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A Look into the Effects of Emotional and Verbal Abuse Towards an

Individual’s Mental Health



CHAPTER 1…………………………………………………………………………………..3


Background of the Study…………………………………………………………………3-4

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………..5-6

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………………..6-7

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………7-9

  Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………………………..9-10

  Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………….10-12



Background of the Study

Emotional and verbal abuse are forms of psychological maltreatment that can

have significant effects on an individual's mental health. Psychological maltreatment is

associated with a range of negative outcomes, including depression, anxiety, substance

abuse, and suicidal behavior (Teicher et al., 2016). Emotional abuse involves

undermining an individual's self-esteem and sense of self-worth through tactics such as

humiliation, criticism, and manipulation, while verbal abuse involves using words to

cause harm or distress, such as through threats, insults, and belittlement. There have

been numerous previous studies conducted on the effects of emotional and verbal

abuse on an individual's mental health, which include mental illnesses such as

depression, anxiety, post-traumatic disorder (PTSD), and so on.

Despite the serious negative effects of emotional and verbal abuse on an

individual's mental health, there continues to be a lack of understanding and awareness

surrounding these forms of abuse, particularly in comparison to physical abuse. A study

by Tønnesen and colleagues (2017) found that emotional and verbal abuse was often

viewed as less severe than physical abuse and was therefore less likely to be

recognized as a form of abuse. Additionally, emotional and verbal abuse may be more
difficult to detect than physical abuse, as it often occurs behind closed doors and may

not leave visible marks or scars (Karakurt & Silver, 2013). Moreover, the lack of

understanding and awareness surrounding emotional and verbal abuse may contribute

to a lack of support and resources for individuals who have experienced these forms of

abuse. Overall, this highlights the need for increased education and advocacy efforts to

support those who have experienced these forms of abuse.

The main purpose of examining the effects of emotional and verbal abuse

towards an individual's mental health is to increase awareness and understanding of

these forms of abuse, as well as to identify effective prevention and intervention

strategies to support those who have experienced them. Emotional and verbal abuse

can have serious negative consequences on an individual's mental health, as well as

their interpersonal relationships and physical health. Furthermore, these forms of abuse

may be overlooked or dismissed due to a lack of understanding and awareness. By

conducting research on the effects of emotional and verbal abuse, we can better

understand the scope and impact of these forms of abuse, as well as develop targeted

interventions to support individuals who have experienced them. Ultimately, this

research has significant implications for public health and social welfare, highlighting the

importance of addressing emotional and verbal abuse as a serious public health

Statement of the Problem

Numerous individuals experience emotional and verbal abuse in their day-to-day

life, impacting not only their mental health, but their overall health and well-being. This

research study looks into those impacts of the aforementioned forms of abuse and

seeks to effectuate the following:

1) The main objective of this research study focuses on the assessment of an

individual’ s mental health after experiencing emotional and verbal abuse.

2) This research aims to understand the underlying factors under the emotional and

verbal abuse experienced by numerous individuals in our society.

a) Personal factors

b) Cultural or societal factors

c) Substance abuse

d) Family dynamics

e) Trauma and stress

3) This research seeks to raise awareness and educate the public about these forms of

abuse and give light to the experiences of the victims.

4) This research addresses the impact of emotional and verbal abuse to an individual’s

emotional and cognitive development.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for this study draws upon several theories to provide a

comprehensive understanding of emotional and verbal abuse and its impact on mental

health. One of the primary theories utilized is the Trauma Theory, which posits that

traumatic experiences can have lasting psychological effects on individuals, including

the development of mental health disorders. Generally speaking, a trauma is an

occurrence or set of events that are physically, emotionally, or life-threatening and that

have a long-lasting detrimental effect on a person's mental and emotional health.

Emotional and verbal abuse can be seen as a form of psychological trauma, as it

involves repeated exposure to negative, harmful behaviors that can impact an

individual's sense of self and well-being. Mental health disorders brought on by

traumatic events include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety,

and other mental health illnesses. As well as having an effect on a person's general

functioning and quality of life, traumatic experiences can also affect their capacity to

establish and maintain healthy relationships.

Additionally, in support of the Trauma Theory is the Social Learning Theory by

Albert Bandura, which is based on the idea that individuals learn through observation,

modeling, and reinforcement. In the context of emotional and verbal abuse, this theory
suggests that individuals may learn abusive behaviors from their family or social

environment and then continue to perpetuate these behaviors in their own relationships.

For example, a child who observes their parents engaging in emotionally abusive

behaviors may be more likely to engage in similar behaviors in their own relationships in

the future. Furthermore, individuals may also learn to tolerate and accept abusive

behaviors as normal if they have been exposed to them repeatedly. Moreover, the

Ecological Systems Theory suggests that individuals are influenced by multiple

environmental factors, including family, peers, and society. Emotional and verbal abuse

can be influenced by these factors and can have an impact on an individual's social and

emotional development. In addition, according to Attachment Theory, people establish

their attachment styles based on their early interactions with caregivers, and these

styles can have an impact on how they deal with emotions and interact with others as

they get older, and those who have had attachment trauma or insecure attachment may

be more susceptible to the damaging consequences of emotional and verbal abuse in

the setting of it. With the application of these theories, this study seeks to offer a

thorough knowledge of the complex and multifaceted nature of emotional and verbal

abuse and its repercussions on mental health.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will provide better understanding of emotional and

verbal abuse and its effects on mental health, as well as help eliminate the stigma
associated with mental health problems brought on by emotional and verbal abuse.

This study will benefit the following: 

Students. This study can help students develop a better understanding of

emotional and verbal abuse, and provide them with the tools and knowledge they need

to promote mental well-being and prevent abuse in their own lives and communities.

Teachers. This study will be beneficial to teachers in order for them to better

understand the experiences of their students or children regarding emotional or verbal

abuse and implement prevention and intervention strategies in schools and classrooms

to address emotional and verbal abuse, as well as to collaborate with mental health

professionals to prevent abuse in the school setting.

Parents. Parents will benefit from this research by learning what emotional and

verbal abuse is, how it affects a child's mental health, and how to recognize it in a child.

Also, this study can help parents better understand the mental health needs of their

children, how to communicate with them about concerns linked to emotional and verbal

abuse, and what options and support are available for children who are experiencing

such abuse.

Guidance Counselors. This study can assist with determining risk factors for

verbal and emotional abuse and instruct guidance counselors how to recognize and

handle these problems in their counseling sessions. This research may also help

guidance counselors evaluate and treat mental health conditions linked to verbal and

emotional abuse.
General Public. This study can contribute to the public’ s greater knowledge

and understanding of emotional and verbal abuse and how it may affect a person's

mental health. This makes it easier for people to see abuse in themselves or others and

get assistance when they need it. By highlighting the services and support networks

that are available, this study can also assist victims of emotional and verbal abuse

communicate better and receive better support. Finally, this research can aid in

reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues related to emotional and verbal

abuse and encourage individuals to seek help when needed.

Future Researchers. Future researchers can benefit from this study's insights

into the subject of emotional and verbal abuse and its effects on mental health as well

as its guidance on methodological approach and research design. Future researchers

may also draw inspiration from this work to create fresh research topics and hypotheses

on verbal and emotional abuse and how it affects mental health.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study aims to explore the effects of emotional and verbal abuse on the

mental health of individuals. The research will focus on senior high school and college

students in colleges and universities around Bacolod City. The research will cover the

prevalence of emotional and verbal abuse, its effects on mental health, and coping

mechanisms. The research is limited to senior high school and college students in

colleges and universities around Bacolod City only, and the findings cannot be
generalized to other populations. The research will not also include other forms of

abuse, such as physical or sexual abuse, which can also affect mental health.

Definition of Terms

Emotional abuse- Conceptually, it is a form of control that can occur in any

relationship. (What Is Emotional Abuse?Verywell Mind ›

identify-and-cope-w...) Operationally, it is one of the key variables in this research, as

we are to investigate its impact on mental health.

Verbal abuse- Conceptually, it includes harassing, labeling, insulting, scolding,

rebuking, or excessive yelling. ( Operationally, it is also one of

the important variables in this research, as we are to also look into its effects on mental


Mental health- Conceptually, it affects cognition, perception, and behavior.

( Operationally, it is the element we need to assess in our

study to determine how it is affected by emotional and verbal abuse.

Depression- Conceptually, it is a common mental disorder, affecting 5% of adults

globally.(Depression - World Health Organization (WHO)World Health

Organization › Health topics) Operationally, it is defined as one of

the illnesses brought on by emotional and verbal abuse.

Physical abuse- Conceptually, it involves physical violence, such as hitting, kicking,

pushing, biting, choking, throwing objects, and using weapons. (Physical

abuseWikipedia › wiki › Physical_abuse) Operationally, it is

defined as another type of abuse typically compared to emotional and verbal abuse

because of its more visible results in individuals, and greater support to victims, unlike

the aforementioned forms of abuse.

Awareness- Conceptually, it is a state of knowing, perceiving and being cognizant of

events. ( Operationally, it is defined as the lack thereof

regarding emotional and verbal abuse and its effects, and which the study seeks to


Emotional development- Conceptually, it involves understanding feelings and

emotions, recognising them, and managing them. (Emotional development - Be YouBe

You › social-and-emotional-learning) Operationally, this study aims

to address the impact of emotional and verbal abuse on this aspect of human


Cognitive development- Conceptually, it studies a child's development in information

processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and adult brain
development. ( Operationally, it is another aspect of human

development that this research wishes to investigate to discover how it is influenced by

emotional and verbal abuse.

Senior High School student- Conceptually, it is defined as a student studying Senior

High School, which refers to Grades 11 and 12, the last two years of the K to 12 Basic

Education Program.


Operationally, they are one of the respondents in this study.

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