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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

I found the planning for my white paper very challenging because speaking of raccoons was very
subject to pinpoint a struggle and something to fight for. At first it was trying to prove that raccoons
are a nuisance, and they don’t help the environment. Then it turned into a guiding aid for raccoons
against python. So, after talking with my teacher, it was easier to focus on pythons invading in the
Everglades and attacking raccoons which is disturbing ecosystems.

First Draft (for peer editing)

My first draft was really the definition of a first draft. There are plenty of grammatical errors
punctuation errors and misspelling and definitely a lack of reinforcing information. The peer review
wasn’t horrible, but they definitely made suggestions about what I could put into my white paper
revolving around this issue however it’s focused on the background and not solutions which I had to
come up with on my own.

Second Draft (for your packet)

For the second draft of the white paper, I was focusing will be on the format of the assignment and
its entirety from a table of contents to the references to the figures used. I also focus on
incorporating evidence that would aid my arguments instead of just throwing quotes in their deck
and just fill up a page.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

For my final draft I made visions to almost every section and subsection in the white paper. I
definitely focused a lot of my attention on grammatical errors and filling in the solutions at the end of
the white paper. In the comment section on canvas my teacher stated that my solution section
should be the longest and my most common idea should have the most information about it. For
that I emphasized dissolution of python control. Aside from that I definitely focused on revising
specific sentences and providing information that is relevant that relates back to my main topic. I
also updated my work cited / references because I was missing some sources that validated my

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