Handling Group Reservation

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Handling Reservations (Group Guests)




1.1  Subject : Front Office

1.2  Basic competence:

Mastering the ability to handle room reservations by group guests

1.3  Indicators :

After studying this practicum module, students are expected to:

a.   Able to serve group guests

b.  Able to prepare all the equipment needed

c.   Able to carry out operational well

d.  Able to handle any types of group guests who come to the hotel

e.   Able to set how many rooms are requested by group guests


2. 1 Front Office Front Office

functions in hotels are very important. Smooth service, sales and room reservations are
determined by the Front Office. The hotel's largest revenue comes from room sales, so the front
office must be considered properly so that guests are satisfied with the service at the hotel.
         Front office responsibilities include:

1)      Room Sales

2)      Room Booking

3)      Check-in Guest Handling

4)      Handling Guest Check out

5)      Handling Group

6)      Handling guest complaints.

7)      As an information center

The duties of the Front Office are:

The front office is also a mirror of the quality of the hotel for the first time for guests entering
a hotel. For this reason, the front office staff must be alert, ready, precise, and responsible in
their work in the front office to create a good image of guests.

The purpose of the Hotel Front Office

a.       Increase room occupancy rate and hotel revenue from year to year.

b.      Increase the number of subscribed guests (repeaters)

c.       Meet the needs and satisfaction of guests properly.

d.      Establish a positive hotel image.

Excellent service will greatly benefit the hotel and guests staying at a hotel. This is an impression
for guests during their stay at the hotel. The comfort he gets from being at the front office
counter will make him feel special. Also with the attitude and behavior of every front office
attendant who handles it wholeheartedly. There are several things that must be done by the front
office attendant in service to guests. Standard operational procedures (SOP) are steps that must
be taken by front office staff so that guest satisfaction, especially group guests, is achieved
according to standards.

         Besides that, why is service to group guests prioritized in a hotel, because most group
guests always order rooms in large quantities and we don't have to sell rooms one by one like to
ordinary guests. For this reason, our services as front office staff must be maximized and more
excellent in serving group guests.

Before a front office staff handles room reservations made by group guests, there are several
steps that must be known. The front office supervisor will provide several steps and information
to make it easier for us to carry out our work.

 2. 1 Handling Group Guest Room Bookings

         This relates to the skills and knowledge needed before preparing rooms for guests in a
commercial accommodation business scope which include:

1. Type of room requested

2. What facilities will be
3. obtained Which facilities are paid or not
4. Special requests from the group guest
5. Prepare all the administration .

This section is responsible for booking hotel guest rooms which include service and guest
satisfaction at the hotel. This part of the waiter is required to give the best to guests so that guests
are satisfied while staying at the hotel and become customers. The front office is supervised by
the Front Office supervisor and is responsible to the Front Office Manager (FOM)


No Steps What to do Standard

1 Greeting Greet group guests / tour The position must be standing

leaders who come to the properly (standing properly)

  Give a smile to guests

Give a good first

impression when guests
arrive at the front desk

  Greet by putting both palms together


2 Offering help Offering assistance to Asking what things we can help the
guests group guests.

Asking questions using  

polite and easy to
understand language


    Find out any information Politely ask guests what date they will
about the group room come to our hotel and for how long
booking. they will stay. The type of room that is
in demand and also how many rooms
are needed they are also the number of
guests in the group

  Ask about   After knowing it immediately looked

reservation into the computer system to find out
details their room was available on the
desired date or not. If it is available
immediately tell the guest if not try to
take another type of room.


4 Complete Complete the data from Fill out all the forms for booking the
reservation data the guests of the group. group's guest rooms. And also don't
forget to ask their group name to make
it easier for us to handle them when
they check in later.
    And also know the  
reservation of this room
in whose name / in the
name of what group

    Inquire about the As a front office attendant we have to

settlement of this group ask for payment to guests for room
guest room reservation. reservations that have been made

    To whom payment must . This step is done so that we can keep

be made the guest room from being sold until
the date of its arrival.

5 Payment   Also to anticipate if suddenly the

guest cancels the room reservation


    Find out the group they are from

completeness of the data
from the customer (tour
leader) or the travel agent
in charge of this group
      If they are from a travel agent, ask the
name of the travel agent and the full
address of the travel agent

      Asking who can be contacted for

booking this room. Who knows there
is a problem with their room
reservation so they can quickly

6 Ask group    



7 Special requests from guests of the group Ask about special requests that the
Special requests guests of the group want.

8 Arrival details    

    Hours of arrival of the Asking in more detail at what time

group guests to the hotel. they will arrive at our hotel, using
what. If they are confused about
transportation we can offer pick-up
assistance to them

    Repeating all about guests about what they have ordered

bookings to guests so that clearly to reduce errors on the day of
there are no errors their arrival

9 Reptation and   And provide a confirmation letter as

reconfirmation proof that they have booked a room at
a hotel.






10 Do last greeting Give the last greeting Saying a sweet word (magic word) to
before the guest leaves the guest every time ending the
the hotel or end the conversation to make the guest seem
conversation more polite and appreciative






11 Move data to Move the group guest All known data must be immediately
computer data to the computer transferred to the computer so that it
can be stored neatly and not messy




Each student is scheduled to be tested to handle room reservations by group guests in accordance
with the standards that have been studied and evaluated by the Practical Instructor using
predetermined assessment standards.


Ministry of Tourism Deputy for Tourism Institutional Affairs, 2016, Competency-Based
Training Modules and Curriculum, Jakarta

Diktat of Medan Tourism Academy, No Year, Housekeeping, Medan

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