What Shapes A War - Edited

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Before the universe existed, there was a divine, celestial being of the universe, the 'Light Circle'.

No one knows how he came into existence. One thing we do know is that he exists. It created life
in this universe with a point. Evolution after evolution, the point evolved, creating a line, the line
evolved into an angle, and the angle evolved into polygons. Thus, the era of the polygons began.
He called his creations 'The Illuminati'.

The polygonal era was filled with various shapes such as triangles, squares, rectangles,
trapeziums and many more. These polygons have learnt and harnessed magic into their lives.
One curious triangle, who was learning advanced magic, came across a spell which could
increase the number of sides of a polygon. He noticed that you can only increase the number of
sides by a factor. Then he pondered to himself, "What will happen if I set the factor to infinity?
Let me check it out". Little did he know, there was a warning etched on the paper which stated,
"Warning: The number of sides increased will be proportional to the evil inside the victim". But
it was too late. He had already cast the spell onto himself. Nothing happened at first. Then there
was a mind-boggling scream. The number of sides started to increase rapidly in the triangle, and
so was the evil inside him. At the end of about a minute, he grew into a circle and was consumed
by darkness. He called himself the 'Dark Circle'.

The Dark Circle felt powerful. He now had the power to create life the way he wished to. He
created life in the form of darkness. He called his creations 'The Scourge'. He knew that the Light
Circle had the potion of the Quadratic Polynomial, the potion that made the drinker solve any
problem in existence. It made the drinker the most powerful being in the universe. The Dark
Circle was obsessed with the potion. The Dark Circle threatened the Light Circle that if he didn't
surrender the formula of the potion to him, there would be war. Naturally, the Light Circle didn't
give the formula acknowledging that if he did, the universe would be taken over by the Dark
Circle. Now, there was war between both worlds. The celestials fought for days, days turning
into months, months turning into years, one unable to win over the other, but now has come to
the last stand, the final battle.

The beings stood at the opposite faces of the valley, the Illuminati and the Scourge by their sides,
ready to fight. The armies charged towards each other. The war lasted for days. It was brutal.
Heavy tolls were on both sides. In the end, the circles stood there, facing each other and looking
at the bloodshed around them. The Light Circle said, "Look at the devastation around us. Do you
still wish to continue this horrible war just to get that formula? Are you willing to sacrifice more
of your beings just so you can become the most powerful being in the universe?". The Dark
Circle, looking around with guilt, replied, "I have now realised the great destruction I have
caused. I want peace between the light and dark worlds". They joined hands in peace.

Then something miraculous happened. There was a whirl of wind around them and the circles
started to merge into each other. They formed the Yin-Yang, the ultimate being of the universe,
the ancient Chinese symbol of peace between good and evil. The Yin-Yang recreated life in the
form of 'Equities', beings which possessed the powers of both good and evil. The evolution of
life repeated itself once again.

Moral: Life comes full circle, always.

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