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Seth Bramwell

Professor Rodney Palmer

Jan 27, 2023

Theology of Ministry

Theology of Ministry is an essential aspect of pastoral ministry. In this paper, we will

explore the foundation for pastoral ministry based on biblical teachings, including ecclesiology,

discipleship, soteriology, and spiritual leadership.

Ecclesiology is the study of the church. The church is the body of Christ, and Christ is the

head. As pastors, our role is to serve the church and guide it in accordance with God's will. The

Bible teaches that the church is called to be a community of believers, and each member has a

unique role to play in the church's mission. As pastors, we are called to equip and empower

members to use their gifts to serve the church. In Timothy 3:16,17 it says, “ All scripture is

breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in

righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

Discipleship is a process of spiritual growth and development. As pastors, we are called

to make disciples of all nations. This means we must be intentional about helping people grow in

their faith and knowledge of God. Discipleship involves teaching and modeling the ways of

Christ and helping people to apply biblical principles in their daily lives. Discipleship must

become a personal spiritual discipline resulting in a private dimension before it can have a public

influence. The ministerial handbook says that “Discipleship must become a personal spiritual

discipline resulting in a private dimension before it can have a public influence.” As ministers,

this should be our method of discipleship.

Soteriology is the study of salvation. As pastors, we are called to preach the gospel and

lead people to Christ. We must have a deep understanding of the gospel message and its

implications for our lives. The Bible teaches that salvation is a free gift of God through faith in

Jesus Christ. Our role as pastors is to help people understand this message and respond to it in

faith. Everyone who has received Christ is called to work for the salvation of his fellow men”

(The Acts of the Apostles, p. 110).

​Spiritual leadership is the ability to lead others in spiritual matters. As pastors, we are

called to be spiritual leaders in our churches and communities. This requires a deep

understanding of the Bible, a strong prayer life, and a willingness to serve others. We must be

examples of godly character and integrity, and we must be willing to make sacrifices for the sake

of the gospel. Ellen White says that “those in responsible places are to act in such a way that the

people will have firm confidence in them. These men should not be afraid to open to the light of

day everything in the management of the work” (Manuscript Releases, vol. 13, p. 198).

The Spirit of Prophecy refers to the gift of prophecy given to individuals by the Holy

Spirit. This gift is used to edify, exhort, and comfort the church. As pastors, we must be open to

the leading of the Holy Spirit and willing to speak prophetically when necessary. The Spirit of

Prophecy can be a powerful tool for spiritual leadership, discipleship, and soteriology. But

always remember this statement by Ellen White pastoral ministry it says “Preach prophecy and

center it on Christ.” This is a necessary and pivotal point to remember in ministry.

Ministry Skill

The ministry of skill I have obtained while working within the church varies. I have

experience with the media department. I have worked with media within the church for a little

over half a decade. I am doing my part within the church to help spread the message to those

who are not physically in the building or need a word of encouragement during the week. This

aspect is something that became very important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Figuring out

how to use media ministry became necessary to keep the church alive.

Another aspect that I enjoy is evangelism—reaching out to people within the community

and having conversations—figuring out where the person is in regard to Jesus and

religion—telling people about God, and building relationships with the people. Working in

different evangelistic meetings with my local church has been a great opportunity to share the

gospel, which has led to me teaching Sabbath School lessons and bible studies.

Overall when it comes to ministry, I believe that I have been blessed with the

opportunities to serve people in a variety of ways, which will help my ministry in the future.

Being diverse allows me to help others minister, but it also allows me to be a better leader,

knowing that I have experience with different departments.

Spiritual Gifts

My spiritual gift survey result truly surprised me. Previously my result had been

discernment and leadership. But while doing this survey, I noticed that my answers had been

entirely different compared to the previous years. My top two Spiritual gifts are mercy and

service of help. As I finished the survey, it helps me shift my focus from the areas I believe I had

previously focused on. But the survey was accurate I do enjoy helping others in any way I can,
from the little things to the greatest help that I can give. Service is a pivotal part of my character,

and if I enjoy it.

Regarding mercy, I am surprised that it was one of my highest. I do find myself wanting

to be merciful and understanding of others. The reason for that is that God is the same way as us.

So I believe that if God is merciful and understanding with me, why should I not return that

character and understanding with my peers?

Interestingly, I was discussing my results with my mother, and I was telling her that my

gifts had changed. What she told me was that just because your two top spiritual gifts have

changed does it mean that you have lost those avenues and aspects that you had prior? It just

means that your focus has changed. This statement from my mother causes to change my

perspective on the situation and to look at it from a different angle, which allows me to be more

understanding of myself and my gifts and how to incorporate them into my ministry.

Temperament Test

There are two dominant characteristics that I have when it comes to my temperament test.

The first is Phlegmatic. The trait of a phlegmatic person is a peacekeeper, the leadership style is

known to be a mediator the downside of this character trait is that it makes me reluctant in

certain situations. This description of my temperament is very accurate. I have a tendency to be

a peacemaker. Always do what is best for other people, but not always what is good for me. The

issue with this characteristic is that being Phlegmatic can be indecisive due to trying to keep the

peace for everyone.

The second temperament is choleric. When it comes to choleric, the main trait is a power

and worker style of leadership. The choleric trait of character is very important to have a leader

that is strong and a hard worker. This is a person that will work to the best of their ability. But
this trait also has a negative side to it. The negative is that this person can be controlling. They

will try to micro-manage everything the members do within the church. For example, the

communication department makes a flyer for the church. Because the pastor doesn’t like the

work that the communication department does, he creates a completely different flyer for the

event. This is the down of this character trait. But just because a person has some of these traits

doesn’t mean God can’t use them to accomplish his work. When I look at the bible, I see people

with some of these traits, and God still used them to accomplish his work.

Grow needs and ministry goals.

When it comes to ministry, there are various aspects that I want to grow in the first aspect

is my preaching. When it comes to preaching, I want to grow in expressing myself. For me, there

is a reverence when it comes to preaching, which contradicts my fun and love character, making

it difficult for me to preach and bring that aspect of my character into the pulpit.

Another issue regarding my preaching is not being so attached to my manuscript when I

preach. The nerves and emotions going through my head during the sermon tend to make me.

Having also to preach from my computer is something that I have to get adjusted to and improve.

I aim to get and iPad that allows me to be more mobile and not be so attached to my script.

My ministry Goals are also to improve when it comes to teaching and that is something

that I have spent time developing. But teaching bible studies and in sabbath school have Greatly

helped improve my development in those areas. One of my professors made a statement he said

that if you want to grow in your ministry, the place to be is in sabbath school when he made this

statement, I didn’t understand fully until I began to teach what I had learned and studied. I plan

to continue to grow in this area.

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