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Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris

1. Amy : “Hello, ……..?

George : “Hello, my name is George!”
A. how are you?
B. what are you?
C. where are you?
D. what is your name?

2. Ana: “Hi, I am Ana, nice to meet you!”

Elsa: “…………………………”
A. Nice to meet you too
B. Good morning
C. I am Elsa
D. How do you do

3. Sunday,…...., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

The day after Sunday is …..
A. Friday
B. Monday
C. Saturday
D. Wednesday

4. A : Which is larger, the bus or the car?

B : The bus is . . . . than the car.
A. smaller
B. shorter
C. bigger
D. larger

The text is for No.5 – 6

My name is Emma, and I’m ten years old. I have two younger sisters. They are four and
seven years old. I love to read with my sisters at night. I love to read! My friends think I am
quiet and shy. On sunny day, I like to read in the park. I want to be a writer. I want to write
mystery books.

5. What does Emma like to do?

A. She likes to sing
B. She likes to read
C. He likes to sing
D. He likes to read

6. A : Does she quiet and shy?

B :....
A. Yes, she does
B. Yes, he does
C. No, she doesn’t
D. No, he doesn’t
The text is for No.7 – 9
Sarah had a headache yesterday. She didn’t come to school. She went to the doctor with her
mom. The doctor was very friendly. He examined Sarah carefully. He also gave her
prescription to buy medicines in the drugstore. The doctor asked Sarah to take much rest so
that she would be better soon.

7. Why did Sarah go to the doctor?

A. She had a headache
B. She had a stomachache
C. She had a toothache
D. She had a toothache

8. When did Sarah go to the doctor?

A. Today
B. Tomorrow
C. Yesterday
D. Last week

9. The doctor . . . . Sarah carefully.

A. gave
B. examined
C. friendly
D. medicines

The text is for No.10 – 12

Amy and Katie are shopping. They are looking at sunglasses. Amy sees sunglasses with red
and black hearts. She wants to give them to Rachel because it’s her birthday next week. The
sunglasses are only $4.00, but Amy can’t find her purple and white wallet. Katie sees it.
It’s near the sunglasses.

10. What are they doing?

A. Playing
B. Reading
C. Shopping
D. Drawing

11. What do the sunglasses look like?

A. Red and black dots
B. Red and black hearts
C. Purple and white dots
D. Purple and white hearts

12. What does Amy’s wallet look like?

A. Purple and white
B. Red and white
C. Purple and black
D. Black and white

13. Look at the picture below!

How much is this ballpoint?
It is. . .
A. Two hundred and five thousand rupiahs
B. Two thousand and five hundred rupiahs
C. Five hundred and two thousand rupiahs
D. Five thousand and two hundred rupiahs

14. Look at the picture below!

How much is this pencil case?

It is. . .
A. Twenty hundred and five rupiahs
B. Twenty-six hundred and five rupiahs
C. Twenty and six thousand five hundred rupiahs
D. Twenty-six thousand and five hundred rupiahs

The following text is for question 15-17

“How to Make Cheesecake”
1. ½ cup of sugar
2. 2 eggs
3. ½ teaspoon of vanilla
4. 2 packages of cream cheese

1. Beat and blend sugar, cream cheese, and vanilla at medium speed.
2. Blend in the eggs, then stir.
3. Bake at 35 celsius for 40 minutes or until it is almost set.
4. Cool.
5. To get the best result, put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Yield: 6 servings
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes

15. How long the cake can be served?

A. 20 minutes
B. 60 minutes
C. 70 minutes
D. 45 minutes

16. How much do we need some sugar?

A. ½ cup
B. 2 cups
C. ½ teaspoon
D. 2 packages

17. The goal of the text above is to tell about …

A. How to bake a cake
B. How to make cheesecake
C. How to beat cream cheese
D. How to blend vanilla dan sugar

Read the text for no. 18-21

This morning, Ebeth and Frits, his pen friend from Australia, have breakfast together at Ebeth’s
house. They are in the dining room now.
Ebeth : “Please, choose to have. It is rice, fried egg, and that’s Crips. We have
noodle with meatball, fried fish, ice cream, orange juice, and fruits. There are
several kinds of bread like beef burger, pizza, croissant, hotdog, plain bread,
too. You can take them.”
Frits : “I’d like to have two slices of bread and glass of orange juice first. I usually have
sandwich and a glass of milk in the morning.”
Ebeth : Okay. I take fried rice and fried egg. Have a nice breakfast.

18. The dialogue happens in the….

A. house
B. market
C. restaurant
D. stall

19. They still do …. at Ebeth’s house.

A. dinner
B. lunch
C. breakfast
D. supper

20. Frits usually eats…. for breakfast.

A. fried egg
B. bread
C. beef burger
D. pizza

21. There are ……persons in the conversation above.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
Look at the pictures! (For No. 22 – 23)
 Jacket 1       Jacket 2   Jacket 3

22. Jacket 2 is . . . . than the jacket 3.

A. cheapest
B. cheaper
C. more expensive
D. most expensive

23. Jacket 1 is the . . . . of all.

A. most expensive
B. more expensive
C. cheapest
D. cheaper

The text is for No.24 – 26

I feel happy when I pass a test, but very disappointed when I fail. I feel nervous when my
teacher asks me a question, and very surprised when I can answer. I feel shy when I have to
give a speech, but very excited when I can speak well.

24. She feels happy because . . . .

A. she fails the test
B. she passes the test
C. she can answer
D. she has to give a speech

25. The teacher asks her a question, so she feels . . . .

A. nervous
B. shy
C. surprised
D. happy

26. She is very excited because she can . . . .

A. answer a question
B. pass the test
C. fail the test
D. speak well
The dialogue is for No. 27 – 30
Lucy : This store has everything!
Eric : I know! I always come here with my mom.
Lucy : Cool! Thanks for taking me here.
Eric : No problem.
Lucy : I want to buy my mom something as a gift.
What should I buy her?
Eric : How about this bag?
Lucy : Yes, It’s nice.
Eric : How about this necklace?
Lucy : Yes, I like the necklace better than the bag.
  I’ll get the necklace.

27. Where are Lucy and Eric?

A. They’re in the bank
B. They’re in the school
C. They’re in the store 
D. They’re in the park

28. What do they do there?

A. They want to eat.
B. They want to buy a gift.
C. They want to sell something.
D. They want to come with their mom.

29. What does Lucy buy in the store?

A. Apron
B. Necklace
C. Bag
D. Perfume

30. Lucy wants to buy the gift for…..

A. her mom
B. her dad
C. her sister
D. her friend

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

1. Dea: Hello, what is your name?
Vivi: Hello, my. . . . . is Vivi
The text is for No. 2 – 7

Max : Have you ever picked apples?

Amy: Yes, I have. I went to an orchard last year.
Max : How many apples did you pick?
Amy: I picked a basket of apples.
*Orchard : kebun buah
2. Amy went to an orchard . . .
3. Amy picked a . . . . of apples.

The text is for No. 7 – 10

Yesterday was my sister’s birthday. I was very busy. After I woke up, I put on my warm
coat. I went outside and threw away the garbage for my mom. After that, I blew up some
balloons and hung them up in the house. Then, I went upstairs to my room, and I hung up my
clean clothes.
My sister didn’t know about her party. So, we turned off all the lights and hid in the dark.
When she opened the door, we turned on the lights and yelled, “Surprise!”. Then, she blew
out the candles on her cake. There were so many candles that she couldn’t blow them all out.
I had to help her!

4. After I woke up, I . . . . my warm coat.

5. I . . . . the garbage away for my mom.
6. My sister blew the candles . . . . on her cake.
7. My sister couldn’t . . . . the candles all out.
Look at the map to answer number 8 – 10!

8. The library is at . . . . street.

9. Between the bank and the store is . . . .
10. The school is . . . . the restaurant.

1. D 11. B 21. A
2. A 12. A 22. C
3. B 13. B 23. A
4. D 14. D 24. B
5. B 15. D 25. A
6. A 16. B 26. D
7. A 17. B 27. C
8. C 18. A 28. B
9. B 19. C 29. B
10. C 20. B 30. A

6. OUT

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