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Reflec on

During the course of studying American history and society, I gained a deeper understanding of

the process of Americaniza on. The Americaniza on process refers to the methods and prac ces used to

assimilate immigrants into mainstream American culture from the late 14th century onwards. Ini ally,

the goal was to fully assimilate immigrants into American society through a social movement whose

intent was that "immigrants are transformed into Americans". As I con nued to study this topic, I found

that a number of review studies of immigrant integra on gave an op mis c picture of their assimila on

into American society, however, upon further research and reflec on, it became apparent that the

Americaniza on process historically involved cultural assimila on and erasure of immigrants' cultures in

order to fit them into a predetermined societal mold. The universal assump on of Americans has always

been that immigrants came to the United States to become culturally assimilated Americans, which was

considered essen al for na onal unity.

As I delved into the intricacies of this process, I realized that Americaniza on has always been a

contested topic in American history. Throughout American history, the concept of Americaniza on has

sparked heated debates as scholars and policymakers have grappled with issues such as how best to

integrate immigrants into American society, and what level of cultural assimila on should be expected of

them. The forced assimila on of Na ve Americans and the cultural suppression of immigrants are just a

few examples that illustrate how Americaniza on has been used to erase Indigenous cultures and

immigrant iden es, o en at great cost to their communi es and the fabric of American society.

In my personal reflec on, I have come to understand that Americaniza on is a complex process

that requires a nuanced understanding of the diverse cultural and historical backgrounds of immigrants.

Rather than focusing on cultural assimila on, American society should embrace diversity and encourage

the preserva on of different cultures within a larger American iden ty. This requires a shi towards

viewing the integra on of immigrants not as a process of assimila on, but rather as a process of "cultural
pluralism," where different cultures are celebrated and respected, while at the same me contribu ng to

a greater collec ve iden ty. This process of cultural pluralism has the poten al to enrich American

society by allowing for a more inclusive and diverse understanding of what it means to be American. In

essence, the historical Americaniza on process has highlighted the struggles of immigrants in preserving

their cultural iden es while assimila ng into American society. This has led me to believe that a more

inclusive and respec ul approach towards cultural pluralism is crucial for promo ng integra on of

immigrants into American society, whilst embracing the diversity that enriches the American iden ty.

This personal reflec on on the struggles of immigrants to preserve their cultural iden es while

assimila ng into American society has led to the conclusion that a more inclusive and diverse approach

towards cultural pluralism is essen al in promo ng immigrant integra on into American society.

Moreover, the understanding that Americaniza on has been used as a tool to suppress cultures and

iden es highlights the importance of respec ng and celebra ng different cultural backgrounds within a

larger American iden ty. By acknowledging the diversity of immigrant experiences and embracing

cultural pluralism, American society can move towards a more inclusive and equitable future that values

the contribu ons of all members of society, including immigrants and Na ve Americans.

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