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Indonesia's Premier

Platform for
Green Industry

i n ability B
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nd I ustr
Green Industrial Indonesia
10-12 Jakarta International Expo
August Kemayoran - Indonesia
“Green economy, green technology and green products must be strengthened so that we can be more
compe ve interna onally. It's me for all of us to be part of the transforma on towards sustainable
industrial development,"
- The Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita at the 2021 Green Industry Awards Launching
event in Jakarta, 10 June 2022.
In line with the Making Indonesia 4.0 program, Green Industry is an industry that priori zes efforts for
effec veness and efficiency in using resources in a sustainable manner in its produc on process. This
principle is harmonizing industrial development with the preserva on of environmental func ons that
can provide benefits to the community.
Promo ng Indonesia's green industry, championing tradi onal industries, small and medium-sized
enterprises with deep roots, the advantages of science parks and industrial areas, as well as eco
industrial parks as a produc on base for innova ve technologies to create a complete green economic
industrial chain, there are unlimited business opportuni es for green industries.
GREEN Indonesia is the most comprehensive green industry trade show in Indonesia, bringing
together major brands presen ng their innova ve solu ons and advanced technology for the green
industry. This event a racts manufacturers and businesses ac vely looking for green technologies to
achieve a sustainable society. Advancing networking opportuni es with leading players of Indonesia's
green industries, this is the pla orm to grow the economy in a sustainable way though green industrial
solu ons.


Explore eco-solu ons along Connect with influen al Grow the economy with ethical,
with green technologies, industry players and leading ecological, and environmental
and find the promo on of professionals to advance solu ons considering people,
innova on and state-of-the- opportuni es, make business planet, and profit for the future of
art products. deals, and promote solu ons. green industry.

Indonesia's Macro-Economic Development Indicators 2020-2024

Assessment of the Green

Human Development
Economic Growth (%) Poverty Rate (%) Index (point) Industry Standard (SIH) by
5.4-6.0 6.5-7.0 75.54 the Ministry of Industry
Based on Law No. 3/2014 concerning industry

Open Unemployment (%) Gini Ratio (index) 1032 Companies have received the
green industry award from 2010 – 2021

4.0-4.6 0.360-0.374 Implementation of the Green Industry in 2019 had saved:

27.3% GHG Emissions Reduction

towards 29% by 2030
Energy up to
IDR 3.5 trillion
Water up to
IDR 228.9 billion

Source: LCDI
6 “Game Changers” of Economic Transformation
to Achieve Indonesia's Vision in 2045
Strategy Compe ve Strategy Economic Produc vity Strategy Green Economy

#1 Human Resources
• Health Care System
• Educa on
• Industrializa on
• Produc vity of MSMEs
• Moderniza on of
• Low Carbon and Circular
• Blue Economy
• Research and Innova on Agriculture • Energy Transi on
Strategy Digital Transforma on Strategy Domes c Economic Reform Strategy Capital City (IKN)

#4 • Digital Infrastructure
• Digital U liza on
• Strengthening of Enabler Mari
• Connec vity
Infrastructure: Superhub,
me Hub, Aerial Hub •
Reloca on
• New Source of Growth
Balancing Regional
• Domes c Value Economic Growth
Source: Indonesian Economic Transforma on Redesign Plan (Ministry of Na onal
Development Planning/Bappenas, 2021)

• Top 10 Asian Country by Green Growth Index (GGI), 2021

• Green Industry Development – 10% Medium and large manufacturing companies cer fied by the Green Industry Standard (SIH)
• The Government of Indonesia is commi ed to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in 2030 by 29% (~834 million tons of CO2-
equivalent) independently and by 41% (~1.08 billion tons CO2-equivalent) if obtained interna onal assistance.
• The industrial sector contributes to GHG reduc on for 3 emission sources: energy, industrial processes and product use, and industrial
waste management.

Green Economy Advantages in Indonesia

Average GDP growth of ~68% reduc on in Reaching Net Zero

6.1 – 6.5 % per year un l emission intensity by Emissions by 2060 or
87 – 96 billion tons CO2 2050 2045 sooner
GHG emissions saved
over 2021 – 2060
1.8 million addi onal Mangrove extent Ecosystem restora on
green jobs in 2030 increase to 3.6 million ha with services valued at
by 2060 USD 4.75 trillion/year by
25 – 34% higher Gross 2060
Na onal Income (GNI)
by 2045
4.1 million ha of forest 40,000 lives saved in Boost climate resilience
coverage added by 2060 2045 alone from across the economy
reduced pollu on

Event at a Glance 5000+ 250+ 10,000+

sqm of area covered exhibitors attendees from
Expected Event Overview

countries and
Top Level
solutions for Industry 4.0
regions Executives

Event Programs
Exhibi on, Conference & Seminars, Business Mee ngs, Workshops, Awards, Training, Industry Tours,
Business Forum, Business Matching, MoU Signing, Product and Solu ons Showcase, Live Demos, Product
Launch, Interna onal Networking Pla orm.
Exhibitor Profile
Green Energy Electric Circular Economy

Biomass and Biogas solu ons
Energy Management System
Transportation • Cogenera on
• Concept Promo on
• Energy-saving Equipment & Batteries • Green Consump on
• Equipment And Component Suppliers • Green Products
• Geothermal Energy • Ba eries
• Ba ery Electric Vehicles (BEV) • Industrial Regenera on
• Green Energy Technology and Solu ons • Plas c-Reduc on Solu ons
• Hydropower • Electric Bicycles
• Electric Buses • Regenera on System
• Materials and Components • Zero-Carbon Solu ons
• Measurement and Control • Electric Cars
• Ocean Current • Electric Motorcycles
• Power Genera on • Electric Vehicles
• Project Planning and Development • Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV)
• Renewable and Clean Energy • Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles
• Service Enterprises • Management Systems
• Smart Energy Storage Applica on • Materials
• Smart grid • Personal Mobile Electric Vehicles
• So ware and Systems • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
• Solar Energy (PHEV)
• Solid Waste as a Renewable Energy Source
• Wind Power

Environmental Solutions Green Building

• Air Purifica on • Ecological Building Products and Materials
• Eco-Innova on • Educa on & Training
• Educa on and Training • Green Architecture Services
• Energy Saving and Consump on Reduc on • Green Building Technology
• Energy Saving and Environmental Protec on • Organiza ons & Associa ons
Equipment • Plas c and Rubber Recycled Products
• Environmental Protec on Materials Equipment • Recycled Wood Products
• Noise Preven on • Resource Recycling and Reused Building
• Organiza ons & Associa ons Materials
• Recycling Solu ons • Resource-Based Brick Building Materials
• Sewage Treatment • Safety of Energy Facili es and Environmental
• Solid Waste Treatment Protec on
• Startups • Security Solu ons and Services
• Think Tanks • Sustainable Construc on Services and
• Trade & Investment Solu ons
• Waste Management • Thermal Insula on Materials for Construc on

Visitor Profile
Job Levels Key Industries Job Functions
• CEO / President / Director • Aerospace • Hospitality • Audit & Compliance
• C-level / Execu ve Management • Automo ve • Logis cs & Supply Chain • Business Development
• Board Member / Commissioner • Building & Construc on Management • Design & Development
• Buyers • Chemical • Metal, Metalware, & • Engineering
• Consultants • Consumer Goods Metalwork • Informa on Technology
• Decision Makers • Construc on • Materials • Investment & Finance
• Department Head / Manager / • Defense • Medical Devices • Procurement
Supervisor • Electrical & Electronics • Oil & Gas • Produc on
• Engineers • Energy • Pharmaceu cal & • Project & Product Management
• Engineering, Contrac ng Biotechnology
• Procurement Managers Manufacturing & Turnkey • Packaging • Quality Control & Assurance
• Researcher Projects • Recycling • Research & Development
• System Managers • Fine Mechanics & op cs • Ship & Marine • Sustainability
• Traders • Food & Beverage • Urban Solu ons • Technical Sales
• Infrastructure & Facili es • Tex le and Garment
• IT & telecommunica ons • Transporta on
• Health & Beauty • Working Plant
• Waste Management

Jakarta is the focus of commercial ac vity in Indonesia. It is the seat of government, the centre for foreign
commercial offices and the private sector.
The Jakarta Interna onal Expo (JIEXPO), Kemayoran, is a purpose built exhibi on centre that offers some
of the most up-to-date exhibi on facili es available in South East Asia, making it Indonesia's premier
exhibi on venue.
JIEXPO has received the official Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE)
Cer fica on from Ministry of Tourism and Crea ve Economy of Indonesia.

ability B Hosted By:

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nd I ustr

Organized By:

Green Industrial Indonesia

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