and
or distrust duly constituted authorities, or undermine the stability 2. That the offender, who may be any person, prevents such
of the Government endangers public order and causes damage meeting by force or fraud.
to the interest or credit of the State.
● Chief of police and mayor who prevented the meaning of the
RULES RELATIVE TO SEDITIOUS WORDS: municipal council are liable under this provision when the
● The clear and present danger rule - It is required that there defect of the meeting is not manifested and requires and
must be reasonable ground to believe that the danger investigation before its existence can be determined.
apprehended is imminent and that the evil to be prevented is a o Any stranger, even if he be the municipal president
serious one. There must be the probability of serious injury to the himself or the chief of police, must respect the meeting of
State. PRESENT refers to the time element which is used to be the municipal council as he has no right to dissolve it
identified with imminent and immediate danger. The danger through violence under the pretext of lack of notice to
must not only be probale but very likely inevitable. some members of the council

● Dangerous tendency rule – The words used tend to create a ARTICLE 144. DISTURBANCE OF PROCEEDINGS.
danger of public uprising. There is inciting to sedition when the ELEMENTS:
words uttered or published could easily produce disaffection 1. That there be a meeting of Congress or any of its committees or
among the people and a state of feeling in them incompatible with subcommittees, constitutional commissions or committees, or any
a disposition to remain loyal to the Government and obedient to provincial board or city or municipal council or board
the laws. The dangerous tendency rule is generally adopted in 2. That the offender does any of the following acts:
the Philippines. a) He disturbs any of such meetings.
b) He behaves while in the presence of any such bodies in such a
REASONS WHY SEDITIOUS UTTERANCES ARE PROHIBITED manner as to interrupt its proceedings or to impair the
● If the State were compelled to wait until the apprehended danger respect due it.
became certain, then its right to protect itself would come into
being simultaneously with the overthrow of the Government, ● The disturbed meeting must be of a legislative body or of
when there would be neither prosecuting officers nor courts for provincial board or city or municipal council or board.
the enforcement of the law. o Illustration: A meeting was called by the mayor.
Antonette, a police officer kept on talking although she
ARTICLE 143 - ACT TENDING TO PREVENT THE MEETING OF THE had been asked to keep quiet and sit down. In this case,
ASSEMBLY AND SIMILAR BODIES. Antonette is not guilty of the violation of Article 144

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

because the meeting was not that of the municipal 2) The purpose of the offender is to prevent any member of the
council. Moreover, Antonette was not a member of the National assembly from ---
council. At most, Antonette is liable for unjust vexation. a. attending the meetings of Congress or any of its
● The complaint for disturbance of proceeding must be filed by committees or subcommittees, constitutional commissions
a member of legislative body, cannot be prosecuted de oficio. It or committees or divisions thereof
may be commenced upon the WRITTEN COMPLAINT of a b. expressing his opinions
member of the Municipal Board where proceedings were c. casting his vote.
disturbed although such member was not authorized by the rules
or resolution of the board. The offender in this first mode is ANY PERSON.
● Congress may also punish for contempt. The one who disturbed
the proceedings is likewise punished for contempt by the ELEMENTS FOR SECOND PUNISHABLE ACT:
Assembly. 1) The offender is a public officer or employee;
o The power to punish for contempt of the National 2) That he arrests or searches any member of the National
Assembly is coercive in nature. The power to punish Assembly;
crime is punitive in character. Thus, the same act could 3) That the Assembly, at the time of the arrest or search, is in
be made the basis for contempt proceedings and for regular or special session; and
criminal prosecution. 4) That the member arrested or searched has not committed a
● Disturbance created by participant in the meeting not covered by crime punishable under the Code by a penalty higher than prision
Art. 144 mayor.

The offender in this first mode is ANY PERSON.

PUNISHABLE ACTS: ● It is not necessary that a member of the Assembly is actually
1) Using force, intimidation, threats, or frauds to prevent any member of prevented from attending the meeting or from expressing his
the National Assembly from (1) attending the meetings of the Assembly opinion or casting his vote. It is sufficient that the offender, in
or of any of its committees or subcommittees, constitutional commission using force, intimidation, threats, or frauds, has the
or committees or divisions thereof, or from (2) expressing his opinions, or PURPOSE TO PREVENT A MEMBER of the National
(3) casting his vote: Assembly FROM EXERCISING ANY OF SUCH
2) Arresting or searching any member while Congress is in session, ● Parliamentary immunity does not protect members of the
except in cases where such member has committed a crime punishable Congress from responsibility before the legislative body itself.
under the Code by a penalty higher than prision mayor. o Parliamentary immunity not guarantee the legislator
ELEMENTS FOR FIRST PUNISHABLE ACT: complete freedom of expression without fear of being
1) The offender uses force, intimidation, threats, or fraud; made responsible in criminal or civil action before the
courts and outside the Congressional hall. But it does

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

not protect him from responsibility before the NOTE: It is necessary that the audience is actually incited. If in the
legislative body whenever his words or conduct are meeting the audience is incited to the commission of rebellion or sedition,
disorderly or unbecoming of a member there of. the crimes committed are ILLEGALASSEMBLY as regards to the
● The 1987 Constitution exempts member of Congress from arrest, organizers or leaders or persons merely present and INCITING TO
while the Congress is in session, for all offenses punishable by a REBELLION OR SEDITION insofar as the one inciting them is
penalty less than prision mayor. concerned

ARTICLE 146. ILLEGAL ASSEMBLIES The person present at the meeting must be armed in the first form of
Forms of Illegal Assemblies: illegal assembly – but not all the persons present at the meeting of the
1. Any meeting attended by armed persons for the purpose of first form of illegal assembly must be armed.
committing any of the crimes punishable under the Code. Requisites are
as follows: The persons merely present at the meeting must have common intent to
a) That there is a meeting, gathering or group of persons, whether in commit the felony of illegal assembly – the absence of such intent may
a fixed place or moving. exempt the person present from criminal liability.
b) That the meeting is attended by armed persons.
c) That the purpose of the meeting is to commit any of the crimes PRESUMPTIONS:
punishable under the Code. 1. If any person carries an unlicensed firearm, it is presumed that:
a) the purpose of the meeting insofar as he is concerned is
2. Any meeting in which the audience, whether armed or not, is to commit acts punishable under the RPC, and
incited to the commission of the crime of treason, rebellion or b) he is considered a leader or organizer of the meeting.
insurrection, sedition, or assault upon a person in authority. The following 2. Not all the persons present at the meeting of the first form of
are its requisites: illegal assembly must be armed.
a) That there is a meeting, a gathering or group of persons, whether
in a fixed place or moving.
b) That the audiences, whether armed or not, is incited to the
Association totally or partially organized for:
commission of the crime of treason, rebellion or insurrection,
1. The purpose of committing any of the crimes punishable under
sedition, or direct assault.
the Code
2. Some purpose contrary to public morals
Meeting – is a gathering or group whether in a fixed place or moving
Public morals – refers to matters which affect the interest of society and
public convenience and is not limited to good customs
1. The organizers or leaders of the meeting
2. Persons merely present at the meeting
1. Founders, directors, and president of the association.
2. Members of the association.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

ILLEGAL ASSOCIATION DISTINGUISHED FROM ILLEGAL they went into his backyard and digged. There they found unlicensed
ASSEMBLY firearms. Is it valid?
ILLEGAL ASSEMBLY ILLEGAL ASSOCIATION - No, the digging and seizing of the firearms were invalid since it
It is necessary that there is an It is not necessary that there is was not included in the search warrant that they would dig the
actual meeting or assembly of an actual meeting. backyard of Mr. X. The search warrant was illegal.
armed persons for the purpose
specified in Art. 146. Section 35 of R.A. No. 10591
It is the meeting and attendance It is the act of forming or An imitation firearm used in the commission of a crime shall be
at such meeting that is punished. organizing and membership in considered a real firearm. If the offender uses imitation firearms in
the association that is punished. committing robbery, he shall be prosecuted for robbery with special
The persons liable are: the The persons liable are: the aggravating circumstances of using loose firearms.
organizers or leaders of the founders, directors, and
meetings, and the persons president, and the members. E.g. You used an airsoft or a pellet gun for robbery.
present at the meeting. - The airsoft or pellet gun is considered as a real firearm in the
commission of the crime.
LAWS ON LOOSE FIREARM - It will be a special mitigating circumstance.
R.A. NO.10591 - It is use to perpetuate and commit the same

Loose firearm What is the effect of loose firearms if you use it with other crimes?
- refers to an unregistered firearm, an obliterated or altered firearm, - GR: Loose firearm is a punishment itself.
firearm which has been lost or stolen, illegally manufactured - EXCP: It is used to commit another crime then it becomes a
firearms, registered firearms in the possession of an individual special aggravating circumstance. (e.g. homicide → murder)
other than the licensee and those with revoked licenses in
accordance with the rules and regulations. Section 29 of R.A. No. 10591
The unlawful acquisition and possession of loose firearms and
E.g. if you are the owner and your firearm is revoked or expires, you will ammunition is a crime.
be liable because it is your obligation to renew it as soon as possible.
Constructive v. Actual Ownership
E.g. the police applied for a search warrant for your firearm but the - Possession within the meaning of R.A. No. 10591 includes not
firearm is actually being renewed through an online application only actual physical possession but also constructive possession
- good faith is not a valid defense since the application is still or the subjection of the thing to one's control and management.
E.g. A was sleeping on the floor. Immediately beside him was a clutch
E.g. A search warrant is applied in Abra for firearms in the house of Mr. bag containing a loose firearm. He was arrested. A maintained that the
X. Inside the house, they found firearms that were licensed. However,
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

bag containing the unlicensed firearm belonged to his friend, and that he Tampering, obliterating or altering without authority a licensed firearm,or
was not in actual possession thereof at the time he was arrested. its identifying characteristics essential in forensic examination of a
- His argument is untenable. The rule is that ownership is not an firearm is a crime. A tampered firearm is considered as a loose firearm;
essential element of illegal possession of firearms and hence, possessing thereof is a crime.
ammunition. What the law requires is merely possession,
physical, or constructive. E.g. You tried to improve your firearm by changing the serial number.
- The same evils, which the law penalizes, exist whether the - It needs to be authenticated.
unlicensed holder of a prohibited weapon is its owner or a
borrower. Can violation of this crime be a complex crime?
- Moreover, A has constructive possession over the loose firearm - NO. Settled is the rule that the components of compound crime
since the same is under his control. or complex crime proper must be felonies. Since possession of a
loose firearm is an offense punishable under special law,it cannot
NOTE: Good faith is NOT a valid defense/ignorance is not a defense be made a component of a complex crime.
especially in special penal laws.
E.g. If a loose firearm was used in committing robbery or homicide, can
E.g. A security agency delivered to X, its security guard,a firearm. X was the accused be convicted for a complex crime or in separate offenses?
arrested for possession of a loose firearm. It turned out that the agency - The accused cannot be convicted of a complex crime of robbery
has no license for said firearm. Is he liable? with possession of loose firearm or complex crime of homicide
- No. Although possession of loose firearms is malum prohibitum, with possession of loose firearm.
knowledge that the firearm is unlicensed is indispensable to make - Neither the accused can be convicted of separate crimes of
the possessor criminally liable under R.A. No. 10591. robbery or homicide and possession of loose firearms.
- In this situation, the accused shall be held liable for robbery or
Section 31 homicide with special aggravating circumstances of using loose
Even though the firearm is not loose, carrying a registered firearm firearms. (Section 29 of R.A. No. 10591)
outside his residence without any legal authority therefore also
punishable under the law. Crime Involving Explosive
Sections 3 and 3-A of P.D. No.1866 punish any person who shall willfully
Section 32 and unlawfully manufacture, assemble, deal in, acquire, dispose, import
law also punishes a person who shall unlawfully engage in the or possess any explosive or incendiary device, with knowledge of its
manufacture, importation, sale or disposition of a firearm or ammunition, existence and its explosive or incendiary character, or any part,
or a major part of a firearm or ammunition, or machinery, tool or ingredient, machinery, tool or instrument thereof any explosive or
instrument used or intended to be used by the any person in the incendiary device used or intended to be used by that person for its
manufacture of a firearm, ammunition, or a major part thereof. manufacture, construction, assembly, delivery or detonation.

Section 34 What is an explosive or incendiary device? (Section 3 of P.D. No. 1866)

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

- It must be capable of producing destructive effects on contiguous 4. When the crime involving explosives is committed by reason or
objects or causing injury or death to any person, including but not on occasion of other crime.
limited to hand grenade, rifle grenade, pillbox bomb, molotov Even if the accused, who is in possession of a grenade, did not use such
cocktail bomb, fire bomb, or other similar explosives and explosive in committing physical injuries against the victim, the crime
incendiary devices. committed is still illegal possession of explosive with the qualifying
circumstance of commission of other crime since possession of explosive
Presumed Knowledge is committed as an incident to or on occasion of the crime of physical
Mere possession of any explosive or incendiary device shall be prima injuries.
facie evidence that the person had knowledge of the existence and the
explosive or incendiary character of the device. (Section 3 of P.D. There are two effects if the qualifying circumstance of commission of
No.1866) other crime attended the commission of illegal possession of explosive,
to wit:
Animus Possidendi (1) the penalty of fine in addition to reclusion perpetua is imposable
The court may determine the absence of animus possidendi in under Section 3-B of P.D. No. 1866 as amended by R.A. No.
accordance with the facts and circumstances of each case and the 9516; and
application of other pertinent laws, among other things, Articles 11 and (2) the rule on jeopardy shall apply under Section 3-C thereof.
12 of the Revised Penal Code on justifying circumstances and exempting
circumstances. (Section 3 of P.D. No. 1866) Under Section 3-C, conviction or acquittal of the accused or the dismissal
of the case for possession of explosive with qualifying circumstance of
A temporary, incidental, casual, harmless, or transient possession or commission of other crime shall be a bar to another prosecution of the
control of any explosive or incendiary device, without the knowledge ofits same accused for such other crime, and vice versa.
existence or its explosive or incendiary character or for the sole purpose If the offender killed a person by means of explosives, he can be
of surrendering it to the proper authorities is not punishable. (Section 3 of prosecuted either for murder qualified by the circumstance of by means
P.D. No. 1866) A temporary,incidental, casual, harmless, or transient of explosive and aggravated by the circumstance of treachery (People v.
possession of explosive negates animus possidendi Comadre, G.R. No. 153559,June 8,2004;1991;2008 Bar Exams); or for
illegal possession of explosive qualifed by the circumstance of
Qualifying Circumstance of Commission of Other Crime commission of other crime. He cannot be held liable for both murder and
The penalty for possession of explosive is higher in the following cases: possession of explosive since Section 3-C of P.D. No. 1866 adopts the
1. When the crime involving explosive is a necessary means for rule on double jeopardy.
committing an offense under special law such as violation of gun
ban or felony such as murder, robbery, or public disturbance; A rebel, who is caught in possession of a grenade, can be prosecuted
2. When the crime involving explosive is committed in furtherance of either:
other crime such as rebellion; (1) for rebellion, which absorbed illegal possession of explosive; or
3. When the crime involving explosive is committed as an incident (2) for illegal possession of explosive with the qualifying circumstance of
to, or in connection with other crime; or commission of other crime. He cannot be held liable for both crimes.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r


Terrorism and Possession of Loose Firearm or explosive 1. That the offender:
When the purpose of possession of unlicensed firearm or explosive or a. Makes an attack;
explosive, by its nature and context, is to intimidate the general public or b. Employs force;
a segment thereof, create an atmosphere or spread a message of fear, c. Makes a serious intimidation; and
to provoke or influence by intimidation the government or any d. Makes a serious resistance
international organization, or seriously destabilize or destroy the 2. That the person assaulted is a person in authority or his agent.
fundamental political, economic, or social structures of the country, or 3. That at the time of the assault the person in authority or his agent
create a public emergency or seriously undermine public safety, the a. is engaged in the actual performance of official duties;
crime committed is terrorism under R.A.No.11479. and/or
b. that he is assaulted by reason of the past performance of
E.g. A relative of SAF44 used the shell-casing as an agimat necklace. He his official duties.
went to the airport and was captured by authorities. Is he liable? c. That the offender knows that the one he is assaulting is a
- The first question is whether it is a live ammunition it is with that person in authority or his agent in the exercise of his
knowledge we will know if he had intended to have possession duties.
thereof to be used as a weapon. 4. That there is no public uprising.


Who is the offender in a direct assault?
1) Without public uprising, by employing force or intimidation for - Any person.
the attainment of any of the purposes enumerated in defining the
crimes of sedition & rebellion. Who shall be the victim in the first mode and second mode?

- First mode: Offended party need not be a person in authority or

2) Without public uprising, by attacking, by employing force or his agent. He may be a private individual if the object is to attain
seriously intimidating or by seriously resisting any person in an object of sedition.
authority (PA) or any of his agents (APA), while engaged in the - However, in the second form, the victim needs to be a person in
performance of official duties, or on the occasion of such authority or an agent of a person in authority.
The following are the tenable victims of direct assault:
1. That the offender employs force or intimidation. 1. Persons in Authority
2. That the aim of the offender is to attain any of the purposes of the - those who are directly vested with jurisdiction
crime of rebellion or any of the objects of the crime of sedition. - they are only person in authority within their jurisdiction
3. That there is no public uprising. and must be acting in performance of their duty
a. Executive officers
- president
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

- governors - E.g. A councilor has descended to the level of a private individual

- mayors when he initiated the accused to assault him. Thus, the accused
- punong barangay is liable of physical injuries.
b. Legislative officers
Performance of Duty
- congressman
- senators 1. While engaged in the performance of duty
- municipal councilors - The victim was attacked while performing his duty
c. Judicial officers and Lupon Tagamayapa 2. On occasion of performance of duty/by reason of the past
- justices and judges performance of official duties
2. Agents of a Person in Authority - The victim was attacked because of a performance of a
- persons who are charged with the maintenance of public past duty.
order and the protection and security of life and property - Purpose: to allow them to discharge their duties without
by direct provision of law, election, or appointment by fear of being assaulted by reason thereof.
competent authority.
- they must be attacked while in the function of preservation When is the motive to direct assault relevant?
of law, peace, and order. 1. If the person in authority or his agent is engaged in the actual
a. policemen – agents of a person in authority performance of duties at the time of the assault → motive is
b. sheriff – to preserve the law and order immaterial.
c. barangay tanods 2. If the person in authority or his agent is NOT engaged in the
d. any person who comes to the aid of persons in authority actual performance of duties at the time of the assault → motive
(Art. 152) is material.
Knowledge of the position of the victim When is there a past performance but there is no direct assault?
- It is essential that the accused has knowledge that the victim is a - After retirement (e.g. judges cease to hold office after the age of
person of authority or an agent of a person in authority to be held 70).
- E.g. If the offender knows that the victim is a teacher, it is E.g. The mayor was attacked while campaigning for re-election. Is their
sufficient to make him liable because ignorance of the law is not a direct assault?
proper defense. - None. Because the performance of duty is not present.
Descending to the level of private individual Criminal Act (that the offender attacks, employs force, or seriously
- This principle is only applicable if the person in authority initiated intimidates or resists the victim).
the fight or trouble with the accused. 1. Resistance
- there must be an intent to defy the law and its
representative at all hazards.
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

- simple resistance is not liable. chief of police. Pedro also assaulted Juan. Juan shall be
2. Intimidation considered as an agent of the chief of police. The crimes
- there must be an intent to defy the law and its committed are qualified direct assault upon a person in authority,
representative at all hazards. and direct assault upon an agent of a person in authority.
- e.g. a detention prisoner – assaulted the guards with pistol
→ liable of direct assault 2. A policeman is arresting a criminal suspect, Pedro. Pedro
- e.g. convicted prisoner – assaulted the guards with pistol seriously resisted and assaulted him. Juan came to the aid of the
→ liable of qualified evasion of sentence (direct assault is policeman. Pedro also assaulted Juan. Since the policeman is
absorbed) only an agent of a person in authority, aiding him will not make
3. Attacking or employment of force Juan an agent of a person in authority. The crimes committed are
- there must be an intent to defy the law and its direct assault upon an agent of a person in authority and indirect
representative at all hazards. direct assault. – so basically, may indirect assault lang kapag ang
4. Laying of hands upon a person in authority tinulungan ay AGENT.
- This is an exception. Gumban principle: The mere laying
of hands upon a person in authority whether serious or not 3. A policeman is arresting a criminal suspect, Pedro. Pedro
constitutes qualified direct assault. resisted by punching him. Juan came to the aid of the policeman.
- This is not applicable to the agent. Pedro also punched Juan. Since the resistance is not serious, the
crime committed against the policeman is simple resistance. The
Complex Crime
crime committed against Juan is physical injuries. Juan is not
- a compound crime is committed if a single act produced direct liable for indirect assault since this crime presupposes the person
assault and serious physical injuries. aided is a victim of direct assault. Under Article 149 of the
Revised Penal Code, indirect assault is committed by assaulting
a person coming to the aid of a person in authority on occasion of
ARTICLE 149. INDIRECT ASSAULTS. the commission of direct assault, and not simple resistance.
ELEMENTS: (1989 Bar Exam)
1. That the person in authority or his agent is the victim of any of the
forms of direct assault defined in Art. 148 QUALIFIED ASSAULT
2. That a person comes to the aid of the person in authority or his ELEMENTS:
3. That the offender makes use of force or intimidation upon such 1. When the assault is committed with a weapon; or
person coming to the aid of the person in authority or his agent. 2. When the offender is a public officer or employee; or
3. When the offender lays hands on a person in authority.
1. A chief of police is arresting a criminal suspect, Pedro. Pedro NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES,
seriously resisted and assaulted him. Juan came to the aid of the
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r


1. By refusing, without legal excuse, to obey summons of the
National Assembly, its committees or subcommittees, by 1. Resistance and serious disobedience; and
constitutional commission, committees, subcommittees or
division. 2. Simple disobedience.
2. By refusing to be sworn or placed under affirmation while being ELEMENTS OF RESISTANCE AND SERIOUS DISOBEDIENCE
before such legislative or constitutional body or official.
3. By refusing to answer any legal inquiry or to produce any books, 1. That a person in authority or his agent is engaged in the
papers, documents, or records in his possession, when required performance of official duty or gives a lawful order to the offender;
by them to do so in the exercise of their function. 2. That the offender resists or seriously disobeys such person in
4. By restraining another from attending as a witness in such authority or his agent; and
legislative or constitutional body.
5. By inducing disobedience to a summons or refusal to be sworn by 3. That the act of the offender is not included in the provisions of the
any such body or official. articles 148, 149 and 150.


It is committed by:
1. a person who refuses to obey summons to attend a witness 1. That an agent of a person in authority is engaged in the
before Congress or Constitutional Commissions or its committees performance of official duty or gives lawful order to the offender;
without legal excuse; or
2. That the offender disobeys such agent of a person in authority;
2. a witness refuses to be sworn or placed under affirmation or to
answer any legal inquiry or to produce any books, papers,
documents, or records in his possession, when required by them 3. That such disobedience is not a serious nature.
to do so in the exercise of their functions; or
3. a person who restrains another from attending as a witness, or
induces disobedience to a summons or refusal to be sworn.
- is committed by any person who disobeys a person in authority,
or his agent, while engaged in the performance of official duties
provided that the act does not constitute direct assault.
The power of inquiry with the process to enforce it is an essential and
appropriate auxiliary to the legislative functions. Mere request for certain
Who is the victim?
information are often unavailing and those which are volunteered are
- A person in authority or agent ENGAGED in the performance of
often inaccurate or incomplete. Thus, means of compulsion is essential
duty ONLY.
to obtain what is needed.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

Disobedience v. Resistance 3. Making any outcry tending to incite rebellion or sedition in any
- Disobedience is when the officer is lawfully ordering you to do or meeting, association or public place;
not do something and you disobey. Resistance is when the officer 4. Displaying placards or emblems which provoke a disturbance of public
is doing something in his authority and you resist it. order in such place;
- Disobedience may be serious or not serious. Simple resistance is 5. Burying with pomp the body of a person who has been legally
not serious. If disobedience or resistance involves force or executed.
serious intimidation then it is direct assault.
Direct assault v. resistance or serious disobedience. FROM PUBLIC DISORDER:
1. In direct assault, the person in authority or his agent must be 1. For an outcry or displaying of emblems or placards to be a crime
engaged in the performance of official duties or that he is of inciting rebellion or sedition, it is necessary that the offender
assaulted by reason thereof; but in resistance, the person in should have done the act with idea aforethought of inducing his
authority or his agent must be in actual performance of his duties. hearers or readers to commit the crime of rebellion or sedition;
2. Direct assault (second form) is committed in four ways: (a) by 2. But if the outcry or displaying of emblems or placards is more or
attacking; (b) by employing force; (c) by seriously intimidating; less an unconscious outburst, which although rebellious or
and (d) by seriously resisting a person in authority or his agent; seditious in nature, not intentionally calculated to induce others to
resistance or serious disobedience is committed only by resisting commit rebellion or sedition, it is only public disorder.
or seriously disobeying a person in authority or his agent. 3. In public disorder, the outcry is not intentionally calculated to
3. In both direct assault by resisting an agent ofa person in authority induce others to commit rebellion or sedition.
and resistance against an agent of a person in authority, there is
force employed, but the use of force in resistance is not so Basically, dapat may INTENT na mag-incite ka to sedition or rebellion.
serious, as there is no manifest intention to defy the law and the Kapag walang intent, public disorder na agad ang i-consider mo.
officers enforcing it.
Disturbance or interruption is QUALIFIED if the disturbance or
ARTICLE 153 - TUMULTS AND OTHER DISTURBANCE OF PUBLIC interruption is of a tumultuous character. (Penalty next higher in degree
LIABLE TO CAUSE DISTURBANCE. ● “Tumultuous” if caused by more than three persons who are
armed or provided with means of violence.
ACTS PUNISHED (TUMULTS AND OTHER DISTURBANCES OF ● One who fired a submachine gun to cause disturbance but
PUBLIC ORDER): inflicted serious physical injuries on another, may be prosecuted
1. Causing any serious disturbance in a public place, office or for two crimes: serious disturbance and serious physical injuries
establishment; through reckless imprudence.
2. Interrupting or disturbing performances, functions or gatherings, or ● outcry meaning
peaceful meetings, if the act is not included in Articles 131 and 132;

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r


1. Publishing or causing to be published, by means of printing, 1. Discharging any firearm, rocket, firecracker, or other explosive
lithography or any other means of publication, as news any within any town or public place, calculated to cause (which
false news which may endanger the public order; or cause produces) alarm of danger;
damage to the interest or credit of the State; 2. Instigating or taking an active part in any charivari or other
2. Encouraging disobedience to the law or to the constituted disorderly meeting offensive to another or prejudicial to public
authorities or praising, justifying or extolling any act punished tranquility;
by law, by the same means or by words, utterances or 3. Disturbing the public peace while wandering about at night or
speeches; while engaged in any other nocturnal amusements;
3. Maliciously publishing or causing to be published any official 4. Causing any disturbance or scandal in public places while
resolution or document without proper authority, or before intoxicated or otherwise, provided Article 153 in not applicable.
they have been published officially;
4. Printing, publishing or distributing (or causing the same) ● “Shall discharge any firearm”. Discharge should not be any
books, pamphlets, periodicals, or leaflets which do not bear aimed at any person otherwise the offense would fall under Art,
the real printer’s name, or which are classified as anonymous. 254, punishing discharge of firearm.
Actual public disorder or actual damage to the credit of the ● As a rule, kailangan sa public place siya ma-commit, so kapag sa
State is not necessary. uninhabited forest siya kinommit hindi siya liable. Pero pwede
siyang ma-commit within a private place kapag within town siya.
● Actual public disorder or actual damage to the credit of the ● “Calculated to cause alarm or danger” should be “which
State is not necessary. The mere possibility of causing such produces” alarm and danger according to the correct
danger or damage is sufficient. translation of the RPC. Hence, the result, and not the intent, that
● “Which may endanger the public order” - If there is no counts.
possibility of danger to the public order or of causing damage to ● Definition of charivari: includes a medley of discordant voices, a
the interests or credit of the State by the publication of the false mock serenade of discordant noises made on kettles, tin, horns,
news, art. 154 is not applicable. etc. designed to annoy or insult.
● The offender must know that the news is false. If he does not ● Kailangan i-consider mo dito kung (1) saan siya kinommit (2)
know, then there is no criminal liability since there is no intent. kung may intent ba. Ex. Nagpaputok siya sa bahay nila nung new
● Note: Republic Act No. 248 prohibits the reprinting, reproduction year. Liable ba siya? Hindi. Kasi walang evil intent to produce
or republication of government publications and official danger or alarm.
documents without previous authority. ● Kahit na magpaputok siya ng magpaputok kung wala namang
● If they employ force, intimidation, or other means outside of legal ma-aalarm or mapuput in danger, hindi siya liable.
methods it is sedition.
● Dapat at least 4 persons ang mag-commit nito.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

● Ex. Firing a gun at the town plaza causing a slight disturbance is

alarm and scandal. Causing a grenade to explode at the town Who is the offender in this crime?
plaza causing serious disturbance is disturbance to public order. - The offender under Art. 156 is any person.
- GR: Offender is usually an outsider who removes from jail any
ARTICLE 156 - DELIVERY OF PRISONERS FROM JAILS. person therein confined or helps him escape from jail.
ELEMENTS: - BUT: it may also apply to an employee of the penal
1. That there is a person confined in a jail or penal establishment; establishment who helps the escape of a person confined
2. That the offender removes therefrom such person, or helps the provided that he does not have the custody or charge of such a
escape of such person. person. If the offender is a public officer who had the prisoner in
his custody or charge, he is liable for infidelity in the custody of a
Does a person who substitutes another to be in prison liable of delivery prisoner under Article 223.
of prisoners from jail? - The guard of the jail who is off duty may be held liable for
- Yas, queen. The removal of the prisoner from jail was by means delivering prisoner from jail.
of deceit. - It may also apply to a prisoner who helps another prisoner to
- He will also be guilty of the crime of using a fictitious name under escape.
Art. 178 since he used a fictitious name in order to conceal the
crime. It will NOT be a complex crime since the delivery was Is it necessary that there is violence, intimidation, or bribery to commit it?
already consummated and the use of fictitious name was not a - No. It is not an element of the crime.
means to commit the delivery. - But the act of the offender’s act of employing bribery as a means
of removing or delivering the prisoner from jail, not the offender’s
- If you provide/furnish a weapon to a prisoner as a means for act of receiving or agreeing to receive a bribe as a consideration
escape, you are also liable. for committing the offense which could serve as an aggravating
- Delivery of prisoners may take place OUTSIDE the penal circumstance under Art. 14 (RPC).
NOTE: If the crime committed by the prisoner for which he is confined or
E.g. A detention prisoner was taken to the hospital and his followers went serving sentence is treason, murder, or parricide, the act of taking the
there to help his escape. Is the detention prisoner liable for evasion of place of the prisoner in the prison is that of an accessory and he may be
service? held liable as such because he assist in the escape of the principal.
- No, because evasion of service can be committed only by
CONVICTED prisoners. Evasion of Service of Sentence (Articles 157 - 159)
3 Kinds of Evasion of the Service of the Sentence:
Are his followers liable for the delivery of prisoners from jail? 1. Evasion of sentence by escaping during the term of his sentence.
- Yes, because he was still a prisoner and the place is immaterial. 2. Evasion of service of sentence on the occasion of disorder.
Hospital or asylum is considered an extension of jail or prison 3. Other cases of evasion of service of sentence, by violating the
because it is an extension of penal institutions. conditions of conditional pardon.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

appeal. (Curiano v. CFI,G.R. No. L-8104, April 15, 1955; 1972

ELEMENTS: - If the case is on appeal, the detention prisoner is not yet serving
1. That the offender is a convict by final judgment; sentence; hence, there is nothing to evade. In sum ,service of
2. That he is serving sentence which consists in the deprivation of sentence by final judgment as an element of this crime is not
liberty; present.
3. That he evades service of his sentence by escaping during the
term of his imprisonment. E.g. A detention prisoner cannot commit evasion of service of sentence.
However, if the detention prisoner employed force or intimidation against
Evasion of service of sentence is committed by any convict, who shall the guard, who was trying to prevent his escape, he is liable for direct
evade the service of his sentence by reason of: assault under Article 148 or simple resistance under Article 151.
1. final judgment while suffering deprivation of liberty by escaping in
case of imprisonment; E.g. On the other hand, a convicted prisoner, who escaped by disarming
2. by entering a prohibited place in case of destierro; or the guards with the use of pistol, is liable for qualified evasion of service
3. by returning to the Philippines in case of deportation. of sentence.

Who are liable for this crime? Deportation as a penalty consists of deprivation of liberty because
- A convicted prisoner who is serving sentence by final judgment. the deportee is deprived of his liberty from staying in or returning to
How about a detention prisoner, can he be liable? the Philippines. Hence, it is submitted that an alien, who violated his
- A detention prisoner is not confined in the penitentiary by reason penalty of deportation, is liable for evasion of service of sentence. (1975
of final judgment; he is only temporarily detained pending the Bar Exam)
investigation or trial against him or pending appeal; hence, he
could not commit evasion of service of sentence. Since he is not Qualifying Circumstance
yet serving sentence, there is nothing to evade. In sum, service of Evasion is qualified if the convicted prisoner escapes by means of
sentence as an element of this crime is not present. scaling (escalamiento), by breaking doors, windows, gates,walls, roofs,
- A detention prisoner, who escaped, is not punished because to or floors, or by using picklocks, false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or
escape is an instinct of human nature.(Pacheco; 2012 Bar Exam) intimidation, or through connivance with other convicts or employees of
In sum,evil intent of the part of the detention prisoner is wanting the penal institution. (Article 157)
since he merely acted based on his instinct.
Continuing Crime
When does final judgment begin? GR: Evasion of service of sentence involving the penalty of imprisonment
- Even though the prisoner escaped after his conviction,evasion of is a continuing crime. Thus, if the convict escaped from National Bilibid
service of sentence is not committed if the judgment was not yet Prison in Muntinlupa, and was arrested in Manila, he can be prosecuted
final at that time because the reglementary period to appeal had for evasion of service of sentence either in Muntinlupa or Manila.
not yet lapsed or the sentence of his conviction was under

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

EXCP: However, in evasion of service of sentence involving the penalty A detention prisoner for homicide escaped while working at the guest
of destierro, the violation of his sentence by the accused ceased once house of a provincial governor. The detainee worked at the guest house
he gets out of the prohibited area. Thus, if the convict, who entered pursuant to a note of the Governor to the Assistant Provincial Warden
Dagupan City, which is a prohibited place by reason of the penalty of asking for five men to work in the guest house. The notice did not
destierro, and thereafter, he went to Manila and was arrested in that mention the names of the prisoners. The warden merely picked the men
place, he can only be prosecuted in Dagupan City. When he was to compose the work party. The Governor and the Assistant Provincial
arrested in Manila,he is not anymore violating the penalty of destierro Warden are not liable for delivery of prisoner from jail since they are
since that is not a prohibited area. In sum, evasion of service of sentence jailers of the detention prisoner. This crime is committed by an outsider
involving destierro is not a continuing crime. (1998 Bar Exam) who removes from jail any person therein confined or helps him escape.
They are not liable for connivance in the evasion of the prisoner. For sure
INFIDELITY IN THE CUSTODY OF PRISONERS no connivance in the escape of the detention prisoner can be deduced
Infidelity in the custody of prisoners is committed by any public officer from the note of the governor, which does not mention the names of the
who consents to the escape of a prisoner sentenced by final such prisoners to be brought to the guest house. They are not liable for
escape through his negligence. If evasion is committed with his consent, evasion through negligence since this crime can only be committed by
this crime can also be called as conniving with or consenting to evasion. the officer who is charged with the custody and guarding of the prisoner.
(Article 223) If it has taken place through his negligence, it can also be (Alberto v. De la Cruz, G.R. No. L-31839, June 30, 1980; 1981 Bar
called as evasion through negligence.(Article 224). Exam)

Infidelity in the custody of prisoner, which is a crime committed by a A guard is liable for infidelity in the custody of prisoner or evasion
public officer, will be discussed in relation to evasion of service of through negligence for relaxing the inspection of the belongings of a
sentence and delivery of prisoners from jail,which are crimes against detention prisoner during jail visit allowing him to smuggle a pisto1, which
public disorder. he subsequently used to escape. (2015 Bar Exam)
Consenting to Evasion
In People v.Del Barrio, CA 60 O.G. 3908, a policeman assigned to city In U.S. v. Bandino, G.R. No. L-9964,February 11, 1915, a guard
jail as a guard, who, while he was off-duty, brought recently released permitted a convicted prisoner to go and buy some cigarettes near the
prisoner inside the jail to substitute for a detention prisoner whom he place where he was held in custody. The prisoner, taking advantage of
later on brought out of jail, returning said prisoner inside the jail about 5 the confusion in the crowd there, fled from the custody of the accused.
hours thereafter, may be held liable of the crime of delivering prisoner The guard is liable for evasion through connivance and not only evasion
from jail and not for infidelity in the custody of prisoner. (1972 Bar Exam) through negligence. Permitting the prisoner to leave the jail and to obtain
Only a custodian can commit infidelity in the custody of a prisoner. Since a relaxation of his imprisonment and, although the convict may not have
the guard is off-duty, the prisoner is technically not under his custody. fled, is consenting to evasion, and not merely evasion through
negligence since the penalty is made ineffectual.
Evasion Through Negligence

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

● Relaxation of imprisonment is considered consenting to evasion

detention detention
or infidelity in the custody of prisoners since it makes the penalty
prisoner prisoner
● Allowing a prisoner to sleep at your house. He is also liable for 2. prisoners convicted prisoner detention or detention or
violation of Section 3(e) of R.A. No.3019 convicted convicted
● A chief of police, who permitted a detention prisoner to leave the note: arrestee is prisoner prisoner
jail to entertain people in his house, then came back. not liable

3. dolo/culpa dolo dolo dolo -

E.g. X is serving a 6-year prison term. In his fourth year in prison, he consenting to
discovered that the judge committed a mistake in giving him a 6-year evasion
sentence when the law he violated called for 3 years of imprisonment culpa - evasion
only. Y, the jail guard and a law student checked X's contention and through
found it correct. X did not want to go to court anymore as he did not have negligence
any money to hire a lawyer to file habeas corpus and he had lost faith in
4. sentence deprivation of imprisonment imprisonment
the competence of judges. X then informed Y that he would just escape liberty
and the latter did not object.As soon as Y turned his back X sprinted out
of his cell.
- X is liable for evasion of service of sentence while Yis liable for
- It is when the evasion is committed with consent or through the
consenting to evasion. The fact that the judge committed a
negligence of a private person to whom the conveyance or
mistake in imposing the penalty is not an excuse for escaping. X
custody of a prisoner or person under arrest has been confided.
should have avail of procedural remedies under the law. By
assessing on his own the proper penalty and escaping on the
assumption that he already served the correct penalty, he placed
the law into his own hands, which is not allowed since it will
1. That the offender is a convict by final judgment, who is confined
destroy the foundation of the judicial system. (1979 Bar Exam)
in a penal institution.
2. That there is disorder, resulting from-
Difference between Evasion of Service of Sentence, Infidelity in the
a. conflagration,
Custody of Prisoner, and Delivery of Prisoner from Jail:
b. earthquake,
Evasion of Infidelity in the Delivery of c. explosion,
Service of Custody of Prisoner from d. similar catastrophe, or
Sentence Prisoner Jail e. mutiny in which he has not participated.
3. That the offender evades the service of his sentence by leaving
1. offender the offender is the the offender is the offender is
the penal institution where he is confined, on the occasion of such
convicted prisoner the custodian of the custodian of
disorder or during the mutiny.
the convicted or the convicted or

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

4. That the offender fails to give himself up to the authorities within new felony before beginning to serve such sentence, or while serving the
48 hours following the issuance of a proclamation by the Chief same.
Executive announcing the passing away of such calamity.
- He shall be punished by the maximum period of the penalty
- It is committed by a convict who, after leaving the penal institution prescribed by law for the new felony.
where he shall have been confined on occasion of calamity, - The first crime for which the offender is serving sentence need
evades the service of his sentence by failing to give himself up to not be a felony. But the second crime has to be a felony
the authorities within 48 hours following the issuance of a
proclamation by the Chief Executive announcing the passing ELEMENTS:
away of calamity. 1. Offender was already convicted by final judgment of one offense;
- Good faith is a valid defense kapag na-late ka mag-surrender. 2. He committed a new felony before beginning to serve such
- E.g. May sunog sa jail, alangan hindi ka umalis. sentence or while serving the same.
- The prisoner is entitled to special time if he did not leave the
penal institution,or if he surrendered to authorities within 48 hours NOTES:
after the passing away thereof as announced by the President. If - Quasi-recidivism does not require that the two offenses are
he did not surrender within the period, he is liable for evasion of embraced in the same title of the Code.
service of sentence. - Recidivism, quasi-recidivism, and reiteracion are aggravating
- Both the detention prisoner and convicted prisoner are entitled to circumstances. Habitual delinquency is NOT an aggravating
special time allowance for loyalty. However, only convicted circumstance.
prisoners can be held liable for evasion of service of sentence on - The aggravating circumstance of reiteracion requires that the
the occasion of calamity. Since a detention prisoner is not yet offender shall have served out his sentences for his prior
serving a sentence, there is nothing to evade. offenses. In Quasi-recidivism accused were yet serving the
sentence at the time of the commission of the second crime.
ARTICLE 159. VIOLATION OF CONDITIONAL PARDON - Quasi-recidivism cannot be offset by ordinary mitigating
ELEMENTS: circumstances.
1. That the offender was a convict;
2. That he was granted a conditional pardon by the Chief Executive; Title 6: Crimes against Public Morals
3. That he violated any of the conditions of such pardon.

TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS (R.A. NO. 9208 as amended by R.A. NO.

SERVICE OF PENALTY IMPOSED FOR ANOTHER OFFENSE; - The specific crimes of trafficking in person are defined in Section
PENALTY. 4 of R.A. No.9208.
QUASI-RECIDIVISM is a special aggravating circumstance where a
person, after having been convicted by final judgment, shall commit a ELEMENTS:

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

1. act of trafficking Trafficking in persons may be committed also by means of taking

2. means to commit trafficking and advantage of the persons' vulnerability as minors (People v. De Dios,
3. exploitive purpose G.R. No. 234018, June 6, 2018) or as a person, who needs money.
Before, human trafficking is punishable as slavery where lack of consent
Under Section 3 of R.A. No. 9208, the elements of trafficking in persons
of the victim is an element. However, because of the difficulty of proving
are as follows:
slavery since there are occasions that victims gave their consent to this
1. Acts of Trafficking - Recruitment, obtaining, hiring. providing, act, the community of nations including the Philippines made trafficking in
offering, transportation, transfer, maintaining, harboring. or receipt of persons a crime with or without consent of the trafficked victim. However,
trafficked victim; they replaced “lack of consent” with “taking advantage of vulnerability of
the victim" as an element of trafficking in person. In sum, even though
2. Means to Commit Trafficking - By means of threat,or use of force, or the victims consented to human trafficking, if the trafficker took
other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or advantage of their vulnerability, trafficking in persons is still committed.
of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, or the
giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a Acts of trafficking committed for exploitive purpose against a child, or
person having control over another person. when the adoption is induced by any form of consideration, shall also be
considered as 'trafficking in persons' even if they do not involve any of
Kidnapping or detaining a human being for the purpose of enslaving him the means to commit trafficking.
is slavery under the Revised Penal Code.However. the offender can be
prosecuted for trafficking in persons. Thrat or use of force, or other forms Since the victims are minor, means to commit trafficking such as threat or
of coercion, abduction is a means to commit trafficking in persons. use of force, coercion, or fraud need not be established by evidence.
Even without the use of coercive, abusive, or deceptive means, a minor's
The accused deceived the victim by saying that her work in Malaysia consent is not recognized by law, (People v. Aguirre, G.R. No. 219952,
would be as restaurant entertainer,when in fact,she would be working as November 20, 2017) or shall not be considered as having been given out
a prostitute.This is trafficking in person. (G.R. No. 195419, October 12, of his or her own free will. (People v. Ramirez, G.R. No. 217978, January
2011). 30, 2019)
There are allegations the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II AAA was first lured to prostitution when accused offered her to a male
coerced Filipino comfort women to provide sexual services to Japanese customer and paid her P400.00 for the transaction. Several other
soldiers. Hypothetically, this is trafficking in persons. Abuse of power or transactions transpired thereafter. Accused would transact with the
of position is a means to commit trafficking in persons. customers and then payAAA each time for her service. It did not matter
Purchasing or selling a human being for the purpose of enslaving him is that there was no threat, force,coercion, abduction, fraud, deception or
slavery. However, the offender can be prosecuted for trafficking in abuse of power that was employed by accused when she involved AAA
persons. Giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the in her illicit sexual trade. AAA was still a minor. Trafficking in persons
consent of a person having control over another person is a means to may be committed also by means of taking advantage of the persons'
commit trafficking in persons. vulnerability as minors. Accusd was convicted of qualified trafficking in
person. (People v.De Dios G.R. No. 234018, June 6, 2018)

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

3. Exploitive Purpose -The act of trafficking is committed for any of the deceptive means employed by perpetrators of human trafficking. Even
following purposes: (a) Sexual exploitation such as prostitution or without the use of coercive, abusive, or deceptive means, a minor's
pornography:(b) Labor exploitation such forced labor or services, slavery, consent is not given out of his or her own free will.
servitude; and (c) Organ exploitation such as removal or sale of organs.
Within or across national borders (Extraterritoriality)
Section 3 of R.A. No. 9208 in defining trafficking in person used the
Trafficking in person can be committed within or across national borders.
phrase “for the purpose of exploitation.” Hence, the third element of this
A recruited B in China to be a prostitute in the Philippines. A took
crime is exploitive purpose.Recruiting,hiring or transferring the victim
advantage of the vulnerability of B since the latter is very poor. A caused
through the required means such as taking advantage of her vulnerability
the transportation of B to the Philippines where the later engaged in
for purpose of exploitation such as prostitution consummates the crime of
prostitution. A is liable of trafficking in persons although the recruitment is
trafficking in person. Actual exploitation is not necessary for purpose of
committed in China.
consummation thereof.
Specific Crimes of Trafficking in Person
Accused approached PO1 Nemenzo and offered him the sexual services
of four girls, two of whom were minors, for P2,400.00. The police The specific trafficking in persons enumerated in Section 4, which must
operation had been the result of previous surveillance. Both minor contain the three elements of trafficking in persons under Section 3, are
victims testified that this incident was not the first time that accused as follows:
pimped them out to customers. It was held that the crime of trafficking in
person involving prostitution is considered consummated even if no NOTE: Trafficking in person is NOT limited to these acts.
sexual intercourse (or no actual sexual exploitation) had taken place (a) To recruit, obtain, hire, provide, offer, transport, transfer, maintain,
since the mere transaction consummates the crime.(People v. Ramirez, harbor, or receive a person by any means, including those done under
G.R. No. 217978, January 30,2019) the pretext of domestic or overseas employment or training or
Consent of the victim is immaterial apprenticeship, for the purpose of prostitution, pornography, or sexual
Trafficking in person can be committed with or without the victim's
consent or knowledge, and within or across national borders. Thus, (b) To introduce or match for money, profit, or material, economic or other
consent of the victims, who are minors,to engage in prostitution is not a consideration, any person or, as provided for under R.A. No. 6955, any
defense in trafficking in persons involving recruitment and transportation Filipino woman to a foreign national, for marriage for the purpose of
of trafficked victims.(People v. Aguirre, G.R. No. 219952, November 20, acquiring, buying, offering, selling or trading him/her to engage in
2017) prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery,
involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
In People v. Bandojo, G.R. No. 234161, October 17,2018,the fact that
AAA had asked accused for a raket (of earningmoney by having sexual (c) To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated,for the purpose of
relations with customers) and that she visited the said accused in prison acquiring, buying, offering, selling, or trading them to engage in
does not negate their criminal liability.Trafficking in persons may be prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor or slavery,
committed with or without the victims consent or knowledge. Moreover, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
victims consent is rendered meaningless due to the coercive, abusive, or
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

(d) To Undertake or organize tours and travel plans consisting of tourism for any consideration or for barter for purposes ef exploitation;Trafficking
packages or activities for the purpose of utilizing and offering persons for for purposes of exploitation of children shall include:
prostitution, pornography or sexual exploitation;
(1) All forms of slavery or practices similar to slaver. involuntary
(e) To maintain or hire a person to engage in prostitution or pornography; servitude, debt bondage and forced labor, includins recruitment of
children for use in armed conflict;
(f) To adopt persons by any form of consideration f exploitative purposes
or to facilitate the same for purposes of prostitution, pornography, sexual (2) The use, procuring or offering ofachildfor prostitution, for the
exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage; production of pornography.or pornographie performances;

(g) To adopt or facilitate the adoption of persons for the purpose of (3) The use, procuring or offeringJochildforthe production and
prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, foroed labor, slavery, trafficking of drugs; and
involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
(4) The use, procuring or offering of a child for illegal activities or
(h) To recruit, hire, adopt, transport, transfer, obtain, harbor. maintain, work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is
provide, offer, receive or abduct a person, by means of threat or use of carried out, is likely to harm their health, safety or morals; and
force, fraud, deceit, violence, coercion, or intimidation for the purpose of
(l) To organize or direct other persons to commit the offenses defined as
removal or sale of organs of said person;
acts of trafficking under this Act. (Section 4 of R.A. No. 9208 as amended
(i) To recruit, transport, obtain, transfer, harbor, maintain offer, hire, R.A. No. 10364)
provide, receive or adopt a child to engage in armed activities in the
There are as many crimes of trafficking in person as there are victims of
Philippines or abroad;
trafficking. In People v. XXX, G.R. No.235652,July 09, 2018, XXX and
j) To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, obtain, maintain. offer, hire, YYY were convicted of three counts of qualified trafficking in persons for
provide or receive a person by means of defined in Section 3 of this Act making their three biological children (minors) perform acts of cybersex
for purposes of forced labor, slavery, debt bondage and involuntary in pornographic websites for different foreigner customers in exchange of
servitude, including a scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause the money or ordering them to dance naked in front of the computer with
person either: internet connectivity while facilitating the webcam sessions and chatting
with a certain customer. XXX is convicted of another count of qualified
(1) To believe that if the person did not perform such labor or
trafficking in person for transporting and providing her own minor
services, he or she or another person would suffer serious harm
biological child to a foreigner in Makati City for the purpose of
or physical restraint; or
(2) To abuse or threaten the use of law or the legal processes;
The following are considered as qualified trafficking in person under
(k) To recruit, transport, harbor, obtain, transfer, maintain. hire,offer,
Section 6 of R.A. No. 9208 as amended by R.A. No. 10364:
provide, adopt or receive a child for purposes of exploitatioa or trading
them, including but not limited to,the act of baring and or selling a child 1. When the trafficked person is a child (2012 Bar Exam);

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

2. When the adoption is effected through Inter-Country Adoption Act Law ➢ BUT if it's a crime of estafa syndicated = at least 5/more
(2012 Bar Exam); offenders.
➢ Aid of armed men - at least 2 offenders
3. When the offender is a spouse, an ascendant, parent, sibling,
➢ Band - at least 4 armed men
guardian or a person who exercises authority over the trafficked person
or when the offense is committed by a public officer or employee;
1. Minority - Minority cannot be appreciated as a qualifying
4. When the trafficked person is recruited to engage in prostitution with circumstance in trafficking in person if not alleged in the
any member of the military or law enforcement agencies; information. (People v. Aguirre, G.R. No.219952,November
5. When the offender is a member of the military or law enforcement
agencies; To appreciate the qualifying circumstance of minority of the victim
in trafficking in person, knowledge of the accused with regard to
6. When by reason or on occasion of the act of trafficking in persons, the her minority is inconsequential. (People v. Bandojo, G.R. No
offended party dies, becomes insane, suffers mutilation or is afflicted with 234161, October 17, 2018)
2. Minority and Adoption - Adoption or facilitating the adoption
7. When the offender commits one or more trafficking in person over a of child for the purpose of prostitutionconstitutes trafficking in
period of 60 or more days, whether those days are continuous or not; person. The means to commit trafficking in person can be
8.When the offender directs or through another manages the trafficking dispensed with since the trafficked victim is a minor. However.
victim in carrying out the exploitative purpose of trafficking; and trafficking is qualified when trafficked person is a child or when
the adoption is effected through Inter-Country Adoption Act and
9. When the crime is committed by a syndicate, or in large scale. said adoption is for the purpose of prostitution. (2012 Bar Exam)
When is it committed syndicated or through a large scale? Even if the adoption is not effected through Inter-Country
- Syndicated - WON it was carried out by 3/more offenders. Adoption Law,the crime is still qualified trafficking in person since
- Large Scale – committed against 3/more persons whether the victim being adopted is a minor.
committed individually or as a group.
- e.g. binili mo 'yung kidney ni A then eventually binili mo yung CHILD TRAFFICKING UNDER R.A.NO.7610
kidney ni B then ni A. It is still trafficking in persons even with the - Child trafficking is committed by any person who shall engage
CONSENT of the victim. trading and dealing with children including,but not limited ta the
- The government can file for themselves. The victims are merely act of buying and selling of a child for money, or for any other
important as witnesses. consideration, or barter, The penalty is higher when the victim i
- e.g. prostitutes – public officers may prosecute. under 12 years of age. (Section 7 of R.A. No. 7610-ChildAbuse
No. of offenders according to crime:
➢ In Trafficking in Person, illegal recruitment, child pornography – Child trafficking under Section 7 of R.A.No.7610 can be committed by
3/more = syndicated any person who engages in trading and dealing with children. Thie crime
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

includes the act of buying and child higher when the victim is under 12 or evacuation centers, and low-income families, for the purpose of selling
years of age. the child.

If the trafficker sells his daughter for money, the crime committed is child ATTEMPTED CHILD TRAFFICKING UNDER R.A.NO.7610
trafficking under R.A. No.7610.If he sells her for purposes of sexual,
These acts constituting attempted trafficking in person involving a child
labor or organ exploitation, the crime committed is qualified trafficking in
under R.A.No.9208(Trafficking in Person Law) are the same acts
person under R.A. No. 9208. Giving or receiving of payments or benefits
described as attempted child traffiching under Section 8 of RA
to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person is
No.7610(Child abuse Law).Thus,a person who commits any y the said
a means to commit trafficking in person.
acts may be prosecuted for attempted trafficking in persen under R.A.
ATTEMPTED TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS UNDER R.A.NO.9208 No.9208 or attempted child trafficking under R.A. No. 7610.

Section 4-A of R.A. No. 9208 (Trafficking in Person Law) as amended by ACTS THAT PROMOTE TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS UNDER R.A
R.A. No.10364 adopted the concept of attempted felony under Article 6 NO.9208
of the Revised Penal Code.Under Section 4-A,where there are acts to
The following acts which promote or facilitate trafficking in persons under
initiate the commission of a trafficking offense but the offender failed to or
Section 5 of R.A. No. 9208 as amended by R.A.No. 10364, shall be
did not execute all the elements of the crime, by accident or by reason of
some cause other than voluntary desistance, such overt acts shall be
deemed as an attempt to commit an act of trafficking in persons. (a) To knowingly lease or sublease, use or allow to be used any house,
building or establishment for the purpose of promoting trafficking in
In cases where the victim is a child, any of the following acts shall also
be deemed as attempted trafficking in persons under Section 4-A of R.A.
No. 9208 as amended by R.A. No. 10364: (b) To produce, print and issue or distribute unissued, tampered or fake
counseling certificates, registration stickers, overseas employment
(a) Facilitating the travel of a child who travels alone to a foreign country
certificates or other certificates of any government agency which issues
or territory without valid reason therefor and without the required
these certificates, decals and such other markers as proof of compliance
clearance or permit from the Department of Social Welfare and
with government regulatory and pre-departure requirements for the
Development, or a written permit or justification from the child's parent or
purpose of promoting trafficking in persons;
legal guardian;
(c) To advertise, publish, print, broadcast, or distribute, or cause the
(b) Executing, for a consideration, an affidavit of consent or a written
advertisement, publication, printing, broadcasting or distribution by any
consent for adoption;
means, including the use of information technology and the internet, of
(c) Recruiting a woman to bear a child for the purpose of selling the child; any brochure, flyer, or any propaganda material that promotes trafficking
in persons;
(d) Simulating a birth for the purpose of selling the child; and
(d) To assist in the conduct of misrepresentation or fraud for purposes of
(e) Soliciting a child and acquiring the custody thereof through any
facilitating the acquisition of clearances and necessary exit documents
means from among hospitals, clinics, nurseries, daycare centers, refugee
from government agencies that are mandated to provide pre-departure
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

registration and services for departing persons for the purpose of trial court convicted him of qualified trafficking in person for knowingly
promoting trafficking in persons; leasing his house for the purpose of promoting trafficking in persons
under Section 5 of R.A.No.9208. The Supreme Court said that the trial
(e) To facilitate, assist or help in the exit and entry of persons from/to the
court committed a serious error. The crime under Section 5 of R.A. No.
country at international and local airports,territorial boundaries and
9208 must be properly denominated as “acts that promote trafficking in
seaports who are in possession of unissued, tampered or fraudulent
persons,” and not qualified trafficking in person.
travel documents for the purposeofpromoting trafficking in persons;
NOTE: Generally, special penal law does not adopt the stages of
(f) To confiscate, conceal, or destroy the passport,travel documents, or
execution unless the SPL specifies In this case, it specified the stages of
personal documents or belongings oftrafficked persons in furtherance of
trafficking or to prevent them from leaving the country or seeking redress
from the government or appropriate agencies; ARTICLE 195. GAMBLING

(g) To knowingly benefit from, financial or otherwise, or make use of, the Gambling
labor or services of a person held to a condition of involuntary servitude,
- is any game or scheme, whether upon chance or skill, wherein
forced labor, or slavery;
wagers consisting of money, articles or value or representative of
(h) To tamper with, destroy, or cause the destruction of evidence, or to value are at stake or made.
influence or attempt to influence witnesses, in an investigation or
Illegal Gambling
prosecution of a case under this Act;
- Illegal gambling is committed by any person who, in any manner
(i) To destroy, conceal, remove, confiscate or possess, or attempt to
directly or indirectly takes part in any unauthorized game scheme
destroy, conceal, remove, confiscate or possess, any actual or purported
whether upon chance or skill, wherein wagers consisting of
passport or other travel, immigration or working permit or document, or
money, articles of value or representative of value are at stake or
any other actual or purported government identification, ofany person in
order to prevent or restrict, or attempt to prevent or restrict, without lawful
authority, the person's liberty to move or travel in order to maintain the Illegal or unauthorized activities or games penalized under P.D. No.
labor or services of that person;or 1602:
(j) To utilize his or her office to impede the investigation, prosecution or 1. Cockfighting, jueteng, jai-alai, or horse racing to include boookie
execution of lawful orders in a case under this Act. operations and game fixing, numbers, bingo and other forms of
In People v. Saxo, G.R. No. 227704,April 10,2019, accused owned a
2. Cata y cruz, pompiang and the like;
house where its room was offered for lease for every paying customer of
3. 7-11 and any game using dice;
the complainants, who engaged in sex for a fee. Accused is aware of
4. Black jack, lucky nine, poker and its dereivatives, monte,
these prostitution activities since he cleaned the room after the
baccarat, cuajo, pangguigue and other card games;
complainant and her customer finished using it. Moreover, he sold
5. Paik que, high and low, mahjong, domino and other games using
condoms to complainant's male customers before using the room. The
plastic tiles and the like;
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

6. Slot machines, roulette, pinball and other mechanical 7. Any barangay official who, with knowledge of the existence of a
contraptions and devices; gambling house or place in his jurisdiction fails to abate the same
7. Dog racing, boat racing, car racing, and other forms of races; or take action in connection therewith;
8. Basketball, boxing, volleyball, bowling, pingpong and other forms 8. Any security officer, security guard, watchman, private or house
of individual or team contests to include game fixing, point detective of hotels, villages, buildings, enclosures and the like
shaving and other machinations; which have the reputation of a gambling place or where gambling
9. Baking or percentage game, or any other game or scheme, activities are being held.
whether upon chance or skill, wherein wagers consisting of
Numbers Game
money, articles of value or representative of value are at stake or
made. - Any form illegal gambling activity which uses numbers or
10. combinations thereof as factors in giving out jackpots. (Sec. 2[a])
Who are liable under P.D. No. 1602? This includes:
1. Any person who, in any manner, shall directly or indirectly take 1. Jueteng. - An illegal numbers game that involves the combination
part in any of the above illegal or unauthorized activities or of 37 numbers against 37 numbers from number 1 to 37 or the
games; combination of 38 numbers in some areas, serving as a form of
2. Any person who shall knowingly permit any form of gambling to local lottery where bets are placed and accepted per combination,
be carried on in an inhabited or uninhabited place or in any and its variants. (Sec. 2[b]); me
building, vessel or other means of transportation owned or 2. Masiao. - An illegal numbers game where the winning
controlled by him; combination is derived from the results of the last game of Jai Alai
3. Any person who shall knowingly permit any form of gambling to or the Special Llave portion or any result thereof based on any
be carried on in a place which has a reputation of a gambling fictitious Jai Alai game consisting of 10 players pitted against one
place or that prohibited gambling is frequently carried on therein, another, and its variants. (Sec. 2[c]); and
or in a public or government building or barangay hall; 3. Last Two. - An illegal numbers game where the winning
4. The maintainer or conductor of the above gambling schemes; . combination is derived from the last two numbers of the first prize
5. Government official who is the maintainer, conductor or banker of of the winning Sweepstakes ticket which comes out during the
the gambling schemes, or who is the player, promoter, referee, weekly draw of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
umpire, judge or coach in case of game fixing, point shaving and (PCSO), and its variants. (Sec. 2[d]) What are the illegal numbers
other machination; penalized under R.A. 9287?
6. Any person who knowingly and without lawful purpose in any
hour of any day, possesses any lottery list, paper or other matter Who are government officials and employees liable?
containing letters, figures, signs or symbols pertaining to or in any 1. A government official who is part of the illegal numbers game.
manner used in the games of jueteng, jai-alai or horse racing 2. A government official who has knowledge of the act.
bookies and similar games of lotteries and numbers which have 3. A law enforcer who fails to apprehend the act.
taken place or about to take place;

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

Why is gambling prohibited? gambling game.W.887 Maintainer or conductor in a gambling

game or scheme.
- to repress an evil that undermines the social, moral, and
3. The maintainer and conductor of a gambling game or scheme are
economic growth of the nation. It has the effect of poverty,
likewise punished.sobno sine noiroqmil.881
dishonesty, fraud, and deceit.
- is the person who sets up and furnishes the means with which to
- Hindi kailangan na may money na involve sa gambling. When the
carry on the gambling game or scheme.
law names the games prohibited, the person will be liable.
- A bystander or spectator is not criminally liable because he does Conductor
not take part therein, directly or indirectly. Mere presence is not
- is the person who manages or carries on the gambling game or
an offense.
- There is no need for proof that the game took place or is about to
take place. Kapag may jueteng list siya syempre ang presumption Racing days
ay para ‘yun sa jueteng. EXCP: Kapag doon sa jueteng list nakita
lang sa bahay tapos matagal na ‘yung date sa list. (1) July 4th of each year. (R.A. No. 137);

LOTTERY (2) December 30th of each year. (R.A. No. 229);

ELEMENTS: (3) Any registration or voting days. (R.A. No. 180, Revised Election
Code); and
1. consideration;
2. chance; and (4) Holy Thursday and Good Friday. (R.A. No. 946)
3. prize or some advantage or inequality in amount or value which is ARTICLE 200 - GRAVE SCANDAL
in the nature of a prize. ELEMENTS: 
El debate Principle a. Offender performs an act 
b. Act is highly scandalous as offending against decency or good
PLACE OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY THE OFFENDER c. Highly scandalous conduct does not expressly fall within any
other article of the RPC 
d. Committed in a public place or within the public knowledge or
1. That a gambling game was carried on in an inhabited or view. (The public view is not required, it is sufficient if in public
uninhabited place or in any building, vessel or other means of place. For public knowledge, it may occur even in a private place;
transportation. the number of people who sees it is not material).
2. That the place, building, vessel or other means of transportation
is owned or controlled by the offender. That the offender E.g. Amelia, a famous actress, bought the penthouse unit of a posh
permitted the carrying on of such game, knowing that it is a condominium building in Taguig City. Every night, Amelia would swim
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

naked in the private, but open air, pool of her penthouse unit. It must What is the difference between grave scandal and scandal (in alarms
have been obvious to Amelia that she could have been seen from nearby and scandal)?
buildings. In fact, some residents occupying the higher floors of the - In grave scandal, the scandal involved refers to moral scandal
nearby residential buildings entertained themselves and their friends by offensive to decency, although it does not disturb public peace.
watching her swim nude from their windows. Is she liable for a grave But such conduct or act must be open to the public view. 
scandal? - In alarms and scandals, the scandal involved refers to
- Yes. Even though she swam naked in a private pool, it is obvious disturbances of the public tranquility and not to acts offensive to
that she could be seen from nearby buildings. Despite the fact decency.
that her private pool is visible to the public, she exposed her nude
body, which is highly scandalous act that is offensive to decency What if you are only a spectator?
or good customs. (2013 Bar Exam) Those who were watching her - No. They will subject you for investigation.
are not committing a crime. (1996 Bar Exam).
- What is punished is the SCANDALOUS ACT. ● Betting whether it is piso will make you liable.
● You help maintain the game; sa bahay mo sila naggagamble
E.g. A man and a woman enters a movie house which is a public place tapos hinayaan mo lang.
and then goes to the darkest part of the balcony and while there the man ● Intent/good faith is not a defense.
started performing acts of lasciviousness on the woman. What is the
crime committed?
- If it is against the will of the woman, the crime would be acts of
lasciviousness. But if there is mutuality, this constitutes grave
scandal. Public view is not necessary so long as it is performed in PERSONS LIABLE:
a public place. 1. Those who publicly expound or proclaim doctrines that are
contrary to public morals 
E.g. defecated in the car. 2. Authors of obscene literature, published with their knowledge in
- The best thing to do is to plead guilty and ask for forgiveness. any form 
3. Editors publishing such obscene literature 
E.g. Artists whose videotape is uploaded without their consent are not 4. Owners or operators of establishments selling obscene literature
liable of grave scandal. In fact, their privacy is even violated. 5. Those who exhibit indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts or
shows on theaters, fairs, cinemas or any other place 
NOTES 6. Those who sell, distribute, or exhibit prints, engraving, sculptures
● The crime of grave scandal is a crime against public morals. or literatures which are offensive to morals
Necessarily, the offender must commit the crime in a public place
or within the view of the public. 


Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

- Immoral doctrine is committed by any person who publicly Acts considered as obscene literature or immoral or indecent plays,
expounds or proclaims doctrines openly contrary to public morals. scenes or acts: 
(Article 201). 1. those which glorify criminals or condone crimes
2. those which serve no other purpose but to satisfy the market for
NOTE: PUBLICITY is ESSENTIAL for this crime. It means the act or
violence, lust or pornography 
acts done must come to the knowledge of third persons. As long as the
3. those which offend against any race or religion 
pornographic matter or exhibition is made privately, there is no crime
4. those which tend to abet the traffic in and the use of prohibited
committed under the Revised Penal Code because what is protected is
the morality of the public in general.
5. those that are contrary to law, public order, morals, good
Morals customs, established policies, lawful orders, decrees and edicts .
- imply conformity to generally accepted standards of goodness or
rightness in conduct or character. The proper test is whether the MOTIVE of the picture is pure or impure or
it is naturally calculated to excite impure imaginations.
● Writing obscene literature is not punished, but the author is liable NOTES
if it is published with his knowledge. In every case, the editor - consider publicity first
publishing it is liable. - Mere nudity in paintings and pictures is not obscene. As regards
● Mere nudity in painting and sculpture is NOT obscenity as they such a picture, the proper test is whether the motive of the
may be considered pieces of art. To be nudity, they must produce picture, as indicated by it, is pure or impure; or whether it is
a perceptible and discernible reaction in the public or audience naturally calculated to excite impure imaginations.
witnessing the same. - Mere possession of obscene materials, without intention to sell,
● Photograph of a man and woman appearing to have actual exhibit, or give them away, is not punishable under Article 201,
intercourse is NOT obscene because they are not coupled with considering the purpose of the law is to prohibit the dissemination
the intention to demoralize and challenge the sensibilities of of obscene materials to the public.
human nature. - you went naked in public without any aesthetic purpose → liable
● Mere possession of obscene materials is not punishable if you - did the public go in a way that will go against decency.
have no intention to sell, exhibit, or give them away. - Sir was caught having a nude magazine - mere possession does
● Giving away means distributing, not casual giving. not make him liable. It is only the effect of reading that will make
him liable.
● It is immoral and indecent if someone dances and the public Photo or Video Voyeurism
shouts, “Sige muna, nakakalibog!” It is hereby prohibited and declared unlawful for any person:
● Pictures with slight degree of obscenity for commercial purposes. (a) To take photo or video coverage of a person or group of persons
performing sexual act or any similar activity or to capture an image of the
private area of a person/s such as the naked or undergarment clad

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

genitals, public area, buttocks or female breast without the consent of the ● If the woman does not habitually indulge in said acts, then
person/s involved and under circumstances in which the person/s she cannot be deemed as a prostitute.
has/have a reasonable expectation of privacy; ● In one case, the Court asked how many times the NBI agent
(b) To copy or reproduce, or to cause to be copied or reproduced, such engaged in sexual intercourse with the alleged prostitute. When
photo or video or recording of sexual act or any similar activity with or the agent said that it was only once, and that they did not know if
without consideration; there are any instances before him and after him – the Court
(c) To sell or distribute, or cause to be sold or distributed, such photo or acquitted the accused because the sexual intercourse for money
video or recording of sexual act, whether it be the original copy or or profit was not habitual, done only once.
reproduction thereof; or ● Minors are exempted from this as long as the undergo
(d) To publish or broadcast, or cause to be published or broadcast, appropriate counseling ang treatment.
whether in print or broadcast media, or show or exhibit the photo or video ● Sexual intercourse is not absolutely necessary, as lascivious
coverage or recordings of such sexual act or any similar activity through conduct is sufficient.
VCD/DVD, internet, cellular phones and other similar means or device.
Title 5: Crimes relative to opium and other prohibited drugs
The prohibition under paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) shall apply *class notes only”
notwithstanding that consent to record or take photo or video coverage of
the same was given by such person/s. Any person who violates this
provision shall be liable for photo or video voyeurism as defined herein. PERSONS LIABLE UNDER R.A. NO.9165
(Sec. 4, R.A. No. 9995)
1. Aside from the pusher, dangerous drugs trafficker,possessor and
of obscenity user, protector/coddler and financer are also liable for crime
- If the material has the tendency to deprave and corrupt the mind involving dangerous drugs.
of the viewer then the same is obscene and where such 2. Protector/coddler is any person who knowingly and willfully
obscenity is made publicly, criminal liability arises. consents to the unlawful acts involving dangerous drugs and uses
his influence,power or position in shielding, harboring,screening
or facilitating the escape of any person he knows, or has
ARTICLE 202. VAGRANCY AND PROSTITUTION reasonable grounds to believe on or suspects, has committed
these acts in order to prevent the arrest, prosecution,and
RA 10158
conviction of the violator. (Section 3 of R.A. No. 9165)
- Vagrancy is decriminalized but not prostitution. WHY? Because
3. Financier is any person who pays for, raises or supplies money
vagrancy is anti-poor as vagrants are victims of poverty.
for, or underwrites any of the illegal activities prescribed under
ELEMENTS OF A PROSTITUTE: this Act.(Section 3 of R.A. No. 9165)
1. A women habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious
conduct; and
2. The act was done for money or profit. - even if you have not manufactured anything (?)

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

What is a dangerous drug? E.g. He put one drop of cannabis oil in his tea and he was subjected to
drug testing. He was found positive. Is he liable?
- Include those listed in the Schedules annexed to the 1961 Single
Convention on Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the 1972 Protocol, - Yes, despite the amount he is still liable.
and in the Schedules annexed to the 1971 Single Convention on
Confirmatory Test
Psychotropic Substances as enumerated in the attached annex
which is an integral part of this Act. - An analytical test using a device, tool or equipment with a
different chemical or physical principle that is more specific which
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals
will validate and confirm the result of the screening test.
- Include those listed in Tables I and II of the 1988 UN Convention - The police may do a: (1) screening test (rapid test)-- check on his
Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic physical appearance or (2) confirmatory test
Substances as enumerated in the attached annex, which is an - Screening test is NOT required under the law, it is the
integral part of this Act. confirmatory test that is required.
- Not all medicines are automatically allowed.
E.g. If your client will be subjected for a testing, make sure that anything
Art. II - Punishable acts that will be tested is submitted by him or her. One of the loopholes that
police officers do is that they will wait for the accused to pee and they will
Section 15. Use of Dangerous Drugs.
submit it to the laboratory.
- It is not penalized immediately, it is open for reformation
- From that alone, there is already a breach under Section 21.
- Evidence for a person to be considered positive – confirmatory
There is already a doubt.
- Paano pag may hawak pala siyang ibang sample?
- 1st offenders are charged 6 months imprisonment
- Employers are required to report if one of their employees is ARTICLE III - Dangerous Drugs Test and Record Requirements
found to be positive to PDEA, PNP, or other law enforcement.
Section 36. Authorized Drug Testing
When employers are given instruction it is a violation of the Data
Privacy Act. What will happen? E.g. How about students or employees who are subjected to a random
- GR: They may refer him first to a rehabilitation center. UNLESS, drug testing, will they be subjected to Section 15?
he is a second time offender.
- He is a NATURAL person. - It will not be unfair it is upheld under jurisprudence that there is no
violation of privacy. The emploeyer of the school has the burden
Use to proof that the drug testing was done randomly.
- Any act of injecting, intravenously or intramuscularly, of Section 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs
consuming, either by chewing, smoking, sniffing, eating,
swallowing, drinking or otherwise introducing into the - The penalty is dependent on the drug on its quality and degree of
physiological system of the body, and of the dangerous drugs. purity.

Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

E.g. What if I was found in possession of .001 of shabu and as an controlled precursors and essential chemical trade, the maximum
incident and I was subjected to a drug test and was found positive. Will I penalty shall be imposed in every case.
be charged of posession and use of drugs? 3. If the victim of the offense is a minor or a mentally incapacitated
individual, or should a dangerous drug; and/or
- Yes. He can be charge under Sec 15 and 11.
4. A controlled precursor and essential chemical involved in any
- However, in Section 12 and 15, there is already prima facie
offense herein provided be the proximate cause of death of a
victim thereof, the maximum penalty provided for under this
Possession Section shall be imposed.
5. Upon any person who organizes, manages or acts as a
- it might be physical or constructive possession. "financier" of any of the illegal activities prescribed in this Section.
- Lack of criminal intent is NOT a valid excuse.
The maximum penalty provided for under this Section if any of the
E.g. If your friend left his bag in your house and a valid search was qualifying circumstances are present
conducted and they found drugs. Would you be liable of possession?
Requisites of Sale:
- No.
1. Take note of the identity of the buyer ans seller and object and
E.g. If you were given by your uncle a plastic and you thought that it was consideration thereof.
only salt. Can you raise good faith as a valid defense? 2. The delivery and eventual payment. There must be delivery of the
- No. thing sold and payment thereof in order to consumate sale.

Section 5. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, NOTE: There should be the objective of sale. Kailangan may objective
Distribution and Transportation of Dangerous Drugs and/or sila na magbenta.
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals. E.g. A is the buyer. B is the seller. 1 kilo of shabu (object). If the identity
- There is a presumption that you are NOT authorized by law. is enumerated, then the first requisite is satisfied. But make sure that
there is the delivery of the object to the buyer an the buyer on the other
Qualifying circumstances for Sec 5: hand delivering the consideration/payment. Was there a consumated
1. If the sale, trading, administration, dispensation, delivery, transcation of sale?
distribution or transportation of any dangerous drug and/or - Yes.
controlled precursor and essential chemical transpires within one - Entrapment v. Instigation
hundred (100) meters from the school, the maximum penalty shall - The consideration of sale must be recovered from the accused.
be imposed in every case. This will be use as EVIDENCE.
2. For drug pushers who use minors or mentally incapacitated
individuals as runners, couriers and messengers, or in any other Instigation
capacity directly connected to the dangerous drugs and/or - You led the criminal to commit the crime. The police officers put
the law in their own hands.
Criminal Law 2 Notes z.m.s.r

Buy-bust operation

- is a form of entrapment, whereby a police agent disguised as a

buyer of illegal drugs undertakes a sales transaction with a seller.

E.g. A gave B a transparent bag and B gave money. The police officers
arrested both.

- They can be both arrested.


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