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Sajjad Hossain
Cell: 01760-361400

To become a dynamic and versatile person who is capable of merging innovative ideas and facing challenges and getting
in an organizational environment where honesty, creativity, punctuality, sincerity, diligence and performance are the keys
to success.

 B.SC inEngineering:

Institute : Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT).

Subject : Textile
Result : 2.50 (out of4.00).
Year : 2021.

 Diploma inEngineering:

Institute : Shyamoli Ideal Polytechnic Institute.

Group : Textile.
Result : 3.41 (out of4.00).
Board : BTEB.
Year : 2017.
 Secondary School Certificate(S.S.C)
Institute : PDB High School, Ghorashal
Group : Business Studies.
Result : 3.88 (out of 5.00)
Board : Dhaka.
Year : 2012.

Job Exprience:
Organization : Unitex Spinning & Composite Ltd
Designation : Senior Assistant Quality Control Officer
Address : Banshbaria, Sitakunda, Chittgong
Duration : 21-12-2019 to 12-07-2021

Organization : Unitex Spinning & Composite Ltd

Designation : Quality Executive Officer
Address : Banshbaria, Sitakunda, Chittgong
Duration : 01-08-2021 to till now
Institute : Computer & Carigori Proshikkhon Academy, Rajshahi
Course : Internet Browsing, Computer Fundamentals, Windows, Ms-Word, Bangali &
English Typing, Ms-Excel, Ms-Access, Ms- Power point, Hardware Concept,
Project Work, Web Design (, Etc.
CourseDuration : 6 Month
Year : 2016.

Reading book , Analysis , Know something new.

 Strength: 
Good Learner, Work in under pressure, Good Communication Skills, Good Leadership.

 LanguageProficecy: 

 Bengali MotherTongue.
 English: Reading, Writing Talking &Listening.

 PersonalInformation: 

Name : Sajjad Hossain.

Father’s Name : Mostafa Bagmar.
Mother’s Name : Shangida Parvin.
Religion : Islam.
Nationality : Bangladesh.
Date of Birth : 01/12/1996
Sex : Male.
Marital Status : Married.
Height : 6'-0"
Weight : 94 kg.

 PresentAddress: 

Village : PDB Residential Area, Ghorashal

Post : Palash.
Thana : Palash.
District : Narsingdi
 PermanentAddress: 

Village : Majukhan.
Post : Fuldi Bazar.
Thana : Kaliganj.
District : Gazipur

 Certification: 

I am Honestly Certify that all information stared in this resume is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

---------------------------------- Date :..........................

Sajjad Hossain

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