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Science 10 Assignment U2L6 (31 marks)

1. What type of energy is associated with the motion of an object ? (1 mark)

2. What two factors determine the kinetic energy of an object ? (2 marks)

3. Energy is measured in joules, which is a derived unit. State what 1 J is in

terms of the fundamental units of measurement. (These units are kilograms
(kg), metres (m), and seconds (s.) (2 marks)

4. A mass is attached to a vertical spring and released. It moves through one

complete vibration (down and back up)
a) Discuss the changes in kinetic energy of the mass from the time that it is
released, at the top, to the time that it returns to its starting position (4

b) Of energy cannot be created or destroyed, how is it possible for the mass


i) gain kinetic energy during part of its vibration ? (2 marks)

ii) lose kinetic energy during part of its vibration ? (2 marks)

5. Determine the kinetic energy of each of the following.

a) A 0.600 kg ball is thrown horizontally at 12.0 m/s (3 marks)
b) A 75k kg person is in free-fall and reaches a terminal velocity of 40 m/s.
(3 marks)

c) A 4.00 g bullet is travelling at 140 m/s ( 3 marks)

6. A curling rock, sliding down the ice at a speed of 2.40 m/s, is determined to
have a kinetic energy of 57.6 J. What is the mass of the curling rock ? (3

7. A 40.0 kg object has an initial kinetic energy of 320 J.

a) What is the initial speed of the object ? (3 marks)

b) An unbalanced force is applied to accelerate the object to a final kinetic

energy of 400 J. What is the change in speed of the object ? (3 marks)

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